Payette County Obituaries
Payette Independent 1908

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Special Thanks to Cheryl Hanson for going to all the trouble
to search each newspaper page by page to find these obituaries,
for typing them out, and for sharing them with us!

Payette Independent
Friday, January 10, 1908
Amos Coulter Passes Away

Last Friday afternoon Amos Coulter died at his home in Payette. He was 62 years, 8 months and 27 days old, and left an invalid wife and nine children to mourn his loss. The funeral services were held at the Christian church Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock, Rev. Edward Wright preaching the funeral sermon. The funeral was conducted by the members of the G. A. R. as Mr. Coulter was a member of that organization.

It is the passing of another war veteran, and brings home the fact that only too rapidly are those who fought and became heroes in the civil war dropping off one by one. They are passing to that world where wars and strife are not known. Mr. Coulter served as a private in company F, 147th regiment, Ohio infantry, during the entire war.

He was born at Wheeling, West Virginia, April 6, 1845. He was married to Miss Hulda Grimm on May 2, 1866, and to them eight sons and two daughters were born, all of whom are living with the exception of one son who was drowned June 19, 1893. He came to Payette with his family four years ago, seeking better health as for 15 years he had suffered with asthma and heart trouble. For 25 years he was a member of the Methodist church. Three years ago he and his family united themselves with the Church of Christ.

His children were Mrs. Viola Pounders and Jacob Coulter of Minnesota, Mrs. Ellis Dougherty of Owyhee, Ida., Homer and Fernando Coulter of Garden Valley, Ida., Alvah, Ellsworth, Sheridan and Sherman Coulter of Payette. Mrs. Alvah Coulter was as a daughter to him as she helped to care for him during his entire illness.

Payette Independent
Friday, January 31, 1908
Death of Mrs. Amelia McDowell

Mrs. Amelia McDowell, mother of Mrs. J. F. Dressler, died January 16 at the age of 76 years. The funeral was held Sunday, January 19, at 2 o’clock from the Methodist church, Rev. Haley officiating. Mrs. Frank Kelley of Central City, Neb., also a daughter of the deceased, was present at the funeral.

Payette Independent
Friday, January 31, 1908

Donald and Hugh Winn, Aged 10 and 8 years, Are Drowned in a Shallow Pond - Hugh Loses His Life While Attempting to Save the Life of His Brother.

One of the saddest accidents that have occurred in the history of Payette and which shocked the hearts of friends and strangers when they heard of it was the drowning of two young sons of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Winn on Captain Henry Ervin’s place a mile and a half south of Payette last Saturday afternoon. The boys were but eight and ten years of age and were drowned in a slough less than six feet deep and not more than 10 feet across.

The accident was unusually sad in that the mother of the boys was lying ill expecting soon to give birth to a child and for the sake of the babe soon to be born, was not permitted to see her sons whose lives had passed to their maker. The bodies were laid away unseen by the mother’s eyes and when the same day, she gave birth to a bouncing boy of 10 pounds joy and grief were mingled in the mother’s breast.

Shortly after noon on Saturday Mr. Winn sent the two boys, Donald and Hugh, across a field on an errand. Light-hearted, happy, full of life and free from care, they left their father and it seems attempted to make a short cut across the field by crossing a slough which was covered with a thin layer of ice.

From all appearances it is evident that Donald, the older of the two, attempted to cross first and broke though the ice and into the water. His younger brother jerked off his coat and cap and with the aid of a willow hook attempted to rescue him and met a like fate.

The boys were discovered by a Japanese who, without waiting to attempt a rescue, ran to Mr. Winn’s house nearly a mile away and told him that he believed his boys were in the slough. The two rushed back to the place and the moment Mr. Winn saw the coat and cap from a distance he knew the victims were his sons.

He rushed into the water, which was up to his neck, and carried the boys to the bank and friends assisted in taking them to his home. Donald was standing almost upright in the water.

Dr. Avey was summoned as quickly as possible and he and J. S. Thurston worked over the prostrate forms for an hour, doing everything in the power of man to revive respiration, but their efforts were unavailing.

