Payette County Obituaries
Payette Independent 1904

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Payette Independent
Friday, January 08, 1904
This Newspaper is Missing

Payette Independent
Friday, February 26, 1904
In Memoriam

Elizabeth Ann Allen of this vicinity departed this life at 2:11 p.m., February 20, 1904, after a long and painful illness in which she was confined to her bed for ten weeks.

She was born in Iowa, January 18, 1865, and at her death was 39 years, 1 month and two days old. Her maiden name was Massey. Her father dying when she was a little child her mother was married to Mr. Charles Hezeltine both of whom are well known in this vicinity. When about 15 years of age she united with the Baptist church in Wetmore, Kansas. On October 15, 1884, she was united in marriage to Mr. E. F. Allen in Blaine, Kans. There was born to them three children, Emma, Newell and Pansy, all of whom survive her. In 1891 they moved to Malheur county, Oregon, and in 1896 to the Payette Valley. She has proved herself a kind, faithful and industrious wife and a patient, fond mother. She was respected by all who knew her.

About two years ago there began attacks of the illness which at last proved fatal. She was under the able care of Dr. O. H. Avey, who also called in Drs. Woodward and Galloway for consultation. But the disease was beyond the reach of medical skill. An autopsy revealed a large tumor upon the brain on the right side and near the top.

Pastor T. S. Dulin, of the Baptist church, conducted the funeral services at the Armory, in the presence of a large congregation. Relatives, friends and neighbors gathered to show tribute of respect to the one who had suffered so long and intensely. The pastor took for his text the 23d Psalm - the beautiful shepherd Psalm. He pointed out mans helplessness and the purpose of the good Shepherd to meet our every need. The journey through the valley of the shadow to a Christian is not a journey into death but into the life beyond. After passing through the valley of the shadow our Lord regards his people no longer as sheep of his pasture but appoints them as Kings and Priests unto God to reign with God in his palace royal, "the house of the Lord forever."

The remains were borne to the cemetery where beneath earth's shroud of snow and the soil of the valley they gently laid her down to rest.


Mr. Allen and the children wish to express their sincere thanks to the friends and public generally for their sympathy and assistance so kindly extended to them in their trial of sickness and bereavement. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, February 26, 1904
Death of Mrs. F. M. Scott

A dispatch to Mrs. Pence of this city yesterday morning from Los Angeles, Cal., conveyed the sad news of the death at that place, on February 23, of Mrs. F. May Scott, formerly a resident of Payette. The dispatch was from Mrs. Stewart, a sister of the deceased, and gave no particulars, other than here in stated.

Payette Independent
Friday, March 04, 1904
Death of Mrs. Davy

Mrs. Jane Sclteld Davy, wife of Pastor J. J. Davy of the Presbyterian church of this city, died last Friday morning, February 26, at 6 o'clock, after a lingering illness with consumption.

The funeral took place on Saturday morning, having been of a private nature owing to the request of the deceased shortly before her death, and the remains were laid to rest in Riverside cemetery. On Sunday morning appropriate memorial services were conducted in the church by Prof. Boone of the College of Idaho at Caldwell.

The deceased was 45 years of age at the time of her death. Her maiden name was Hunter and the place of her birth Goderich, Ontario. Besides her husband she leaves two young sons in this city to mourn her loss, and her mother, two brothers and five sisters also survive her. Mrs. Davy was very active in church work in Payette, proving herself at all times a worthy aid to her husband in his work, and her untimely death will be greatly deplored in all circles in which she has moved. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, March 25, 1904
This Newspaper is Missing

Payette Independent
Friday, April 22, 1904

Mrs. Agnes Bryan died at the home of her mother and stepfather, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Shearer, in Payette April 14, of consumption. She was 26 years, 8 months and 5 days of age and leaves a husband.

She was brought to Payette about six weeks ago from California with the hope that the change would benefit her.The remains were taken to Little Sioux, Iowa, where she had lived all her life until the time of her marriage, which was a little over a year ago.

Mr. and Mrs. Dave Shearer wish to thank the people of Payette for the sympathy and help which was so kindly bestowed upon them in the hours of their affliction.

Payette Independent
Friday, April 29, 1904
In Memoriam

Nathan Draper, son of Nathan and Mary Draper, was born in Bartholomew county, Indiana, April 16, 1829. His death occurred April 21, 1904. He was married to Sarah E. Field March 11, 1851. There were born to them three children, Marion, Eva and John, the latter dying in infancy. Mrs. Draper also died about the same time. On May 11, 1860, he was united in marriage with Mrs. Jane Elliot, nee Howe, with whom he had lived happily for about 44 years. There were born to them eight children, James, Adam, Mary, Lodemia, Charles F., David H., Antoinette, Nathan L., Joseph F., Alta B., and Rosetta. Mr. Draper also left a stepson, Cyrus W. Elliott. All but James A., David H., and Nathan L. survive him and mourn his departure.

