The Payette Independent
Thursday, February 19, 1925
Death of Mrs. Boone's Father
The Woodbine Twiner, a paper published at Woodbine, Iowa, contains the following news of the death of the father of Mrs. Daniel Boone of this place:
John Henry Wacker, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Wacker was born in Germany, Dec. 23, 1844, and died at his home in Woodbine, Iowa, January 20, 1925, aged 80 years and 28 days.
When six years of age he came to America with his parents, locating at Cleveland, Ohio, where he grew to manhood.
Shortly after the Civil War broke out his only brother was killed in battle and though our subject was under age and his parents objected strenuously to his enlistment, yet he felt the call to the colors so strong that he joined Company B, 107th Ohio Volunteer Infantry where he served to the end of the war, being one of those who received a Lincoln medal for bravery.
He was in several hard battles, among which was the battle of Chancellorsville, where he was taken prisoner and placed in Libby prison. He was also with Gen. Sherman on his march to the sea.
In the year 1869 he was united in marriage to Miss Emilie Sell of Cleveland, Ohio. To this union eight children were born: being Harry L. and Fredrick G. of Woodbine, Rose Wacker Yager, Esther Wacker Scott, and George E. Wacker, of Omaha, Emily Wacker Boone of Idaho, and Leonard and Eva Mary, deceased.
He leaves to mourn, besides these, his wife, one sister, Mrs. Mary Schoeneweg, of Cleveland, Ohio, seven grandchildren and two great grandchildren.
He became a member of the Presbyterian church of this city January 10, 1896.
Mr. Wacker was a resident of Harrison county for the past forty years, being engaged in farming and stock raising. For seventeen years he was superintendent of the county poor farm.
He retired to Woodbine some fifteen years ago to spend the evening of his life among friends.
Funeral services were conducted in the Presbyterian church Friday afternoon, being conducted by Rev. John C. Low, and Elder Fred A. Fry. The deceased was given full military honors at the grave by the American Legion. Burial was made in the Woodbine cemetery.