Polk's City Directory 1945
Payette, Idaho

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"The Friendly City"
(Courtesy Payette Chamber of Commerce)

Statistical Review
General Review

County seat of Payette County. Population, 3,750 (local estimate). Altitude, 2,340 feet. An incorporated city on the Union Pacific, first settled in 1874, and incorporated in 1890, 37 miles northwest of Caldwell and 63 miles northwest of Boise. Payette has a splendid public school system and high school; Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Episcopal, Christian, Adventist, Lutheran, Catholic and Christian Science churches, and an energetic Chamber of Commerce. The city has a complete sewer system and water works, creamery, canning factory, brickyard, two box factories, four fruit dehydrators, and many substantial general merchandise stores and other business houses. The streets are well paved and there are many miles of cement sidewalks. Most of the residence streets are lined with shade trees. Payette is teh center of a rich fruit-producing country, well irrigated by teh Payette River, and pruduces abundant crops.

The territory lying tributary to the city consists of the lower part of the Payette Valley, on each side of the Payette River; the Snake River Valley, lying north of the city; Payette Heights, a splendid new fruit section to the east; and the Payette-Oregon slope, located just across the Snake River in Oregon, west of the city, and more commonly known as Dead Ox Flat, a very fine body of land of about 30,000 acres, under irrigation and connected with Payette by the interstate bridge across Snake River. This territory in southern Idaho and eastern Oregon is known as the Payette District and is the best watered and one of the most famous horticultural and agricultural sections of the great Northwest. Express, Railway Express Agency. Telegraph, Western Union.


Abbott, Grace M (wid Ed)county assessor h504 N 6th
Abercrombie, Sarah J (wid Jos)  h240 S 6th
Ackerman, Marie AclkC C Anderson Cor737 N 7th
Adair, Walter W (Annabella)mechHanigan Chev Coh235 N 6th
Adams, HelenfnshrColpin Photo Finishingr e end 6th av S
Adams, Reimer S (Helyn M)USA h e end 6th av S
Adkins, Jennie Mrs  h706 1st av N apt 11
Ahlstrand, Elmer AclkState Liquor Dispensaryr RD 1
Ainey, Kath M (wid Dan W)  r921 2d av S
Akers, Lee W (Florence M)  h524 N 10th
Albert, Ferrie (Virginia L)USA r410 N 9th
Albright, Lucy C (wid Westley W)  r135 N 10th
Aldecoa, John S John's Shoe Shoph16 N 8th
Allen, Edna Mrs  h706 1st av N apt 8
Allen, Homer (Virginia)reprmnPeterson Furn Coh205 S 8th
Alspaugh, Kathryn J (wid M W)  h118 N 6th
Alstrand, Viola (wid Fred)lab h1330 2d av S
Anderson, Buck (Anna M; Buck's Conoco Service) Buck's Conoco Serviceh1026 2d av N
ANDERSON, C C COWm J Weber, MgrDepartment Store Featuring Nationally Advertised Merchandise at Reasonable Prices131 N 8th, Tel 37
Anderson, Emma Mrs  h844 N 7th
Anderson, Evelyn F Mrs  r Bancroft Hotel
Anderson, G FrankdriermnFarmers Co-Op Creameryr RD 2
Anderson, G J (Phoebe A)  h531 8th av N
Anderson, Geo WlabFarmers Co-Op Creameryr RD 2
Anderson, Harry HmgrMcCluer Manser Mtr Cor844 N 7th
Anderson, Irene I MrswaiterG & M Cafer1025 2d av N
Anderson, Julia A (wid Lynn)  h624 N 10th
ANDERSON, KEITH K (Annabel B) Insurance and Surety Bonds114 N 8th, Tel 54, PO Box 330, h920 2d av S, Tel 410
Anderson, Leona H (wid Fred J)home serv advisorIdaho Power Cor1005 Center av
Anderson, Lynn W (Mary)USA r624 N 10th
Anderson, Mary MrsclkBen Franklin Storer624 N 10th
Anderson, Mary A (wid Riley J)  r1105 Center av
Anderson, Raymond A (Mary L)lino oprIndependent-Enterpriseh635 N 7th
Anderson, Ruth RoprMST & TCoh1105 Center av
Anderson, Walter L (Norman E)  h420 N 10th
Andrews, Darrel Jlab r634 River
Andrews, Thos O Rev (Suzannah)pastorChurch of God Missionh634 River
Andy's Tourist Park (L R Miller)  915 7th av N
Apigian, Jos Rev (Helen)pastorSeventh Day Adventist Chh303 3d av N
Apple Blossom Ice Cream Parlor (Matt Gillman)  40 N 8th
Applegate, Annie (wid Saml W)  h1020 6th av S
Applegate, John H (Eliz M)  h1520 Center av
Applegate, Saml W (Maurine E)farmer h1504 Center av
Arment, Grant Z (Mary E)  h302 S 9th
Arment, Louisa (wid Marion)  h rear 655 N 8th
Arms, Wm D (Fern L)electrical suptIdaho Power Coh103 N 10th
Armstrong, Thos (Gertie)  h614 N 10th
Arnold, Irene (wid Clarence)  h519 N 5th
Arrendiell, Mattie E (wid Schuyler)  h434 N 7th
Artley, F Max (Beulah M)mgrRand Way Storeh706 1st av N apt 10
Ashburn, Victor C (Mildred M)city policeman h809 3d av N
Ashcroft, Martha W (wid Henry)  h1110 1st av S
Ashinhurst, Seth W (Hazel A)mechMcCluer Manser Mtr Coh439 N 10th
Ashinhurst, Seth W jrUSN r439 N 10th
Ashlock, Alice E  r227 S 7th
Ashlock, Viola R (wid Wm P)  h227 S 7th
Asmussen, Lester C (Velma M; Buy Rite IGA Store) Buy Rite IGA Storeh1025 4th av N
Assembly of GodRev H H Snyder, pastor cor 5th and 7th av N
Aston, Roy (Delpha E; Payette Furn Co) Payette Furn Coh23 S 8th
Atherton, Earl C (Irene T)servmn h1307 1st av S
Atkinson Reilly & Co IncA Bill Meechan, agtbox mfrs607 1st av S
Atteberry, Chas M (Sadie)  h401 N 7th
Ausman, Kester F (Dwade T)serv sta oprHanigan Chev Coh1018 N 6th
Asmus, Blanche MrsclkFarber's Dept Storer S 6th
Babb, Florence A (wid Geo W)  h417 N 7th
Baird, Jesse F (Lillian E)cook h510 S 11th
Baird, Val H (Oletta B)  h508 S 11th
Baker, Beulah M MrsclkFirst Security Bankr1015 N 6th
Baker, Edw Afarmer h432 S 12th
Baker, Eva (wid Oliver)  h1020 1st av S
Baker, John (Gertrude)piano tuner h432 S 12th
Baker, Peggy G MrswaiterG & M Cafer RD 1
Baker, Willard (Beulah)USA h1015 N 6th
Ball, Nora (wid Snowden)  h604 N 2d
Ball, Pansy Mrsadv mgrIndependent-Enterpriseh1012 1st av S
Ball, Richdlab r604 N 2d
Ball, Ruth A  r1012 1st av S
Ballenger, Janet N MrsbkprHanigan Chev Cor505 5th av N
Ballenger, Leo Klab h505 5th av N
Bancroft Cigar Shop (Geo Morris)  3 S 8th
Bancroft Club (Geo Morris)  804 Center av
BANCROFT HOTEL (Geo B. Kellogg)  806 Center av, Tel 123
Barber, Leland W (Mildred M; Payette Produce Co) Payette Produce Coh1315 N 9th
Barnette, Miry L (Anna)  h518 N 9th
Barnnock, Don J (Delpha L)lineman h415 3d av N
Barrett, Frank (Irene M)trucker h1505 1st av S
Barrett, Irene M MrsteacherEast Side Schoolh1505 1st av S
Barrows, Oscar EclkC C Anderson Coh1708 2d av S
Bartenhagen, Matilda Mrs  h225 S 13th
Baskett, Herschel N (Velma E)  h120 S 9th
Bassford, Earl S (Vera M)trucker h1537 2d av S
Bates, Jas A (Attie M)  h1117 2d av S
Beamguard, W C (Vinnie A; Beamguard's City Cleaners) Beamguard's City Cleanersh1401 1st av S
Beamguard's City Cleaners (W C Beamguard)  22 N 8th
Bean, Lewis G (Velma M)utilitymanIdaho Power Coh333 4th av N
Beckwith, JesseclkUPRRr Fruitland
Beckwith, Loren L (Cleda A)USn h505 S 9th
Beeler, Chas E (Gladys O)driverPayette Laundryh603 River
Beeler, Leo Rlab r603 River
Beeman, Frank A  r313 N 6th
Beeman, Wm H (Orien)  h313 N 6th
Beigh, Maxcirculation mgrStatesman Newspapersr RD 2
Belknap, Harold RdriverCoca-Cola Bottling Cor334 4th av N
Belknap, Howard EUSN r334 4th av N
Belknap, Robt E (Stella Z)lab h334 4th av N
BELKNAP, V V (Alberta)Dentist 5-6 First Security Bank Bldg, Tel 42, h Payette Heights, Tel 105
Bellmon, Jarvismach h450 N 7th
Belnap, Cornelia (wid Edw)  h421 N 7th
Belveal, L Dee (Iola F)  h1022 1st av N
Ben Franklin StoreH S Leedy mgr 6 S 8th
Benoy, Daisy Mrs  h1016 Center av
Benzen, Godfrey (Evalena)  h414 S 11th
Benzen, Pauline HoprMST & TCor414 S 11th
Bergmann, Lawrence W (Mabel F)genl contr 510 N 6th h do
Bergmann, Mabel F MrsclkByrons Varietyh510 N 6th
Berry, Renne  h10 N 9th
Bigelow, Gwen L MrsstenFitch Realty Cor1035 1st av S
Bigelow, Hayden D (Gwen L)USN r1035 1st av S
Biggs, Jas D (Kate E)driverFarmers Co-Op Creameryh635 N 2d
Bigley, Walter Clab h431 N 7th
Bill's News Stand (W L Brown)  1 N 8th
Billings, Ralph A (Josie M)linoleum lyrPeterson Furn Coh456 3d av N
Bills, Lucy Mrs  r423 S 11th
Binder, Chas A (Helen M)cond h434 N 10th
Bingham, Ella (wid Donald)  r end 7th av N
Bishop, Britley C (Faye)carp h1231 N 6th
Blackaby, W B (Ula A; Ritz and Rio Theatre)  h104 N 8th apt 1
Blair, Bill Wradio reprJohn A Brown Radio Servr529 N 7th
Blair, Chas S (Norma)asst city street comnr h529 N 7th
Blanchard, Arth W (Anna S)  h1030 Center av
Bloom, Mae M (wid Albert)  h625 N 6th
Board of EducationW D Farnham, chairman
J T Hanigan, W R McClure, B H Kent, E E Parsons and V V Belknap members
Elsie Cole clk
Wm C Sorenson supt of schools
 1219 Center av
Bogle, Warren N (Dorothy I)driverFarmers Co-Op Creameryh1039 N 9th
Bohannon, Benj F (Jennie M)meat ctrSafeway Storesh159 7th av N
BOISE PAYETTE LUMBER COFred M Rabeanau MgrLumber, Coal and Building Materials34 S 7th, Tel 85
Boles, ChasUSN r403 N 4th
Boles, Leslie J (Mary L)labPOh403 4th av N
Boles, RobtUSA r403 N 4th
Boles, WmUSA r403 N 4th
Bollinger, Galen F (Wilma G)RD carrierPOr RD 1
Boltman, Geo (Mattie)  h435 N 9th
Boltman, Geo R (Lela)USCG r435 N 9th
Bolton, Chas S (Myrtle M)  h1011 Center av
Bonnell, Bert (Mabel A)ydmnVanPetten Lbr Coh517 N 6th
Boomer, HenryUSA r634 N 7th
Boomer, Lois MrssceRed Crossr634 N 7th
Boomer, Mae N (wid H R)  h634 N 7th
Boomer, RobtUSA r634 N 7th
Bord, Gerald E (Mary O)  h2015 Center av
Borgholthaus, DonUSA r406 N 9th
Borgholthaus, HelenbkprFirst Security Bankr406 N 9th
Borgholthaus, Homer LagtUPRRh406 N 9th
Borland, Earl (Vera)carp h10 S 9th
Boss, Reuben H  r923 N 7th
Bossen, Henry (Emma)USN h500 River
Bossen, Oliver E (Odeyssa E)rancher h356 4th N
Bowker, Frances T (wid Jake)  r1011 1st av N
Bowman, Edw W (Tillie)dep sheriff r Star rte
Bowman, Gladys W MrstchrEast Side Schh11 N 10th
Bowman, Jack LUSA r7 N 10th
BOWMAN, LOGAN M (Gladys W)Postmaster h11 N 10th, Tel 305-W
Bowser, Loyd S (Bertha M)  h1321 2d av S
BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA (Ore-ida Council)  Office 1st fl City Hall (Nampa, Idaho)
Boyd, Loral E (Mary A)janitorWest Side Schh1324 1/2 2d av S
Boyd, Ralph E (Eithel V)janitorHigh Schh1337 2d av S
Boyle, Ray O. (Valla R)oprRitz Theatreh1303 2d av S
Boyle, Valla R MrsempMcCluer Manser Mtr Coh1303 2d av S
Bracy, Dosha Mrskitchen helperG & M Cafeh220 S 6th
Bracy, J IrvinhelperMcCrea Sheet Metal & Plumbing Cor Venderfoot Service Station
Bracy, Walter A (Dosha)ranch hand h220 S 6th
Bradley, Benj  r200 S 6th
Brady, Clarence (Martha)lab h 2 mi e of city
Brady, Ernest LclkShurtleff Super Servr RD 1
BRAINARD, LAWRENCE W (Madelene M)Division ManagerIdaho Power Coh1005 2d av S, Tel 116
Brannagan, LeRoy (Bertha)USN h222 N 9th
Brannock, Lon J (Delpha)groundmanIdaho Power Cor620 N 5th
Breon, HarrylabMarshall Fixture Co 
Brewster, Burt (Esther; The Club)  h1410 Center av
Brewster, Irene Mstudent r1410 Center av
Briggs, Evelyn M MrsclerkJ C Penney Cor1630 2d av S
Britton, Jas W  h229 S 12th
Brodersen, Rudolf N (Charlotte E)fruit farmer h1305 7th av N
Brown, Alvin R (Ladelle; Owl Club)  h S 6th
Brown, A C (Anna)managerState Liquor Dispensaryr1706 6th av S
Brwon, Alta L MissclerkFarber's Dept Storer RD 2
Brown, Archie ChelperSwank Motor Servicer Fruitland
Brown, Eliza Mrs  h410 S 11th
