Payette County Obituaries
Payette Independent 1905

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Special Thanks to Cheryl Hanson for going to all the trouble
to search each newspaper page by page to find these obituaries,
for typing them out, and for sharing them with us!

Payette Independent
Friday, January 06, 1905
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Payette Independent
Friday, January 20, 1905
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Payette Independent
Friday, January 27, 1905
Death of Infant

The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Griep, whose home is on the bench, died in this city Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Humphrey, where it had been brought so that medical treatment could be had more conveniently. The funeral was held Thursday afternoon, having been conducted by Rev. J. J. Davy. Interment was in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, February 24, 1905
In Memoriam

On February 16, Stella Ray Blackman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Blackman, aged 15 years, departed this earthly existence to begin that heavenly life which knows no sorrow, after an extended illness of two long years. During all this time, she bore her affliction with great patience. She never complained, and always showed marked consideration for the feelings of her devoted mother and father.

As a daughter, she was adored; as a sister, she exerted a most commendable influence upon her brothers and sister, by her kind and lovely disposition and character.

She was a member of the young ladies class in the Presbyterian Sunday school. Six of her classmates acted as pall bearers.

The funeral services were conducted from the beautiful family home on East Main street, Rev. J. J. Davey officiating, taking for the subject of his discourse, "Heaven."

A Friend

The bereaved family have the heartfelt sympathy of their numerous friends and neighbors in this dark hour of their affliction.

Payette Independent
Friday, March 24, 1905
Death of A. W. Harris

Archibald Wood Harris, who had been living in this city for the last seven years at the home of his son, Thos Harris, died last Friday morning as the result of old age, having been more than 87 years old. Some time ago he was taken ill with asthma and while he seemed to recover from it he never regained enough strength to get up from his bed. During the last days of his life there was apparently no suffering by him whatever. When the time came for him to give up this life he passed away so quietly that the watchers at his bedside were not aware that his spirit had departed until minutes, perhaps, afterwards. There was not a word nor a sound that came from him.

The funeral was held from the Christian church Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. W. E. Bodditt having preached the sermon. The remains were respectfully conveyed to Riverside cemetery where they were laid in their last resting place.

The deceased leaves a family of six children, all of whom are living. A daughter, Mrs. Belle Kalin, residing in Portland, Or., came to Payette to attend the funeral. Besides Mrs. Kalin, there is of the family Thos. Harris of this city, Mrs. Elizabeth Dyer living in Arkansas, Heylen Harris in Texas, Robt. Harris in Nevada, and Mrs. Laura Dyer of Eugene, Oregon. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, March 31, 1905
J. G. Folsom, father of Mrs. A. A. Branthoover of this city, died at his home in Boise last Saturday as the result of cancer. The funeral services were held Sunday under the direction of the Grand Army. Mrs. Branthoover was in Boise at the time of her father's death and is expected to return home the last of this week. Dr. Branthoover went over to Boise Saturday and returned Monday.

Payette Independent
Friday, April 07, 1905
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Payette Independent
Friday, April 14, 1905
Death of J. N. Allum

J. N. Allum, known is Payette in connection with the Allum & Copley barber shop, died Saturday, April 8, at Kellog, Ia., of consumption. The deceased retuned to Iowa from Payette during last November and had been in very poor health for a long time. He was a brother of Mrs. S. D. Copley of this city and Mrs. W. E. Hill who resides on the bench. Both of his parents are living and his mother visited here last summer returning to Iowa with him. He was about 42 years of age and leaves a little daughter.

Payette Independent
Friday, June 16, 1905
Death of Mrs. Shontz

Mrs. Jean Anderson Collins Shontz, wife of B. Shontz of this city, died at St. Lukes hospital in Boise Saturday, June 10, at the age of 65 years. Mrs. Shontz had been a sufferer for a long time with cancer of the stomach and was taken to the hospital where an operation was performed from which she never recovered. The body was brought to Payette Sunday afternoon and Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock the funeral services were conducted by Rev. Herbert Jones at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crowther, interment having been made in Riverside cemetery. Appropriate music for the funeral services was furnished by a quartet composed of Mr. and Mrs. Town, Mr. Boehmer and Miss Cora Aden, and Mrs. Ed. Muller, who sang a solo.