With the passing of Donald and Hugh Winn, two beautiful young lives have passed into eternity, and although taken in their early youth the world cannot but be better for their having lived in it. For the last three years the family have resided on Captain Ervin’s place. The little fellows by their bright and endearing ways had won the hearts of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin, from whose home the funeral services were held Sunday afternoon under the auspices of the Christian Scientists, whose ceremony was very beautiful and impressive. Mrs. J. B. Burns furnished music.

A large number of the friends of the boys and the family followed the two hearses as they proceeded from the residence to Riverside cemetery, where the bodies were laid to rest. The pallbearers were chosen from among the boys’ school mates, they having been pupils in the Payette school, and were the following: Phillip Rieger, Emmett Fitzgerald, Frank Wilburn, Clyde Sherwood, Clarence Coats, George Fields, Louis Falkenstein and Lloyd Brundage. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, February 07, 1908
This Newspaper is Missing

Payette Independent
Friday, February 28, 1908
J.M. McGrevey Kills Him in a Quarrel Over Some Hay

Tragedy Occurred Tuesday Morning on Whitney’s Place South of Payette - Two Bullets Pierce Whitney’s Body, Either of Which Would Have Been Fatal - McGrevey Held for Trial on Charge of Manslaughter.

W. Grant Whitney was shot to death Tuesday morning on his place about six miles south of Payette by James M. McGrevey as the result of a quarrel over some hay. Whitney ordered McGrevey to desist from baling the hay, which McGrevey claimed belonged to him, and ordered him to leave the premises. Not doing this, but instead, starting the baling machinery in operation again, Whitney started after McGrevey and was chasing him with a club when he turned and shot Whitney with a 38-automatic revolver. He was about 30 feet away when he fired three times, two of the shots taking fatal effect. One entered the upper left chest, passed through the plural cavity and entirely through the lungs and was found in the man’s clothing at his back. The other entered near the naval and passed through the abdomen and lodged just under the skin at the back. Either shot would have caused death.

After being shot Whitney walked about 40 feet and climbed into his buggy and drove probably 70 feet before he fell over backwards in the rig. As he was leaving he turned to McGrevey and with a motion of his hand, exclaimed: “Now don’t you bale any more of that hay.” He was taken to the home of Chapman Williams, about half a mile away, where he died about an hour after he was shot.

Before passing away, he was told by the physician that if he had anything to say he should not delay as his time was short. Dr. I. R. Woodward was the first physician to reach him and Dr. Avey arrived just before he died. Whitney could talk only in short syllables. E. E. Hunter, Mr. Williams and R. F. Tussing were with him nearly all the time. He told Mr. Hunter that if McGrevey had told him he was going to shoot he would have gone away and left him. Then he said he hoped McGrevey wouldn’t be pardoned. A little later he asked it the men were still baling hay and said they must be kept away. He gave Dr. Woodward some instructions about a thousand dollar check he had in his pocket.

This is the first killing that has occurred in or near Payette since a man by the name of Snyder was killed by an unknown murderer on the streets of Payette about 20 years ago. Snyder was killed one night in front of D. S. Lamme’s old store in the old town. He was of a quarrelsome, ugly disposition and it is the opinion of old timers that the people at that time did not care enough about his fate to make a very vigorous search for his murderer.

There has been trouble between Whitney and McGrevey since the latter left the former’s ranch some time ago. Last year he rented the Whitney place on the shares and it seems the two were unable to make a satisfactory division of the products, and as a result a suit between the two is now in the district court. The immediate quarrel which resulted in the killing was over the hay.

McGrevey claimed he was entitled to half of the hay raised on the place the year he had it rented. Whitney refused to make a division of it and ordered McGrevey, who had purchased part of the Whitney place and lived about a half mile away from the hay stacks, to keep off the place. McGrevey decided to go ahead and bale his share and started men to work on it Tuesday morning. The men were Fred D. James and son Basil, who live at Washoe, and Mr. James son-in-law, Frank Goff. Mr. James was the chief witness to the shooting, as the other two men did not see all of it.