Brown, John A (John A Brown Radio Service)  h22 S 8th
BROWN, JOHN A RADIO SERVICE (J A Brown)Radio Repairing, All Makes 33 S 8th, Tel 466
Brown, Loyd J (Iona L)trucker h1300 2d av S
Brown, Wm S (Bill's News Stand)  h420 N 9th
Browning, Arth E (Eva B)farmer h n end N 4th
Browning, Chas F (Lilly G)lab h310 N 5th
Browning, Susanna (wid David)  h216 S 7th
Brubaker, Alva H  h434 N 6th
Brubaker, Clarence G (Vera M)driverStanton Trans & Stge Coh1023 1st av N
Brubaker, Emmett H (Myrtle E )  h615 N 6th
Brubaker, LeroyclerkThe Clubr 1228 1/2 1st av S
Brubaker, Scott (Genevieve E)managerF H Hogue Estateh1019 2d av S
Brubaker, W Henry (Elsie A)janitorEast Side Schoolh1228 1st av S
Buck's Conoco Service (Buck Anderson)  136 S 8th
Bulmer, Alice P (wid Tom P)city clk h218 S 8th
Burns, Albert (Grace)  h331 S 9th
Burres, Jack E (LaVeta M)cookG & M Cafeh1708 2d av S
BUY-RITE I G A STORE (Lester C Asmussen)Groceries, Meats, Poultry, Fist, Quality Food Products 18 S 8th, Tels 1 and 2
Byers, Clarence L (Rowena M)farmer h531 N 6th
Byron's Variety (B F Musgrove)  9 N 8th
Buzzard, Everett O (Leone)driverFarmers Co-Op Creameryr RD 1
Cain, BernicecashIdaho Power Coh1018 3d av S
Cain, M ElizstenJ C Palumbo Fruit Cor1018 3d av N
Caldwell, SamlcookRoyal Palm Cigar Store 
Calhoun, Saml T (Leona M)  h319 N 10th
Calkins, Ace EatndtBuck's Conoco Serv 
Calkins, Leonard (Bernice I)USA r1321 2d av S
Callen, Curtis F (Myra E)real estate h109 N 10th
Campo, M LouisebkprJ C Palumbo Fruit Cor1040 2d av N
Carico, John (Ann)farmer h1226 7th av N
Carico, Thos J (Bertha A)farmer h419 N 10th
Carlson, Carl A (Eva D)USA h315 N 10th
Carlson, Rube T (Ida S)lab h926 N 7th
Carlton, Carl U (Selma R)  h2013 Center av
Carnahan, Alf (Julia)elev opr h430 Center av
Carpenter, Albert M (Rose A)lab h225 N 6th
Carpenter, John R (Cora E)  h345 S 12th
Carpenter, Robt (Irene E)  h end 6th av S
Carstens, Anna  r1906 1st av S
Carter, Elora S Mrs  r137 S 7th
Carter, Hone (Mrs Lucille I Frisbee)  126 N 7th
Cartwright, Claude M (Maude W)asst city water supt h1630 1st av S
Cartwright, Oliva K (wid Wm H)  h1412 1st av S
Casberg, John Mrs  h818 8th av N
Case, Wm D (Bertha M)  h628 3d av S
Cassidy, Dorothy (wid Floyd)  h641 N 6th
Catanzaro, Eliz Mrs  h1319 1st av S
Catanzaro, Norman DUSA r1319 1st av S
Catron, Howard B (Allie M)osteo phys 53 N 9th h do
Catron, Sol W (Phyllis D)osteo phys 53 N 9th
h20 N 20th
Cattron, Mary I (wid Davis S)  h125 N 9th
Cattron, R R  r125 N 9th
Cazier, Walter M (Nellie L)hsemnBancroft Hotelh210 S 6th
Cazier, Walter M jrUSA r210 S 6th
Central Park  9th S bet Center av and 1st av S
Central Produce Distributors (R Y Yokota, Geo Sugar, Robt Wiens)  202 N 6th
Cerny, Georgian (wid Frank)lab h221 4th av N
Cerny, Harrylab r221 4th av N
Chambers, Harold W (Velma E; Chambers Motor Co)  h1512 2d av S
Chambers, Joel G (Dorothy M; Chambers Motor Co)  h1517 2d av S
CHAMBERS MOTOR CO (J G and H W Chambers)Chrysler and Plymouth Sales and Service, Automobile Repairing, Gasoline and Oil Service Stations 102 S 8th, Tel 470
Chapman, Arlo RlabFarmers Co-Op Creamery 
Chapman, Sarah K (wid Saml E)asst librarianPayette Public Libraryh1022 1/2 3d av N
Chase, Clem A (Myrtle D)lab h1313 2d av S
Chase, D Carl (D Carl Chase Ins Agcy)  r801 3d av N
CHASE D CARL INSURANCE AGENCY (D Carl Chase)General Insurance 801 3d av N, Tel 149-W
Chase, Zelma BbkprC C Anderson Cor 6th av S
Cheek, Clyde R (Addalee J)eng h632 N 7th
Cheek, J Paul (Betty E)suptFarmers Co-Op Creameryh536 N 7th
Cheek, Ray R (Helen M)truck driver h132 7th av N
Cheese, Eula M MrsstenHerman Welkerr726 N 7th
Chess, John kitchen hlprRoyal Palm Cigar Storer137 S 7th
CHEVROLET MOTOR CARSHanigan Chevrolet Co Dealers 34 S 8th, Tel 6
CHILDREN'S HOME FINDING & AID SOCIETY OF IDAHOMrs. Kathryn C Wolfe Supt, Miss Opal Billington Sec, Mrs Bertha May Head Matron 740 Warm Spring av, Tel 738 (Boise, Idaho)
Chipman, John (Opal)  h137 S 7th
CHRISTIAN, EARL W (Anna B)Feed Mill, Grain 110 N 7th, Tel 153, h1418 Center av, Tel 272-J
Christian, Jas MUSMC r1418 Center av
Christian, MurieloprMST & T Cor1418 Center av
Christian, Robt EUSAC r1418 Center av
Christian Science Reading Room  215 N 9th
CHRYSLER MOTOR CARSChambers Motor Co Dealers 102 S 8th, Tel 470
Church, Hosica G (Allie N)  h1602 2d av S
CHURCH OF CHRISTRev Franklin T Grosser Pastor 130 N 9th, Tel 371-J
Church of GodRev H I Jacks paster 128 S 9th
Church of God MissionRev T O Andrews pastor 626 River
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints  213 N 9th
Church of the Brethren  449 3d av N
Church of the NazareneRev Earl Williams pastor 233 N 10th
City Meat Market (L J Wells, David Davies)  107 N 8th
CITY OF PAYETTE (See Payette - Cit of)   
Cladinos Danl Ecattle buyer r Bancroft Hotel
Clark Earl (Esther M)  h730 2d av S
Clark, Edith Mrs  r1324 7th av N
Clauser, Carl T (Leta M)dept mgrHanigan Chev Cor Iowa av RD 2
Clauson, Robt A (Doris A)  h439 N 9th
Clelland, Elmer O (Elsie C)farmer h1133 N 9th
Clelland, Paul GUSA r1133 N 9th
Clement, Linus T  h117 N 9th
Cline, KennethUSA r623 N 10th
Cline, Will (Antoine E)  h623 N 10th
Clopton, Vern L (Pearl)mechFarmers Co-Op Creameryh847 N 6th
Club, The (Burt Brewster)beer 5 N 8th
Coates, Earl J (Bertha)coal 302 S 6th
h 608 N 2d
Coates, Frank  r137 S 7th
Coates, Homer LUSN r309 3d av N
Coates, Howard (Gladys I)truck driver r309 3d av N
Coates, Sarah A (wid D B)  h309 3d av N
Cobb, Thelma E (wid Elmen S)bkprIdaho Canning Coh135N 10th
Coblentz, Edw C (Hazel)sub carrierPOr920 2d av S
Coblentz, Lee W (Velma)clkPOr919 2d av S
Coca Cola Bottling Co (H S Harper)  216 N 8th
Cockerum, Dorthystudent r105 N 9th
Cockerum, ForrestUSA r105 N 9th
Cockerum, Guy L (Cora M)carrierPOh105 N 9th
Cockerum, Guy L jr (Ora)USA r105 N 9th
Cockerum, Hazel Cofc asstJ J Keiserr105 N 9th
Coffey, Lowell W (Emma E)labJ C Palumbo Fruit Coh1016 Center av
Cole, C D (Kathryn F)watch repair 111 N 8th
h do
Cole, Elsie R MrsclkIndependent School District No 32h420 N 9th apt 4
Cole, Ida L (wid Orin D)  h2015 1st av N
Collier, Myrtle (wid Hicks)  r125 N 9th
Collingwood, Thelma MrsclkVenetian Clubr15 N 8th apt 5
Collins, Ed A (Mabel V)opr eng h1314 N 6th
Colpin, Edmond E (Ruth F; Colpin Photo Finishing)  h2029 Center av
Colpin, Ida B Mrs (Colpin Pharmacy)  r2001 Center av
Colpin Pharmacy (Mrs Ida B Colpin; Alvin T Nelson)  3 N 8th
Colpin Photo Finishing (Edmond E Colpin)  721 Center av
Colwell, Freeman W (Lula)serv sta oprFarmers Co-Op Creameryr Fruitland Idaho
Commercial Hotel (S L Langdon)  101 S 8th
Conkle, Elza W (Alta G; Fix-It Shop)  h535 N 5th
Conover, Albert W (Emma J)  h234 N 10th
Conover, Gillardfarmer h514 N 9th
Conrad, E Juneofc mgrMcCluer Manser Mtr Coh420 N 9th
Continental Oil CoF W Jones agt plant 604 3d av N
Coons, Fredk J (Dorothy)atndtMcCluer Manser Mtr Cor S 12th
Coons, Lula MrsnursePayette Genl Hosp 
Cooper, Jas (Wilma M)mechIdaho Canning Coh525 N 10th
Cooper, Luke PlabMarshall Fixture Co 
Corbett, Dee (Iva)lab h1405 3d av S
Cornal, Albert G (Etta I)  h2029 Center av
Cornell, Earl E (Velma L)driverStanton Trans &b; Stge Coh 1st av S (Payette Hts)
Cornell, Jos P (Irene J)lab h2033 Center av
Coughanour, Alta S (wid Wm M; Coughanout Apts)  h704 1st av N
Coughanour Apartments (Mrs Alta S Coughanour)  706 1st av N
Coulter AceUSA r511 N 10th
Coulter, Alvah (Mary E)  h650 N 8th
Coulter, Amos H (Mary M)trucker h1402 3d av S
Coulter, Jake (Mary M)  h1401 3d av S
COUNTY OF PAYETTE (See Payette - County of)   
Couper, Chas MUSN r1004 2d av S
Couper, Merrill F (Flora A)stkmn h1004 2d av S
Couper, S DizaclkU S Farm Security Admnr1004 2d av S
Courtright, Elzie V (Lucile M)USN r1637 1st av S
Covert, Wmbaker h1001 1st av S
Cox, Amospntr h706 1st av N apt 13
Cox, Florence (wid Geo)  h918 1st av S
Cox, Roy I (Anna)ins agt h517 N 2d
Crabtree, Clifford E (Naomi L)labMarshall Fixture Coh829 N 6th
Crabtree, Elwood Llab r829 N 9th
Crouther, Bert  h1506 7th av N
Crouther, Chas M (Ethelyn B)  h1233 N 6th
Crouther, MariontchrWest Side Schoolh511 N 5th
CREDIT BUREAUS, "The Reliable Agency"Collections, Adjustments 216 First Natl Bank Bldg, Tel 6522 (Boise, Idaho, 318 Chemeketa Street (Salem, Oregon)
Croft, Jane MrsteacherEast Side Schoolh1015 7th av N apt 3
Cross, Ivan C (Lorraine)USA r220 S 6th
Cross, Lorraine MrsWAC r220 S 6th
Coss, Lou J Mrsnurse r1025 Center av
Crump, Chas (Evelyn N)clk h800 River
Crump, Reynold A  h642 N 2d
Currin, Fern H MrsbkprC C Anderson Cor104 N 8th apt 14
Curtis, Clarence L (Leola L)atndtPayette Standard Serviceh528 N 11th
Cutchal, Lee (Gertrude)lab h829 N 8th
Cutshall, Chester L (Esther N)USA h1504 1st av S
Daharsh, Raymond H (Mary L)firemanFarmers Co-Op Creameryh1046 N 6th
Dale, Floyd F (Kathleen C)whsemnFarmers Co-Op Creameryh1311 N 6th
Dallman, Cecil J (Hilda J)farmer h n end N 4th
Dalrymple, Cecil C (Gertrude)star rte carrierPOh923 N 7th
Daniel, Hugh H  h816 N 8th
Daniel, Leonard A (Sarah E)linemnIdaho Power Coh723 N 6th
Daniel, Peggy Mrs  r445 N 7th
Daniels, Lon W (M Eliz; Payette Standard Service)  h340 N 10th
Daniels, Robt C (Vivian)trucker h1136 N 6th
Davenport, Leetrucker h938 N 6th
Davies, David J (Geraldine; Wells & Davies Packing Plant)  h410 N 10th
Davis, Bert S (Cherold L)linemn h610 N 8th
Davis, Chas  r337 S 9th
Davis, Chas S (Josephine R)mgrGem State Novelty Coh313 N 9th
Davis, Clarence C (Lelah M)carp h 2d av N
Davis, Danl (Hattie E)slsmnKeith K Andersonh1015 2d av S
Davis, DavidUSA r345 S 9th
Davis, Esther Mrsfarmer r1010 Center av N
DAVIS F L MACHINE & WELDING SHOP (Flody L Davis)  219 S 6th
Davis, Floyd L (Otilla; F L Davis Machine & Welding Shop)  h432 S 12th
Davis, Genevieve EclkUS Farm Security Admnh102 N 8th apt 16
Davis, Guss (Eugenie)rancher h1010 Center av
DAVIS H L (Grace; Davis Machine Shop)  h1533 2d av S, Tel260-W
David, Herbert J (Gulielma)sec-treasNatl Farm Loan Assnh502 7th av N
Davis, Irene  r1010 Center av
Davis, Jim (Mary)farmer h1020 3d av N
Davis, Lester (Lydia)USN h528 N 2d
DAVIS MACHINE SHOP (H L Davis)Welding and General Machine Work 719 1st av S, Tel 110
Davis, Otilla MrsprsrBeamguard's City Clnrsh432 S 12th
Davis, S B (Cherrill)linemnIdaho Power Cor N 8th
Davis, Thos AUSN r502 7th av N
Davis, Walter K (Freda)section labUPRRh345 S 8th
Deakyne, Norris (Carol)acct h1250 5th av N
Dean, Earl M (Stella)whse mgrJ C Palumbo Fruit Cor Iowa av
Deardorff, Harry L (Adla D)gas and oil 204 N 8th
r RD 2
Debban, Delmar J (Joyce M)driverFarmers Co-Op Creameryh622 N 2d
Debban, Elmer W (Lela B)driverFarmers Co-Op Creameryh1335 1st av S
Debban, Melvin P (Eilene M)driver h536 N 10th
Decker, Lowell DUSA r22 N 20th
Decker, Ray J (Nellie M)  h22 N 20th
Demick, Alma (wid John)clkJ C Penney Coh102 N 8th apt 6
DeNeal, H Areal est 803 3d av N
h do
Denham, Kenneth C (Berniece)mechMCCluer Manser Mtr Coh620 3d av S
Denney, JaslabMarshall Fixture Co 
Denney, Mary W Mrskitchen hlprRoyal Palm Cigar Storer1637 1st av S
DEPENDABLE MERCANTILE CO (R S Ellis, O F Wilkins)Groceries, Grain, Seeds, Coal 213-217 N 8th, Tels 31 and 80
Dewey, Lawrence A (Dorothy Mae)  h1402 N 6th
Dibble, Chas E  h1035 7th av N
Dibble, Earl N (Nell)slsmn h917 2d av S