Mrs. Shontz was born October 5, 1840, in Waterloo county, Ontario, Canada. She married Benj. Shontz in 1862. In March of last year, Mr. and Mrs. Shontz came to Payette from Iowa to live. Eight children were born of their union, seven of whom are now living, one having died in infancy. Those living are Mrs. F. E. Price, Mrs. Frank Crowther, Mrs. Frank Crighton, and Dr. R. I. Shontz all of Payette; O. E. Shontz of Albuquerque, N. M., Chas. Shontz of Anthon, Ia., and Miss Orfa Shontz of Boise.

The two sons named, whose homes are at a distance, reached Boise in time to see their mother before her death and later came to Payette to attend the funeral. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, June 30, 1905
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Payette Independent
Friday, July 7, 1905
Mrs. Agness O. Ella Kerr Davis was born in Washington county, Pennsylvania, June 1, 1863. Before her birth her father died and at the age of one year her mother died. She afterwards made her home with an aunt who cared for her until her marriage. At the age of 18, on June 30, 1880, she was married to Ulysses S. Davis at Monongahala City, Pa. One year after their marriage they moved to Livingston county, Mo. In the year 1889 they moved to Topeka, Kans., and lived there until they moved to Payette, Idaho, May 7, 1905. She was taken sick on May 19 and died July 2, 1905. (Riverside Cemetery)

"The living are the only dead:

The dead live never more to die,

And often when we mourn them fled,

They never were so nigh.

"The joys we lose are but forecast,

And we shall find them all once more

But lo, 'tis all before."

She leaves to mourn her death a husband, two sons, three daughters and a daughter-in-law, as follows; Ulysses Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Davis, Misses Edna, Ina and Margaret Davis and Master John Davis, who take this opportunity of thanking the kind friends and neighbors, who, through almost strangers, so kindly helped and comforted them in their bereavement.

Payette Independent
Friday, July 28, 1905
This Newspaper is Missing

Payette Independent
Friday, August 04, 1905
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Payette Independent
Friday, August 11, 1905
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Payette Independent
Friday, August 18, 1905
Death of Infant

The seven-months-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gardner of this city died on Monday afternoon of this week. The funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the Brethren church and were conducted by Elder L. E. Keltner. The remains were tenderly laid to rest in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, August 18, 1905
Funeral of Thomas Hanigan

The funeral of Thomas Hanigan, who died on Thursday morning of last week, was held from the residence in Payette on Friday morning at 8:30 o'clock, with mass at the Catholic church at 9 o'clock, after which the remains were taken to New Plymouth for burial. Speaking of the death of Mr. Hanigan the New Plymouth Outlook of last week says:

"Grouped around the bed were four of the six children who with sorrowing eyes witnessed the peaceful ending of a life nearly three quarters of a century in extent. He was born in Ireland December 30, 1830; in March, 1857, was married to Miss Sarah Cook, from which union there were born ten children, six of whom are now living, namely, John and Henry Hanigan, Mrs. Jessie Henney, Mrs. Mary Kinney, Mrs. Della Lee and Miss Ida Hanigan. The deceased was reared in the Roman Catholic faith, and was a loyal, consistent member of that church through life."

Payette Independent
Friday, August 18, 1905
In Memoriam (Contributed)

Selby F. Stark was born October 28, 1859, Pike county, Ills., and came to Malheur county, Or., in 1880. He was married in 1897 to Anna Dunor Burns of Chicago. With the exception of a brief residence in Weiser he has spent the last 25 years in Malheur county. He moved to Payette last April and was engaged in real estate business with Mr. Russell, being interested in lands and an irrigation project on Dead Ox Flat. He was well and favorably known and was held in live and esteem in his home circle.

About July 15 he began ailing with what was probably walking typhoid. Dr. Avey was called July 25. He was assisted in the case by Dr. J. C. Woodward. It developed into cerebral meningitis and passed beyond the control of medical skill. His parents came August 6. The nurses, neighbors and friends did all they could to relieve his suffering but death claimed him. At 10:50 Friday morning August 1 he passed away. He leaves besides his parents, his wife and two little boys, two brothers, two sisters and other relatives and many friends.

