Payette County Obituaries
Payette Independent 1891-1899

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1891 1892 1893
1894 1895 1896
1897 1898 1899


Payette Independent
Thursday, July 02, 1891
In Payette, June 27, at the age of 26 years, Mrs. Mollie, wife of W. M. Wooden; also, on the same day and hour a child of the same parents, aged 12 days.

The deceased, whose maiden name was Mollie Downs, was born in Hickory county, Missouri, twenty-six years ago, and became the wife of W. M. Wooden on the 12th day of August, 1890, at North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska. They came to Payette in August of last year. Since March last Mrs. Wooden had been in extremely poor health, being under almost constant medical care. Deceased gave birth to a child on the 20th of June, and she never afterward left her bed alive. Mr. Wooden, in company with the brothers of the deceased, called at this office on Tuesday of this week and desired us, through the columns of THE INDEPENDENT, to return the heartfelt thanks of himself, and those of Mrs. Martha Downs, mother of the deceased, and her brothers Thomas and Johnson Downs, to the citizens of Payette, who did so generously by them in the hour of bereavement.

Payette Independent
Thursday, October 15, 1891
At his father's home in Payette, at 3:50 a.m., October 12th, 1891, of typhoid fever, Frank Delano, aged 18 years and 21 days.

Deceased was a dutiful and trustworthy boy. Of a kind and loving disposition, he was ever ready and willing to inconvenience himself, if by so doing he might give others pleasure. His friends wee many among both old and young. He was a boy whose life was as open as a book, was studious at school and painstaking, and energetic in all his undertakings; had made considerable progress in the art of photography and the use of the type-writer, and there are treasured away by the sorrowing parents more than one of the evidences of the ingenious mind and remarkable handicraft of him who is gone.

An impressive funeral sermon was preached by Rev. Alexander at the M.E. church, on Monday at 2 o'clock after which the solemn procession followed to the cemetery, and with tender hands and sorrowing hearts, returned to mother earth all that was mortal of Frankie Delano.

To the afflicted parents, whose hearts are almost broken at the loss of a noble boy and only child - one upon whom they had hoped to lean and rely in their declining years - we, with all of Payette's citizens, extend our heart-felt sympathies. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, October 22, 1891
Monday night, October 19th, 1891, at the home of her father, Josiah Randall, in Payette, Martha Randall, aged 5 years. Funeral was conducted from the M.E. church Tuesday at 2:30 p. m. (Washoe Cemetery)


Payette Independent
Thursday, January 21, 1892
Death of Charles Crawford

Charles Crawford, who was well known in Payette, died at Ontario, on Tuesday, at 11 o'clock a.m. He was about 28 years old, and died of consumption. Deceased was a member of Ontario Lodge No. 90, I.O.O.F., and was buried with the honors of the order, on Wednesday at 2:30 o'clock. A delegation of Payette Odd Fellows assisted in the last sad rites. Rev. Lydston preached the funeral sermon.

Charles Crawford was united in marriage with Miss Minnie McGregor in March last. A babe was born to them only a few days proceeding his death. Maid, wife, mother and widow within less than a year is what the vicissitudes of time have brought to Mrs. Crawford, and she has the heart-felt sympathy of many good friends.

Payette Independent
Saturday, March 05, 1892
In Washoe, bottom, near Payette, on Friday, February 26th, Mrs. Fannie Tharp, wife of John P. Tharp, aged 38 years.

Deceased was one of the pioneers of the Washoe bottom, having resided there for a number of years. She was the mother of six children, and by her many womanly graces had endeared herself to all her neighbors and old acquintances. Her disease was consumption and she had been a patient sufferer for many months. The funeral took place on Saturday and was conducted by Rev. Lydston, pastor of the Baptist church at this place.

CARD - Mr. Tharp of Washoe by this card desires to thank the many friends of his late wife, and his neighbors generally, for their great kindness and attention to her during her last long illness. (Washoe Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Saturday, March 05, 1892
In Washoe bottom, on Thursday, March 3, 1892, Tryphena, wife of Jacob Windle, aged 55 years.

Mrs. Windle, whose maiden name was Wilcox, was born in Franklin county, Ohio, in 1837, and became the wife of Jacob Windle February 7, 1856. In 1871 they came west to Nebraska, and in 1884 to Idaho, where they have lived ever since, residing for the past eight years in the vicinity of Payette. Eight children were born to them - five girls and three boys. Of the daughters three are married and two single; of the sons two are married and one single.

