Polk's City Directory 1945
Payette, Idaho Rural Routes

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"The Friendly City"
(Courtesy Payette Chamber of Commerce)

Statistical Review
General Review

County seat of Payette County. Population, 3,750 (local estimate). Altitude, 2,340 feet. An incorporated city on the Union Pacific, first settled in 1874, and incorporated in 1890, 37 miles northwest of Caldwell and 63 miles northwest of Boise. Payette has a splendid public school system and high school; Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Episcopal, Christian, Adventist, Lutheran, Catholic and Christian Science churches, and an energetic Chamber of Commerce. The city has a complete sewer system and water works, creamery, canning factory, brickyard, two box factories, four fruit dehydrators, and many substantial general merchandise stores and other business houses. The streets are well paved and there are many miles of cement sidewalks. Most of the residence streets are lined with shade trees. Payette is teh center of a rich fruit-producing country, well irrigated by teh Payette River, and pruduces abundant crops.

The territory lying tributary to the city consists of the lower part of the Payette Valley, on each side of the Payette River; the Snake River Valley, lying north of the city; Payette Heights, a splendid new fruit section to the east; and the Payette-Oregon slope, located just across the Snake River in Oregon, west of the city, and more commonly known as Dead Ox Flat, a very fine body of land of about 30,000 acres, under irrigation and connected with Payette by the interstate bridge across Snake River. This territory in southern Idaho and eastern Oregon is known as the Payette District and is the best watered and one of the most famous horticultural and agricultural sections of the great Northwest. Express, Railway Express Agency. Telegraph, Western Union.


Route No 1
Ablin, E H
Allen, Floyd
Alstrand, Elmer
Amick, E B
Amick, E J
Amick, Ezra
Amick, H P
Anderson, Julia
Anthony, A J
Arment, J L
Ashinhurst, W T
Baggarley, Murl
Baines, John
Baker, A K
Baker, Dwight
Baker, Ed A
Baker, J D
Baker, John
Balfe, R C
Barker, Arth S
Barker, C A
Barker, Henry
Becker, Henry J
Beckwith, Frank
Bentz, Carl P
Berg, Fred L
Berlteson, B C
Betts, Omor L
Bickness, Emil
Bigelow, Arch C
Bingamon, E L
Bishop, Arth T
Blackburn, John K
Blurton, W E
Boatright, Otis
Bolz, Geo
Boor, Chas E
Bossen, Perry D
Bosworth, Ray
Bradley, R L
Brady, C E
Bray, Walter L
Breon, Harry
Bright, John
Bright, Paul
Brown, Lee
Brown, Roy D
Brundage, L J
Brundage, W S
Burk, I L
Buzzard, Annie
Cacan, Mrs Jean
Capps, Y L
Carlin, Mildred
Carpenter, Geo
Carpenter, John
Carrico, J S
