Payette Independent
Thursday, July 15, 1915
William F. Steigerwalt, son of Samuel and Catherine Steigerwalt, was born in Schuylkill County, Penn. on March 31, 1843. Died July 12, 1915, at 10:40 A. M. at Payette, Ida., at the home of his daughter Mrs. Blanche Zimmerman, aged 72 years, 3 months, 12 days.
He located at Carrol, Iowa, in 1870. He was married to Anna Colclo of Carrol in 1878, and lived on a farm. Seven children were born to them, five of whom are living, one daughter and one son having preceded him to the Life beyond.
In 1907 he moved to Ames to educate his boys. He was always interested in education work of all kinds, having taught many terms of school, at different periods of his life, even at the age of 69 years.
He was elected County surveyor, also County Superintendent of Schools of Carroll County.
He united with the Church of God at Carroll in 1892 and lived a Christian life until death.
He and his wife came to Payette four weeks ago to visit his daughter and relatives, and was taken sick the second day after his arrival, and all that medical skill and loving hands could do, proved of no avail.
His wife, daughter, and son Frank, also his sister and family, and a number of relatives were at his bedside when he passed away.
He leaves to mourn his loss, his wife, four sons, Garfield of Glidden, Samuel of Nevada, Frank and McKinley of Ames, Iowa; one daughter Mrs. Blanche Zimmerman of Payette, one sister Mrs. B. B. Alspach of Payette, and many relatives and friends.
His body will be taken to Carroll, Iowa and laid to rest beside his children.