The Payette Independent
Thursday, February 02, 1928
Sarah Jane Coyle, was born at Owensboro, Bath County, Kentucky, on the twenty-sixth day of May, A. D., 1843. In her fourteenth year she was united in marriage to Mr. David F. Manley, to which union four children, three daughters and one son were born. Mr. Manley was a soldier in the Civil War, in which fray he received a wound from which he never fully recovered, and as a result of which he died soon after the close of the war. For nearly a score of years the now widowed mother knew hard struggles, as she faithfully and devotedly strove to care for her family and rear them to manhood and womanhood. Forty years ago last July she was married to Mr. Wills, who also preceded her to the other world. A number of years ago she moved from Ken. to Iowa, and later to Nebraska, from which state twenty years ago she came to Nyssa, Oregon, where she made her home for sixteen years but in her last and declining years she has made her home alternately with her two daughters, Mrs. E. B. Butler, of Ontario, Oregon, and Mrs. O. D. Cole, of Payette. Two other children who survive their mother are: F. B. Manley, of Grand Island, Nebraska, and Mrs. J. B. Reuter, of Broomheller, Alberta, Canada.
Mrs. Wills is also survived by two brothers and three sisters, four grand-children, and two great grand-children, all of whom live in far distant places.
While yet a little girl, and when Divine services were being held in a country schoolhouse in Bath County Kentucky, she became a member of the Christian Church, and from her thirteenth year has been a devoted member of the Body of believers in Christ.
For a number of years she has been in delicate health, and four weeks ago her last sickness attacked her. For a brief period she rallied, then three weeks ago she went to bed for the last time, and on Saturday morning, January 28, 1928, she fell peacefully into sleep from which she awakened only on the Eternal Shores where flows the River of God.
Thus after a sojourn on earth of eighty-four years, eight months, and two days another of the saints of Our Lord has been gathered to Eternal peace and joy in the Presence of Our Heavenly Father.
Mrs. Wills daughters speak in tenderest terms of their Mother's devotion and faithfulness to her family and her church, and the esteem of those who knew her is shown in the tokens of loving regard which have attended her last days here.
Beautiful life that whose span,
Is spent in duty to God and man;
Beautiful calm when the race is run,
Beautiful twilight at the set of sun;
Beautiful morning for a life will done.
The funeral services were held at the Christian church Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock and the sermon was preached by Rev. Dick, pastor. In addition to the large number of Payette friends who paid their last respects at this service there were present from Nyssa the following old neighbors and friends: Mrs. Dennis, Mrs. Arthur Cook, Mrs. Harry A. Francis, Mrs. J. Boydell, Mrs. Dr. Sarazain, and Mrs. Goshit. Also Mrs. Albert Butler, Jr. from Ontario. The pall bearers were Arthur Cook, Harry Francis, Barney Wilson, O. H. Bowers, Al Thompson and Frank Hall, all old neighbors from Nyssa.
Interment took place at Ontario, Oregon.
We are taking this means of expressing our appreciation of the kindly help and sympathy extended us by our friends, during the illness, and at the death of our Mother.
We also wish to thank our friends for the many beautiful flowers during the illness and at the death of our Mother. Mrs. Ida L. Cole, Mrs. E. B. Butler, Sr., Mr. E. B. Butler, Sr., Mrs. J. B. Reuter, Mr. F. B. Manley