Carrico, Jim H
Carter, Ben
Champion, Geo
Chapman, Arlo
Chase, Summer
Childs, Geo S
Clark, Elmer
Clark, W H
Clayton, Adelbert
Clelland, Virgil
Cobb, A H
Cocan, Geone
Collingsworth, Glenn
Collister, Alva P
Conkel, S D
Copeland, Dorothy
Corbit, G A
Cornell, A G
Covington, Chas
Cox, Lawrence D
Curtis, Clarence L
Davenport, Lee W
Davis, Anson
Davis, Conley
Davis, Frank
Davis, Joe
Davis, Laura
Deal, Dorothy
Deal, Jas D
Dean, Stanley C
DeBord, Gerold E
Derie, Mike J
Deshazer, Lester
Deshazer, Roy
Devin, Mrs Ida
Dodds, Earl L
Doner, Harold
Donovan, Timothy J
Dorothy, Lawrence P
Dorothy, Paul
Dorothy, Warren E
Downing, Virgil
Drinkwine, M R
Driscoll, John J
Dunbrasky, Phil
Dyncoke, W P
Dymoke, Walter
Edgmont, Dorothy
Edmoson, P M
Eldridge, Frank
Elmore, Geo
Elmore, Myron W
Emery, Ella
Engle, Ralph
Evans, Henry L
Evans, Major B
Farmway, Fred
Felix, John
Ficken, Clarence G
Fields, Julius
Fincher, Ed E
Fisher, C B
Fisher, C Earl
Fisher, Grant
Fitzsimmons, Bird
Frazier, Jas E
Freeman, Faye
Fuller, Barbara
Fuller, H B
Fuller, John J
Gala, Gardens
Gamble, Al
Gardener, Jas S
Garman, Newton J
Gaston, John
Gay Way Club
Gilliam, H W
Goerndt, G D
Goff, J W
Goodwin, Jasper O
Goodwin, Lester
Grabner, L A
Grabner, Wayne
Graham, Guy
Grant, Chas H
Green, A O
Griffin, W Z
Griffiths, F W
Grimes, Albert
Grimes, Chet
Grischkowskey, Pete
Gross, Wm
Groves, Robt
Hager, Wm
Haggerty, Mrs Russel
Hall, Arth E
Hall, N C
Hall, R E
Hall, W E
Hallman, A A
Harmon, Johm
Harp, A C
Hart, Mrs Marjorie
Hartle, Dan
Hashimoto, F
Hatch, John
Hazlett, J G
Henggler, Chas B
Herndon, J H
Higbee, DeWayne
Hill, C E
Hill, Jim M
Hirata, Geo
Hjorth, Pete
Holt, E B
Holton, Floyd J
Homan, F H
Homan, Herb
Hooker, Mrs Geo
Hoppell, Claud
Hori, Shreeichi
Horn, Earl
Horn, Fred
Hotz, W F
House, Elmer
Howe, Leo
Huber, Mrs H C
Huenneken, C J
Hurd, Clyde
Hurd, Grant
Hutchinson, Harvey
Hyatt, L B
Inohara, T
Ireland, D H
Ivie, Bert
Jacks, Walter G
Jackson, Emmett R
Jameson, S E
Jasmer, Earl W
Jenson, Lance C
Johanek, Paul
Johnson, A O
Johnson, Chas I
Johnson, Mrs Wm H
Jones, Chas
Jones, Dan E
Jones, Ernest
Jones, Eldridge
Jones, Harold
Jones, Willard
Judy, Chas
Kawamoto, Hiroshi
Keller, W E
Kersey, Archie E
King, H E
King, Henry C
Kinnaman, E E
Kishada, Hiroshi
Kissell, Louis
Knowles, H L
Kuhlman, Otto
Lackey, C M
Lalk, John
Lancaster, Murl
Lane, Fred
Lawrence, Gus
Lemmons, A L
Lemons, J A
Lewis, Harry T
Limbaugh, I V
Limbaugh, Lawrence W
Lingle, Joe
Lockner, Art
Lockner, Chas O Jr
Lockner, Chas R
Lockner, E L
Lofquist, Ruebon
Long, J Max
Madson, Ed
Main, Alf
Manis, Oliver
Mann, Henry
Manser, Harry C
Manser, Howard
Manser, L R
Maust, E J
May, J M
McBride, C A
McCabe, Peter
McClure, Earl
McEwen, E L
McGee, Grover C
McGee, Jess W
