The Payette Independent
Thursday, December 16, 1926
Death Takes Resident
Friends and neighbors were surprised to hear of the death early Sunday morning of Mrs. Frank Richardson. Mrs. Richardson had not been very well for some time but was in bed less than a week when she was suddenly taken.
The deceased was Jessie McMillian before her marriage. She was born in Emporia, Kan., April 23, 1881. When she was just an infant her parents moved to La Grande, Oregon. In 1899 April, 29 she married Frank Richardson. Four years ago the Richardsons moved to New Plymouth.
Mrs. Richardson is survived by her husband, two daughters, Mrs. Francis Wells, of Ahcel, Oregon, and Mrs. Olive Ham of Council, Idaho, two sons Floyd Edison and an adopted son, Melvin McMillian.
The funeral services were held Monday morning at 11 o'clock at the Congregational church. The remains were shipped to La Grande, Oregon where burial will take place.