Dibble, Evertt E  r1035 7th av N
Dick, Glen NUSA r333 3d av N
Dick, Helmuth H (Cath L)truck driver h9 S 11th
Dick, Lorell L (Mabel E)clkUPRRh333 3d av N
Dilley, Richd KUSA r904 2s av S
Dilley, Robt J (Johanna M)teleg oprUPRRh904 2d av S
Dixon, Herb G (Mary H)USA h15 N 8th apt 3
Dixon, Mary H Mrs  r15 N 8th apt 2
Dooley Patk J RevpastorHoly Family Catholic Churchh1212 1st av S
Dorathy, Elmer A (Ruby)fieldmnIdaho Canning Coh405 5th av S
Doudt, ChasUSA r330 2d av N
Doudt, Elmer Pwelder r330 3d av N
Doudt, Herbert W (Verna M)mechSwank Motor Servh448 3d av N
Doudt, Paul F (Emma E)  h330 3d av N
Doudt, RaymondUSA r330 3d av N
Dougherty, Elkeliam  r126 N 7th
Dougherty, Lloyd S (Zelma)driermanFarmers Co-Op Creameryh723 N 5th
Downing, Dick Casst suptIdaho Canning Coh1023 1st av N
Downing, Marlin LUSN r1023 1st av N
Downing, Verge L (Laura)driermanFarmers Co-Op Creameryr RD 1
Doyle, Chas M (Lucy)  h501 S 9th
Draper, Chas T (Anna S)  h1222 1st av S
Dressler, Hazel LclkBuy Rite I G A Storer611 N 8th
Dressler, L GraceclkDependable Merc Cor611 N 8th
Drinkwine, Melville R (Cora)farmer h406 S 12th
Duncan, Jay W (Evelyn)section labUPRRh1114 2d av N
Dundas, Everett DlabFarmers Co-Op Creamery 
Dunkle, Inez S MrsclkSafeway Storesh1106 2d av S
Dunkle, Stewart L (Inez S)  h1106 2d av S
Dunn, Elbert G  h649 N 6th
Dunn, Helen FmgrFitch Realty Cor649 N 6th
Durham, Allene IsecPayette County Abstract & Title Cor1422 Center av
Durham, Hazel AdepCounty Assessorr1422 Center av
Durham, Ira A (Pearl)clkThe Clubh1422 Center av
Dyer, Jack N (Shirley M)tellerFirst Security Bankr7 S 11th
Eager, Harold LgraderFarmers Co-Op Creamery 
Eason, Bertha (wid J C)slswnRawleigh Productsh616 N 7th
East Side SchoolK B Riggsprin1317 Center av
EASTMAN, BERNARD (Florence)Real Estate Broker, Idaho and Oregon, Property Management, Loans 21 S 8th, Tel 370, h1140 2d av S, Tel 45-J
Eberle, Wm F (Lucy)  h445 N 2d
Edge, Harry DmgrPayette Lndryr Weiser
Edwards, Amelia (wid Frank)  h503 S 11th
Edwards, Berkley E (Shirley)USN r1015 2d av S
Edwards, Farley (Evelyn)USN r1015 2d av S
Eilers, Geo C (Mary E)labMarshall Fixture Coh203 7th av N
Eldridge, Pearl Mrs  h409 N 9th
Elliott, Marion  r126 N 7th
Ellis, Francis E (Ethel M)mgrGamble Storesh1001 1st av N
ELLIS, ROBT S (Eliz S; Dependable Mercantile Co)  h835 N 6th
Elmore, Geo W (Grace E)farm hd h346 S 12th
Elmore, Myron W (Helen)labFarmers Co-Op Creameryh1518 7th av N
Emigh, John J (Meda L)  h817 N 8th
Engle, E FranklinUSA r418 N 7th
Engle, Fred A (Donna M)hay grinder h418 N 7th
Engle, Robt EUSA r500 S 11th
English, Oliver A (Orlia)  h607 N 2d
Essex, Ira (Etta)  h230 S 6th
Essex, Lawson A (Stella M)lab h1241 N 9th
Esson, Norman A (Martha B)instrHigh Schoolh442 S 12th
Falen, Kenneth M (Barbara J)caseworkerState Dept of Pub Assistanceh1037 N 6th
Farber, Earl R (Ethel W; Farber's Dept Store)  h913 2d av S
Farber, Jack (Amelia)USA r913 2d av S
Farber, KeithUSA r913 2s av S
Farber, RobtUSN r913 2d av S
Farber, W H (Margt)  h1000 1st av S
FARBER'S DEPARTMENT STORE (Earl R Farber)Men's and Women's Wearing Apparel, Dry Goods and Shoes 14 S 8th, Tel 57
Farley, Thos HUSN r825 N 9th
Farmers Co-Operative Creamery CoDonald B McKenzie mgr 604 1st av S
Farnham, Donald H (Ethel E)lab h905 N 8th
Farnham, Viola (wid N H)  h800 River
Farnham, Wm D (Jeannette L)poultry 735 River h do
Farra, Flora D Mrscounty supt of schools h337 S 9th
Farra, John R (Flora D)shoe repr 115 N 8th
h337 S 9th
Farrell, Carol JwaiterHarry's Cafer1107 N 6th
Farson, Clarence RcaretkrCity Fire Depth1618 1st av S
Farson, Vern H (Laurel)appr linemnIdaho Power Coh633 N 6th
Farson, Wm H (Bertha)meat ctrBuy Rite I G A Storeh317 3d av N
Farson, Wm H jrUSA r317 3d av N
Fay, Gould D (Anna J)linemnMST & TCoh1310 1st av S
Federal Building  915 Center av
Fellows, Earl A (Edith M)clkDependable Merc Coh625 N 11th
Felthouse, Noah S (Bell D)real est h1110 Center av
Felthouse, Paul D Rev (Frances S)pastorPayette Bapt Chh815 2d av S
Fenicottero, Cormine (Rose)farmer h n end N 6th
Fenicottero, PioUSA h n end N 6th
Fenske, Aug C (Lavonia L; Payette Auction Exchange)  h541 N 7th
Fenske, Nancy E (wid Wm)  r541 N 7th
Ferguson, Louis O (Mae A)lab h917 N 6th
Fernandez, Leo L (Elsie M)  h356 N 11th
Ferney, Blanche (Ferney's Ice Cream Shop)  r25 N 9th
Ferney, Jas M (Ferney's Ice Cream Shop)  h25 N 9th
Ferney's Ice Cream Shop (J M and Blanche Ferney)  121 N 8th
Ferrel, Carolwaiter r231 S 12th
Ferrel, Earlfarmer r1107 N 6th
Ferrel, Glen R (Vera E)lab h620 N 5th
Ferrel, Martha (wid J O)  h1107 N 6th
Fetter, Cecil E (Myrtle)blrmkr h1411 1st av N
Fetter, Grace M (wid Geo A)  h1536 1st av S
Fetter, Howard L (Nelmarie)lab h737 8th av N
Fetter, Lawrence C (Mary L)blrmkr h1536 1st av S
Fetter, Mary L Mrschf clkUS War Price & Rationing Bdh1536 1st av S
Fetters, Jesse C (Ida P)  h500 River
Ficke, Pauline (wid H D)  r1208 N 6th
Field, Eug P (Nancy)USAC r422 N 10th
Field, Julian M (Gertrude B)formnThe Ontario Argush422 N 10th
Fields, John W (Fannie M)farmer h end River
Fife, Lyndon (Margrete M)USN r935 2d av N
FIRE DEPARTMENT (See Payette - City of)   
First Church of GodRev Harold J Jacks pastor 821 2d av S
First Methodist Episcopal ChurchRev C G Hannan pastor 34 S 9th
First Security Bank Building  2 S 8th
FIRST SECURITY BANK OF IDAHO, N A (PAYETTE BRANCH)Edw H Murphy Mgr, Edna F Gauer Asst Mgr 2 S 8th, Tel 39
Fish, Steve  r200 S 6th
Fisher, Bess L MrsteacherHigh Schoolr1036 2d av S
Fisher, Robt A (Bess L)USA r1036 2d av S
Fisher, Woodrow W (Helen M)mech h418 N 6th
Fisk, Dora O MrsreporterIndependent-Enterpriseh403 3d av N
Fisk, Ernest C (Dora)formanIdaho Power Coh403 3d av N
Fisk, Richd DUSN r403 3d av N
Fitch, Emma L (wid Burt R; Fitch Realty Co)  r1133 1st av S
Fitch, Neil R (Marguerite A; Fitch Realty Co)  h1133 1st av S
Fitch Realty Co (Neil R and Mrs Emma L Fitch)  818 Center av
Fix-It Shop (Elza W Conkle)  718 1st av N
Fleming, Albert D (Melba I)pntr h1235 2d av S
Foltz, Agnes MrsbkprFirst Security Bankr RD 2
Forbert, Agnesslswn h643 N 7th
Forbes, Burt G  r137 S 7th
FORD, G P (Barbara L)MgrWestern Union Teleg Coh1035 2d av N
FORD MOTOR CARSMcCluer Manser Motor Co Dealers 134 N 8th, Tel 49
Forsman, Marie E MrsclkBuy Rite I G A Storer611 N 8th
Forsman, Robt LUSN h611 N 8th
Foster, Lewis L (Hester J)  h1133 Center av
Fouts, Ella (wid Wm A)  h1001 1st av N
Fowler, LeRoy C (Evelyn D)teacherHigh Schoolh218 S 10th
Fowler, Myrtle (wid Brady)  h725 7th av N
Franklin, Ernest F (Glendora)  h1116 N 6th
Franklin, Merritt F (Josephine E)driermnFarmers Co-Op Creameryh511 N 11th
Frazier, Jim AUSA r904 3d av N
Frazier, Lulu M (wid John N)  h904 3d av N
Fredericksen, Dewey G (Alfaretta A; Payette Hdw)  h605 7th av N
Freeman, Chas Alab h1650 1st av S
Freeman, Rex (Wilma A)whsemn h105 3d av S
Freitag, Ernest Froofer h33 1/2 S 8th
French, Walter H (Zola)  h1516 2d av S
Fricke, Geolab h706 1st av N apt 7
Friedly, Myrtle H (wid Frank)clkC C Anderson Coh400 N 6th
Friedly, Ronald EUSA r400 N 6th
Frisbee, Lucille I Mrs (Carter Home)  r Midvale
Frizzell, Irvin G (Mary )  h423 S 12th
Frogley, Henry A (Luella)slsmnFarber's Dept Storeh1011 1st av N
Frogley, Ralph FUSA r1011 1st av N
Frogley, Ronald HUSMC r1011 1st av N
Fruechtenicht, Emil W (Alice D; Payette Jwlry)  h1826 1st av S
Fuge, Weldon D (Alice F)mgrJ C Penney Coh652 N 7th
Fulbright, Minnie L (wid Levi W)  h1424 1st av S
Fulbright, Omega MstenKeith K Andersonr1424 1st av S
Fuller, Bennie EUSA r J J Fuller
Fuller, Geo E (Artie)  h 6th av S and S 9th
Fuller, John J (Fairzinga)farmer h 6th av S and S 9th
Fuller, John TUSA r J J Fuller
Fuller, Leonard CUSA r J J Fuller
Fuller, Lila L  r1403 N 6th
Fuller, Wilbur (Della E)lab h102 N 8th
Fulton, Chas S (Gertie E)  h611 N 6th
Fulton, Clyde W (Ruby I)lab h801 1/2 3d av N
Fulton, Lee H (Gladys)formnIdaho Power Coh1023 4th av N
G & M Cafe (I T Green, J B McDaniel)  30 N 8th
Gabert, Betty MrsmaidBancroft Hotel 
Gamble, Al (Maude S)  h416 S 12th
Gamble, Allen M (Daisy A)USMM h1331 1st av S
Gamble, Fred W (Cleta V)barber 14 N 8th
h634 3d av S
Gamble StoresF E Ellis mgrhdw29 N 8th
Gardener, Richd I (Hattie J)carp h441 N 6th
Garrett Greightlines Inc  14 S 7th
Garrett, Harold JUSA r1437 1st av S
Garrett, Homer V (Ocie A)  h1437 1st av S
Garrett, Robt HUSA r1437 1st av S
GAUDER, EDNA FAsst MgrFirst Security Bank of Idahor226 S 9th, Tel 154-J
Gauer, Rachel A (wid Chas A)  h226 S 9th
Gehrke, Edmund F (Maudie M)pntr 624 N 6th h do
Gem Electric Co (T L Masingill)  4 N 8th
Gem State Bakery (Walter Steffner)  19 N 8th
Gem State Novelty CoChas S Davis mgr 112 N 8th
GENOWAY, SAML (Mildred; Payette Greenhouse)  h1225 6th av S, Tel 108
George, Wm  h1015 7th av N apt 6
Gerber, Dora J P Mrsdentist2 Ritz Theatre bldgh811 N 6th
Gerber, Saml E (Dora J P)miner h811 N 6th
Gerdau, DorothyclkCity Meat Marketr501 7th av N
Gerdau, Earl R (Vera)butcherWells & Davies Packing Planth501 7th av N
Gibbon, Jas E (Manilla R; Payette County Abstract & Title Co)  h1122 2d av S
Gibbons, Russel B (Della J)pntr h384 4th av N
Gibbs, Jesse PlabMarshall Fixture Co 
Gibbs Truck Line  14 S 7th
Giddings, Thos E (Effie)section labUPRRh516 N 7th
Gidney, A (Flora E)clkCommercial Hotelr101 S 8th
Gilbert, Dave  r137 S 7th
Gillenwater, Orlando (Evelyn Z)separator oprFarmers Co-Op Creameryh327 7th av N
Gillet, Albert J (Jeannette; Royal Palm Cigar Store; Palm Leaf Club)  h17 S 8th apt 3
Gillman, Matt (Beverly; Apple Blossom Ice Cream Parlor)  h36 N 8th
Gilmore, Duewan I (Vera M)USA r1623 6th av S
Gilmore, May Mrsdryer h1228 7th av N
Ginther, Walter M (Ruth M)USMC h1548 N 6th
Ginther, Walter R (Gladys V)farmer h1610 N 6th
Gissel, Eldro F (Virginia M)driverStanton Trans & Stge Coh1106 N 9th
Gladish, Henry A (ALice S)farmer h1317 N 6th
Gleim, May MrsteacherWest Side Schh1307 1st av S apt 5
Glenisky, Margt MrslndrsPayette Genl Hospr Fruitland
Glover, Ralph (Virginia C)USA r635 N 7th
Goff, ArvinlabMarshall Fixture Co 
Goff, Elmer A (Vesta M)labMarshall Fixture Coh861 8th av N
Goff, WmlabMarshall Fixture Co 
Golden, Evelyn R  r224 S 13th
Golden, Harry E (Carrie B)  h121 S 9th
Golden, Ray F (Thelma T)atndtMcCluer Manser Mtr Coh224 S 13th
Golden, Wm T (Gladys)mechHanigan Chevrolet Coh421 N 11th
Golf, Arth (Helen)  h518 N 9th
Good, Saml D  h435 N 8th
Goodfellow, Pearl L (wid Geo)  h603 N 6th
Goodsell, GeraldlabMarshall Fixture Co 
Gosser, Franklin T Rev (Ruth E)pastorChurch of Christh916 2d av N
Grace, Dewerd (Edna M)electn h305 River
Graden, Winnifred M MrsclkU S War Price & Rationing Bdh1025 Center av
Graham, BurlUSA r705 N 6th
Graham, Ellis (Lilly V)  h705 N 6th
Graham, Ivan R (Mary)suptRoss Pkg Coh920 5th av N
Graham, MelvinUSA r705 N 6th
Graham, Ray EUSA r705 N 6th
GREAT WESTERN PORTRAIT COMrs Thelma M Nations MgrPortrait Photographers106 N 8th, Tel 102-M
Green, F Eug (Nola; Green's Repair Shop)  h500 S 11th
Green, Israel T (Eunice; G & Cafe)  h530 N 7th
GREEN'S REPAIR SHOP (F Eug Green)Automobile Repairing Gasoline and Oil Service Station 1024 7th av N, Tel 443-R
Greene, Bertha Mrs  h529 N 8th
Greer, Ruth I Mrs  h622 N 8th
