Fruitland | |
Population 250. Canyon County. A village on the Payette Valley Ry, 35 miles nw of Caldwell, the county seat. Has Baptist, Methodist, and German Brethren churches, and a bank. A weekly newspaper, the Fruitland Tidings, is published. Eugene Stegner, Post Master. | |
Carnefix, L. B. | Restaurant |
Dunn, Richd | R R, Exp and Tel Agt. |
Fruitland Drug Company | |
Fruitland Lumber Yard | |
Fruitland State Bank | Capital $10,000 S. H. Sargent, President J. O. Stritchfield, Cashier |
Fruitland Tidings | Plughoff & Bliss, Publishers |
Johnson & Son | General Store |
Smith, G. | Livery |
Miller, C. S. | Blacksmith |
Owens, L. D. | General Store |
Plughoff & Bliss (Wm Plughoff & Ora Bliss) | Publishers, Fruitland Tidings |
Robinson, H. E. | General Store |
Shank, H. | Barber |
Stegner, Eugene A. | Postmaster and General Store |
Tyson, W. C. | Pool Hall |
Wright, C. | Physician |
New Plymouth | |
Population 200. Canyon County. A village on the Payette river, and the Payette Valley R. R., 28 miles north of Caldwell, the county seat. Has Catholic and Congregational churches, a bank, and 3 hotels. A weekly newspaper, The Sentinel is published. Exp. Am. | |
Ackerman, B. F. | Furniture |
Ackerman & Harrigan | General Store |
Anderson, Wm B. | Conf. |
Blayden, Geo | Livery |
Bonner, W. J. | Hotel |
Chadwick, T. | Hotel |
Chasteen, Jas F. | Harnessmaker |
Cox, Edw E. | Justice of the Peace and Barber |
Creasey, James F. | General Merchandise |
Day, E. P. | Real Estate |
Day, E. W. M. | Real Estate |
Drysdale, W. T. | Physician |
Eastman, Bernard | Grows and Sells Strickly Commercial Orchard Easiest Terms |
Farmers State Bank | Capital $10,000 Henry Harrigan, PresidentC. S. French, Cashier |
French, J. D. | Photographer |
Gray, Mrs J. H. | Milliner |
Hinchliff, S. H. | Cold Storage |
Hinchliff, W. S. | Cheese Manufacturer |
LaCone, J. F. | Meats |
McCollough, E. W. | Livery |
Martin, Wm V. | Publisher New Plymouth Sentinel (See Adv.) |
New Plymouth Fruit Growers Union | P. M. Smock, President Wm Thomson, Treasurer |
New Plymouth Sentinel | Wm V. Martin, Publisher Official Paper of New Plymouth and Caldwell County (See Adv.) |
Nichols, C. | Hotel |
Nichols, Raymond H. | Blacksmith |
Orell, Louis | Barber |
Phetteplace, Mrs M. | Hotel |
Smock, P. Monroe | Lawyer and Fruit Grower |
Snyder, E. E. & Sons (Edward E., Albert I., and Edwin E.) | General Store |
Southgate, Thos A. | Restaurant |
Stevens, Frank S. | General Store |
Swatman, B. F. | Drugs |
Wachter Lumber Company (Ltd) | Louis Wachter, Manager |
White Hardware Company | Roy S. White, Proprietor Hardware |
Young, Ben | Billiards |
Payette | |
Population (estimate), 4,000. Canyon County. An incorporated city, on the O.S.L. (Oregon Short Line) and P.V.R.R., first settled in 1874, and incorporated in 1890, 37 miles northwest of Caldwell, the county seat, and 68 miles northwest of Boise. Has 2 banks, 3 hotels, a creamery, an electric light plant, Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist, Episcopal, Christian, Adventist, Swedish and German Lutheran, Dunkard and Catholic churches, and a commercial club. Two weekly newspapers, The Independent and Payette Enterprise, are published It is the center of a rich fruit producing country, well irrigated by an inexhaustable stream, the Payette river, which produces abundant crops. Exp, Am. Tel, W.U. Mail daily Burt Venable, Post Master | |
