Charles A. Smith

The Payette Independent
Thursday, November 04, 1926


The Independent regrets to chronicle the sad news of the death of Charles A. Smith, Sr., which occurred at the home of his son, Charles, manager of the Van Petten Lumber yard, about 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon.

Mr. Smith came to Payette about the first of July, in company with his daughter, Hattie, to visit his son and family, and so well did the climate agree with him and so much improvement had been noted in his health he had prolonged the visit and had decided to stay until after the holidays. On Sunday he complained of not feeling as well, but he improved and for the past couple of days had been in excellent spirits. Wednesday afternoon he was out and around, and had even dug some potatoes. Toward evening he returned to the house and said his stomach was hurting him. He layed down for a few minutes and then arose and went to the bath room. It was but a moment until they heard him fall and rushed to his assistance. "Daddy Smith," as he had become familiarly known to many, was gone. Medical aid was summoned, but to no avail.

Charles A. Smith was born in Vermont, but spent the greater portion of his life in Nebraska, making his home at Kearney. His wife passed away about four years ago and since that time he and his daughter, Hattie have kept the old home intact. There are six children, two sons and daughters who are married and living at Kearney, Nebraska, the daughter accompanying him on the visit here and his son, Charles, Jr., who is a resident of our city. He was 73 years old last August, but was a very active man for his age.

On his visits to Payette Mr. Smith made many friends and it was a real pleasure to know and to enjoy a chat with him. A man of genial bearing, who loved companionship he was always enlivening and cheerful. All who know him will miss him and the family have suffered a sad loss indeed. Mr. Smith was a member of the Modern Woodman lodge and an attendant at the Episcopal church.

Charles Smith and his sister, Miss Hattie, left this (Thursday) afternoon with the remains of the father for Kearney, Neb., where funeral services will be held and interment will take place.