McGraw, W W
McHanna, Vance
McMurchie, Boyd
McMurren, J C
McVicker, Ben
McVicker, Junior
Melcher, Ira
Mess, Ed
Mickelson, Lloyd
Miller, Dan
Miller, Jennie
Miller, L R
Miller, Richd J
Mills, Grace
Mills, Rollo H
Milnor, W H
Mitchell, Ralph
Modrell, Jack M
Moore, Henry
Moore, Wilford
Moreland, J F
Morgan, Jas E
Morris, Geo F
Morton, Mrs R A
Moss, Rommell E
Mussel, S E
Naher, John
Nance, Lawrence D
Nelson, Luther G
Noel, Clark
Norman, Mrs Gladys
Norris, Herbert
Ogami, Jack T
Ogburn, W D
O'Leary, Michl J
Oltman, Henry D
Palmer, Glee R
Parker, Elmer
Parker, Loren M
Parks, J M
Patch, Oliver
Patrick, Claude
Peacock, Geo
Peacock, N A
Pearson, Elmer R
Peck, J A
Perriggo, Lester L
Phillips, F K
Phillips, Sarah E
Platz, John
Polley, J Arth
Powell, E R
Preston, Herbert T
Price, A A
Pritzell, Michl
Pruess, Henry
Pyper, A L
Ramey, A H
Ransom, J Elmer
Ravert, Jas
Ready, L
Reagor, Bryan
Reed, Elmer
Reiher, Chas
Reimers, Leland G
Reimers, Lester T
Reins, Ted
Reyborn, W B
Rhodes, Bob
Richey, Ben H
Rinard, John
Robinson, Jas H
Rodabaugh, Armos
Rood, Alf H
Rose, Robt W
Royston, Chas C
Royston, L T
Royston, S C
Russel, Annie
Sakauge, Michl
Sanders, Arnold C
Schlabach, Jewell
Scott, Fred
Scott, Oscar
Shaffer, Chas
Shake, Rodney
Shamberger, J E
Shamberger, Ralph
Shaw, Roy J
Shepherd, Loren
Shintaku, John
Shubert, Ellen
Shubert, Ray
Sinclair, Ed
Sinclair, Gerald
Sinclair, John
Smith, A O
Smith, Ella
Smith, Jack
Smith, Jas
Smith, R J
Smith, Ted
Smith, Walter J
Snarr, Gordon
Snowberger, Rose
Solterbeck, Henry
Sparkman, R M
Sparks, Frank
Springston, Chas C
Starkbaum, Paul
Starks, S H
Stauffer, Lawrence B
Stearns, C D
Stenberg, LaFawn
Stevens, Ray
Stingley, Joe
Stirm, Wm E
Stock, Wm H
Stohler, Rinhold
Stoneman, Joe
Strange, Geo
Strawn, Keith
Strawn, Ross
Stroup, S C
Sullins, Geo
Sumner, Wm H
Swearington, C J
Swenson, John
Syme, Carrol
Symes, Banks
Symes, Maria
Tabor, Mrs Morris
Takao, Geo M
Taylor, F A
Thode, Marx
Toothman, Thurston
Tosic, Frank
Tschirgi, Clayton
Tussing, Alameda
Uehlin, Gerald D
Uehlin, Lloyd E
Unwin, Winfield O
VanAuker, Iris
VanBuren, Art R
Vanderford, Herbert
Vondy, Ray
Wade, C M
Wade, Ed
Wade, W S
Waggnor, J W
Wakabayaski, Mas
Warden, Lawrence
Warner, D E
Warner, Glenn
Warren, H F
Watanbee, J
Watkins, Sim
Watson, Drex D
Wayne, Frank
Wayne, Henry S
Weber, Henry
Weston, Rev L G
Weygint, Herman
Wheeler, Adolphe
Wherry, G G
Whiteley, W A
Wicks, J E
Wilcox, D E
Williams, C M
Williams, Flossie
Williams, Henry
Williams, John
Williams, Robt
Willis, C M
Willis, Wm R
Willson, Vernon G
Wing, Emma
Wingard, John
Wolfe, Del
Wood, Walter H
Woods, G E
Wren, Oren J
Yingst, Mrs Ella
Youmans, Arth
Young, L A
Young, R L
Route No 2
Aasman, Paul
Adkins, Earl
Ahrens, Floyd
Ahrens, Otto