Gregg, A Alvin (Edith M)firemnFarmers Co-Op Creameryh409 N 7th
Gregg, Henry AUSA r409 N 7th
GREIF, IRVIN C (Alma M)AccountantIncome Tax Consultant620 N 9th, Tel 55, h RD 2
Griffin, Ida (wid Wallace)  h301 N 6th
Griffin, Jim (Gladys)USA h1015 7th av N
Griffin, Lyle E (Wynema C)  h309 N 6th
Griffin, Wynema C MrsbkprStanton Trans & Stge Coh301 N 6th
Griffith, Saml S (Rose S)  h223 S 7th
Griffiths, Geo M (Jose)lab h1030 N 6th
Griffiths, J Leonard (Beth I)milk and cream graderFarmers Co-Op Creameryh end 9th RD 2
Griggs, Chas DUSA r1103 2d av S
Griggs, Harry DUSA r1103 2d av S
Griggs, Wm H (Elva)meat ctrFarmers Co-Oph1103 2d av S
Grimes, Mary E (wid J D)  r303 3d av N
Grogan, Maude (wid J C)  h1324 2d av S
Groove, Lee C (Tenah C)farmer h1403 N 6th
Grooves, Harold L (Evelyn A)msngrWestern Union Teleg Coh610 N 6th
Grout, Kathryn Mrswaiter r101 S 8th
Grout, KennethmechIdaho Canning Co 
Guindon, Helen A (wid Jas R)  h1637 N 6th
Gurnsey, Harold H (Mary E)sheriff r Fruitland
Guttridge, Alonzo  r126 N 7th
Guy, Nancy A Mrs  h819 N 8th
Haasch, Don E (Barbara P)county surveyor h630 N 5th
Hack, Arth WdriverStanton Trans & Stge Cor101 S 8th
Halbert, Leonard H (Mary)bartndrRoyal Palm Cigar Storer430 N 7th
Hale, Ronald A (Myrtis A)USN h640 N 6th
Hall, Alden CUSA r1133 9th
Hall, Clarence B (Georgia S)USN h222 N 9th
Hall, Edith (wid Willard)smstrs h912 N 7th
Hall, Ethel B Mrs  h1238 1st av S
Hall, Wmbartndr r101 S 8th
Hallman, Alf A (Maude E)farmer h1131 7th av N
Hallman, Ellis AUSA r1131 7th av N
Hallman, Ellyne L  r1131 7th av N
Hallman, Lorraine A  r1131 7th av N
Halvert, Leonard H (Mary C)rigger h430 N 7th
Hamilton, Edith (wid Melton)  h906 N 6th
HANIGAN CHEVROLET CO (Jno T Hanigan)Chevrolet Sales and Service, Parts and Accessories 34 S 8th, Tel 6
HANIGAN, JNO T (Dorothy M; Hanigan Chevrolet Co)  h1906 1st av S, Tel 166
Hanigan, Richd HUSN r1906 1st av S
Hanigan, Robt J  r1906 1st av S
Hannan, Cecil G Rev (Isabelle M)pastorFirst Meth Chh241 S 9th
Hansen, Amelia L (wid Henry)  h1005 Center av
Hanson, Alberta L MrsstenJ C Palumbo Fruit Cor RD 2
Hanson, Alverd A (Constance)carp h610 N 5th
Hanson, Henry  h rear 1708 2d av S
Harkins, Jasper R (Cora V)  h504 N 9th
Harkins, Uneta H  r504 N 9th
Harkins, Wanda Hbeauty opr r504 N 9th
Harland, Albert M (Eliz W)mgrIdaho Egg Producersh345 N 5th
Harland, Eliz MrsclkByron's Varietyh345 N 5th
Harper, Edw F (Lulu)  h830 2d av S
Harper, Harrison S (Margt E; Coca Cola Bottling Co)  h1302 1st av S
Harris, Chas EUSA r1809 Center av
Harris, Michl (Eleanor A)farmer h1809 Center av
Harris, Robt M SUSA r1809 Center av
Harry's Cafe (Harry Stark)  24 N 8th
Hart, Irene R MrsclkBen Franklin Storeh247 7th av N
Hartley, Ellis (Gertrude E)farmer h921 Center av
Hartley, Gertrude E MrsclkGem Elec Coh921 Center av
Hartley, Howard L (Wanda N)  h1107 1st av S
Hartley, Lyall D (Virginia A)  h1515 2d av S
Hartung, Chas (Elsie M)county treas h426 N 6th
Hartung, Chas M  r426 N 6th
Hartung, Dorothy AstenB F McCarrollr426 N 6th
Hartwell, ForestlabPayette Alfalfa Mill 
Harville, Loyd C (Jane E)USN r1424 1st av S
Hastings, Doris L  r622 N 8th
Hastings, Harry JUSA r622 N 8th
Hathaway, Henry (Margt M)  h1111 Center av
Hartley, Wm W (Gladys)  h RD 2 N 9th la
Hawkins, Geo C (Marguerite)chf clkU S Selective Serviceh706 1st av N apt 2
Hawkins, Marguerite MrsstenU S Agri Conservation Assnh706 1st av N apt 2
Hawkins, Minerva Mrs  h129 N 10th
Heaton, E A (Lula)carpArchie Prindler Ontario Ore
Heidelberger, Carol Dwaiter r end 9th
Heidelberger, Emil (Lillie A)farmer h end 9th
Heidelberger, John EUSA h end of 9th
Heidelberger, Louis E  h end of 9th
Helm, Alice D (wid Freddie)  h415 N 9th
Henderson, Frank (Tillie)  h427 S 6th
Henderson, Geo DUSA r117 N 10th
Henderson, Jake A (Nellie E)labJ C Palumbo Fruit Coh117 N 10th
Hendricks, Chester AlabMarshall Fixture Coh1025 2d av N
Henley, Elma M MrsclkPayette Ldryh722 N 6th
Henley, Ralph S (Elma M)mech h722 N 6th
Hennekens, Martha Mrs  h217 S 7th
Herminghaus, Arth P (Ellen R)mgrRoss Pkg Coh933 3d av N
Herminghaus, Ellen R MrsteacherHigh Schoolh933 3d av N
Herzog, Lena  h706 1st av N apt 9
Hewitt, Ada Mrs  h116 S 10th
Heying, Norbert J (Waneta E)mgrSafeway Storesh906 3d av N
Hickerson, Wm R (Grace M)  h229 N 10th
Hicks, Loren D (Jewell N)prinHigh Schoolh439 N 11th
High SchoolLoren Hicks prin 1219 Center av
Highway District No 2Keith K Andersontreas114 N 8th
Hill, Eva MrscookRoyal Palm Cigar Storeh604 N 10th
Hill, Lee (Eva)farmer h604 N 10th
Hill, Martha A (wid G W P)  r526 N 2d
Hilliard, Ray L (Velma M)lab h643 N 2d
Hincks, Arth S (Emma M)ofc mgrIdaho Canning Coh1807 Center av
Hincks, Emma M Mrsmach oprFarmers Co-Op Creameryh1807 Center av
HI-WAY & SERVICE STATIONM E Zentis PropGas, Oils, Accessories, New and Used Tires, Vulcanizing and First Class Tire Repairing233 S 12th, Tel 473
Hjorten, Melvin (Myrtle L)USN r1424 1st av S
Hobbs, Albert S (Vesta)men's clo 6 N 8th h1419 1st av S
Hobson, Eug C (Nora M)USA r241 S 9th
Hodges, Archie W (Eva W; Sugar Bowl)  r20 S 9th
Hogg, Laura C (wid Ernest)  h1036 2d av S
Hogue, F H EstateScott Brubaker mgrfruit pkrs120 N 6th
Hogue, Florence G (wid Frank J)  h1115 1st av S
Holeman, Clara  h109 N 6th
Holloway, Owen E (Pauline A)driverFarmers Co-Op Creameryh1515 3d av S
Holloway, Ralph L (Eula M)plmbr h1330 Center av
HOLMES APPLIANCE SERVICE (Ivan W Holmes)  719 Center av, Tel 164-W
Holmes, Ella Rhsekpr 1212 1st av S
Holmes, Ivan W (Lela V; Holmes Appliance Serv)  h925 5th av N
Holy Family Catholic ChurchRev Patk J Dooley pastor 1202 1st av S
Hon Robt L (Margt A)USA h2025 Center av
Hopper, Sarah E  h815 N 8th
Horn, Annie (wid Jas)  h1217 N 6th
Horn, Ellis N (Opal M)USA r1317 N 6th
Horton, Claude I (Edna E)carrierPOh1040 2d av N
Horton, Edna E Mrsclk h1040 2d av N
HOTEL BANCROFT (Geo B Kellogg)  806 Center av, Tel 123
Howard, Clara MclkC C Anderson Coh102 N 8th
Howard, J Brd overseerHwy Dist No 2r RD 2
Howard, Margt HUSA r930 3d av N
Howard, Viola Mrsofc asstPearson Plmbg & Htgr110 N 10th
Howerton, PaulineteacherHigh Schoolr104 N 8th apt 5
Hubert, Margt (wid Louie)  h421 S 9th
Huff, Chas C (Eliz T)city policemn h655 N 8th
Hughes Apartments  104 N 8th
Hulbert, FloydmechIdaho Canning Co 
Hull, Oscar W (Mary M)  h324 N 4th
Hulley, Mary E (wid Thos)  h511 N 5th
Hunsucker, John W (Leona C)cabt mkr h370 3d av N
Hunsucker, Wm HhlprWeidner Apiariesr370 3d av N
Hunt, Irene E MrsclkFarber's Dept Storeh1708 2d av N
Hunt, Marian FfnshrColpin Photo Finishingr104 N 8th
Hunt, Virgil J (Irene E)USN h1708 2d av S
Hurd, Claude A (Elsie M)  h921 6th av S
Hurd, Clyde Etrucker r321 S 12th
Hurd, Everett (Ethel T)serv sta atndtMcCluer Manser Mtr Coh321 S 12th
Hurd, Phyane (wid Frank)  h706 1st av N apt 12
Huschke, Roma S Mrs  h1110 1st av N
Hutchinson, Jas E (Florence M)engUPRRh126 N 9th
Hutchinson, Jas E jrUSA r126 N 9th
Hylton, Geo B (Rose M)carp h801 N 8th
Idaho Canning CoF M Moss mgr 27 N 6th
IDAHO EGG PRODUCERSAlbert M Harland MgrEggs, Poultry, Feeds300 S 6th, Tel 237
IDAHO POWER COL W Brainard Division MgrLight, Heat and Power21 N 8th, Tel 263
IDAHO STATE OFDepartment of Public Assistance
Liquor Dispensary
E M Morton supvr
A C Brown mgr
700 1st av N
130 S 8th
INDEPENDENT-ENTERPRISE (Weekly)Geo L Whorton Editor-Publisher 28 S 8th, Tel 10
Independent Meat Market (H L Precht)  8 N 8th
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Boomerang Encampment No 64 (IOOF)
Harmony Rebekah Lodge No 22
Payette Lodge No 22 (IOOF)
  215 N 8th
215 N 8th
215 N 8th
Independent IOOF Hall  215 N 8th
Independent School Dist No 32Mrs Elsie R Cole clk
Wm C Sorenson supt of schs
 1219 Center
Ingall, Ralph W (Susie; Ingall's Bros)  h611 Central av
INGALL'S BROS (R W Ingall)Electrical and Machine Shop, Armature Winding 611 Center av, Tel 392
Ingersoll Drive-In Market (Vernon Ingersoll)  300 S 8th
Ingersoll, Vernon (Grace M; Ingersoll Drive-In Market)  h734 3d av S
Irby, Jas J (Martha D)lab h603 N 2d
Irby, Jessie AclkFarmers Co-Op Creameryr603 N 2d
Irby, John C (Vera B)sheep shearer h1135 N 9th
Irwin, Geo H (Joy E)electn 931 3d av N h do
Irwin, Joy E MrsstenI C Greifh931 3d av N
Jacks, Ada (wid John)  r817 2d av N
Jacks, Harold I Rev (Bernice)pastor Church of God h817 2d av N
Jackson, Geolab h rear 1708 2d av S
Jackson, Sylvesterfarm hd r101 S 8th
Jacobs, Richd L (Wealtha A)  h19 1/2 S 8th
Jamerson, Alex (Mary)lab h1610 2d av S
James, Irma MrsclkUS War Price & Rationing Bdh15 N 8th apt 2
James, Loren J (Z Clara)mechHanigan Chevrolet Cor Fruitland Idaho
Jamieson, A MargueriteclkIdaho Powerr1610 2d av S
Jamieson, Alex (Mary H)lab h1610 2d av S
Jasmer, Earl WmechRoss Pkg Co 
Jasmer, JohnlabPayette Alfalfa Mill 
Jay's Texaco Station (J C McNutt)  203 N 8th
Jayne, Lee DUSA r922 N 7th
Jayne, Morton S (Olive A)lab h922 N 7th
Jayne, Spencer LUSN r922 N 7th
Jeffries, Donald LUSA r1648 Center av
Jeffries, Donna JBkprRoss Pkg Cor1648 Center av
Jeffries, Jack MUSN r1648 Center
Jeffries, L Raymond (Nellie M)buttermkrFarmers Co-Op Creameryh1648 Center av
JELLISON BROS MARBLE & GRANITE CO (Charles L Jellison)Marble and Granite Monuments, Headstones, Cemetery Copings 510 Main, Tel 2998 (Boise, Idaho)
Jenkins, Reese (Leila)  h1007 1st av N
Jennings, BlancheteacherHigh Schoolr1216 Center av
Jenson, Agner M (Derla L)  h1018 1st av N
Jenson, Donald (Helen N)USA h420 N 9th
Jenson, Helen N MrsoprMST & T Coh420 N 9th
Jimerson, Lucy M (wid J R)  h603 N 7th
Jimerson, Presley (Maude M)caretkrRosedale Memorial Parkh718 1st av S
JOHN'S SHOE SHOP (John S Aldecoa)Shoe and Harness Repairing 16 N 8th
Johnson, Arlene LclkC C Anderson Coh102 N 8th apt 16
Johnson, Axel  h311 River
Johnson, Bertha (wid Ren)  h1400 N 6th
Johnson, Edgar W (Mildred L)mech h511 N 7th
Johnson, Emma MtreasFarmers Co-Op Creameryr311 River
Johnson, Gunner (Netta F)lab h325 S 8th
Johnson, Harvey C (Cleo R)sec formn h1438 N 6th
Johnson, HarolddriverFarmers Co-Op Creameryr Emmett Idaho
Johnson, Joe (Vina)famer h1312 N 6th
Johnson, Netta F Mrskitchen hlprHarry's Cafeh325 S 8th
Johnson, OlgaprinWest Side Schoolr311 River
Johnson, Ray C (Clara N)labJ C Palumbo Fruit Coh1514 Center av
Johnson, Wm F  h826 9th av N
Johnston, Philip L (Edith)floor sander h409 3d av N
Johson, Mary E (wid C M)  h408 N 2d
Jones, Carl H (Vivian C)carp h2021 Center av
Jones, Danl E (Grace)secU S Agrl Conservation Assnr RD 1
Jones, Delwin P (Joyce)USA r348 4th av N
Jones, Frank W (Loia A)gas and oil 907 7th av N h do
Jones, Jos E (Minnie R)auto repr 134 S 8th
h418 N 10th
Jones, Lucille N  r1603 2d av S
Jones, Ples H (Leone)clkWhite Spoth19 1/2 N 8th
Jones, Sallie E Mrs CSpract 706 1st av N apt 4
h do
Josephson, L J  h744 N 6th
Judd, DeMont (Merna L)  h422 N 7th
Judy, Homer W (Edna L)USA r2000 S 20th
K F X D BROADCASTING STATIONAffiliate of Mutual Broadcasting SystemTransmitter in Nampa, Studios in Nampa, Boise and CaldwellNampa Address 1024 12th av S, Tel 1200
KAISER, JOHN J (Marjorie J)Physician and Surgeon 823 Center av, Tel 96, h1111 2d av S, Tel 90
Kardell, Betty S MrsUSCG r998 N 9th
Keele, Chas A (Beulah M)sheep shearer h831 N 9th
Keele, Rowenah A Mrsmilk weigherFarmers Co-Op Creameryr432 S 7th