Ackerman, Wm P. | Real Estate |
Anderson, Edith | Milliner |
Anderson-Equals Company (Chas C. Anderson & Walter Equals) | Dry Goods |
Arnould Automobile Company (Ltd.) | Herman H. Precht, President and Treasurer Felix Arnould, Secretary and General Manager (See Adv.) |
Avery, Oliver H. | Physician |
Banks, Jno R. | Livery |
Barton, Clark A. | Physician |
Bowen & Riebling (Adna H. Bowen & Magnus F. Riebling) | Lawyers |
Bowman & Sons (Ezra T., Chilton A., Logan N.) | Real Estate |
Brainard, Edw C. S. | |
Brown, Tulluis J. | Editor Payette Enterprise |
Brubaker & Fulton (Emet H. Brubaker & Chas S. Fulton) | Paints |
Burns, Jabez B. | Dentist |
Button, Chas A. | Architect |
Callen, Curtis F. | Real Estate |
Canyon Commercial Company | Jonathan E. Roberts, President and Manager General Store |
Case, David C. | Real Estate |
Catron, Howard B. | Osteopath |
Chaney, Edw A. | Plumber |
Charley, Fong | Restaurant |
Commercial Cream Company | J. R. Brown, Manager Creamery |
Commercial Hotel | Reilly & Farber, Proprietors |
Compton, Chas B. | Drugs |
Compton, Mrs Frank B. | Milliner |
Continental Oil Company | Scott M. Fitch, Agent |
Coulter Brothers (Elsworth, Alva, Sheridan and Sherman) | Draymen |
Coulter, Sherman | Restaurant |
Crouch, J. Elmer | Physician |
Currin, Robert Y. | Livery |
Davis, Wm H. | Real Estate |
Denham & Lawrence (Henry H. Denham & Chas W. Lawrence) | Real Estate |
Denny & Company | Frank H. Hogue, Manager Fruit Packers |
Diederichsen, Anton | Nursery |
Downs, Minnie B. | Harness |
Elite Opera House | J. A. Lauer & Bro, Managers |
Emma Theatre | Clifton L. Dagg, Manager |
Farmers' Co-operative Coal & Supply Company | Stephen Clanton, Manager |
Farmers' Co-operative Irrigation Company | R. E. Haynes, Secretary |
Fifer, Delbert | Conf. |
First National Bank | Capital $80,000 A. B. Moss, President M. F. Albert, Cashier |
Fitch, Bert R. | Real Estate |
Foster, Frank W. | Barber |
Fruitland Townsite Company | Anthony Zeller, President E. C. S. Brainard, Secretary M. F. Albert, Treasurer |
Geisler Brothers (Carl W. and Jno C.) | Grocers |
Gilson House | Emmet T. Golden, Proprietor |
Gorham Mercantile Company (Adelbert L. and Sylvester A. Gorham, Alb Mohler) | General Store |
Grimes, Chana O. | Jeweler |
Gupton, Bessie B. | Real Estate |
Hamley, David D. | Real Estate |
Harader, Jno A. | Real Estate |
Harvey, Herbert L. | Chiropractor |
Haynes, Robt E. | Lawyer |
Hedrick, Jno W. | Dye Works |
Higinbothom, Wm R. | Bottler |
Hollenback, Bert | Jeweler |
Hotel Payette | F. W. Von Falkenstein, Proprietor |
Hurd, F. S. | Ice |
Idaho Canning Company | Peter Pence, President L V Patch, Secretary |
Idaho Dye Works | Merritt & Bliss, Proprietors Cleaning, Pressing and Dyeing |
Idaho-Oregon Light & Power Company | J. Fergus Orr, Manager |