Akin, Bert
Alden, E H
Allmer, John
Alspach, Geo
Amona, Gish
Amoureax, W J
Anderson, J G
Arnold, Mrs Nona
Ashburn, Victor
Asmussen, C F
Baer, Ferdinand
Baker, Jessie K
Baker, Mrs Sidna
Baldridge, W John
Ballard, Kenneth
Ballinger, G G
Banes, Floyd
Bannister, J L
Barber, Betty
Barker, H N
Barklan, Earnest
Barklow, Harley A
Bartley, Kelley
Bartshe, J R
Battcher, Kurt
Beachan, Frank H
Beeson, Ollie
Beigh, Wesley S
Benzen, Marvin
Black, H N
Blayden, O L
Blazor, John H
Blubaugh, Ken
Blue, Mark R
Boals, P M
Bomen, Mrs Monta
Boor, J Wm
Boren, Mrs Ed
Bowers, J H
Boykin, J W
Boyle, Warren N
Braderson, Herman
Britton, Jack
Brock, Mrs E G
Brockman, Carl
Brockman, Erick
Brockus, Paul L
Brockus, W H
Brooks, J P
Brown, Frank
Brown, Jas F
Bunch, J P
Burgess, Mrs Virl
Caler, Ralph C
Calkins, C H
Calvert, R H
Campbell, Mrs Jennie
Cannady, Roy
Carico, Curtis
Carlile, J C
Carmichael, Sherman S
Carr, Ellis
Cassity, Floyd
Chapman, Arlo
Ckazaki, Hajimi
Clark, Clarence
Claud, Joe H
Clausen, Carl T
Clelland, E O
Clough, Mason D
Coates, Clarence
Cofield, C W
Collins, A E
Colliins, Steve
Compton, Jesse W
Cooper, R E
Copple, Hugh W
Cornelsen, Mrs Anna
Corr, Aulden
Cox, C E
Cox, Clair
Cox, John
Cox, Mowatt
Cox, Robt A
Cox, Mrs Ruby
Cox, S H
Culp, Lela
Cutshall, Lee
Dai, T
Dale, C A
Dale, Floyd F
Dallman, Cecil J
Dallman, Marvin
Davis, EL
Day, J W
Dean, Earl M
Decker, W H
Deen, Melvin
DeHaven, H E
Denney, W M
Detwiler, Homer C
Dewey, Lawrence A
Dewey, Orville
Doersch, Archie
Durham, Mrs Etta
Durham, Geo
Ellenberger, A J
Ellis, L J
Elston, Hugh W
Erixon, O N
Eto, Masaji
Farley, J R
Farley, Tom
Fenicotters, Carmine
Ferrel, W C
Ficke, Pauline
Fields, Herbert H
Fish, J Ivan
Fleming, Dean
Flunia, Geo
Forsdick, Kenneth
Franklin, Howard
Frates, Albert
Freeman, Chas A
Freeman, Frank B
Freeman, Rex
Fretwell, Earl L
Fuller, Lila
Gallego, Louis G
Gaylen, Elmer
Genberding, Fred
Genessy, F B
Gibbs, Jesse
Gilbert, R L
Gilson, Wm L
Gissel, Eldro
Gladish, Henry
Goff, M L
Goforth, Ike
Goodfellow, Gerald
Grace, C C
Grace, Wm
Grant, C M
Grant, Jas D
Grant, Jimmy
Grant, Verdie
Grass, Anthony L
Greif, Irwin
Griffin, Jas
Griffith, Leonard
Grimes, K E
Gross, Dorothy
Groves, Lee
Guiles, Herold
Guindon, Mrs Helen
Gutteridge, Raymond
Guy, Lee
Hagood, A A
Hahitani, Geo
Hale, Edqin
Hall, Ed
Hall, R N
Halley, Roy
Hanks, Wm M
Hanson, A A
Hanson, Lag
Hanson, Russell
Harding, Clarence A
Harding, Geo M
Harlin, Mrs Sybil
Harmon, John
Harney, Ross
Hashimoto, Ted
Hatley, W W
Hawkins, Mrs Bob
Hazen, Seymour A
Head, Fred
Heeb, Earl J
Heidelberger, Emil
Hendricks, Harold F
Henry, J R
Hetrick, Robt
Higbee, D M
Hill, Kenneth
Hill, Mrs Seward
Hilliard, Floyd
Hindman, Tom
Hinton, Tom
Hirabayashi, Tom
Hiramatsu, Joe
Hironaka, Geo S