Keener, HarryprinterIndependent-Enterpriser101 S 8th
Keifer, Elmer M (Lenore A)dry milk testerFarmers Co-Op Creameryr1511 1st av S
Keith, Robt Mmen's furngs 15 N 8th
r917 2d av S
Keller, Nancy (wid Walter L)  h500 N 11th
Kelley, Lawrence S (Hazel)driverFarmers Co-Op Creameryr RD 2
Kellogg, Geo B (Julia A; Bancroft Hotel)  h806 Center av
Kelly, Emery DUSA r1010 N 6th
Kelly, Flora B (wid David)  h1010 N 6th
Kelly, Harry DUSMM r1010 N 6th
Kent, Jonah (Emma J)  h302 4th av N
Kent, Lizzie (wid Harry)  h965 6th av S
Kenward, Ira W (Olive G)  h520 N 7th
Kerr, Elsie A MrsjanitorJ C Palumbo Fruit Coh end 6th av S
Kerr, Ray  r101 S 8th
Ketcham, Wm J (Lillie M)  h1334 2d av S
Kidder, Abner JUSN r1307 3d av S
Kidder, Glen WUSN r1307 3d av S
Kidder, Oren A (Myrtle L)slsmn h1307 3d av S
Kiefer, Bertram MUSA r1511 1st av S
Killebrew, Harmon C (Kathryn)pntr h726 N 7th
Kimbal, Ervin A (Evelyn M)USA h502 3d av N
Kincaid, Edw (Margt M)USA h1015 7th av N apt 2
King, Earnest B (Mabel A)truck driver h505 N 5th
King, Henry C (Lois)clkRanch Way Storer RD 1
King, Raymond L (Loretta M)USN r505 N 5th
Kinsey, Leon S (Roxy L)  h103 7th av N
Kirk, Nellie T MrsclkFarber's Dept Storeh102 N 8th
Kirk, Sherman T (Alta M)buttermkrFarmer's Co-Op Creameryh1510 1st av S
Kirkendall, Almor B (Daisy B)brick mason h219 N 10th
Kiwanis Park  end S 8th
Kjar, Clintoninspr h1309 1st av S
KLASSY KURL BEAUTY SHOP (Marguerite F Millbrook)Permanent Waving, Hair Stylish, Manicures, Beauty Work 102 N 8th, Rio Theatre Bldg, Tel 95
Kluckman, Chas Ffarmer h1400 N 6th
Knapp, Martha J  r1039 N 6th
Knifong, Lewis E (Veronica)formnIdaho Power Coh640 N 5th
Knott, Maud M (wid Luther)  h725 7th av N
Knowton, Calvin Ccarp r432 S 12th
Kobata, Masonobu M (Michiko)farm hd h1115 1st av S
Kobold, Henry G (Fern E)RFW carrierPOr RD 1
Kofoeld, Clarence E (Rose)  h520 River
Kofoeld, Kenneth EUSMM r520 River
Kofoeld, Stanley AUSMM r520 River
Korsted, Ben (Eliz)lab h503 7th av N
Korup, Carl L (Wenona L)  h1237 1st av S
Kosesan, Anne EstenCounty Extension Agtr RD 2
Lake, DarlenedepCo Treasr RD 2 PO Box 123
Lake, LucillestenNatl Farm Loan Assnr RD 2
Lake Reservoir CoK K Andersonsec-treas114 N 8th
Lakey, Bernice PcorresStatesman Newspapersr603 N 6th
Lale, Lucille M  r1637 N 6th
Lalk, JohnfiremnFarmers Co-Op Creamery 
Lamb, Edna Amach oprFarmers Co-Op Creameryr1537 1st av S
Lamb, Frank Sslsmn h1537 1st av S
Lambertsen, Doncan stackerFarmers Co-Op Creamery 
Lambertsen, Rayond OlabFarmers Co-Op Creamery 
Landon Funeral Home (Glenn C Landon)  112 N 9th
Landon, Glenn C (Edith; Landon Funeral Home)  h112 N 9th
Landon, Jas B (Helen S)storekprIdaho Power Coh336 N 9th
Landon, Philip S (Eileen S)ydmnBoise Payette Lbr Coh336 N 9th
Lane, Geotrk driver r305 S 8th
Laney, EllateacherEast Side Schoolr1011 1st av N
Langdon, Saml L (Ada M; Commercial Hotel)  h101 S 8th
Lappin, Leo R (Fern M)USN r824 N 6th
Larimer, Viola Mrs  r101 S 8th
Larson, Kenneth L (Helen B)USA h927 N 6th
Lasher, Byron E (June)baker h826 3d av S
Lathrop, S Mattie C (wid N Z)  r1035 1st av S
Lattig, Arth F (Nell M; Quality Grocery)  h316 3d av N
Lattig, Bayard B (Florence E)osteo phys 128 S 8th
h1104 1st av S
Lattig, Ethel B  r1104 1st av S
Lattig, Harry K (Clara)mgrPayette Auto Wreckingr PO Box 564
Lattig, Howard JclkQuality Groh300 3d av
Lattig, Jerald JUSN r316 ed av N
Lattig, M JoycetypistF H Hogue Estater316 3d av N
Lattig, Mary E (wid C J)  r300 3d av N
Lauer, Lilly  r126 N 7th
Lauer, Milton (Dora E)  h530 N 6th
Lawrence, John R  h225 N 6th
Leach, Lyle LlabMarshall Fixture Coh1636 1st av S
Leedy, H S (Veda L)mgrBen Franklin Storer Payette Hts
LeMaster, EliUSA r RD 2 N 9th la
LeMaster, RichdUSN r RD 2 N 9th la
Lemp, HenryhlprPayette Greenhouser1225 6th av S
Levers, Glenn E (Thelma M)chfCity Fire Depth604 N 6th
Levers, Irvin C (Myrtle L)trucker h367 3d av N
Lewis, Betty Lteleg oprUPRRr333 N 10th
Lewis, Walter W (Betty J)driermnFarmers Co-Op Creameryh317 N 6th
Lier, Emma  r1000 1st av S
Lightfoot, David M (Helen M)clkSuperior Gro Coh717 7th av N
Lightfoot, Hal C (Leola)city water supt h519 N 7th
LINCOLN MOTOR CARSMcCluer Manser Motor Co Dealers 134 N 8th, Tel 49
Linder, Henry P (Lula)  h434 S 9th
Linder, Retha Rclk r231 N 6th
Linder, Thos H (Hazel F)hlprFarmers Co-Op Creameryh231 N 6th
Lingel, Lyle E (Lucie C)  r135 N 10th
Linkaemper, Albert F Revpastor St John's Evangelical Ch h346 N 4th
Little, Irene (wid Robt)lab h1650 Center
Lockett, Frank M (Myrtle E)saddle wkrB S Larkin (Ontario)h120 S 15th
Lockey, Melvin W (Josephine A)section formnUPRRh713 2d av N
Lockhart, F B (Floss M)barberSlone's Barber Shopr19 N 8th
Lockhart, Floss M MrsoprMST & T Cor19 N 8th
Lockhart, Frances E Mrs  h17 S 11th
Lofquist, Reuben Esub clkPOr RD 1
Lofquist, Ruth CclkFarmers Co-Op Creameryr RD 1
Logan, Cecil E (Sarah)carp h629 N 2d
Logan, Harry C (Nellie K)mgrMST & T Co 
Lords, Betty LwaiterPup Shoph1001 1st av N
Lords, Vernon (Lores A)USMC r434 N 9th
Loughrey, Ann L (wid Wm E)  r1016 3d av N
Love, Bessie L (wid Lewis)nurse h1208 N 6th
Lowe, Alma Jstudent r1530 Center av
Lowe, Jos TmechRose Pkg Coh1015 7th av N apt 9
Lowe, Wm (Frederika)millwright h1530 Center av
Lower Payette Ditch CoK K Anderson sec-treas 114 N 8th
Lowery, Sarah E  r1206 7th av N
Lumpee, Lloyd P (Josephine)genl clkIdaho Power Coh1223 2d av S
Lundstrum, Melvyn W (Ruth)asst div chf clkIdaho Power Coh537 N 6th
Lusby, Benj  h1015 7th av N apt 7
Luther, G I (Lottie E)  h836 N 7th
Luther, Marion M  h1217 1st av S
Luther, Martin Ocity police judge r1217 1st av S
Lutz, Evelyn L MrsbkprVanPetten Lbr Coh600 N 7th
Lutz, L Vernon (Evelyn L)bkprFarmers Co-Op Creameryh600 N 7th
Lynn, Clifton F (Jessie)  h119 N 9th
Lynn, Edw P  h1213 2d av S
Lynn, Eldora E (wid Jas A)  1213 2d av S
Lynn, Jessie MrsfnshrColpin Photo Finishingh119 N 9th
Lynn, MelvinlabFarmers Co-Op Creameryr Fruitland Idaho
Lyons, Johnelectn h820 1st av S apt 2
Mace, Edw  r608 3d av S
Madrid, Violet C Mrs  h19 1/2 S 8th
Magers, Francis Jlab r541 N 8th
Magers, Henry C (Gladys J)lab h541 N 8th
Mahoney, Rebecca J  r904 3d av N
Mangun, Guy T (Mildred)metermnIdaho Power Coh1045 N 6th
Mangun, Mildredteacher h1145 N 6th
Manser, Billfarmer r1412 N 6th
Manser, Lawrence C (Phyllis)mechMcCluer Manser Mtr Cor New Plymouth Idaho
Manser, Maude M (wid Nick)  h1412 N 6th
MANSER, SHIRLEY H (Dorothy L; McCluer Manser Motor Co)  h542 N 5th, Tel 375
Marler, Charlie C (Lillian F)sheep shearer h rear 741 7th av N
MARSHALL FIXTURE CO (Jack Marshall)Cabinet and Mill Work, Modern Tavern and Restaurant Fixtures 620 N 9th, Tel 55
Marshall, Jack (Goldie; Marshall Fixture Co)  h522 N 9th
Martin, Jasper V (Minnie B)lab h505 N 6th
Masingill, Clifford Hstudent r1825 1st av S
Masingill, Tollie L (Nettie M; Gem Elec Co)  h1825 1st av S
Masonheimer, Cleora E (wid John K)mus tchr r117 N 9th
MASONICKing Solomon Council NO 4 (R & SM)
Lorain Chapter No 20 (OES)
Payette Chapter No 8 (RAM)
Washoe Lodge No 28 (AF & AM)
 218 N 8th
Masonic Temple  218 N 8th
Mathews, Elza F (Louise A)truck driver h830 N 7th
Mathis, Albert L (Hattie M)  h205 S 12th
Matsen, Gilbertcounty extension agt r RD 2
Maudlin, Eliz Mrscounty nurse h RD 2 PO Box 477
Maule, N Dwight (Pauline E)mgr Superior Gro Co h922 2d av S
Maule, Reuel D (Mary W)  h1011 2d av N
May, Clarence (Opal)hay chopper h735 N 6th
May, Edna N MrsclkBen Franklin Storer821 N 4th
May, John W (Edna N)driverDependable Merc Cor821 N 4th
May, Wm (Sarah E)  h726 N 7th
McCARROLL, BENJ F (Adell R)General Insurance and Loans 26 S 8th, Tel 337, h1040 3d av N, Tel 338
McCarroll, J RUSN r1040 3d av N
McCarthy, PaullabMarshall Fixture Co 
McClain, Howard R (Freda J)USN h1514 N 6th
McCLUER MANSER MOTOR CO (Shirley H Manser)Ford, Mercury and Lincoln Sales and Service"We're First In Service"134 N 8th, Tel 49
McClure, Daisy A (wid A R)  h339 River
McClure, Jas AUSN r353 River
McClure, Mamiedep co recorder r339 River
McClure, Raymond AUSN r353 River
McClure, Wm R (Marie C)County atty and lawyer 3 Ritz Theatre bldg
h353 River
McClure, Wm R jrUSN r353 River
McCrea, C Hartsel (Cath J)teacher High School h335 4th av N
McCrea, Chas O (Marjorie M; McCrea Sheet Metal & Plmbg Co)  h333 N 11th
McCrea Sheet Metal & Plumbing Co (C Hartsel and Chas O McCrea)  117 N 8th
McCue, Nedacct 3 Ritz Theatre bldg
h420 N 9th
McCurdy, Fred (Maude E)farmer h1438 2d av S
McDaniel, Jos B (Venna; G & M Cafe)  h530 N 7th
McDonald, Frank E (Juanita M)driverOntario Cold Stge Co (Ontario, Ore)h229 S 12th
McGinnis, Effie M (wid Lester)  h518 N 9th
McKay, Franklin R (Lora J)slsmn h910 2d av S
McKay, Gertrude BoprMST & T Cor910 2d av S
McKenzie, Donald B (Irene C)mgrFarmers Co-Op Creamery Coh219 S 11th
McKenzie, Jacqueline R  r219 S 11th
McKinney, Cecil W (Ellen E)linemn h122 S 11th
McKinney, Ellen E MrsclkVenetian Clubh122 S 11th
McKinney, John (Dora)  h1024 1st av S
McKinnon, John H  h1228 1st av S
McMillan, John A (Emily A)mayor fruit dlr 309 N 8th
h934 1st av S
McMillan, M E (Ellen)  h116 S 9th
McMillin, Adam AhlprPayette Greenhouser534 N 2d
McMillin, Ralph W (Lula E)driver h907 N 7th
McMurchie, Boyd (Dorothy L)mgrPayette Alfalfa Millh801 N 6th
McMurrin, John C  r1508 7th av N
McMurrin, Jos H (Ethel L)  h1508 7th av N
McNaughton, Finley H (Jean C)USA r910 2d av S
McNutt, Jay C (Troba B; Jay's Texaco Station)  h369 4th av N
McPike, Harry C (Mary A)slsmn h1019 Center av
McRae, Frances M Mrs  r223 S 8th
McRae, Gladys MrssecBernard Eastmanh223 S 8th
McRae, Nelson J (Gladys)firemn h223 S 8th
McVicker, Benj H (Grace E)  h605 N 11th
Meechan, A P (Gertrude A; Meechan Distr Co)  h737 N 7th
Meechan Distributing Co (A P Meechan)whol beer 607 1st av S
Mejghre, Jjanitor r101 S 8th
Mellis, AllanUSN r538 N 5th
Mellis, Hazeltchr r538 N 5th
Mellis, Roy Vtrk driver h538 N 5th
Mende, Harvey A (Hildred J)meat ctrCity Meat Mkth419 N 11th
Menth, Henry A (Elvera M; Stockman's Club)  h25 N 8th
Mercer, Anna Z  h1418 1st av S
Mercer, Kenneth OUSMC r1418 1st av S
Mercer, Sadie Jmus tchr r1418 1st av S
MERCURY MOTOR CARSMcCluer Manser Motor Co Dealers 134 N 8th, Tel 49
Merrill, Fritz O (Anita M)lab h1625 N 6th
Meyer, Ernst F (Florence)electnGem Elec Coh839 N 6th
Meyers, Ira Elab r1525 3d av S
Meyers, Louis W (Elaine)milk weigherFarmers Co-Op Creameryh520 River
Meyers, Virgil W (Marion H)serv sta oprHanigan Chev Coh1238 1/2 1st av S
Meyers, Wm (Nora E)  h1525 3d av S
Michael, Paul J (Hazel; Venetian Club)  h1107 1st av S
Millbrook, Daisy E MrsstenJ H Norrisr327 3d av N
Millbrook, Marguerite F (Klassy Kurl Beauty Shop)  h102 N 8th
Millbrook, Sherman J (Daisy E)teacherHigh Schoolh327 3d av N
Millbrook, VernonUSAC r327 3d av N
Miller, Betty WstenVanPetten Lbr Co (Ontario, Ore)r Bancroft Hotel
Miller, Fred M (Ethel)driverFarmers Co-Op Creameryh538 N 6th
Miller, Furley F (wid Wm F)  h416 S 11th
Miller, Loral R (Margt F; Andy's Tourist Park)formnRoss Pkg Coh1015 7th av N apt 5
Milligan, Roy T (Lillian)labPayette Alfalfa Millr PO Box 505
Milligan, Thos O (Mettie)  h408 S 11th
Miltenberger, Blanche (wid Harold)nursePayette Genl Hosph820 1st av S apt 3
Molton, Earl R (Dorothy S)USA h128 N 10th
Moon, Chas F (Nettie)  h608 3d av S