He made a profession of faith in Christ when a boy, and on his dying bed said he was not afraid to die. He asked his father to take care of the little boys. He said he was crossing through the river Jordon and would like to take his wife with him but would wait for her in heaven.

He was buried from the Baptist church at 10:30 o'clock Saturday morning. The funeral discourse by Pastor Dulin was from the test: "All things work together for good to them that live God." After which the remains were laid to rest in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, August 18, 1905

The angel of death claimed another victim when early Saturday morning, August 12, he entered the Deiderichsen home, near Payette, and took therefrom the good wife and mother, Mrs. Johanna Deiderichsen.

The summons came at 3 a.m. after a lingering illness of several months and was not unwelcome as the good woman was prepared and had expressed her willingness to enter the realm of peace and rest, where pain is no more and where the longing soul has sweet repose.

The deceased was a native of Germany having been born at Preetz, Schleswig-Holstein, in 1832, being at the time of her death 74 years of age. At the age of 29 the deceased was married to Detlef Deiderichsen, having been married 45 years at the time of her death. She leaves to mourn her loss her husband and three children, a daughter and two sons.

Henry, the eldest son, came to Payette a number of years ago from Germany to visit his relatives and stayed a short time. Later he went to Portland and studied civil engineering after which he returned to Germany and became a draughtsman in the marine service of that country. He is a married man and was the only child absent at his mother's death. The only daughter, Mrs. Emelle Hansen, lives near Payette, and Antone, the other son, who is unmarried, has made his home with his parents. The deceased with her husband had been a resident of this county for about 10 years.

The funeral took place Sunday afternoon from the German Lutheran church in Payette, the Rev. Coppelman, pastor of the church, officiating. The minister's words were beautiful and well chosen, one of his thoughts having been fittingly expressed with the words: "She has departed with hope into peace everlasting." A deep impression was made upon the large congregation by the minister's discourse and all departed feeling better prepared in mind and spirit for the end that must come to all.

The interment took place in Riverside cemetery where a large gathering of sympathetic relatives and friends paid their last respects to the memory of the departed one.

Sincere thanks are extended by the bereaved family for such an outpouring of sympathy and kindness from their numerous friends and acquaintances. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, September 22, 1905
Death of Washington Baxia

Washington Baxia died at the home of his son, W. H. Baxia, three miles north of New Plymouth, Tuesday night, September 19, at 10:30 o'clock. He was 82 years old and was born in Ohio. Besides his son living near New Plymouth he leaves a daughter, Mrs. Duling, living in California. He was a man of robust constitution and had been in splendid health for his age until two months previous to his death when he began having stomach and heart troubles which brought on his last illness.

The funeral was held yesterday morning at 10 o'clock from the home of W. H. Baxia, and the remains were brought to Payette for burial in Riverside cemetery. The deceased had been a faithful member of the Church of Christ for 53 years and Pastor W. E. Bobbitt of the church at Payette conducted the funeral services.

The deceased had lived with his son in the Payette Valley for the last year and two years ago had spent the summer with him, the younger Mr. Baxia being at that time engaged in the livery business in Payette. Both Mr. W. H. Baxia and the late Mr. Baxia formerly lived in Trinidad, Colo., the wife of the latter having died at that place six years ago. It is the intention of the son to bring the remains of his mother to Payette and have them laid to rest beside those of her husband in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, October 06, 1905
This Newspaper is Missing

Payette Independent
Friday, October 27, 1905
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Payette Independent
Friday, November 3, 1905
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Payette Independent
Friday, November 10, 1905
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Payette Independent
Friday, November 17, 1905
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Payette Independent
Friday, November 24, 1905
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Payette Independent
Friday, December 01, 1905
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Payette Independent
Friday, December 08, 1905
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Payette Independent
Friday, December 15, 1905
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Payette Independent
Friday, December 22, 1905
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Payette Independent
Friday, December 29, 1905
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