His death was exceedingly sad, sudden and unexpected, it having been caused by his being struck by a train which he did not hear approaching, owing to his deafness, as was told in last week's issue of the Independent. The family are almost overcome with grief. A host of kind neighbors and friends deeply sympathize with them.

The funeral services were conducted at the home of the deceased at 2:30 p.m., April 22. The grief of the family was so intense that the minister was compelled to omit giving the usual biographical sketch or to make mention of the many excellent traits and sterling virtues which characterized this good and useful citizen. Psalm 103:13, "Like a Father Pitieth His Children, so the Lord Pitieth Them that Fear Him," was the text of the funeral discourse. The minister endeavored in a short talk to say only such things as would be of special comfort to the bereaved family. He gave special emphasis to the fact that in the midst of overwhelming sorrow, God tenderly pities every one who fears Him.

Those who knew Father Draper best were impressed with his kindly disposition and courteous manner. He was diligent, honest, generous and conscientious and endeavored to lead an upright life. For a man seventy-five years of age, he was unusually strong and active. He celebrated his seventy-fifth birthday on Saturday, five days before his death; his children living in the vicinity of Payette being present. His greatly enjoyed the day, said he expected to live to be eighty-five or ninety years of age, that they would not celebrate his birthday any more for five years when they would then have a big celebration.

The day before the fatal accident, he wrote out the family record upon the blank pages in his bible, and then closed the book. His life's work was done.

A large number of friends followed the funeral procession on Thursday afternoon to Riverside Cemetery, where his remains were tenderly laid to rest. Mr. Marion Draper and daughter Ethel and Mrs. McBride arrived from Deadwood, South Dakota on the early train Monday morning. A telegram was promptly sent them after the accident but appears to have laid in the office at Deadwood for seventeen hours before it was delivered. The family receiving no reply, proceeded to burial. On returning from the funeral, a telegram was received from Deadwood to hold the body, that the son, daughter and granddaughter were coming, but it was too late. (Riverside Cemetery)

T. S. Dulin, Baptist Pastor

Mrs. N. A. Draper and children wish to thank the many friends for their kindly assistance and sympathy during this time of bereavement and sorrow. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, April 29, 1904
Mrs. Mary Graham, nee Settle, died in this city April 18, her death having resulted from an attack of measles from which pneumonia set in with other complications. The funeral took place the following day from the family residence and was conducted by Rev. Herbert Jones. Interment was in Riverside cemetery.

The deceased was 65 years of age, having been born in Des Moines, Iowa, January 16, 1839. She was one of the pioneer women of this section of the Northwest. In 1846 she crossed the plains with her parents, finally arriving at Walla Walla where her father had charge of mission mills for Dr. Whitman and who narrowly escaped the terrible Whitman massacre with his family, he having left there for Oregon only two weeks before it took place because of warning received that an Indian outbreak would occur. After leaving Walla Walla Mrs. Graham resided in Oregon at different points until about six years ago when she came to Payette from John Day. She leaves to mourn her loss five sons and two daughters. Of her sons three reside in Payette, being Frank Hampton and Charles and Ira Haner. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, May 13, 1904
Died at Hospital

Carrie Flodberg, who about three weeks ago was taken to Hot Lake to receive treatment for a severe case of rheumatism and after remaining at that place for ten days was taken to the Baker City hospital, died Wednesday night of last week at the latter place. She had been given an anaes? and after rallying from its influence unknown complications set in at the lungs which was the cause of immediate death.

The remains were brought to Payette Friday for interment, they having been carried immediately from the train to the cemetery, where Rev. Herbert Jones conducted the funeral ceremonies.

The deceased was about 26 years of age and came to Payette 14 months ago in company with Mrs. And Mrs. H. M. Bell. Her old home was at Strandsburg, South Dakota.

Payette Independent
Friday, May 27, 1904
George Arthur Reed, the little 3-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Reed, died Saturday morning from complications of measles and pneumonia. The funeral services were held at the home on Broad street Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock by Rev. W. E. Bobbitt of the Christian church. From there the body was conducted to Riverside cemetery where it was tenderly laid away in its last resting place.

Mr. and Mrs. Reed wish to extend their heartfelt thanks to their many friends and neighbors who so kindly sympathized with and helped them during the sickness and death of their little son. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, June 10, 1904
Baby Dies

The life of the little baby girl of Mrs. and Mrs. H. J. Cortner expired Monday, June 6, from bronchial pneumonia. Funeral services were held from the house by Rev. J. J. Davy and the remains were taken to Riverside Cemetery. The little child was 17 days old. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, June 10, 1904
John C. Franz, who lived about one-half mile north of Payette, died suddenly last Saturday of heart failure. He was apparently in his usual health Saturday morning and had been attending to his customary work. He was carrying water to extinguish a fire in a nearby building when he was overcome and in about 10 minutes breathed his last.