Hiseg, Sam
Hoeme, A A
Hogg, R A
Hollaway, Mecie
Holloway, J E
Holloway, OE
Holman, Ruth
Holt, Kenneth
Honkins, Vernon
Hoover, Mrs Raymond
Hopkins, A D
Hopkins, Donald
Houston, O C
Howard, J B
Howard, J Robt
Howard, John H
Hubbell, D F
Hudson, Clyde W
Hulen, T J
Hullgren, Wilma
Hume, Jas
Hunt, Wm A
Ichido, Mrs Emi
Imada, Eug H
Inahara, ashia
Itami, Thos
Ito, John S
Iwasa, Geo
Iwaski, Bill
Jacks, C W
Jacks, Walter Jr
Jackson, Alvin
Jackson, Geo
Jackson, Nancy
James, Walter
Jensen, Arth
Jensen, Jacob
Jenson, Nels M
Johnson, Mrs Bertha
Johnson, Mrs C G
Johnson, Harvey
Johnson, Joe
Johnson, Oscar P
Johnston, L Everett
Johnston, Walter L
Jones, David
Jones, Mrs Nora
Kaneshige, Shigeka
Kanetomi, T
Kawakami, I
Kent, Byroni
Ker, Wayne N
Kerchgestner, Philip
Kerr, Arlene
Kesicke, Ben J
Ketcham, C A
Ketcham, Wm J
Keuster, Harry
Keyser, Geo E
Kirihara, Tom
Kirtley, Mrs Rosa
Kluckman, C F
Kondo, Roy
Kormon, Kermith
Kossesan, Nick
LaBelle, Mrs Ray
Lake, Albert P
Lalk, John F
Lambert, Adren L
Lambertson, Raymond
Lancaster, Clarence W
Land, Dan
Lane, Curtis
Langley, Mrs Geo
Larson, C M
Larson, Floyd
Lassiter, Mrs F A
Layer, Ralph
Lee, Guy
Lee, Howard
Lee, Patsy
LeMasters, Aletha
Lias, Chas W
Lindquist, H S
Lizar, Mrs Fred
Lockett, Cora
Loesch, Peter
Long, Murial
Long, Walter O
Longfellow, Jasper
Love, Mrs L E
Loveland, Gail
Loveland, R T
Lovett, Mrs Wm
Lowe, E J
Lukehart, Earl M
Mages, Mrs Arlo A
Majors, Clayton L
Malda, Takoicke
Malsushita, Toshio
Manser, Mrs Maude
Maruyama, Masoyoshi
Mathews, Alf
Mathews, Earl J
Mathews, Marlin
Mathy, Chas
Mattix, Wm E
Maudlin, Eliz
McCallium, Harold
McClain, Freda
McDonald, Mrs Bena
McDonald, Warren
Meili, Otto
Mendazona, J Y
Mickleson, H L
Miller, Joe S
Minatoya, Kahn
Mio, Tom
Mitchell, Geo J
Moggridge, Thos
Monteer, Mrs Everett H
Montgomery, J K
Moore, A B
Moore, Alf G
Morekawa, Harry
Mordhorst, A W
Morishita, S
Morris, Mrs Ray
Moser, Edgar
Moss, David
Motley, Mrs Mary
Moyes, L Eldon
Mukai, M
Mulanox, Walter
Muller, Fred
Mundy, Lucille
Musgrove, H O
Myers, B T
Myers, Danl R
Nagaki, Aye E
Nagaki, Shino
Nakashima, Theo
Nation, Ralph
Nees, Ralph C
Nelson, Frank M
Nelson, John
Nelson, Ray
Newton, Jess
Nickols, Mrs Myrtle
Nielsen, Ralph V
Nielson, Florence
Nishikawa, Harry
Nishimoto, Joe
Norikane, Koji
Norman, Art
Norman, Glen F
Noyes, H F
Odell, Leslie
Olson, Glen
Olson, Ray V
Olson, Mrs W E
Osaki, Harry
Osburn, Mollie
Osburn, Ted H
Oster, John
Oster, W
Oster, Wendolim Jr
Ouchida, Jack
Overlander, W W
Oyler, Guy H
Packer, Marion F
Parsons, Edw E
Pattison, Mrs Sylvia
Patton, Dewey W
Paynter, Edw E
Pentz, Henry
Peterson, Peter
Peterson, S M
Peterson, Vernon L
Pfay, Ted
Phipps, H N
Plymell, Wade
Pope, Jas
Porter, Jerry
Powell, Edw
Precht, J G