Moore, A B (Edith)lab 118 Grand
Moore, Alf G (Dora E)farmer h1239 N 9th
Moore, Grace Mrs  h rear 1022 1/2 3d av N
Moore, Lester O (Lucky)USA r15 N 9th
Moore, Sam E (Millie E)lab r513 N 6th
Moore, Wm D (Rose E)farmer h15 N 9th
Moore, Wm P (Florence)asst chf oprU S Airway Communication Sta (Ontario, Ore)h1041 N 6th
Mordhorst, LeRoy (Marian)carp h500 N 10th
Morgan, Ralph  h 2 mi e of city
Morris, Geo (E Pearl; Bancroft Cigar Shop; Bancroft Club)  h17 S 8th apt 1
Morse, Donald E  r1010 1st av N
Morse, Harold A  r1010 1st av N
Morse, Ralph EUSAC r1010 1st av N
Morton, Elmore M (Marjorie)supvrState Dept of Pub Assisth1106 N 6th
Morton, Russell A (Verna)  h1015 7th av N
Morton, Verna Mrs  h1015 7th av N apt 4
Moseley, Homer NUSA r936 2d av S
Moseley, Jerome E (Minnie L)slsmn h936 2d av S
Moseley, Margt Eclk r936 2d av S
Moser, Edgar (Ida B)farmer h1103 N 9th
Moser, Roy E  r1103 N 9th
Moss, Albert B jr (Grace Z)  h214 N 9th
Moss, Fred M (Loretta)mgrIdaho Canning Coh1028 Center av
Moss, Heber R  r909 1st av N
Moss, Marvin R (Ella M)livestock 510 E Idaho av (Ontario, Ore)
h1338 1st av S
Moss, RobtUSAC r1028 Center av
Moss, Staten (Anna C)  h1536 2d av S
Moss, T West (Daisy)reprmnGem Elec Coh1500 3d av S
Moss, Thos SUSN r1536 2d av S
Moss, Thompson W (Daisy)reprmnGem Elec Cor1446 3d av S
Moss, Wentworth H  h909 1st av N
Moulton, AnnefnshrColpin Photo Finishingr128 N 10th
Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph CoH C Logan mgr 127 N 8th
Moura, Mary (wid J J)  h520 N 9th
Moura, Minnie  r520 N 9th
Mulanax, Walter (Bessie)  h RD 2 N 9th la
MURPHY, EDW H (Ruth E)Mgr First Security Bank of Idaho, N A h1040 1st av N, Tel 137
Murphy, FloydlabMarshall Fixture Co 
Murphy, Mable (wid Richd)  h320 N 11th
Musgrove, Byron F (Iris A; Byron's Variety)  h353 N 5th
Muzzy, Emory J  r357 River
Myers, IrajanitorRitz Theatre 
Myers, Pearl MrsclkRoyal Palm Cigar Storer101 S 8th
Myers, Philip (Pearl)bartndrRoyal Palm Cigar Storeh101 S 8th
Myers, Rebecca P (wid Jake)  h633 N 7th
National Farm Loan AssnH J Davis sec-treas 808 Center av
Nations, Earnest R (Thelma M)USA h431 3d av N
Nations, Thelma M MrsmgrGreat Western Portrait Coh431 d av N
Neilson, Virgil (Leona)trkmn h Payette Hotel
Nelson, Alvin F (Colpin Pharmacy)  h1039 N 6th
Nelson, Arth C (Margt L)USAC r426 N 11th
Nelson, Bert E (Mary J)  h426 N 11th
Nelson, Clayton E (Jessie)dist supt h114 S 10th
Nelson, IdacookPayette Genl Hospr1015 2d av S
Nelson, Jessie MrstchrHigh Schoolh114 S 10th
Nelson, Lester EUSA r426 N 11th
Nelson, LoiscookPayette Genl Hospr1015 2d av S
Nelson, Louise IwaiterHarry's Cafer426 N 11th
Nelson, Lowell E (Betty A)USAC r1040 2d av N
Nelson, Ruth N  r426 N 11th
Nider, Dorothy DoprWestern Union Teleg Cor231 S 12th
Nielsen, Virgil (Leona)driverStanton Trans & Stge Cor Payette Hts
Nieman, Dorothy E Mrsbartndr h15 N 8th apt 5
Norman, ChasdriermnFarmers Co-Op Creameryr 2d av N
Norris, Gilbert Cstudent r J G Norris
Norris, Jack K (Jean M)USA h935 3d av S
NORRIS, JOHN H (Louise K)Lawyer 3-4 First Security Bank Bldg, Tel 14, h Payette Heights, Tel 70
Norvell, Edith LoprWST & T Cor542 N 5th
Norvell, Robt H (Lorraine)USA r542 N 5th
Noyes, Maud Mrs  h827 N 8th
O K Rubber Welders (Loren M and Raymond L Weygandt)  109 N 8th
Oberg, Wm M (Margt M)blksmith 120 S 7th
h1026 1st av N
Oestreich, Donald E (Helen M)linemnIdaho Power Coh1022 3d av N
Ogden, Shermanlab Marshall Fixture Co
Oglesby, Barbara (wid Geo)  r500 S 11th
Oglesby, Forrestfarmer r101 S 8th
Ohl, Agnes (wid Thomson)  r613 N 10th
Oldham, Jos E (Elsie E)cashUPRRh645 N 6th
Oliver, Marion E (Phyllis B)mechGarber-Staples Mtr Co(O) h330 N 10th
Olk, Della (wid Theo)lab h614 N 8th
Olson, Barbara P  r350 3d av N
Olson, Ila MsecState Dept of Pub Assistanceh1038 N 6th
Olson, John C  h243 N 6th
Olson, Jos A (Ida E)farmer h1038 N 6th
Olson, Mauni (Blanche M)farmer h350 3d av N
Olson, MyrtleclkGamble Storesh102 N 8th
Ostermiller, Ruth Easst clkU S Selective Servr Fruitland
Overlander, L C & Son (Loren C and Loren C jr)used furn 330 S 8th
Overlander, John VstackerFarmers Co-Op Creamery 
Overlander, Loren C (Madge; L C Overlander & Son)  h322 S 8th
Overlander, Loren C jrUSNL C Overlander & Sonr322 S 8th
Overlander, Walter W  r322 S 8th
OVERLANDER, WALTER W JR (Gladys E)MgrVanPetten Lumber Coh122 N 10th, Tel 257-W
Owl Club (A R Brown)beer 26 N 8th
Pabst, L S  r834 N 6th
Pacha, Anne Mrs  h333 N 10th
Pacha, Edw D (Emma F)dep co auditor h331 N 10th
Packer, Lloyd W (Janice O)driverFarmers Co-Op Creameryh211 7th av N
Palm Leaf Club (A J Gillet)  11 S 8th
PALUMBO, J C FRUIT CO (James C Palumbo)Packers and DistributorsFruits and Vegetables, Fruit Packing Materials, Insecticides, Materials and Sprays633 2d av S, Tel 21
PALUMBO, JAMES C (Rose C; J C Palumbo Fruit Co)  h835 2d av N, Tel 308
Paradis, Emily A (wid Herbert)oprMST & T Coh706 1st av N apt 1
Parks, Clyde N (Elsie F)mechHollingsworth Hdw & Implt Co (Ontario, Ore)h916 1st av S
Parks, Elsie F MrslibrnPayette Public Libraryr916 1st av S
Parks, Loretta  r916 1st av S
Parsons, Ed MrstchrWest Side Schr RD 2
Patch, Georgeanna B MrsoprMST & T Cor1530 Cetner av
Patch, L AllertonasstCounty Extension Agentr108 N 8th
Patch, LeRoy V (Ernestine W)  h108 N 8th
Patch, Oliver (Georgiana)mechIdaho Canning Cor1530 Center av
Patch, Vernon (Virginia)USA r1108 2d av S
Patch, VirginiateacherHigh Schoolr Payette Hts
Patton, J D (Nancy; Patton's Grill)  h1122 1st av S
Patton's Grill (J D Patton)  27 N 8th
Patterson, Lulu M (wid Jesse L)  h508 N 7th
Pattison, Alf Wwaiter h S 16th
Pattison, Audrey Bbkpr h 16th av
Pattison, Harry V (Sylvia B)lab h S 16th
Payette Alfalfa MillBoyd McMurchie, mgr Washoe rd and S 6th
PAYETTE AUCTION EXCHANGE (A C Fenske)Livestock and Merchandise Auction Every SaturdayUsed Property Bought, Sold and Exchanged Week Days704 1st av S, Tel 469
Payette Auto Wrecking (H K Lattig)  15 S 7th
Payette Baptist ChurchRev P D Felthouse, pastor 123 S 8th
Payette Chamber of CommerceKeith K Anderson, sec 114 N 8th
 CITY HALL 240 N 8th
 MAYORJohn A McMillan 
 CouncilmenE D Pacha, Boyd Swanson, W S Scott, J E Oldham, Geo Wisner, Byron Musgrove 
 Chief of Fire DeptGlenn Levers 
 Chief of PoliceCecil C Rose 
 CLERKMrs Alice Bulmer240 N 8th, Tel 217-J
 EngineerDon E Haasch 
 Milk InspectorR A Tacke 
 Police JudgeMartin O Luther 
 Street CommissionerAllen Stegall 
 TreasurerEdna F Gauer 
 Water SuptHal C Lightfoot 
PAYETTE COUNTY ABSTRACT & TITLE CO (James E Gibbon)Abstracts of Title 730 Center av, First Security Bank Bldg, Tel 48
 COURT HOUSE 240 N 8th
 CommissionersJno R McKinney, chairmn
S L Pomeroy (New Plymouth)
Edw Ness (Fruitland)
 AssessorMrs Grace Abbott2d fl Court House
 AttorneyWm R McClure3 Ritz Theatre bldg
 Clerk, Auditor and RecorderMrs Lillian Wilson 
 Clerk of the District CourtMrs Lillian Wilson 
 CoronerMrs Edith Landon 
 District Court (7th Judicial)Arth O Sutton (Weiser) judge240 N 8th
 Extension AgentGilbert Matsenbsmt Federal bldg
 NurseMrs Eliz Maudlin 
 Probate CourtW S Stephenson judge 
 SHERIFFHarold H Gurnsey1st fl Court House, Tel 89
 Supt of SchoolsMrs Flora D Farra 
 SurveyorDon E Haasch2d fl Court House
 TreasurerChas Hartungbsmt Court House
Payette Furniture Co (Roy Aston)  23 S 8th
PAYETTE GENERAL HOSPITAL (Thos M Rader)  237 S 10th, Tel 385
PAYETTE GREENHOUSE (Saml Genoway)Cut Flowers, Funeral Designs 1225 6th av S, Tel 108
PAYETTE HARDWARE (D G Fredericksen)Dishes, Fishing Tackle, Cooking Utensils, Paints, Hardware, Electrical Supplies, Plumbing Supplies 39 S 8th, Tel 119
PAYETTE JEWELRY (Emil W Fruechtenicht)Gifts that LastWatches, Watch Repairing, Diamonds36 N 8th
Payette LaundryH D Edge mgr 104 N 8th
Payette Produce Co (L W Barber)  730 1st av S
Payette Public LibraryMrs Elsie F Parks librarian 12 S 10th
PAYETTE REALTY CO ("Ike" Whiteley)Real Estate, Farm and City Property 20 S 8th, Tel 244
PAYETTE STANDARD SERVICE (L W Daniels)Standard Products, Firestone Home and Auto Supplies 830 Center av, Tel 481
Payette Vinegar CoC F Powell mgr 205 S 6th
Paynter, Edw  h219 S 8th
Pearce, Chas W (Bernice I)labPOh305 S 11th
Pearce, John A (Hannah)  h1621 1st av S
Pearce, Sylvia MclkPayette County Abstract & Title Cor305 S 11th
Pearson, Ellna (wid Nels)  h331 River
Pearson, Harold L (Helen M)USN r1317 N 6th
Pearson, HelenteacherWest Side Schoolh331 River
Pearson, Jas R (Pearson Plmbg & Htg)  h128 S 8th
Pearson Plumbing & Heating (Joe R Pearson)  128 S 8th
Pearson, Trudy Mrs  h140 S 6th
Pearson, Walter J (Myrtle L)lab h420 S 12th
Pederson, Alice F (wid John)  h639 7th av N
Pederson, Jess Fdriver h725 N 7th
Pederson, Mary M MrsbkprF H Hogue Estater725 N 7th
Pence, Adda W (wid Walter G)  h1024 Center av
Pence, Albert L (Carrey E)  h1111 Center av
Pence, Albert L jrUSA r1111 Center av
Pence, Delia Mrs  h225 S 9th
Pence, Jack TUSA r1111 Center av
Pence, Peter MUSN r1111 Center av
Pence, ShirleyclkU S War Price & Rationing Bdr1122 1st av S
Pence, Walter E (Opal)mechMcCluer Manser Mtr Coh1122 1st av S
Penney, J C Co IncW D Fuge mgr 37 N 8th
Pennington, Betsina J (wid Wm J)  h705 7th av N
Percell, John B (Julia)livestk dlr h252 N 8th
Person, Hilbert B (Alice F)  h1535 6th av S
Person, Lawrance DUSN r1535 6th av S
Person, Marcella H  r1535 6th av S
Pertson, Raymond P (Marian I)  h1121 Center av
Peterman, Jas J (Hazel S)lab h834 N 6th
Petersen, Franklin J (Marjorie)metermnIdaho Power Coh1007 2d av S
PETERSON FURNITURE COWalter Steiniker MgrHousehold Furnishers, Linoleums, Floor Coverings, Lamps, Rugs, Etc.18 N 8th, Tel 92
Peterson, Gilbert Jproduce buyer r Bancroft Hotel
Peterson, Luther (Mary E)clkPOh539 N 5th
Peterson, Wm CUSMC r1121 Center av
Petrich, Geo Rpntr r915 N 7th
Petrich, Otto H  h915 N 7th
Phillips, Eug H (Jane M)linemnMST & T Coh204 N 9th
Phillips, Fred K (Eliz S)  h1106 N 7th
Plath, C V (Edith M)USN r1040 3d av N
Platt, Cora Jfire ins h330 N 4th
Plumber, Hiram (Ora)  h849 N 6th
PLYMOUTH MOTOR CARSChambers Motor Co Dealers 102 S 8th, Tel 470
Pogson, JacklabMarshall Fixture Co 
Poirier, Wm J (Pearl V)servicemnIdaho Power Coh649 N 8th
Poisal, John P (Margt M)labJ C Palumbo Fruit Coh1315 1st av S
Poland, Chas A (Mildred T)USAC r1548 N 6th
Poland, Dorothy MrswaiterRoyal Palm Cigar Store 
Poland, Geo E (Ellen B)  h804 N 7th
Poland, Harry E (Betty E)farmer h rear 741 7th av N
Poland, Mildred T MrsoprMST & T Cor1548 N 6th
POLICE DEPARTMENT (See Payette - City of)   
POLK, R L & COPublishers Payette, Ontario and Weiser City and County Directory 407 Dooly Bldg, Salt Lake City (1), Utah
POLK'S BANKERS ENCYCLOPEDIAR L Polk & Co Publishers 431 Howard, Detroit (31), Mich
Polley, Harland A (Mary L)farmer h750 River
Pope, Jos L (Rose Z)  h126 S 9th
Porter, Donald MhlprMcCrea Sheet Metal & Plmbg Cor 2d av S
POST OFFICELogan M Bowman Postmaster 915 Center, Tel 323
Potter, J Milton (Nettie M)with Stockman's Club h RD 2
Powell, Clarence E (Lillian R)lab h903 N 9th
Powell, Clarence F (Edna)mgrPayette Vinegar Cor206 S 7th
Powell, Edgar J (Adeline)  h234 S 7th
Powell, Harry S (Myra E)clkPOh1836 1st av S
Powell, Phyllis SoprSlone's Beauty Shopr Ontario Ore