Obituary (Written by Mrs. Rose Snowberger)

Elder John C. Franz was born in Germany April 7, 1848. He departed this life June 4, 1904, aged 56 years, 1 month and 27 days. He came to America when about four years of age and grew to manhood in Grant Co., W. Va., where he was married to Mary Ellen Corner. He united with the German Baptist Brethren church (Dunkard) in October 1870, and was an honored member, having been elected to the ministry about 30 years ago, and to the office of elder five or six years later.

He brought his family to Payette in June of last year, and while he seemed to enjoy his residence here, his heart often yearned for his childhood's home.

During all the years of his ministry he was unceasing in his effort to call sinners to repentance, and to feed the lambs and sheep of the flock, to the best of his opportunity and ability, and when the sad messenger came it found him with a partly prepared sermon he intended to deliver the next day. He was called from his study to help extinguish a fire when he suddenly felt he must go to the house and lie down, as he felt a chill coming on, and in less than ten minutes the living, gentle spirit had taken its flight to God who gave it. He leaves a sorrowing wife, a son and daughter, who have the comforting thought, that he was a faithful husband and a loving father, ever anxious to add to the childrens' comfort, and willing to sacrifice all pleasure to lead his family to a higher life.

His life is done and his works do follow him.

The funeral discourse was by Eld. J. U. G. Stiverson of Weiser, from Job 14:10-1? And John 5:28. The remains were then laid to rest in Riverside cemetery, to await the final call. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, July 22, 1904
OTT, S. D.
Death of Mrs. S. D. Ott

The death of Mrs. S. D. Ott occurred Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock at her home seven miles north of Payette on the Thacker ranch. The deceased was 19 years of age and had suffered some time with consumption, which was the cause of her demise.

The funeral took place yesterday morning at 10 o'clock, the services being held at the grave in Riverside cemetery.

There is left to mourn the loss of the young wife a husband and one child. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, August 12, 1904
The funeral of Mr. Murphy was held on Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Browner who live northeast of the brick school-house. The deceased was the father of Mrs. Browner, and was laid to rest in the New Plymouth cemetery. (Park View Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, August 19, 1904
Death of Alex V. Brown

P. H. Brown was called to Boise Monday by the death of his brother, Alex V. Brown, who died Sunday evening of heart failure.

The deceased was well known here, having lived on the bench a number of years prior to the time of his moving to Boise about four years ago. Since residing at Boise he had been engaged in the life insurance business but was not able to do much as he had been suffering several years with very poor health. He was about 39 years of age and unmarried.

This is the second one of this family to die of heart failure. About two years ago another brother, who was quite prominent in the Phillippine war, while on a hunting excursion was found dead one evening in his buggy.

There is left to mourn Mr. Brown's death his mother and sister of Boise and Mrs. Brown of this city.

Payette Independent
Friday, August 19, 1904
Death of Mrs. McConnell

Mrs. Olive Etta McConnell, wife of N. P. McConnell, who lives about two miles southwest of Payette died Thursday evening, August 11, from consumption, at the age of 36 years. The funeral took place the following afternoon from the Presbyterian church, services having been conducted by Rev. Morrow, who lives near Ontario. The remains were laid to rest in Riverside cemetery.

The deceased came to Payette with her husband last spring from Castle Rock, Wash., hoping that her health would be benefitted by the climate. Besides her husband she leaves five children. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, September 03, 1904
Ina, the little 10 months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Pierce, was taken out of this life at 3:30 o'clock yesterday morning after a brief illness with cholera infantum. The funeral services will be held today. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, September 16, 1904
Lee, the little eight-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McCammon of Crystal died Monday evening of cholera infantum. The baby had been sick for some time and had been brought to Payette for medical treatment and was at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cram, Jr. The funeral was held at the Presbyterian church, Tuesday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, having been conducted by Rev. J. J. Davy. The remains were taken to Riverside cemetery for interment. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, September 16, 1904
The little baby of Mr. and Mrs. James Wright, who live on Little Willow creek, died Sunday of pneumonia. The infant was 20 days of age. The funeral services were held Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock at the Christian church and were conducted by Rev. W. E. Bobbitt. The remains were tenderly laid to rest in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, September 23, 1904
This Newspaper is Missing

Payette Independent
Friday, October 07, 1904
This Newspaper is Missing

Payette Independent
Friday, October 14, 1904
This Newspaper is Missing

Payette Independent
Friday, October 28, 1904
This Newspaper is Missing

Payette Independent
Friday, November 04, 1904
The death of Mrs. Chapman, mother of Mrs. M. C. Bigelow, occurred early Saturday morning as the result of a hemorrhage of the lungs. The body was shipped on the Sunday morning train to Cumbrotta, Minn., where the remains will be interred. Sunday afternoon appropriate services were held at the home on the West Side by Rev. J. J. Davy.