The members of the family wish to express through this paper their earnest thankfulness to friends for kind attention during the illness of the deceased and attendance at the funeral. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Saturday, March 26, 1892
On Tuesday morning, March 22, 1892, in Payette, Ray, little son of Mr. and Mrs. David Gorrie, aged 4 years. (Washoe Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Saturday, May 14, 1892
This Newspaper is Missing

Payette Independent
May 28 to August 27, 1892
These Newspapers are Missing

Payette Independent
Saturday, September 10, 1892
This Newspaper is Missing

Payette Independent
Saturday, September 24, 1892
This Newspaper is Missing

Payette Independent
Saturday, October 08 to December 31, 1892
These Newspapers are Missing


Payette Independent
Saturday, January 21, 1893
This Newspaper is Missing

Payette Independent
Saturday, January 28, 1893
This Newspaper is Missing

Payette Independent
Saturday, February 11, 1893
This Newspaper is Missing

Payette Independent
Saturday, February 18, 1893
This Newspaper is Missing

Payette Independent
Saturday, March 04, 1893
This Newspaper is Missing

Payette Independent
Saturday, March 11, 1893
This Newspaper is Missing

Payette Independent
Saturday, March 25, 1893
This Newspaper Missing

Payette Independent
April 15 to June 10, 1893
These Newspapers are Missing

Payette Independent
Saturday, June 24, 1893
This Newspaper is Missing

Payette Independent
Saturday, July 08, 1893
This Newspaper is Missing

Payette Independent
July 29 to August 5, 1893
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Payette Independent
Saturday, August 12, 1893
Anna M. Rossi, aged 16 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Rossi, of Washoe, died of diphtheria, at 6:30 o'clock on Saturday morning, August 5th.

It was a sad shock to the citizens of Payette when the word came from Washoe last Saturday morning, and was passed from house to house that Anna, the beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Rossi, had passed away. Many had known the dear girl from prattling childhood; a great loveable soul and a bright sunny disposition had made her the pet of her own home and won the esteem of all who knew her. Her sickness was of a short duration, lasting but little more than a week. A month ago she returned with her mother from Kenosha, Wisconsin, where she spent a year in school and would have returned within a few short weeks to enter the schoolroom for another term. Her brothers and sisters were absent when the grim messenger came and were unable to reach home in time to see their loved one consigned to her last resting place.

It was a sad funeral - one we shall never forget - and the scene it presented melted every heart. The casket was placed in the shade of the trees in front of the family residence and the heartbroken father and mother, more desolate if possible for the absence of their remaining children; sat upon the porch, while the solemn and impressive service according to the Episcopal ritual was conducted by Rev. A. O. Worthing, of Weiser.

The casket was borne by gentle hands of those who had been among her friends and companions in life, and Anna was laid to rest beside her baby brother, under the trees of her father's orchard. The choir sang, "Bury Me Near the Old Home," just before the casket was lowered and the body returned to Mother Earth.

The floral offerings were numerous and some of them very beautiful.

The brother and sisters of the deceased, who could not reach home in time for the funeral, have since arrived and the family is now stopping at the home of Mr. McGlinchey until such time as it is considered safe to return to their own home.

In this hour of their sad bereavement, the hearts of our people go out to Mr. Rossi and his family.

Payette Independent
Saturday, August 26, 1893
This Newspaper is Missing

Payette Independent
September 09 to October 07, 1893
These Newspapers are Missing

Payette Independent
October 21 to November 04, 1893
These Newspapers are Missing

Payette Independent
November 18 to December 07, 1893
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Payette Independent
ThursdayDecember 14, 1893
Minnie Flora, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Eberle, born August 24, 1893; died of capilary bronchitis, at 6:30 o'clock this (Thursday) morning. Funeral services will be conducted from the family residence on Friday at 2 p.m. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
December 21 and 28, 1893
These Newspapers are Missing


Payette Independent
January 4 to April 19, 1894
These Newspapers are Missing

Payette Independent
April 30 to May 30, 1894
These Newspapers are Missing

Payette Independent
October 11, 1894
This Newspaper is Missing

Payette Independent
November 01 and 08, 1894
These Newspapers are Missing

Payette Independent
November 22 to December 27, 1894
These Newspapers are Missing


Payette Independent
January 03 to January 31, 1895
These Newspapers are Missing

Payette Independent
February 14 to February 28, 1895
These Newspapers are Missing

Payette Independent
March 21, 1895
This Newspaper is Missing

Payette Independent
April 04, 1895
This Newspaper is Missing

Payette Independent
May 30 to June 06, 1895
These Newspapers are Missing

Payette Independent
June 27 to September 05, 1895
These Newspapers are Missing

Payette Independent
September 26 to October 10, 1895
These Newspapers are Missing

Payette Independent
November 07 to December 26, 1895
These Newspapers are Missing


