Fruitland Downtown Master Plan
Development and Funding

Prepared for The City of Fruitland
Prepared by PlanMakers

Tourism Development
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Fruitland has the opportunity to expand its visitor and tourism economy. The Fruitland Chamber of Commerce will maintain an office at the recently expanded City Hall. Located adjacent to U.S. 95, the office is a good location for providing local information. Local sites include the Payette River, Snake River, Four Rivers Cultural Center, Old School Community Center, Fruitland Community Park and downtown historic sites. Potential partners include the Southwestern Idaho Tourism Association, a regional organization involved in planning and implementing marketing efforts for the region and the Idaho Division of Tourism.

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Economic Development-Marketing
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A key downtown element is business retention and expansion. Emphasis would be on supporting homegrown businesses and recruiting desired businesses. Fruitland attributes include friendly service and small town hospitality. Potential new businesses identified by the community include a grocery store, gift/card shop, clothing store, ice cream shop, evening coffee/pie shop, bakery, book store, movie theater, fabric store, jewelry store, and a pharmacy. Entertainment options for Fruitland's residents and visitors would be increased by building new entertainment facilities in the downtown. These could include movie theaters, bowling alley, skating rink and restaurants. Streetscape improvements, parking improvements, storefront renovations and Fruitland Community Park, Old School Community Center along with cultural activities and events will help attract new patrons and businesses to the downtown.

The Fruitland Chamber of Commerce successfully promotes special events that include Fruitland's Family Fun Day, Fruitland's Spring Fair and parade, and the annual Santa Claus Express Train. These events draw patrons to the downtown and help encourage new business.

The Fruitland Chamber of Commerce would head up strategies for business recruitment and retention as well as periodic hospitality training. The Fruitland Chamber of Commerce would take the lead on an ongoing advertising campaign that would promote the downtown, events and the visitor attributes of the area. A new Fruitland logo would assist the marketing campaign.

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Estimated costs for upgrading S.W. 3rd (Main) Street and Pennsylvania Avenue are $914,000. Costs for providing additional off-street parking and the Triangle Entry Park are $110,000. The city is currently applying for an Idaho Community Development Block Grant (ICBDG). Matching funds have already been expended through downtown planning, street engineering and the construction of the Fruitland Community Park and expansion of Fruitland City Hall. The city will also apply for Idaho Transportation Department enhancement funds for bicycle and pedestrian improvements for Main Street and Pennsylvania Avenue. Other potential funding for trees and beautification could come from the Idaho Department of Lands (IDL) Community Forestry Program.

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