Putman, Clifford
Putman, Ed A
Rae, Albert
Ramsey, C L
Rand, Mrs Cora
Randall, Floyd A
Ray, Wilford C
Read, Leo F
Reed, Mrs Myrtle
Reiher, Wallace
Reimers, Claus
Reitz, E F
Rhinehart, Wilmer
Rice, John N
Rock, Jared C
Roe, Jas G
Roe, Jasper N
Roe, Orville G
Rogers, Warren S
Roland, Ernie W
Rose, Chas A
Rosen, Oscar
Rosti, Rudolph
Rotert, Frank
Rowan, J C
Ruby, Harold
Rudd, L J
Rupp, Aug
Russel, Howard K
Sabers, Frank E
Sadamura, Keira
Sage, Leo
Salter, R J
Sands, Hazel
Scheidt, Edw
Schmalzer, E H
Schmidt, Alvin R
Schock, Henry R
Sconce, Ed
Scott, Raymond
Searson, Silas
Secoy, uy R
Senbeil, Aug
Senbeil, Mrs Harry
Senbeil, Paul
Sheldon, John W
Sheldrake, Florence H
Shobert, Chas
Short, Fred
Shurtleff, Cecil
Sich, Henry
Skeen, Tom
Small, J I
Smith, Jas L
Smith, Jas S
Sneed, Mrs Elsie
Sneed, P A
Sodja, Dorothy J
Sodja, Frank
Sodja, Grace
Sonner, Munith B
Sooter, John R
Sparkman, R M
Sparks, Mrs L T
Spencer, Mrs Myrtle R
Spencer, Walter E
Spraul, Gilbert E
Stanley, Mrs D L
Stauff, O B
Steigerwalt, F D
Stelling, Clarence
Stephenson, H J
Stephenson, W S
Stevens, W L
Steward, Mrs D E
Strey, Fred A
Sumida, Mark M
Sweet, Jack
Takashima, Newton
Takasumi, M
Taylor, Howard H
Taylors, Jack C
Teal, Walter E
Thebo, Geo
Thiel, Clarence
Thornburg, Cole E
Trail, W H
Trueblood, Basil
Trueblood, Geo
Trumble, LeRoy
VanNatta, C A
Wahasugi, Marsugi
Waite, Mrs Jas
Walker, Mrs Irva
Walker, Leslie J
Watson, T H
Wayman, Elmer W
Wayne, Herbert C
Webb, C S
Wellington, Mrs Howard
Wells, John T
Wells, R A
Wells, Wm R
Welsh, John
Weygand, C S
Weygint, W H
Whealdon, B
Wheeler, Byron R
White, A J
White, Rose
Whiteman, I B
Wilcher, J C
Williamson, Ike
Willis, Calvin A
Willis, Loren H
Wilson, A Jack
Wilson, J A
Wilson, Nolan
Windle, Burrel T
Wirth, W E
Wood, Norman B
Woodward, A N
Woodward, Earl
Worley, Chas F
Worley, Wayne F
Yamaguchi, Elmer
Yamaguchi, Ichrio
Yamaguchi, Sox M
Yamamoto, Roy
Yboryabal, John
Yost, Frank
Young, Lee
Young, Rhea
Young, Roy
Zellar, Faith
Star Route
Aldrich, E L
Amick, Clifford
Appelgate, W M
Applegate, Jim
Assussen, Henry
Bahr, Albert A
Barker, Clifford
Barker, Geo
Bary, Pat
Beacham, Philis
Benninghaus, Richd F
Biggerstaff, Mrs H E
Biglow, M F
Bivens, Walker A
Blackburn, Robt
Boomhower, Geo
Bowman, Wm
Bracey, Mrs W A
Brogan, Bill
Brogan, Edgar A
Buckendorf, Alton W
Burgett, L C
Caldwell, S P
Carpenter, Robt
Clausen, Robt A
Coates, Frank
Coble, Ray
Congill, Forrest E
Conkel, S D
Conway, S C
Cornish, Dwaynw
Costello, Morris
Cotton, Wm
Crosby, Glenn
Cross, Abier
Currin, Clyde A
Curtis, Alvin A
Curtis, Melvin C
Davis, Guy
Davis, Kenneth
Davis, Robt
Denney, Weimer
Denney, Woodrow
Diederichsen, John
Douglas, V C
Drinkwine, W A
Duane, Davison
Dufur, Mrs Edna
Edwards, Wm P
