Mrs. Weider

Payette Independent
Thursday, May 13, 1915


The many friends of Mrs. J. H. Weider will be pained to know that she passed away early on the morning of the 5th at her home in Portland, after a long and painful illness, which she bore with great fortitude, and made a hard struggle for life without avail.

Less than three years ago Mr. and Mrs. Weider moved from Payette to Boise, having disposed of their property here. Mr. Weider accepted a position with the O. S. L. in the freight office, which position he held until Mrs. Welder's health failed and they thought best to make a change and they decided to go to Salt Lake, but the benefit was only temporary for her and so they thought perhaps a low altitude would be better than a high one as she had developed serious heart trouble, so last spring they went to Portland, but she did not respond to the change with very much improvement and since the first of the year she has been a great sufferer until death relieved her. She leaves one little son 7 years old and her husband, besides an aged and almost helpless mother, and several brothers and sisters, to mourn her loss. Mrs. Weider opened up the first Studio in Payette about 12 years ago, and continued in the business for five years. She was a very capable woman and a devoted wife and mother.

The heartfelt sympathy of her many friends goes out to Mr. Weider and little Brayton in their great sorrow.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, May 13, 1915)


Word was received in Payette Saturday announcing that Margaret A. Weider, wife of J.H. Weider, passed away at Portland, Wednesday morning May 5. No particulars were given as to the cause of death. Cremation service was held at Portland at 4 p.m. May 6th. Mr. and Mrs. Weider resided in Payette for a number of years and the many friends and acquaintances here will extend their sympathies to Mr. Weidner.