Edgar B. Shanks

The Payette Independent
Thursday, December 15, 1927


While not unexpected, the death of E. B. Shanks, former deputy county auditor, came as sad news to his neighbors and friends in Payette county. For more than a year he had been a sufferer and several months ago was compiled to give up his work at the court house. Everything that medical skill and kind and loving hands could do was done for him, but he gradually grew weaker and death finally came to relieve him from his suffering. He passed away at 9 o'clock Thursday night, surrounded by the members of his family.

Edgar B. Shanks was born in Fillmore, Minn., July 31st, 1860 and died December 8, 1927, at the age of 67 years, 4 months and 8 days. He removed with his parents from Fillmore to Fairmont, Minn. in 1866. He graduated from the Fairmont public schools in 1876. Entered the Faddis Business College, St Paul, Minn. and graduated therefrom in June, 1880. He studied law for a short time and assumed the position of deputy county auditor in March 1881 serving in that capacity for six years. He married Lily Meteer in 1883, was elected county auditor in Martin County, Minn. and served as such for ten years. At the time of his election he was the youngest county auditor in the state.

Mr. Shanks joined the I. O. O. F. in 1887 and served as team captain for 15 years. He was elected second lieutenant of company "D," 2nd regiment, Minnesota National guard in 1887, serving as such for three years and then was elected captain of the company, serving in that capacity for five years. He was elected city clerk of Fairmont, Minn., in 1895, serving one year; was elected a member of the board of education in 1891, serving in that capacity for 18 years, the last five years of which he was president. He was appointed postmaster in March, 1898 serving continuously for 14 years.

In the fall of 1912 he was appointed 1st Assistant Secretary to the Minnesota State Senate, serving as such until the spring of 1913 when he, with his family moved to Payette, Idaho, where he took up his residence on a fruit ranch. From January 1919 to the time of his death he acted as deputy county auditor of Payette County.

He is survived by his wife, Lilly M. Shanks, of Payette, Idaho; two daughters, Mrs. H. A. Lowe of Missoula, Montana and Mrs. S. E. Kelley of Los Angeles; three sons, Marcus M. and Clyde W. Shanks of Seattle, Washington, and Carrol M. Shanks of New York, N.Y. Two sisters, Mrs. J. E. James of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and Cora B. Martin of Fairmont, Minnesota, a brother, Rev. L. E. Shanks of Hancock, Michigan.

Funeral services were held at the Methodist church Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock and were conducted by Rev. V. E. Hall, pastor, and the Odd Fellows and Rebekah lodges attended and furnished an escort from and to the Funeral Parlor. Interment took place at the old home at Fairmont, Minnesota, the remains being accompanied by one of the sons, Carroll M. Shanks.

As a public official Mr. Shanks was faithful and conscientious in the performance of duty; as citizen he ranked among the foremost in everything which goes to make for a progressive community and a good place in which to live, and as a neighbor and friend he was loved and respected by all who knew him. His death takes from us one whose life was lived clean and honorable.