William Williams

The Payette Independent
Thursday, July 02, 1925

Died at Tacoma

William Williams, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. William Williams, who left Payette about five years ago to make his home at Tacoma, Wash., passed away Saturday morning, June 27, at the age of 30 years, after an illness of ten months from heart trouble.

The deceased leaves a wife and two children, father and mother and three sisters; Mrs. Hazel Collins, Mrs. Violet Melcher and Mrs. O. Elliott, of Tacoma. The Payette friends of the family regret to learn of their bereavement.

Payette Enterprise (July 02, 1925)


A telegram was received by Fred Stanton announcing the death of William Williams, which occurred at Tacoma, Washington, on Saturday, June 27th. The cause of his death being heart trouble. Mr. Williams was about 30 years of age and leaves a wife and two children. He was a resident of Payette for several years leaving here for Tacoma several years ago. Many friends in Payette will be grieved upon hearing the sad news of his death.