Pownder, Viola C  h511 N 10th
Precht, DellUSA r935 2d av N
Precht, Herman H (Emma)  h133 N 9th
Precht, Herman L (Kathleen; Independent Meat Market)  h935 2d av N
Precht, Malinda W  r133 N 9th
Preist, Wanda Ebtry opr r1237 2d av S
Preston, Gracie (wid Don)  h102 7th av N
Preston, Herbert T (Eliz)ofc mgrFarmers Co-Op Creameryr RD 1
Price, Arth A (Goldie L)lab h824 N 6th
Price, Goldie L MrsnursePayette Genl Hosph824 N 6th
Prindle, Archie (June)cabtmkr 703 1st av S
h153 S 9th
Privert, Andrew J (Kath)  h 1 mi ne of city
PROFESSIONAL ADJUSTMENT CORPHarold E Clifford Mgr 303 Eastman Bldg, Tel 6250
Puchert, Henry J (Lulu)  h820 1st av S apt 1
Pup Shop (Roy Sweetwood)restr 17 S 8th
PURINA CHOWSDependable Mercantile Co Agents 217 N 8th, Tel 80
Pursell, Robt (Jessie A)barberSlone's Barber Shoph1405 2d av S
Quality Grocery (A F Lattig)  129 N 8th
RABENAU, FRED M (E Jane)MgrBoise Payette Lumber Coh314 N 9th, Tel 363-W
Raby, Gordon W (Ione M)farm lab h203 N 6th
Raby, Ione M MrsstenW R McClurer203 N 6th
Rader, Helen BtreasU S Agrl Conservation Assn 
Rader, Thos M (Clara B; Payette Genl Hosp)  r1318 1st av S
Ranch-Way StoreF M Artley mgrfeed617 Center av
Ranson, Elmer J (Bessie)carp h437 S 12th
Rater, Luther C (Inez B)clkBancroft Hotelh320 N 10th
Rauart, Ada (wid Wm)  h115 N 9th
Rayburn, Byrl M (Nellie M)carp h861 8th av N
Reavis, Joe H (Helen F)driermnFarmers Co-Op Creameryh115 N 10th
Reavis, Mary E Mrs  r1630 1st av S
Reed, Ray E (Eliz S)msngrPOh1023 1st av N
Reed, Richd R  r1122 2d av S
Reed, Thos A (Lucille H)USA r1023 1st av N
Reese, Cecil E (Mabel M)electnGem Elec Cor425 N 10th
Reiher, Chas (Tillie)lab h1221 1st av S
Reimers, Clausmach oprHwy Dist No 2r RD 2
Reimers, FriedaclkDependable Merc Cor end 7th av N
Reimers, Geo  r end 7th av N
Reimers, John D (Mary)  h end 7th av N
Reimers, Lester T (Nellie)farmer h end 7th av N
Reimers, Lynn L  h end 7th av N
Repp, Margt Mrs  h421 S 12th
Rhinehart, Wilmar M (Georgette)lab h1216 N 6th
Rhoads, Christina E (wid Geo T)  h1125 Center av
Rice, Wm T (Wynona)driermnFarmers Co-Op Creameryr Fruitland O
Rich, BessieclkBen Franklin Storer Star Route
Rich, Donald W (Naomi M)lab h417 S 9th
Rich, MelbastenIdaho Power Cor Star Rte
Rich, ThelmaclkSuperior Gro Cor Star Rte
Richards, Fred F (Dorothy L)  h305 N 11th
Ridneur, Ida Mrs  r1548 N 6th
Riggs, Kern B (Margt M)prinEast Side Schoolh231 S 12th
Riley, Lunzo (Cora F)lab h119 N 6th
Ringer, Ernest (Elsie)  h119 S 9th
Rio Theatre (W B Blackaby)  102 N 8th
Ritz Theatre (W B Blackaby)  2 N 8th
Ritz Theatre Building  2 N 8th
Roberry, Wm (Erma)  h516 N 6th
Roberts, Bob (April)clk h1324 Center av
Roberts, Elsie Mgenl clkIdaho Power Cor1203 N 9th
Roberts, Jonathan Efarmer h1203 N 9th
Roberts, Kelly (Fern L)electn h1125 2d av S
Robertson, Ervin D (Ella)oprRio Theatreh828 N 8th
Robinette, Ivan R (Ruth M)  h1003 2d av N
Robinson, Carl B (Myrtle N)uphol h1117 N 6th
Robinson, Earl G (Lillian R)livestk h1414 Center av
Robinson, John R (Margt E)sls mgrIdaho Power Coh1824 Center av
Robinson, Louise Fbkpr r1117 N 6th
Robinson, Virgil CUSAC r1117 N 6th
Robrecht, HazelwaiterPup Shopr Bancroft Hotel
Rock, Jared C (Ida)driermnFarmers Co-Op Creameryh1120 N 9th
Roe, Jas GUSA r823 N 8th
Roe, Jas G (Lena A)lab h823 N 8th
Roe, Jasper N (Dollie A)lab h n end N 4th
Roe, Orville G (Lucille L)formnIdaho Canning Coh821 N 8th
Roose, Cecil E (Mable)electn h425 N 9th
Rorabaugh, Dora MteacherWest Side Schoolr RD 1
Rorabaugh, Lemuel (Mae R)  h1237 2d av S
Rose, Cecil C (Mayme K)chf of policeCityh1017 2d av S
Rose, Chas A (Stella)farmer h1429 N 6th
Rose, Flody E (Etta P)  h1706 3d av S
Rose, Mayme K MrsclkFarber's Dept Storeh1017 2d av S
Rose, Robt I (Elaine)rancher h1010 Center av
ROSEDALE MEMORIAL PARKIrvin C Greef SecBeautiful, Distinctive, Economical2 miles n of Payette, Hwy 30, Tel 565-J, Office 123 N 8th, Tel 94
Ross Packing CoA P Herminghaus mgrdehydrator501 N 9th
Rotering, Elmo N (Jean A)suptIdaho Canning Coh1826 Center av
Rotert, Ruth H MrsstenU S Employment Servr102 N 8th apt 4
Roth, Harry L (Wanda L)farmer h311 N 11th
Roth, Wanda L MrsclkU S Agrl Conservation Assnr311 N 11th
Rowberry, Wilbur N (Erma)chf clkIdaho Power Cor516 N 6th
Roy, Guy A (Lois G)firemnUPRRh926 1st av S
Roy's Recreation Shop (Roy Sweetwood)billiards 17 S 8th
Royal Palm Cigar Store (A J Gillet)  11 S 8th
Rumley, Bert (Millie B)steam shovel opr h364 3d av N
Rupp, Alouise F (Mary A)farmer h n end N 4th
Russell, WmteacherHigh School 
Ruvolis, Leo (Margt M)USAC r1103 2d av S
Ruvolis, Margt M Mrsofc asstV V Belknapr1103 2d av S
Ryles, Junetel opr r706 1st av N apt 1
Safeway Stores IncNorbert J Heying mgr 32 N 8th
St John's Evangelical ChurchRev A F Linkaemper pastor 350 N 4th
Sallee, Lowell Clab r325 N 6th
Sallee, Sanford D (Elmira)  h325 N 6th
Salter, Jas N (Stella M)hlprPearson Plmbg & Htgh1500 N 9th
Sam, Lloyd (Hattie)  h 3d av S
Sample, Earle (Marie)asst editorIndependent-Enterpriser Weiser
Sanders, Arnold (Ellen)mechJ C Palumbo Fruit Cor 7th av N
Sanger, Theo H (Capitola A)  h1204 Center
Schaeffer, Vera Mrs  h1015 7th av N
Schlotman, Laura  r515 N 7th
Schlotman, Sophie (wid Henry)  h515 N 7th
Schmelzer, Dorothy A MrsclkFarmers Co-Op Creameryr104 N 8th apt 11
Schmidt, Velma MrsclkJ C Penney Coh709 Center av
Schmidt, Walter R (Velma)USA h709 Center av
Scholes, Clyde J (Idona D)formnIdaho Power Coh300 N 10th
Schooley, John W (Cora)plmbr h741 7th av N
Schreiber, Frank IslsmnFarmers Co-Op Creameryh102 N 8th
Schutt, Ida J (wid C D)  h1138 N 9th
Schwartz, Thos W (Isabel M)electn h1137 Center av
Schwass, EileenbkprJ C Penney Cor N 10th
Schwass, Harold (Eileen)millmnE W Christianr N 10th
Scott, Curtis K (Ethel)eng wtchmnUPRRh19 1/2 N 8th apt 4
Scott, Douglas  r630 N 8th
Scott, Fred F (Ackie L)farmer h411 S 12th
Scott, Oscar N (Blanche)driverFarmers Co-Op Creameryh536 N 11th
Scott, Rua R Mrsbeauty shop 113 N 8th
r1002 1st av N
Scott, Wm E (Bessie K)mech h524 N 4th
Scott, Wm S (Rua A)barber 113 N 8th
h1002 1st av N
Scrivens, Cora MrsflrwmRoss Pkg Coh1015 7th av N
Sears, Elmer (Vivian)labJ C Palumbo Fruit Coh539 N 11th
Sears, Wm R (Gladys O)stone mason h1502 2d av S
Secrest, Abner JhlprWeidner Apiariesh249 7th av N
SEDLMAYER DRUG STORE (Geo J Sedlmayer)Drugs, Prescriptions and Sundries 11 N 8th, Tel 59
Sedlmayer, Geo J (Mary E; Sedlmayer Drug Store)  h Payette Heights
Sellars, Frank W (Belle)  h715 N 5th
Sellers, John A (Beatrice T)meter rdrIdaho Power Coh245 N 7th
Selover, Marion V (Neva P)body and fendermnMcCluer Manser Mtr Coh1827 1st av S
Settle, Homer L (Celia G)  h5 N 10th
Seventh Day Adventist ChurchRev Jos Apigian pastor 520 3d av N
Seward, Douglas S  r606 N 8th
Seward, Mary I (wid Lewis L)  h630 N 8th
Shamberger, JaneteacherWest Side Schoolr RD 1
Sharp, Arlene R MrsmgrCarter Homer126 N 7th
Sharp, Mary EllenbkprFirst Security Bankr1335 N 6th
Sharp, Ruth (wid Lou)nursePayette Genl Hosph1335 N 6th
Sharrai, ElmermechIdaho Canning Co 
Sharrai, JaslebMarshall Fizture Co 
Sheerer, Cecilcarp h1520 N 6th
Shegeti, Asamato (Otoe)farmer h1200 N 9th
Shelton, Florence (wid Robt J)  r608 3d av S
Shepard, Fred D (Kath)USA h1010 1st av N
Shepard, Harry JUSN r1908 1st av S
Shepard, Harry N (Ella N)orchard h1908 1st av S
Shepard, Henry B (Lucille)wtchmn h502 S 11th
Shepard, Kath MrsclkSafeway Storesh1010 1st av N
Shepard, Martha E (wid J D)  h409 S 11th
Shepard, Ruth  r502 S 11th
Sherer, Leocement contr h1513 N 6th
Sherer, Nellie J MrsclkColpin Pharmr1513 N 6th
Sherrer, Lewis A (Thelma G)USA h n end N 4th
Sherwood, Clara (wid Wm F)  h1106 2d av S
Shigeta, Afarmer h1200 N 9th
Shigeta, GeoUSA r1200 N 9th
Shigeta, Kyiokostudent r1200 N 9th
Shirts, FrankpoultrymnPayette Produce Cor RD 2
Shock, Harold HUSA r1703 N 6th
Shock, Henry R (Lucille)farmer h1703 N 6th
Shoemaker, C E  r1035 1st av S
Short, Fred (Mamie)farmer h n end N 6th
Shumaker, Geo (Nora)  h706 1st av N apt 6
Shuman, Aldus H (Edna)pasteurizerFarmers Co-Op Creameryh700 1st av S apt 3
Shurtleff Standard Service (Vincent G Shurtleff)  325 S 8th
Shurtleff Super Service (Vincent G Shurtleff)  205 S 8th
Shurtleff, Vincent G (Sadie; Shurtleff Super Service)  h205 S 8th
Sick, Henry (Anna)farmer h998 N 9th
Sickels, Virgil G (Eliz)lab h650 N 6th
Siegel, John T (Hattie A)  h Payette Heights
Sinclair, Chas R (Minnie)mgrWashoe Dehydratorh end River
Sinclair, GeraldgraderFarmers Co-Op Creamery 
Singley, John A (Charlotte M)carp h423 S 11th
Siple, Virgil A (Fern O)sec h24 N 20th
Skeen, Oliver Klab h1403 N 6th
Slinker, J C  r101 S 8th
Slone, Harry (Slone's Barber & Beauty Shop)  r4 1/2 mi ne of City
Slone's Barber & Beauty Shop (Harry Slone)  5 S 8th
Small, Alice F  r1403 N 6th
Small, Julian I (Sophia N)carp h1403 N 6th
Small, Robt NUSN r1403 N 6th
Smith, Aubryn F (Elda B)pipe ftr h220 S 16th
Smith, Casper D (Laura A)carp h1425 2d av S
Smith, Chas  r126 N 7th
Smith, Darrell P (Ada D)formnHaniganChev Cor305 S 8th
Smith, Ed  r101 S 8th
Smith, Ely Wlab r314 4th av N
Smith, Jess Flab r314 4th av N
Smith, Jo Evelyn Mrs  r17 S 8th apt 1
Smith, John A (Nellie H)lab h345 3d av N
Smith, Milton F (Lillian)USN h1216 Center
Smith, Norman WUSN r1425 2d av S
Smith, Otto AdriermnFarmers Co-Op Creameryr1025 2d av N
Smith, R Estel (Mamie)sht mtl wkrMcCrea Sheet Metal & Plmbg Coh551 S 11th
Smith, Walter Rlab h314 4th av N
Snowberger, David H  h503 N 8th
Snyder, Horace H Rev (Emma)pastorAssembly of Godh728 N 5th
Solmon, Jas V (Amandia L)  h1108 N 7th
Solmon, Luther (Alta)lab h336 River
Solmon, Martha  r126 N 7th
Sonner, Amous H (Zola J)farmer h1309 7th av N
Sonner, I Leefarmer r1309 7th av N
Sonner, Leonard Efarmer r1309 7th av N
Sooter, Jack E (Alice I)farmer h1337 N 9th
Sorenson, Wm C (Ardella P)supt of schIndependent SchoolDist No 32h5 S 13th
Spaulding, D Verne (Marion J; Spaulding Hardware)  h734 N 6th
SPAULDING HARWARE (D Verne Spaulding)"A Good Store In A Good Town"Hardware, Plumbing, Paints, Oils, Sporting Goods, Electric Merchandise, Appliances10 S 8th, Tel 71
Spencer, E Mrs  h604 3d ac S
Spencer, Walter SmechIdaho Canning Coh N 9th la RD 2
Spottswood, Lillian MbkprFarber's Dept Storeh1231 1st av S
Sprakies, Eliz (wid Gustaf)  r623 N 10th
Springtun, Chas C (Pauline M)whsemnF H Hogue Estateh440 S 12th
Standish, Dewey D (Edna L)mgrU S Employment Servh1205 1st av S
STANTON, FRED J (L Pearl; Stanton Transfer & Storage Co)  h357 River, Tel 68-W
STANTON TRANSFER & STORAGE CO (Fred J Stanton)Coal, Storage and Transfer, Long Distance Hauling 14 S 7th, Tel 126
Starcher, Jack W (Florine)groundmnIdaho Power Coh419 N 11th
Stark, Anna M( wid Wm)  h1016 3d av N
Stark, Harry W (Rachel F; Harry's Cafe)  h109 N 9th
Stark, Robt D (Frances M)USA r109 N 9th
Statesman NewspapersMax Beigh circulation mgr
Bernice P Lakey correspondent
 7 S 8th
Stauff, Oscar B (Rhoda)production mgrFarmers Co-Op Creameryr RD 2
Stauffer, Lawrence B (Bertha)firemnFarmers Co-Op Creamery 
Stebbins, Mary E (wid Warren W)  r1012 2d av N
Steele, Arma J Mrs  h1115 1st av N
Steffen, Minnie (wid Thos)  h653 N 7th
Steffner, Walter (Asia; Gem State Bakery)  h19 N 8th
Stegall, Allen (Martha E)city street comnr h355 3d av N