Imes, Ellsworth S. | Cigars |
Independent Printing Company | D. W. Ainey, President H. L. Settle, Secretary and Treasurer Publishes Payette Independent |
Inman, Clark | Teas and Coffee |
Jacobsen, Arno M. | Dentist |
Jensen & Muzzy (Hans C. Jensen & Chester J. Muzzy) | Blacksmiths |
Johnson, Elbert A. | Real Estate, Loans and Insurance 8th Street (See p. 43) |
Johnson, Geo F. | Agt O.S.L. Ry |
Johnston, Jno O. | Tailor |
Jones, Tom | Drug Company Walter Gooding, President Thos Jones, Secretary and Manager |
Jones, Walter R. | Jeweler |
Kanouse, Wm H. | Cigars |
Kastens, Herman W. | Baker |
Keith, E. C. & Sons (Elbert C. and Robt M.) | Clothing |
Kenward, Ira W. | Lawyer |
Lanson, Thos D. | Notions |
Langhausen, Katherine | Milliner |
Lauer, J. A. & Bro (Jas A. and Edw.) | Farm Implements |
Levers, Stewart | Fuel |
Long Clothing Company | Geo W. Long, Manager |
Lower Payette Ditch Company | Wm A. Coughanour, President |
Lyon, Fletcher H. | Lawyer |
Lyon, Luther M. | Lawyer |
McDonald & Smith (Marvin E. McDonald & Chas Smith | Grocers |
Malheur Irrigation Company | A. B. Moss, President C. E. Brainard, Secretary M. F. Albert, Treasurer |
Merritt & Bliss (L. E. Merritt & G. R. Bliss) | Proprietors, Idaho Dye Works |
Moore, Fred | Blacksmith |
Moss Mercantile Company | A. B. Moss, President and Treasurer Chas H. Bussey, Secretary and Manager General Store |
Moss & Clark (Edw A. Moss & Will J. Clark) | Barbers |
Mountain States Telephone Company | B. F. McCarroll, Manager |
Nagata, Jas | Restaurant |
New Plymouth Land & Colonization Company (Ltd) | Capital Paid Up $100,000 C. E. Brainard, President E. C. S. Brainard, Secretary Lands, Townsite and Orchards |
Noble Ditch Company | Robert E. Haynes, Secretary |
Northwestern Fruit Exchange | |
Payette Cold Storage Company | Charles F. Muller, President George F. Straub, Vice President Cornelius R. Mandeville, Secretary and Treasurer Cold Storage of Fruits and Ice Manufacturers |
Payette Commission Company | Frank Crowther, Proprietor Grain and Hay |
Payette Driving Club & Fair Association | Saml Chapman, Secretary |
Payette Engineering Company (Chas P. Lattig & Wm C. Sturdevant) | Civil Engineers |
Payette Enterprise, Wells & Brown Publishers | Tullius J. Brown, Editor Weekly Newspaper and Job Printing |
Payette Fruit Packing Company (Ltd) | H. E. Smith, Manager Growers, Packers and Shippers of Payette Valley Fruits, Apples, Pears, Prunes, Etc. Distributors of Berries, Cantaloupes adn Watermelons Evaporated Fruits a Specialty |
Payette Hardware & Furniture Company | E. C. Laughlin, President and Manager |
Payette Independent, Independent Printing Company Pubs | Weekly Newspaper and Job Printing |
Payette Land Company | Danl P. Donovan & Jno E. Stouter |
Payette Land & Improvement Company (Ltd) | P. H. Brown, Secretary Real Estate Loans and Insurance |
Payette National Bank | Capital $75,000 O. H. Avey, President A. P. Scritchfield, Cashier |
Payette Protective Association | J. A. Harader, Secretary |
Payette River Lumber Company | A. E. Wood, President Lumber Manufacturers |
