Annie Pomeroy

Idaho Tri-Weekly Statesman (Boise, Idaho)
June 10, 1886

POMEROY - Died, at Washoe, Ada Co., I. T., May 1, 1886, of consumption, Mrs. H. P. Pomeroy.

Mrs. Pomeroy was born near Prentiss, Maine, April 15th, 1862. Her parents, S. D. B. and M. Webb, two brothers and two sisters are still living in Prentiss. She lived during her childhood days and until she reached the age of 21 at Prentiss. At the age of 21 she went in company with her brother, Nathan Webb, to Boseman, Montana, where she had two brothers and one sister living. This move was made for her health. She united with the Methodist Church in the year 1878, and has been a zealous Christian all the rest of her life. While living at Bozeman on July 25, 1883, she was married to H. P. Pomeroy (formerly of Bowensburg, Illinois,) and one year afterwards moved to Boise Valley to find a more suitable climate. They located near the Star Post office, where they remained one and one-half years, making many friends, for none could know her but to love her. The last of March of this year, she with her husband moved to Washoe bottom, where she was taken with a very copious hemorrhage of the lungs, from which she rallied to stay with her husband but one month. She died firmly believing in the promises of the Bible; and although her sufferings were great, she never for one moment thought of doubting God's wisdom or of questioning his wisdom as made manifest towards her. She bore her sufferings with great patience, never once murmuring, sad we do but feel it meet to say that she was better fitted to depart and dwell with the angels than to stay with us below.

At 1:30 o'clock a.m., May 1st, her spirit quietly but triumphantly passed through "the gates ajar". To mourn for her are left the husband, father and mother, three sisters and five brothers, and many other relatives as well as a host of friends. Annie was a good and dutiful daughter, a faithful, affectionate and loving wife, and a gentle, loving sisters. Washoe, Idaho, May 9, 1886.