The Payette Independent
Thursday, May 14, 1925
Mrs. M. A. Shenkel Dead
Ernest Hogg, manager of Skagg's store in this city, received the sad news Tuesday morning that Mrs. M. A. Shenkel, formerly of this city, had passed away at her home in Tacoma, Wash., at 9 o'clock Monday night, following an operation for appendicitis. Previous word had been received that Mrs. Shenkel stood the operation nicely and was improving, and the news of her death came as a distinct shock.
Mr. Shenkel was formerly employed in the Skagg's store here and both he and Mrs. Shenkel had made a wide circle of warm friends who are saddened by the untimely death of Mrs. Shenkel. To Mr. Shenkel the sincerest sympathy is extended.