Fields, John T
File, Lindon
Fisher, Anna
Flint, H C
Floyd, Bob
Frank, Hale
Gerlock, Max
German, Irene
Glascock, H E
Greenwell, Margt
Griffins, Violet
Guy, Earl
Guy, Harold
Haines, J F
Halbert, Jas B
Halcom, Maxine
Halling, W M
Hansen, Clifford
Hanson, John
Hardesty, Harry
Hasbrouch, Ellen
Howard, Felix
Hugg, Evelyn
Hunt, Otto
Hurd, Claude A
Hurd, Fred S
Ingalsble, Edith
Inwards, Paul
Jacobs, Walter
Jetton, H A
Johnson, Chas I
Johnson, Mrs W C
Jones, Paul
Keifer, J D
Kelley, Dave
Kelly, J E
Kelpin, Paul
Kent, Mrs Mury
Kenward, J W
Keplinger, Carena
Kerr, Louise
Ketcham, W J
Kirk, French
Kirkpatrick, Bert
Korstad, Benj F
Langley, Geo
Lawrence, Mrs Dale
Lewis, Edith
Livingston, Rogers
Lola, Macomb
Longstreet, Marion
Loveland, Gail
Loveplace, P D
Lowther, C H
Lyons, W M
Macomb, J B
Marrow, Chas
Martin, David C
Martin, J V
Martin, L M
Mathes, Wayne
Mathews, W J
McBride, Eunice
McCullough, Nels
McDonald, Naomi
Meyer, Paul
Meyer, R C
Mickelsen, Harold
Miles, J D
Miller, Viola
Mitcham, Trien L
Mogensen, Mark E
Mordhorst, Elmer
Mordhorst, LeRoy
Moss, R E
Myers, Allen
Nabr, Frank
Necessary, Bascom
Neilson, Wm
Nelson, Chas H
Nelson, Roland
Nesbitt, Geo F
Nielson, Henry
Northcutt, W N
Northrop, Cliff
Obray, Ovan
Ohms, Chas H
Oliver, Mrs Lilly
Olsen, Mountie
Orr, John
Osburn, Pat
Palmer, Glee R
Parker, Harry C
Parker, Richd W
Parson, Walter
Pasman, John
Patten, Earl G
Patten, Ed B
Patterson, B F
Paynter, Chas
Pearce, Iris
Pence, Earl
Pence, Tom
Poland, Geo E
Powell, Edw C
Pratt, Ken
Privakskey, Pete
Raby, Sam J
Rants, Allen
Rhodig, Maxine
Rich, Mrs Anna
Rich, Donald
Robbins, Harry
Robertson, Ella
Ruder, Frank
Runyon, Hays
Rush, Ed
Russell, Leonard N
Saxton, Robt
Schlinkman, Henry
Schwardt, Lawton E
Scott, Ellen
Scott, Fred F
Scott, Naomi
Shaw, Williard
Short, Fred
Shuck, Fred
Skelton, Alf
Sloan, Earl
Smith, Albert F
Smith, Alex
Smith, Arth
Smith, Estel
Smith, Walter
Solterbeck, H B
Sparks, L T
Speegle, Bill
Sprouffke, Adam
Spurlock, Art
Stender, C J
Sterling, Gene
Stiminth, Ivan
Stirm, Wm
Strite, Jas W
Strong, Ira
Sturdivant, Joe L
Syme, Carol
Snyder, Roy
Taylor, Arth F
Taylor, LaVern
Tevebaugh, Allan D
Tipton, Carl
Tipton, Eldon
Toll, Gilbert
Toothman, Henry
Townsend, H E
Trainer, Willa La
Trost, F W
True, Robt
Turner, D O
Vanauken, H F
Vance, Ruth
Waldemer, Lawrence A
Walker, Lemuel A
Walston, Wanda
Ward, Ivan
Watson, Geo
Wayne, Argyl
Wells, Faye C
Wherry, Virginia
White, Ray O
Whittle, A L
Wiens, Abram
Wiles, Lewis
Wiley, Wm G
Will, Marjorie
Will, W F
Willey, Clarence
Williams, Claude W
Williams, Merle
Williamson, Grant
Willson, Beatrice L
Wilson, Opal
Wolf, Helen J
Wollard, Mrs W
Work, Kyle
Wyatt, Edw
Yager, Ed H

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