S. L. Sparks

Payette Independent
Friday, October 11, 1907


S. L. Sparks died Saturday afternoon of cerebral hemorrhage. He was a pioneer of Payette, having lived here for more than 25 years, during which time he accumulated considerable property. He was living on his ranch a short distance north of Payette, without relatives, as his wife died about a year ago.

His brother, J. W. Sparks, president of the Citizens National bank of Wilmington, Ohio, arrived Tuesday and shipped the body to Wilmington, where it will be laid beside the body of his wife. The body was shipped Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Sparks was 62 years old.

His death was hastened by an accident which occurred to him September 25. He fell from his mowing machine and was dazed from that time, but it was not until Friday of last week that he took seriously ill.

Deceased was a Knight Templar and a Shriner. The Masons took charge of the body and the man’s property until the arrival of Mr. Sparks from the east. Members of the order marched with the remains from the lodge room, where they had been kept, to the depot when they were shipped. Deceased was an old soldier and carried wounds received in the civil war.