Payette Saddlery Company | Wm Urenn & M. E. Hulley |
Payette Steam Laundry | Geo C. Sothman, Propeietor |
Payette Timber & Milling Company | C. E. Brainard, President C. C. Shay, Secretary and Treasurer |
Payette Valley Building & Loan Association | I. R. Woodward, President D. C. Chase, Secretary M. F. Albert, Treasurer |
Payette Valley Commercial Club | M. F. Albert, President J. A. Harader, Secretary |
Payette Valley Creamery Company | Peter Pence, President D. C. Chase, Secretary First National Bank, Treasurer |
Payette Valley Irrigation Company | W. H. Platt, President D. C. Chase, Secretary M. F. Albert, Treasurer |
Payette Valley Melon Growers' Association | A. E. Wood, Manager |
Payette Valley Railroad Company | C. W. Nibley, President H. E. Dunn, General Manager F. S. Murphy, Secretary A. B. Moss, Treasurer |
Payette Valley Rex Spray Company Limited | H. E. Smith, Manager Manufacturers and Distributors Fruit Sprays and Stock Dips and Spraying Machinery |
Payette Valley Vinegar Company | D. S. Lamb, President Wm O'Neil, Manager |
Payette-Weiser Milling Company | J. H. Ricker Jr, President F. O. Graham Jr, Secretary and Treasurer |
Peterson, L. E. | Real Estate |
Peterson, Peter G. | Shoemaker |
Phipps & Boyer (Henry N. Phipps & Thos S. Boyer) | Pool Hall |
Pratt-Coblentz LUmber Company (Oscar J. Pratt & Thos D. Coblentz) | |
Prestel, Hal H. | Vet Surgeon |
Prestel, J. W. & Sons (Jno W., F. Ervin, L. Gordon, Chas A., Jno J., Hal H. Bayard K) | Saw Mill |
Reilly & Farber Wm Reilly & Wm Furber | Proprietors Commercial Hotel |
Rezac, Geo | Drugs |
Roberts, Mrs Priscilla | Restaurant |
Russell, L. Wood Jr | Dry Goods |
Satoris, Francis M. | Harness |
Sellers, Ollie R. | Plumber |
Shelton, Dell W. | Meats |
Sherwood, Wm F. | Brick Manufacturer |
Shoesmith, Rollia A. | Furniture |
Sothman, Geo C. | Proprietor, Payette Steam Laundry |
Spottswood, Wm. L. | Notions |
Stanton Brothers (Fred J., Jas W., Wm A.) | Grocers |
Stark, Wm R. | Jeweler |
Strauss, Arlon V. | Dentist |
Strother, Wm F. | Jeweler |
Sur, Jno W. | Shoes |
Swank, Frend W. | Blacksmith |
Swanson, Jos M. | Auctioneer |
Thompson, Edith L. | Optometrist |
Thurston, Jno S. | Drugs |
Van Graven, Phil | Photographer |
Veal, Henry C. | Barber |
Venable, Burt | Postmaster |
Von Falkenstein, F. W. | Proprietor, Hotel Payette |
Walker, J. P. & Son (Jas P. and Ronald) | Contractors |
Weider, Mrs J. H. | Photographer |
Wells & Brown (Will Wells, Tulluis J. Brown) | Publishers Payette Enterprise |
Wells & Maule (Wm Wells, Wm Maule) | Real Estate |
Wilcox Bros & Case (D. Edw and Roscoe O. Wilcox, Wm D. Case) | Meats |
Wood, Allen E. | Insurance Agent |
Wood & Spaulding (Micajah E. Wood, Lott W. Spaulding) | Hardware |
Woodward, Ira R. | Physician |
Woodward, Jesse C. | Physician |
Wright-Wilkie Lumber Company | J. A. Bowers, President A. D. Looney, Secretary L. C. Schubert, Treasurer |
Wright & Swanson (Alb E. Wright & Jos M. Swanson) | Loans |
Young Mens Christian Association | Jas W. Morley, General Secretary |
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