Payette Independent
Friday, November 04, 1904
C. H. B. Hutchinson, father of H. C. and W. A. Hutchinson of this city, came to his death October 26 while in the insane asylum at Blackfoot, Idaho.

The funeral services were held at the Baptist church Sunday afternoon at 2:30, when Rev. T. S. Dulin preached a very able and appropriate sermon, having taken his text from St. John 14:1-3. From the church the remains were conducted to Riverside cemetery where they were tenderly laid in their last resting place.

The deceased was born in Gilmington, New Hampshire, July 15, 1832, making him 72 years, 3 months and 11 days old. In 1837 he moved with his parents to Livingston county, Michigan. He was united in the holy bonds of wedlock to Miss Sophronia Davis at Sterling, Mich., on January 31, 1850, and in April of the same year moved to Wisconsin where he remained nine years when he moved to Harrisonville, Mo. In 1860 he returned to his old home in Wisconsin and three years later moved from there to Menomonle, Wis. He remained at this place nine years when he brought his family to Woodland, Cal., returning to his home at Menomonle the same year. He made another trip to California in 1883 and returned east in 1885. Then in 1890 he moved to Portland, Ore. and in 1899 he moved from there to Payette, where he had since resided until in his declining years his mind became weakened and he was taken to the asylum at Blackfoot.

About three months before his death he lost his power of speech. One of the last visits he enjoyed from any of his relatives was shortly before his death when his brother-in-law, E. H. Davis, who has been visiting in the Payette Valley this summer from the east, made him a visit at the asylum.

The deceased united with the Congregational church in 1860 and since that time had lived a conscientious Christian life.

He leaves a wife and two sons, H. C. Hutchinson and W. A. Hutchinson besides number grand children to mourn his loss. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, December 02, 1904
Death of J. A. Shearer

James A. Shearer, a well respected citizen of the lower Payette valley, died suddenly at his home four miles north of the city, about noon yesterday, Dec 1, as a result of heart disease. The deceased came to this community from Kansas several years ago with his family and was a successful farmer and fruitgrower. He was a member of the Masonic lodge of this city. (Riverside Cemetery)

James Shearer (Payette Independent, Friday, December 9, 1904)

James Shearer, our beloved friend and neighbor, departed this life December 1, 1904, at 12:30 p.m. Here in his own home he was a man lived and honored by all who knew him. He was born on Little Harshaw farm, near Glasgow, Scotland, February 19, 1848, where he lived until his marriage to Jeanette Lang, May 20, 1870. Four days after their marriage they left their native land and came to the United States of America and located on a farm near Frankfort, Kans., in the month of September, 1870. In the year 1893 Mr. Shearer was elected state senator for the term of four years which he served with great credit. In the month of March, 1900, he came with his family to Idaho and located on the farm where he died. He leaves a wife, two sons and three daughters. The sons are Alfred J. Shearer and Hugh R. Shearer and the daughters are May M., Jeanette L. and Myrtle A. Shearer. Two brothers and two sisters of the deceased, residing in Kansas, survive him. He became a member of the Presbyterian church in Scotland when about 19 years of age. He was a man loved and respected for his sterling character, always the same kind and obliging neighbor.

The funeral service was conducted at the home of the deceased by the Rev. J. J. Davy Sunday morning, at 10 o'clock, a large number of friends and neighbors being present. At Riverside cemetery, where the remains were laid to rest, ritualistic exercises were conducted by Washoe Lodge No. 28 A. F. and A. M., of which deceased was a member. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, December 16, 1904
Mrs. Anna Mary Wallace died at her home in this city Wednesday morning, December 14, as the result of an attack of pneumonia. She was only sick about a week.

The funeral will be held this afternoon at the Christian church and will be conducted under the auspices of the Rebekah lodge of this city, of which she was a prominent member. Evangelist Davidson will preach the sermon.

The deceased was 49 years old and leaves a husband, son and a daughter.

Payette Independent
Friday, December 16, 1904
Mrs. Nettie Chapman, wife of Mr. E. G. Chapman, came to her death Friday morning after a brief illness. The cause of her demise was pneumonia and muscular rheumatism. She was taken sick on Saturday and only lived until the following Friday, December 9. She was 39 years of age. The funeral services were held Sunday morning at 10 o'clock by Rev. Davy at the Presbyterian church. (Riverside Cemetery)

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