Payette Independent
January 02, 1896
This Newspaper is Missing

Payette Independent
January 23 to February 13, 1896
These Newspapers are Missing

Payette Independent
February 27 to March 26, 1896
These Newspapers are Missing

Payette Independent
April 30, 1896
This Newspaper is Missing

Payette Independent
May 14 to June 01, 1896
These Newspapers are Missing

Payette Independent
Thursday, July 16, 1896
This Newspaper is Missing

Payette Independent
August 27 to September 03, 1896
These Newspapers are Missing

Payette Independent
September 17 to October 15, 1896
These Newspapers are Missing

Payette Independent
October 29 to December 31, 1896
These Newspapers are Missing


Payette Independent
All Newspapers For This Year Are Missing


Payette Independent
Thursday, March 24, 1898
Death of John Short

John Short, aged 74 years 3 months and 10 days died at his home near Payette on Friday, March 18th at 6 o'clock in the afternoon, after a week's illness of inflammation of the kidneys. The remains were taken to Boise Sunday afternoon for burial, the funeral taking place on Monday morning. John McGlinchey, W. A. Coughanour, P. A. Devers, J. J. Toole, Peter Pence, Captain Henry Ervine and Wm. Wall, of Payette, and Edward Brannan, of Boise, acted as pall-bearers a number of the old friends of the deceased accompanied the family and the remains to Boise.

John Short was born in county Limerick, Ireland. He came to this country and settled in Chicago 40 years ago, where he amassed a considerable fortune. He became a resident of the Payette Valley in 1884 and engaged in the cattle business, since which time he has been one of the most extensive cattle-raisers in this state. He leaves a wife and four children, Edward and William Short, of this place, and two daughters, who reside in Chicago. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, April 14, 1898
Death of Jacob Windle

The announcement of the death of Jacob Windle Monday evening was a shock to his old friends and neighbors. We were all aware of his sickness but none suspected that the "silken chord" was so suddenly to be broken. Mr. Windle had been sick of spotted fever but was believed to be slowly recovering infact he was feeling very much better during the afternoon just preceeding his death and his family and friends were hopeful of a speedy recovery. There was a decided change in his condition however, late in the afternoon, and growing rapidly worse until 6:30 o'clock he passed away from the scenes of earth, leaving a large family of grown sons and daughters, as well as everyone who knew him intimately, to mourn the loss of a kind father, a good neighbor and an upright and useful citizen.

Funeral services were conducted at the Presbyterian church at 10:30 Wednesday morning, by the pastor, the attendance being large and the service throughout very impressive, after which the remains were followed to Riverside cemetery for the last sad rites.

Jacob Windle was born in Virginia Feb. 7, 1833. He moved to Ohio when a young man. From there he went to Nebraska where he resided for a number of years. Coming to Idaho in 1882, he lived in Boise for two years and then located on Washoe bottom near Payette, where he made a beautiful home and resided up to the time of his death, Monday April 11th, 1898, at 6:30 o'clock, at the age of 65 years, two months and four days. He leaves eight children, three sons and five daughters: Mrs. Frank Whyman, now in Nebraska, Mrs. D. B. Coates, Wm. Windle, Mrs. W. F. Eberle, George Windle, Thomas Windle, Mrs. Wm. Whyman, of Boise, Mrs. Wm. Young. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, September 15, 1898
Death of John McDonald

Uncle John McDonald is dead. After a brief illness he passed away Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock. He was 73 years old, but up to the hour of his last sickness he was in possession of all his faculties and was quite active for one of his age. He was taken to his bed a few days ago and had a congestive chill from the effects of which he never fully recovered, but his death was most unexpected even to the members of his immediate family. The funeral will take place from the M.E. church this afternoon at 3 o'clock, and the body will be laid to rest in Riverside Cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, October 06, 1898
Rudolph P. Wackerhagen, died at his residence in this city at a quarter past five o'clock Wednesday morning, Oct., 5th, after an illness of nearly two months. Deceased was in his 51st year. Funeral services will be conducted at the home of the deceased by Rev. B. F. Clay, of the Christian church, this (Thursday) morning at 10 o'clock, after which the interment will take place in Riverside Cemetery.

