PAYETTE, Idaho.—The farmers and citizens in Payette and vicinity have decided to secure the erection of a beet-sugar factory and the following proposition has been submitted by parties interested in Colorado factories. The people of the Lower Payette Valley are to furnish $10,000 bonus, provide at least 20 acres of ground for a site and sign contracts to grow 4,000 acres of beets during the years 1906-7-8. If these conditions are complied with a factory will be built by September 1, 1906, and the company will pay the farmers $5 per ton for their beets. Up to February 7th 3,000 acres had been signed for sugar-beet cultivation. (February 23, 1905, Page 5)
PAYETTE, Idaho.—A beet sugar factory for Payette, Idaho, now seems to be assured Tor the season of 1906. Two other towns, Nam pa and Caldwell were endeavoring to secure the plant, but no definite location was decided upon until Utah parties became interested and selected Payette as the most desirable location. (March 16, 1905, Page 5)
IDAHO.—It is reported that the Western Idaho Sugar Company will soon be incorporated under the laws of the State of Utah for the purpose of building two beet sugar factories in the western part of Idaho. Under the contract one of the plants must be located within five miles of Payette, Idaho, and the other In or adjacent to the southeastern part of Canyon County, which Is tributary to Boise. Nampa. Caldwell and Meridian. As soon as sufficient acreage Has been secured for the two factories the contracts will be let and the factories erected In time to work the 1906 crop of beets. So far about 4.000 acres have been contracted for In the vicinity of Payette, which leaves about 1.000 acres more to secure. The La Grande, Oregon, factory will take the beets grown this year at 34 per ton on board cars at Payette. (April 27, 1905, Page 5)
PAYETTE, Idaho. - The Sugar City, Idaho, "Times," of May 24, 1905, says: "General Manager T. R. Cutler of the Utah and Idaho Sugar Companies has returned from a visit to the Payette and Boise Valley districts. The Western Idaho Sugar Company will build two factories next year. Mr. Cutler said he had spent four days In company with local people interested in examining the best localities for sites, the location of a plant at Payette was definitely decided upon. The site is two miles south or Payette on the Short Line in the center of a rich farming district. The company had contracted for two tracts of land amounting to 16n acres, involving an outlay of 316,000 including Improvements. Farmers had executed contracts for the necessary acreage for five years and a 600 ton plant would be installed in time to work up the crop next year. Mr. Cutler also put in one day at Nampa, looking over the country where a second plant is to be established. No decision was reached as to this location hut the work of securing contracts with farmers is going forward so actively that a factory will be built at the same time as that at Payette." (June 1, 1905, Page 5)
NAMPA, Idaho.—It has now been decided to locate a beet sugar factory at Nampa, Idaho The factory will be built near the town, although a definite site has not yet been selected. The foundation will be laid next Tall and orders for the machinery for both the Nampa and Payette factories will soon be placed. Over 4,500 acres have been secured for beer culture In the vicinity of Nampa. (June 22, 1905, Page 5)
IDAHO. —Articles of Incorporation of the Western Idaho Sugar Company were filed on June 10 In Salt Lake City, Utah. This company proposes to erect two factories in the State of Idaho, one at Xampa and the other at Payette, both will probably work the 1906 crop of beets. The capital stock is $2,000,000, divided into 2' 0,000 shares of the par value of $10 each, all of which has been subscribed. The main office of the company is to be at Salt Lake City, Utah. The officers are: Joseph F Smith, president ; Thomas R. Cutler, vice-president and general manager, and Horace G. Whitney, secretary and treasurer. The board of directors are as follows: Joseph K. Smith, Thomas R. Culler, John R. Winder, W. S. McCormick, Heber J. Grant, John Henry Smith, John C. Cutler, Charles W. Nibley and Horace G. Whitney. (June 29, 1905, Page 5)
PAYETTE, Idaho. —It Is reported that the location for the Payette sugar factory to be built by the Western Idaho Sugar Company, has been definitely chosen, and is about two miles from the town on the river. It is an ideal sight both as regards water, railroad connection and the unloading of beets. The plant will be one of 600 tons daily slicing capacity. It is expected that the hauling of rock will commence in the near future, as the intention is to put in the foundation this fall. The farmers will plow under ranch or their land this fall to put it in ideal condition for planting in the spring of 1906. (July 27, 1905, Page 5)
IDAHO.-The Western Idaho Sugar Company, it is reported, will install the Steffeus' process in both of the new factories to be built at Nampa and Payette, Idaho, for the 1906 campaign. The company has purchased in the vicinity of Nampa in all about 600acres of land, part of which will be used as an experimental farm. The main building of the Nampa factory will be 102 feet long, 208 feet wide and 80 feet high. The beet sheds will be 500 by 150 feet, with a storage capacity of about 25,000 tons. The sugar house will be 120 feet by 90 feet. It is reported the machinery has been ordered and will be delivered the 1st of January. Work will begin on the Lake Nampa reservoir this month, which will furnish water for the factory and irrigation. The stand of beets now growing at Payette is excellent. (September 7, 1905, Page 5)
PAYETTE, Idaho. -Owing to the partial failure of the beet crop in Utah during the past season due to blight, it is reported that the beet sugar factory for Payette, Idaho, will not be erected this season as was expected. (December 28, 1905, Page 5)