Harry W. Wulff

The Payette Independent
Thursday, January 10, 1929


H. W. Wulff, Manager of the Wulff Hardware Company Died Sunday Night

Harry Wulff, manager of the Wulff Hardware Company, and for many years one of Weiser's leading business men, died at his home in that city Sunday night after an illness dating back many years, but which had not incapacitated him for work until a few weeks ago. He was 46 years of age and had lived in Weiser 40 years.

Harry, as everybody knew him, served as mayor, president of the Weiser Commercial Club and was prominent in all civic affairs of the city. It was largely through his efforts that the business in which he was engaged grew to large dimensions and that they did a wholesale as well as a retail business.

Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon, and the large turnout testified to the popularity and prominence of the deceased.