Payette County Obituaries
New Plymouth Outlook 1904-1905

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1904 1905


New Plymouth Outlook
Friday, June 10, 1904
Brother John C. Franz was born in Germany, April 7, 1848, came to America when about four years of age, and grew to manhood in Grant county, West Virginia, where he was married, and united with the German Baptist Brethren church in October, 1870. He was elected to the ministry about thirty years ago, and to the Elder's office some five or six years later. Since then he has not ceased to warn the sinner to be prepared, and to feed the lambs and sheep of the flock to the best of his opportunity and ability, often going ten to fifteen miles on horseback, of a cold winter morning, to fill his appointment. He was a faithful husband and loving father, ever anxious to add to the children's happiness, and willing to sacrifice all pleasure to lead his family to a higher life. His life is done and his works do follow him. He departed this life June 4, 1904, aged 56 years, 1 month and 27 days.

About one year ago this Brother Frantz moved from West Virginia to Idaho, locating in the Payette Valley on the Toole ranch, north of Payette, but sold that again to Mr. Toole, and bought nearer to town. On last Saturday, after having worked all day, he sat down to prepare a sermon for the coming day, but did not prepare it. He died there suddenly. The shock seemed to be heart-rending to the family. He was an able counselor in the church, loved by all, and much respected by those outside of the church who knew him. In conversation with some of the best business men in Payette, we find that his record here was for good. One said, while passing the church door just one week before he died, he heard the Elder say, "We must rely upon the word of God." That was the last word he heard Bro. Frantz say. The impression made was one for good. I remarked to another business man that "He was taken with no warning." His reply was, "I know but few who needed it less." He said he had been in close touch with Bros. Frantz since he came to Idaho, in a business way, and found him as much disposed to do as he would wish to be done by as any man he ever saw, or could call to mind, and therefore, he thought Bros. Frantz needed as little warning of death to be ready for it, as any whom he knew.

While we feel and much regret the loss of Bros. Frantz, we are glad to know that his good works do follow him, while possibly to live to us would be Christ as a church, to die will be gain to him.

Monday at 10 a.m., Elder J.U.C. Stiverson, our Missionary of Weiser, Idaho, preached the funeral, and then our beloved Brother Frantz was conveyed to the "City of the dead," of Payette, and there given a habitation. He followed and "compassed about by so great a cloud of witnesses." C. A. Williams (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Outlook
Friday, August 26, 1904
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Kennedy lost their little ten-months' old girl, Jennie, Sunday from Cholera infantum. The funeral was held on Monday, when Rev. Kershaw gave the grieving parents consolation in a short sermon on immortality, from the 16th Chapter of Corinthians. A large procession accompanied the remains to the Park View cemetery. (Park View Cemetery)

New Plymouth Outlook
Friday, September 02, 1904
Died on Sunday evening, August 21, 1904, at the residence of her only surviving daughter in East Orange, New Jersey, Mrs. Eliza Gordon Kershaw. Mrs. Kershaw was born in New York City eighty-five years ago. She was the daughter of James and Hannah Gordon, who came to this country from the north of Ireland. They were of Scotch descent, as the name Gordon implies. When a little child her parents moved to Paterson, New Jersey, and here her children were born and most of her life was spent. She had been a widow since 1864. Her husband, James Kershaw, was a major in the New Jersey state militia, and for a time was an enlisting officer during the civil war. Though she had five sisters she was the last surviving member of her family. She leaves two children, a daughter, Sarah, the wife of Mr. Robert Burnet, of East Orange, New Jersey, and a son, John, the pastor of the Congregational church at New Plymouth. No mother ever had more devoted daughters and no daughters ever had a mother more worthy of their devotion. (JK)

New Plymouth Outlook
Friday, September 09, 1904
The funeral of Mr. and Mrs. French's infant child last Friday was attended by a large number of friends, all of whom manifested a sympathy for the bereaved parents which was unmistakably genuine. We have seldom seen an audience affected by a child's funeral as on this occasion. The remarks by Rev. Kershaw were appropriate to the letter, and the singing, floral decorations and service throughout was beautifully impressive. (Parkview Cemetery)

New Plymouth Outlook
Friday, October 14, 1904
We neglected to mention last week the death of the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. George Blayden, who died from cholera infantum on Sept 30th and was buried in Park View cemetery on the following day. (Park View Cemetery)


New Plymouth Outlook
Friday, February 03, 1905
G. A. R. VETERAN Answers the Final Roll Call on Tuesday

On Tuesday, morning, one o'clock, January 31, 1905, at New Plymouth, Idaho, Mr. Charles H. Dorothy, aged 66 years, 5 months and 20 days.

