The Fruit Grower, Volume 20
By Fruit-grower Publishing Company, St. Joseph, Missouri, 1909


The premiums for plate exhibits were distributed among the various states, Wenatchee, Wash., carrying off more, perhaps, than any other locality.

Perhaps the premium most coveted was the Brother Jonathan trophy, a silver cup offered by the Fruit-Grower for the best barrel or three boxes of Jonathan apples. Three entries competed for this ciap—one by B. M. Chapman, Wenatchee, Wash.; one by Capt. J. H. Shawhan, Payette, Idaho, and one by G. C. Johnson, Kansas City, Mo. The trophy went to Mr. Chapman, the other exhibits receiving second and third premiums in the order named. All the fruit shown for this cup was very fine, and the judges had to hesitate between the fruit shown by Messrs. Chapman and Shawhan. Mr. Johnson's fruit was not so highly colored, having been picked a little early, and after picking had been kept in ordinary storage, and therefore this fruit was over-ripe. The other apples had been kept in cold storage.

In connection with the fruit exhibits there were exhibits of vegetables and some splendid exhibits of flowers. The latter added much to the attractiveness of the display. A lecturer from the domestic science department of the Iowa Agricultural College talked to visitors regarding the various ways to serve apples as food, and in their presence prepared many of the dishes described. (January 1909, Page 36)

In connection with the show next year it is expected to have a program which will discuss the problems of commercial fruit-growers, with speakers from all parts of the country. The organization is to be national in its scope, and its meetings will be held in various parts of the country.

W. S. Keeline of Council Bluffs is president for 1909, and Capt. J. H. Shawhan of Payette, Idaho, is vice-president. G. W. Reye of Council Bluffs continues as secretary and treasurer. (January 1909, Page 36)


Payette Valley, Idaho


Mild and Healthful Climate Abundance of Water The Land of Homes

Write us for Descriptive Booklet and prices of FRUIT LANDS and DIVERSIFIED FARMS.

We can please you in either a home or an investment.

The Payette Valley Real Estate Agency, Payette, Idaho

A. S. Soule, Treas.      A. E. Wood, Mgr.      J. A. Harader, Sec'y

(The Oldest Agency in the District.) (January 1909, Page 52)


A good fruit exhibit was made, the principal exhibits of Missouri fruit coming from Kansas City northward, the apples having been grown along the Missouri River hills. There was also exhibits from several places in Colorado, from the Payette Valley in Idaho, and a splendid exhibit from the Wenatchee Valley, in Washington. E. A. Riehl, Alton, 111., had a splendid exhibit of nuts. (February 1909, Page 96)


"The Westerners have used sound continued the speaker. "They find the continued the speaker. "The find the varieties which do best with them, and then make a specialty of them. They are cutting out such varieties as Ben Davis, Missouri Pippin, etc., and top working to Spitzenburg, Stayman, Delicious. At Payette, Idaho, 1 found the best Jonathan, and the best Grimes at Montrose, Colo. Stayman Winesap is a fine variety, and is the largest red apple I saw. In the Vanderbilt orchard at Hood River, I saw Winter Banana growing to perfection. It is a beautiful sort. He also had some very fine Delicious. (February 1909, Page 96)

Anjou pear trees are in great demand among nurserymen, and this variety will be largely planted throughout the West. Captain Shawhan of Payette, Idaho, says it is one of his best varieties, and one of the most profitable. Trees do bear heavily until they are twelve years old, but then bear good crops of fine fruit. And the tree is less subject to blight than some other sorts. (February 1909, Page 98)


Payette Valley Apples Prize Winners

At National Horticultural Congress

Did you see the PAYETTE EXHIBIT at Council Bluffs? Our apples were winners in the Second Prize for State and First Prize for County Exhibits, in competition with the apples of the United States. This means something. Write to us for descriptive booklet and prices of fruit lands in the Famous Payette Valley, Idaho. We handle Fruit Lands, Bearing Orchards and Diversified Farms.

The Payette Valley Real Estate Agency, Payette, Idaho

A. S. Soule, Treas. A. E. Wood, Mgr. J. A. Harader, Secy. (The Oldest Agency in the Payette District.) (February 1909, Page 104)


The Fruit-Grower present* herewith reports from its correspondents as to condition of fruit crops at this time. These reports were made out from the 18th to 20th of April, in most cases, and give conditions at that time.

Payette, Idaho—Peaches were badly hurt by freeze of April 18. Apples all right at this time.—J. H. S. (March 1909, Page 258)


We present herewith reports from Fruit-Grower correspondents in various parts or the country, giving an estimate of the crop conditions at about May 22. Most of the reports were made out within a day or two of that date.

Payette, Idaho.—Small fruits promise well. Sweet cherries all killed. No peaches. Apples not to exceed one-fifth crop. Freeze caused some damage, and trees bore too heavily last year.—J. H. S. (June 1909, Page 292)


The Fruit-Grower presents herewith reports from all parts of the country concerning the apple crop for 1909. These reports are of great value, for they not only show the size of the probable crop, but give one an idea of prices which are asked by the growers and offered by buyers.

Payette, Idaho—Our apple crop Is practically a failure. Trees in fine condition, and you will hear from Idaho in 1910 with a bumper crop.—J. H. S. (September 1909, Page 313)


Officers elected for the next year are as follows: President, J. P. Hess, Council Bluffs; first vicepresident, J. H. Shawhan, Payette, Idaho; second vicepresident. Prof. C. P. Close, College Springs, Md.; secretary-treasurer, G. W. Reye, Council Bluffs. Freeman L. Reed was re-elected to manage the 1910 show. (December 1909, Page 351)

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