Deceased leaves a wife and two small children. He had been engaged in business at this place for about seven years, having come to Payette from Lincoln, Neb., where for a long time he had occupied a responsible position in one of the leading banks. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, October 06, 1898
YOUNT, Mrs. J. R.
Mrs. J. R. Yount, wife of Rev. J. R. Yount, pastor of the Baptist church of this place, died of consumption on Friday night. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. J. R. Youst, pastor of the M. E. church, at 11:30 Sunday morning after which the body was borne to Riverside for burial. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, November 17, 1898
Death of Mrs. Kimmell
Emma J. Kimmell, wife of Dr. T. A. Kimmell, died at 6:30 Wednesday evening of pneumonia. Mrs. Kimmell had been in declining health for some time and spent the summer with her husband in the high altitude of the mountains, returning to Payette only a week ago. She was a most lovable woman and made friends of all with whom she came in contact. She was in the 42d year of her age and had resided in Payette between three and four years. The funeral will take place at 1 o'clock Friday morning.


Payette Independent
Thursday, January 05, 1899
This Newspaper is Missing

Payette Independent
Thursday, January 12, 1899
This Newspaper is Missing

Payette Independent
Thursday, January 19, 1899
This Newspaper is Missing

Payette Independent
Thursday, January 26, 1899
This Newspaper is Missing

Payette Independent
Thursday, February 02, 1899
This Newspaper is Missing

Payette Independent
Thursday, March 09, 1899
Died at her home on the bench March 3rd, 1899, Mrs. Effie Clark-Sherwood, aged 29 years 10 months and 24 days, of consumption.

Funeral services were held in the Payette M.E. church Sunday afternoon, conducted by the pastor Rev. J. R. Yost. The interment took place in Riverside Cemetery, the remains being followed to their last resting place by a large cortege of friends and neighbors.

Another loved form has passed from our earthly sight. One whose life has ever been following the footsteps of her Lord and Master. We miss her presence, her ever-ready smile of welcome; yet we do not grieve for her knowing she is happy in the realization of her hopes.

Hers was a beautiful life of perfect trust; a firm believer in the truth, of the love and goodness of her source of ever-present help; her only regret was in leaving her little family.

Her health had been declining for two years, but she did not realize her danger until about a year ago; since that time she had the best care that loving hands could give or hearts suggest.

May we who have had her example before us, learn the lesson of life, and realize the fact that death is "swallowed up in victory."

"There is no death,
What seems so is transition:
This life of mortal breath
Is but a suburb of the life Elystan
Whose portal we call death."
L.B. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, March 09, 1899
Mrs. Elizabeth Ellen Bixby died at 8 o'clock Wednesday morning, at the home of her daughter Mrs. Peter Pence, in this city, of paralysis, having been stricken about 7 o'clock on Monday evening, from the effects of which she never rallied.

Deceased was the widow of the late Seth Bixby, who proceded her to the spirit land about two years ago. She was one of the early pioneers of Idaho, having crossed the plains with her husband and small children in 1862. They settled at Auburn, Oregon, near what is now Baker City. In the spring of 1863 they moved to Boise Basin, and with the exception of a few years spent in California, Mother Bixby has resided in Boise, Ada and Canyon counties, and since 1884 on what is known as the old Bixby homestead between Caldwell and Middleton.

Mrs. Bixby was born in Knox county, Ohio, Jan. 27, 1830. She had been a member of the Methodist church and lived a conistent Christian life for many years. She leaves three sons and two daughters, Hon. G. L. Bixby of Owyhee county, Mrs. Peter Pence of Payette, Robert Bixby of Oregon, Mrs. T. B. Roberts of Caldwell and Ann Bixby of Middletown, all of who except Robert, could not arrive in time, accompanied the remains to their last resting place by the side of the husband, in the cemetery in Middleton.

Payette Independent
Thursday, April 06, 1899
Death of a Noble Woman
Died, April 5, 1899, Rachel D. Thurston, wife of Dr. W. B. Thurston, aged 77 years, 10 months and 6 days.

Grandma Thurston was recently taken down with pneumonia, and owing to her advanced age and a constitution already broken down, but little hopes were entertained for her recovery from the first.

Deceased was one of the best types of noble Christian womanhood. For more than sixty years she had been a devoted follower of the blessed Nazarine who traversed the lowly walks of life that man might live eternal. Such a life as hers is worthy of emulation, and the memory of such a wife and mother will be fondly treasured by the companion of a life-time and the children who were blessed with such an example of Christian fortitude and gentle confiding womanhood.

The funeral was conducted from the M.E. church Thursday afternoon, when Rev. Yost, the pastor, preached an able and appropriate discourse. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, May 18, 1899
Uncle Tom Elliott is Dead

From the Baker City, (Ore.,) Daily Democrat of May 11th, we get the following account of the death of Thomas Elliott, formerly a well known and respected citizen of Payette and the Payette Valley.

After an illness of three weeks, Thomas Elliott, a Pacific coast pioneer, expired yesterday forenoon at 1 o'clock at the family home in East Baker, the cause of death being a stomach trouble.