It was a painful surprise to our residents when the news reached their ears on Tuesday morning that C. H. Dorothy had passed away the night before. He contracted the grip about a week previous, and was being doctored by his sister-in-law, Mrs. E. B. Dorothy, of Payette, according to the absent Christian Science method. At two o'clock on Monday Dr. Drysdale was called and found that pneumonia had set in. He and Dr. Woodward did their best to save their patient but to no avail, and Mr. Dorothy said his final earthly farewell at one o'clock. The funeral took place on Wednesday at 11 o'clock at the Congregational church. The mourners were Mrs. C. H. Dorothy, wife of the deceased; Mr. E. B. Dorothy and family, D. J. Graves and family, T. D. French and family. The Odd Fellows assisted with the funeral, being the first death in the order here. Rev. Greenlee preached an able and consoling sermon on the resurrection, and the choir sang some sacred hymns including the war song, "Tenting Tonight on the Old Camp Ground." The remains were then accompanied to the Park View cemetery for the final rites. The pall-bearers were Jos. Mason, Walter Burke, Peter Albert, Fred Ringer, J.F. Creasey, Bert Stilwell.

The deceased was born in Ottawa, Illinois, August 11, 1838. He afterwards settled in Minnesota, and there enlisted in a regiment of infantry and served three years in the civil war. He had until his death a piece of his company's flag that was never lowered in the face of the enemy. He married Mrs. Emily Conner, his present wife, 23 years ago at Genoa, Wisconsin. Mrs. Connor had four children, one of whom is Mrs. D. J. Graves, of this place. He came to Nebraska twenty-eight years ago, and settled in Idaho nine years ago, about two years ago building his home on West-Boulevard, New Plymouth.

In the death of Mr. Dorothy the community loses a good man. He was a useful man to the close of his life. He finished building a house just a short time before his death. He was the violinist and leader of the orchestra and will be sadly missed by our musical circles, as well as the whole community with which he has been identified. The sorrowing wife and relatives have the sympathy of all. (Parkview Cemetery)

New Plymouth Outlook
Friday, March 03, 1905
James H. Blayden died very suddenly last Saturday from obstruction of the bowels. He had been out with his family and other friends at a social gathering the night before and was one of the gayest of the pleasure seekers. George Blayden was summoned from Horseshoe Bend in time for the funeral but the other four brothers and a sister all lived in Iowa and Nebraska, and could not get here in time. Mr. Blayden was 45 years, 3 months and 4 days old at the time of his death. He has been in Idaho seven years and on his present place but one year. He leaves a wife and seven children and as a example of his devotion, and providence towards them left insurance policies for $2,500, $2,000 in the Modern Woodman and $500 in the "Order of Washington." The funeral was held in Payette by the Woodmen, Mr. Blayden having been a member of the camp there.

Our entire community was shocked and grieved of the sudden death of Mr. James Blayden. His bereaved family have the deep sympathy of all. Short services were held at the house Monday evening conducted by Rev. Greenlee, of New Plymouth. The large number of friends and neighbors present testified to the esteem in which the deceased was held. A large funeral cortege wended its way to the Payette Baptist church where impressive services were conducted by Rev. Dulin and the Woodmen. (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Outlook
Friday, April 07, 1905
The funeral of the baby girl, Hazel, youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. McCarty, was held at the home, Wednesday morning. Rev. Jones conducted the services, being assisted by the young people. A more beautiful child at five months old is seldom seen, and the grief-stricken parents are assured of their friends' sympathy. Whooping cough and pneumonia combined took the little one. (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Outlook
Friday, May 26, 1905
On Sunday afternoon at his late residence were held the funeral services an last tender offices for Mr. Thomas R. Hubbard. Rev. T. S. Duiin of the Payette Baptist church conducted the services and although deeply feeling the great sorrow and loss, was able to leave comforting thoughts with the friends there gathered. There were beautiful floral offerings from friends as tokens of the deep regard in which Mr. Hubbard was held. Mr. A. J. Boehmer of Payette sang "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere" in a touching manner, while he also assisted the Pleasant View quartet in rendering the hymns to which everyone turns with sorrow. The internment took place at Riverside cemetery, to which one of the longest funeral processions of our history wended its way. Our immediate neighborhood and the entire valley feel deeply the loss of this man who was never too busy to give a most cordial salute to all he met. Although not a member of any church, he felt that he had a hope in Christ and lived the life of a Christian gentleman, devoted husband and father. His wife's loss is intensified by the many little attentions and regard of which he never wearied in every day life. At the age of forty four he had had a full life, and now rests from his labors. (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Outlook
Friday, June 30, 1905
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ringer died last night.

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