Official Proceedings of the Fourteenth National Irrigation Congress
Held at Boise, Idaho, September 3-8, 1906
Officially Compiled and Edited by Chas. B. Adams
During the session of the Congress, and for the purpose of making a practical demonstration of the products of irrigation to the visiting delegates from the humid regions, an interstate and Territorial Exposition was held under the supervision of the Board of Control. This feature of the entertainment was directed by Hon. Edgar Wilson, Gen. Jos. Perrault and C. J. Sinsel, aided by an efficient corps of assistants. Large pavilions were erected, occupying two blocks on Eighth street and a similar space on Front street, with the addition of the 300-foot warehouse of Mr. Sinsel.
Forty-seven tons of fruits, grains, grasses, sugar beets and vegetable products, and products of the apiary were entered in competition for the magnificent sterling silver loving cups, given as prizes. The exposition was thronged during the four days and nights the Congress was in session, being visited by fully 15,000 people. Decorators from the large cities exhausted their ingenuity in appropriate bunting effects, and 2000 electric lights made gorgeous illumination at night.
On exhibition were 154 varieties of grains, 51 varieties of grasses, 12 varieties of potatoes, 48 varieties of apples, 26 varieties of evaporated fruits, 19 varieties of grapes, 18 varieties of pears, 11 varieties of prunes, and 84 entries in the sugar beet contest. Following is a list of prizes awarded and the winners:
Apples—Finest display, not less than three varieties and 24 of each. First prize, handsome Sterling Silver Loving Cup; second prize, $10 in gold. First prize, J. H. Shawhan, Payette, Idaho; second, William Monce, Nampa, Idaho.
Prunes—Finest display, not less than three varieties and 24 of each. First prize, handsome Sterling Silver Loving Cup; second prize, $10 in gold. First prize, J. R. Fields, New Plymouth, Idaho; second, Robert E. Wilson, Ogden, Utah.
Pears—Finest display, not less than three varieties and 24 of each. First prize, handsome Sterling Silver Loving Cup; second prize, $10 in gold. First prize, J. H. Shawhan, Payette, Idaho: second, J. B. Myers, Boise, Idaho.
Idaho, A. B. Moss, Payette
Report of Committee on Credentials.
Mr. President: Your committee on credentials beg leave to report that the following named have presented duly executed credentials and are entitled to seats as such in the Fourteenth National Irrigation Congress: (Page 223)
IDAHO (Page 225)
H. E. Hunter, Payette.
C. S. Faurot, Payette.
C. B. Brainard, Payette.
C. C Eiffe, Payette.
B. Shontz, Payette.
A. B. Wood, Payette.
J. H. Shawhan, Payette.
IDAHO (Page 226)
A. R. Ingalls, New Plymouth.
A. W. Wachteo, New Plymouth.
J. R. Field, New Plymouth.
P. H. Brown, Payette.
Ed L. Bryan, Payette.
Peter Pence, Payette.
Wm. McOmis, Payette.
A. A. Branthoover, Payette.
Frank S. Roberts, Payette.
Jas. Barnard, Payette.
M. E. Wood, Payette.
IDAHO (Page 227)
W. D. Shamberger, Payette.
Geo. W. Coomb, Payette.
J. M. Bennett, Payette.
Ira W. Kenward, Payette.
D. C. Chase, Payette.
W. H. Platt, Payette.
Wm. Noot, Payette.
A. P. Scritchfleld, Payette.
A. L McClanahan, Payette.
D. S. Hambley, Payette.
Earl Venable, Payette.
J. P. Johnson, Payette.
IDAHO (Page 228)
T. F. Harry, Payette.
A. J. Barney, Payette.
D. M. Hamilton, Payette.
G. A. Mann, New Plymouth.
B. F. Aukerman, New Plymouth.
A. B. Moss, Payette.
A. Zellar, Payette.
Peter Albert, New Plymouth.
Alex Johnson, Payette.
P. H. Snyder, Payette.
W. A. Coughanour, Payette.