The deceased was 66 years of age and was born in the state of Illinois. In 1852 he came to the California gold fields where he engaged in mining for 12 years, removing in 1865 to Idaho. He owned both placer and quartz claims in the Florence and Boise Basin sections, and for many years, was one of the best known and most active miners in that part of the Northwest. Among his mining comrades was J. W. Reel, one of the founders of Sumpter.

For several years the veteran miner engaged happily in farming near Payette, Idaho, coming with his family to this city last August.

Mr. Elliott leaves to mourn his loss, a widow and four children. His son, Jesse Elliott, and daughter Miss Mamie Elliott, are grown to maturity. The two younge children are boys, aged 10 and 12 respectively.

The deceased was raised in the Society of Friends, commonly called Quakers, and had in a large degree the virtues of those people, such as great industry, honesty and love of home.

The remains of the old pioneer will be laid to rest today services to be held at the family home at 2 p.m. and interment to be in Mount Hope cemetery. Rev. Geo. T. Ellis will conduct the services and McKay and Lew will be funeral directors.

Another fearless Argonant who helped to open through a wilderness the pathway to a latter-day Eden, has hone to his rest. Peace be to his soul and comfort to the friends he has left behind.

Payette Independent
Thursday, May 25, 1899
This Newspaper is Missing

The Payette Independent
Thursday, September 28, 1899
Frank K. Dagg, aged 53 years, died at his home near this city at 12 o'clock Wednesday, after an illness of some 20 days.

Funeral services will be conducted at the M.E. church at 2:30 this afternoon, by the pastor, Rev. H. D. Wadsworth and the remains will be laid to rest in Riverside cemetery.

Deceased came to Payette from Wheatland, N.D., about a year ago, with his family consisting of wife, son and daughter, to take possession of the beautiful home where sorrow now reigns. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, September 28, 1899
The infant son of Mr. J. M. Keys died in this city at 5 o'clock a.m. Sept. 26th.

Funeral services were conducted by Elder L. L. Harader. The burial took place at Riverside. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, November 09, 1899
Mrs. Mary F. Mayfield, who had been sick for a little over two weeks, died at ten minutes before noon today. She leaves a family of ten children and a heart-broken husband, an honest, hard-working man to whom the fates seem most unkind, in that several members of the family have been sick, requiring his presence at home when he would have been at work, and thus has the home been deprived of the sustenance of its natural provider, until true charity can now find a field for operation, if it ever did exist in this community.

Mrs. Mayfield will be buried tomorrow (Friday) at 2 o'clock, a funeral service being held at the house by Rev. Wadsworth of the Methodist church. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, November 09, 1899
William Martin, familiarly know as "Uncle Billy," who had for a long time been an employee of the Oregon Short Line at this place, on one of the sections, died Tuesday afternoon quite suddenly. The funeral was conducted from the Presbyterian church Wednesday at 2 o'clock, by the pastor, and the remains were followed to their last resting place in Riverside cemetery by a large number of old-time friends of the deceased. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, November 23, 1899
A Victim of Liquor

Richard Brown, commonly called "Scotty," who has been cooking at the Farmers' Home hotel, died at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, of epilepsy, occasioned by a long debauch. His condition became serious Monday morning when he had a fit and these were of almost continuous recurrence until death relieved his suffering. "Scotty" had been around this vicinity for about two years, working on farms and at one thing and another. He was about 45 years old and had served in both the English and U. S. armies. He is said to have a brother in New York, his only relative in this country. Rev. A. G. Hunt, the Presbyterian minister, conducted the funeral services Wednesday at 2 o'clock and the burial took place at Riverside. (Riverside Cemetery)
Submitted by Patty Theurer

The Payette Independent
Thursday, November 30, 1899
Death of Mother McDonald

Mary McDonald, aged 69 years, died at her home in this city at 7:30 Friday morning, Nov. 24th, after a lingering illness with lung trouble. The funeral took place from the M.E. church, of which denomination deceased had long been a consistent member, Saturday at 2:30 p.m., when the mortal remains of Mother McDonald were lain by the side of her husband, who preceded her to the spirit world a little over a year ago.

Mother McDonald was a dear old soul, whose beautiful life made the world better wherever she came in contact with it. She leaves three children to mourn the loss of a noble Christian mother, the best friend given to man in this world. Mr. Eugene and Miss Josie McDonald reside in this city and Mr. Fred A. McDonald at Missoula, Mont. They have the sympathy of our people in their bereavement. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, December 14, 1899
This Newspaper is Missing

Payette Independent
Thursday, December 21, 1899
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Payette Independent
Thursday, December 28, 1899
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