The Payette Independent
Thursday, April 21, 1927
In the death of Mrs. Jennie Woodward, mother of Dr. I. R. Woodward and Dr. J. C. Woodward of this city, there has been called to her reward one of those consecrated souls whose very presence radiated the nobleness of her Christian character. Until nature gave way a few months ago, and she was compelled to give up attendance upon public service, she could be found in her accustomed place in the Methodist church communing with her Savior and enjoying the preaching of God's word. Her's was indeed a life of service and devotion.
Jennie Bell was born in Hagarstown, Maryland, July 17, 1837, and passed from this life at 2:30 a. m. Saturday morning, April 16, 1927, at the ripe old age of 89 years, 8 months and 29 days. In her early girlhood her family moved to northern Illinois where, on April 6, 1863, she was married to Israel Woodward, and lived in ideal union with him until the date of his death which occurred in Denver, Colorado, on April 19, 1902. Three sons were born to this family, one of whom, Burton Woodward, died at the age of two years.
In 1904 Mrs. Woodward came to live with her sons and she has made her home here ever since. Funeral services were held at the Methodist church Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock and were conducted by her pastor, Rev. Vernon E. Hall. Her remains were taken to Denver for burial and were accompanied by her sons. Many old friends met the remains when they arrived at Denver, among them her old pastor of thirty years ago from Idaho Springs, near Denver, who conducted brief services at the grave. She was laid to rest in Riverside cemetery beside her husband, just 25 years to a day from the date of his death.
The Independent extends deepest sympathy to the Woodward families. Their loss has been truly great, as she was a true mother, deeply loving, forever constant and ever faithful.