Stegner, LeRoy (Celia)  h224 N 8th
Steiner, Alma M (M Blanche)whsemnIdaho Power Coh318 N 10th
Steiner, Lewis (Ester)USN r318 N 10th
Steiner, RaymondUSN r318 N 10th
Steiniker, Walter L (Wilma E)mgrPeterson Furn Coh2055 Center av
Stemey, Bessie L Mrsofc secJ C Palumbo Fruit Cor1816 1st av S
Stemey, Forney (Bessie L)  h1816 1st av S
Stephenson, Wm S (Elsie)county probate judge h919 2d av S
Stevens, Clara Mrs  h249 7th av N
Stevens, Warren C (Wilma F)USN h1133 1st av S
Stevens, Wilma F MrsasstGreat Western Portrait Coh1133 1st av S
Stevenson, Stevelab h822 1st av N
Stewart, AlexlabMarshall Fixture Co 
Stewart, John Cbrk mason r33 1/2 S 8th
Stewart, Milo Wparts clkHanigan Chev Coh33 1/2 S 8th
Stewart, Nell WteacherEast Side Schoolr726 8th av N
Stilwell, Vern H (Emma)groundmnIdaho Power Coh2000 1/2 S 20th
Stingley, Joe H (Hazel)servicemnIdaho Power Cor Iowa av
Stitzel, Fremont C (Lucille)linemnIdaho Power Coh1039 1st av N
STOCKMAN'S CLUB (Henry A Menth)Beer, Cigars and Tobacco25 N 8th 
Stone, Jas B (Katie E)slsmn h705 3d av S
Stone, W Rreprmn r Bancroft Hotel
Stoner, Jay H (Minnie E)teacherHigh Schoolh410 N 9th
Stoner, Minnie E Mrschiro 410 N 9th
h do
Stottler, Harry (Osee)barber 717 Center av
r RD 1
Stout, Harry L (Viola M)  h822 N 7th
Strey, Fred A (Ernestine)hlprFarmers Co-Op Creameryr RD 2
Strong, Beverly E Mrs  h1133 N 9th
Stroup, Alonzo D (Vella P)buttermkrFarmers Co-Op Creameryh1639 3d av S
Stumlaugh, Sherman (Edith)carp h19 N 9th
Sugai, Geo (Central Produce Distributors)  r Fruitland
Sugar Bowl (A W Hodges)restr 20 S 8th
Sullivan, Amanda B (wid Jos D)  h408 N 11th
Sullivan, Esther MWAVE r408 N 11th
Sullivan, Lawrence JUSN r408 N 11th
Summers, Wm H  h1210 7th av N
Summerville, Bertha Llab r303 3d av N
Summerville, Orville J (Katy R)lab h303 3d av N
Sumner, WmlabMarshall Fixture Co 
Sumpter, Ellis L (Dorothy L)machDavis Machine Shoph1429 1st av S
Superior Grocery CoN D Maule mgr 107 N 8th
Suplee, Maude (wid Frank)  h613 N 9th
Surber, Edna G (wid L E)clkPayette Lndryh414 3d av N
Sutfin, Effie Mrs  r126 N 7th
Swafts, Harold (Ilene)grain millChristiansonh626 N 10th
SWANK, FRED W (Lois M; Swank Motor Service)  h604 N 9th, Tel 351-W
Swank, Jas W (Nora H)blksmith 716 Central av
h1011 1st av S
SWANK MOTOR SERVICE (Fred W Swank)Automobile Repairing, Gasoline and Oil Service Station 625 3d av N, Tel 350
Swank, Violette UtellerFirst Security Bankr1011 1st av S
Swanson, Boyd (Cecile M)furn dlr 630 Center av
h590 S 12th
Swanson, Carl G (Charlotte)engIdah Power Coh715 N 6th
Swartz, Wm F (Etta M)  h909 N 6th
Sweetwood, Roy (Esther; Roy's Recreation Shop; Pup Shop)  h17 S 8th
Swegart, Carl R (Elsie F)ag5t h734 N 7th
Swenson, DonaldUSN r1307 1st av S
Swenson, LillianteacherWest Side Schoolr Coughanour Apts apt 5
Swenson, RobtUSAC r1307 1st av N
Swenson, Stanley P (Lillian)supvrU S Farm Security Adminh1307 1st av S
Swigart, Carl (Elsie)labJ C Palumbo Fruit Co 
Talbot, Joe (Helen)fieldmnIdaho Canning Coh201 N 6th
Taylor, Ashleyfarmer h rear 1016 3d av N
Taylor, Edia (wid Jacob)  r1018 N 6th
Taylor, Hazel A MrsoprMST & T Coh721 8th av N
Taylor, Herbert P (Therea)farmer h245 7th av N
Taylor, Jack W (Viola L)trapper r6043 3d av S
Taylor, John (Clemmie)  r126 N 7th
Taylor, Richd (Hazel)USN h721 8th av N
Teel, Norman G (Mabel A)bar tndrOwl Clubh333 N 15th
Terrell, Dan jrformnIdaho Canning Co 
Tevebaugh, Allen T (Bertha A)  h628 N 8th
Thacker, Frankie (wid Douglas)  h207 N 6th
Tharp, Jas W  r445 N 7th
Tharp, Mary F (wid J S)  h445 N 7th
Thebo, Geo T (Gussie)  h n end N 6th
Thistle, Russell H (Iva M)formnRoss Pkg Coh526 N 2d
Thompson, Wm A (Florence A)USN h513 N 6th
Thornton, Gilbert (Minnie)janitorFarmers C-Op Creameryh629 River
Thornton, Josephine WclkPayette Greenhouser629 River
Thornton, Robt GclkBill's News Standh 19 1/2 N 8th apt 3
Thurston, Clyde WpharmSedlmayer Drug Storeh1134 1st av S
Thurston, Fannie E (wid Thos)  h536 N 5th
Thurston, Robt V (Jean)USN r1024 Center av
Tibbetts, Ralph A (Dotty)carp h413 N 9th
Tipton, T Robt (Eva G)janitorMcCluer Manser Mtr Coh316 N 11th
Tomlin, Benj (Eva M)  h625 N 7th
Toothman, Henryasst suptIdaho Canning Co 
Towell, Geo W (Muta)driermnFarmers Co-Op Creameryh506 N 9th
Townsend Clubmeets 35 S 8th
Townsend, Eliz A (wid Earl D)  h1025 5th av N
Townsend, MelvinwelderDavis Mach Shopr Payette Star rte
Turner, Ruby P MrsclkBancroft Clubh1625 2d av S
Tuttle, Arlene  h bsmt 632 N 7th
Tyler, Frank H (Betty I)USN r241 s 9th
Ulmer, Virgil  r604 3d av S
Union Pacific Railroad CoH L Borgholthaus agt end 1st av N
 Agricultural Conservation Assn (Payette County)D E Jones sec15 N 8th
 Dept of Agriculture (Farm Security Admn)S P Swenson supvrbsmt Federal bldg
 Employment ServiceD D Standish mgr210 N 8th
 POST OFFICELogan M Bowman Postmaster915 Center av, Tel 323
 Selective ServiceGeo C Hawkina chf clk208 N 8th
 War Price and Rationing BoardMrs Mary L Fetter chf clk715 Center av
VanAuken, Alf (Edna)  h1149 N 6th
VanAuken, Eug (Fern)USA r1020 6th av S
Vanderford, Asa W (Abbie; Vanderford Oil Co)  h300 S 12th
Vanderford, John W  h1604 Center av
Vanderford Oil Co (Asa W Vanderford)  300 S 12th
Vanderford, Yates (Myrle E; West Side Service)  h304 N 6th
VanNatta, C A (Minnie)lab h1037 N 9th
VanNatta, Merle W (Nellie N)driverFarmers Co-Op Creameryh1928 Center av
VanNatta, VirgilUSA r1137 N 9th
VanOrder, Della Mrs  h235 N 11th
VAN PETTEN LUMBER COWalter W Overlander Jr MgrLumber, Coal, Building Materials620 Center av, Tel 60
VanVerth, Ralph D (Ida)formnMarshall Fixture Coh1025 3d av N
Vaughn, Marie S MrsclkCity Water Deptr1603 2d av S
Venetian Club (Paul J Michael)  28 N 8th
Vian, Glenn I (Dorothy H)labJ C Palumbo Fruit Coh1309 1st av N
Vondy, A Ray (Lora)formnRoss Pkg Coh1206 7th av N
Vondy, Wm H (Annie M)  h535 N 10th
Wade, Caressa Mrs  h432 S 12th
Wade, J AldalabJ C Palumbo Fruit Coh432 S 12th
Wagner, Geo J  h15 N 7th
Wagner, Wesley H (Beatrice B)apiarist h420 3d av N
Wainwright, Ormond  h619 7th av N
Walker, Aaron M (Evelyn)formnIdaho Power Coh213 N 10th
Walker, Ira HCoca Cola Btlg Co  
Walker, Sam S (Florence M)  h200 S 13th
Wall, Betty B MrswaiterHarry's Cafeh863 8th av N
Walters, Curtis W (Lyda M)driverStanton Trans & Stge Coh334 3d av N
Walters, Garland C (Mary E)driverStanton Trans & Stge Coh434 N 9th
Walton, Cecelia  h1408 2d av S
Warden, Edw  r608 3d av S
Warden, John (Myra L)  r200 S 6th
Warden, Myra L MrsoprMST & T Cor200 S 6th
Warren, H F (Esther K)  h1205 7th av N
Washoe DehydratorChas Sinclair mgr Washoe rd
Watkins, DorothybkprIdaho Canning Coh420 N 9th
Watson, Delsolab h1015 N 6th
Watson, Jack  r101 S 8th
Watts, Dale E (Juanita)mechMcCluer Manser Mtr Coh331 N 5th
Watts, Walter (Frankie)  h726 8th av N
Wayne, Clarence  h861 8th av N
Wayne, Frances (wid T A)  h605 N 2d
Wayne, Henry S  h1134 7th av N
Wayne, Rena R Mrs  h200 S 6th
Wayne, W Frank (Elsie)separator mnFarmer Co-Op Creameryr RD 1
Weber, Walter F (Ruth G)genl contr h512 N 10th
WEBER, WM J (Alta J)MgrC C Anderson Coh536 N 7th
WEIDNER APIARIES (Henry W Jr and Henry W Weidner)  406 3d av N, Tel 177-W
Weidner, Henry W (Hallie H; Weidner Apiaries)  h406 3d av N
Weidner, Henry W jr (Beatrice B; Weidner Apiaries)  h420 3d av N
Weidner, Vera Bstudent r406 3d av N
Weir, Nellie B  r536 N 5th
Weise, K Fred (Ethel L)  h33 N 7th
Welker, Herman (Gladys)lawyer1 First Security Bank bldgh600 N 5th
Wells, Chas (Florence)carmn h501 S 11th
Wells, Ella M (wid Wm)  r1139 2d av S
Wells, Fay C (Esther)lab h1020 6th av S
Wells, Floyd E (Iris M)carp h106 7th av N
Wells, Ida M (wid Wm)  r1231 1st av N
Wells, Jess L (Alma B)livestock h1404 Center av
Wells, Lyle J (Helen; Wells & Davies Packing Plant)  h1324 7th av N
Wells & Davies Packing Plant (Lyle J Wells, David J Davies)  end S 6th
West, Bryan (Rhena K)whsemn h1116 2d av S
West, Rhena KteacherHigh Schoolr1116 2d av S
West Side SchoolOlga Johnsonprin629 N 5th
West Side Service (Yates Vanderford)gro 304 N 6th
Weygandt, Clarence S (Icel L)pntrHanigan Chevrolet Coh825 N 9th
Weygandt, F DaehlprWeidner Apiariesr331 7th av N
Weygandt, Frederic DlabMarshall Fixture Co 
Weygandt, Harold E (Lena)sheep shearer h521 N 10th
Weygandt, Herman F (Eliz F)  h1540 7th av N
Weygandt, Loren M (Marjorie F; O K Rubber Welders)  h729 5th av N
Weygandt, Raymond L (Irene L; O K Rubber Welders)  h213 S 7th
Weygandt, Wm H (Anna L)lab h RD 2 N 9th la
Whalen, John D (Evelyn F)USA r921 2d av S
Whalen, John F (Ione C)condUPRRh921 2d av S
Wheat, Arth IUSAC r1619 2d av S
Wheat, Jas IUSA r1619 2d av S
Wheat, Patk I (Della L)city policemn h1619 2d av S
Wheeler, Della I  h1634 1st av S
White, Albert EclkPOh1328 Center av
White, Lida Mrs  h121 S 9th
White, Phoebe C (wid Ira)  h905 N 7th
White, Roy  r121 S 9th
White, Spot (I Eldon Wilson)beer 17 N 8th
WHITELEY "IKE" C (Marjorie E; Payette Realty Co)  h1216 Center av, Tel 341-J
Whiteley, M Marilynstudent r1216 Center av
Whiteley, Rolland EUSN r1216 Center av
Whorton, Geo L (Rita K)editor-publrIndependent-Enterpriseh337 S 12th
Wiens, Robt (Central Produce Distributors)   
Wilkins, Gerald RUSN r1406 1st av S
Wilkins, Noreen Fstudent r1406 1st av S
WILKINS, ORA F (Lenore; Dependalbe Mercantile Co)  h1406 1st av S
Williams, Beulah E MrsbkprStanton Trans & Stge Coh1100 N 11th
Williams, Earl Rev (Corene)pastorChurch of the Nazareneh930 3d av N
Williams, Ira M (Ethel B)slsmnOntario Auto Parts (Ontario, Ore)h1630 2d av S
Williams, Ivor (Donna G)driverFarmers Co-Op Creameryh118 S 14th
Williams, Orwincarp r1023 1st av N
Williams, Wm J F (Bessie B)  h1648 71st av S
Williamson, IssacdriverVanPetten Lbr Cor RD 2
Williamson, John (Lena M)lab h315 N 5th
Willington, Chas R (Lula N)carp h n end N 6th
Willis, Calvin A (Julia M)carp h1403 N 6th
Wilson, C EplmbrMcCrea Sheet Metal & Plmbg Cor Fruitland
Wilson, Clarence C (Ellora M; Fischer & Wilson Garage; Ontario Ore)  h217 S 13th
Wilson, I Eldon (Juanita; White Spot)  h603 N 10th
Wilson, Jack (Thelma)formnCoca-Cola Btlg Cor RD 1
Wilson, Lillian F (wid R G)county clk aud and recorder h1012 2d av N
Wilson, Mary Mrs  r1035 1st av S
Wilson, Nelon L (Marcella B)bitcherWells & Davies Pkg Planth925 N 9th
Winkler, Jas A (Mary E)  h15 N 10th
Wisner, Geo H (Stella M)bldg contr 1035 1st av S
h do
Wolf, Leslie (Mary)lab h500 River
Wolfe, Delmer E (Dorotha)testerFarmers Co-Op Creameryr RD 1
Wood, Edna M  r234 S 9th
Wood, Emma (wid John J)  h234 S 9th
Wood, Martha L (wid M E)  h219 S 8th
Wood, WalterdriverStanton Trans & Stge Cor Washoe rd RD 1
Woods, Calvin E (Bessie M)  h1623 6rh av S
Woodward, Gladys F (wid Burton)oprMST & T Cor639 7th av N
Woodward, I Richd (Kathryn M)USN phys 1 Ritz Theatre bldg
h1805 Center av
Woodward, Ira R (Anna H)phys 1 Ritz Theatre bldg
h1238 Center av
Woodward, Jesse C (Bessie M)phys 23 S 8th
h do
Worley, Letha L MrsclkBen Franklin Storeh711 Center av
Worley, Orville L (Letha L)USA h711 Center av
Wren, Dorothy Estudent r718 Central av
Wren, Ira N (Mary B)ditch rider h718 Central av
Wren, Oren J (Mary)driverFarmers Co-Op Creameryh251 7th av N
Yoachum, Jacob H (Jane)  h237 S 7th
Yoeman, Arth  h613 N 11th

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