When Whitney learned that the hay was being baled he drove out to the stacks and ordered James to quit his work. James walked over to McGrevey’s place and told him Whitney had ordered him away. McGrevey told him to wait until he went to the house after a drink and he would go with him to the stacks. The two drove there in McGrevey’s buggy. When they reached the hay Whitney was gone, so the work was started again. But in a few minutes Whitney retuned with Mr. Sutfin, the man who now has Whitney’s place rented. Whitney drove his team in the way of the team hooked to the sweep of the baler, and ordered that the work be stopped. McGrevey picked up a short handled fork and tapped his horses which dodged past Whitney’s team and started the baler going. This seemed to anger Whitney who jumped from his buggy and started after McGrevey. James testified that Whitney carried his right hand in his coat pocket the entire time. Whitney chased McGrevey around the circle made by the horses attached to the baling machine two times, when McGrevey circled to one side and redoubled on his course and started around the end of the hay stack. When he made this change in his course Whitney grabbed a heavy wooden stake in his left hand and continued after his man. McGrevey was about 30 feet away and he turned and shot three times. He stood and watched Whitney until the latter climbed into his buggy and drove away. The he walked over to where James was kneeling scarcely three feet away from Whitney when he was shot and asked what he had better do. James advised him to drive to town and give himself up, which he immediately did.

As soon as the news of the killing reached Payette General Manager Dunn of the P. V. railroad offered his train to County Attorney Van Duyn, who was in the city, to take him to the scene of the tragedy. The train left shortly after 1 o’clock, Mr. Van Duyn being accompanied by Fred James and a number of others. The county attorney went over the ground with the witness and heard his story.

An autopsy was held Wednesday morning by Drs. I. R. and J. C. Woodward and Dr. Avey, whose findings were as reported in the first part of this story. No gun was found in Mr. Whitney’s possession.

McGrevey’s preliminary hearing was held Wednesday night before Justice of the Peace Tim Driscoll, who withheld his judgment until 10 o’clock yesterday morning when he bound him over to appear in district court on the charge of manslaughter, placing his bond at $5,000, which he raised yesterday. His trial will come up at the March term of court. He was represented at the preliminary by Attorney John C. Rice of Caldwell and Attorney J. ?. Seawell of Payette.

Mr. Whitney was a member of the Weiser Masonic lodge and eight or ten Masons were up from Weiser and with a number of Payette Masons attended a short service which was held at the ranch house Wednesday, before the body was brought to town.

A coroner’s inquest was held Wednesday, which determined three things. That Mr. Whitney was dead, that he came to his death as the result of gun shot wounds and that the wounds were inflicted by someone other than himself.

Grant Whitney was a pioneer of the Payette Valley. He came here more than 20 years ago with his brother, John Whitney, who died several years ago, and started a nursery. He leaves a wife and adopted daughter, who were at their home in Boise at the time of the shooting and arrived in Payette Tuesday afternoon. He came here from the Walla Walla valley, where two brothers now live. One is C. I. Whitney and the other is E. C. Whitney, both of whom were here and accompanied the remains to Walla Walla where they will be buried. The body was shipped Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Whitney also had a sister, Mrs. A. F. Sayre, at Spokane who was unable to reach here but will join the other relatives at Walla Walla. Mr. Whitney was about 50 years of age.

He had accumulated considerable property and was well to do. Besides his place north of Payette and ranch south of Payette where the tragedy occurred, he owned property in Boise, where he had lived for the last few years, and at Seaside, where he spent his summers. He also owned valuable property in Black Canyon over which he was engaged in litigation for many years. He had interest in the Payette Valley Mercantile company at this place.

Mr. McGrevey and family came to Payette about a year ago from Whitby Island, Wash.

Payette Independent (Friday, March 06, 1908)

Funeral Services of W. G. Whitney

Complaint has been made that the Independent failed to give the details of the funeral of W. G. Whitney in last week’s issue. The funeral services were held at the home of Captain and Mrs. Irvin on Wednesday, Rev. Edward Wright of the Christain church conducted the services. There were many of the friends of the family present besides the members of the Masonic lodge, who went to the Irvin home in a body.

Payette Independent (Friday, March 13, 1908)


In the death of our neighbor and fellow townsman W. Grant Whitney, this community has lost one of its enterprising citizens. His many years of labor in our midst have left the impress of progress. His numerous acts of kindness, especially to those less fortunate in life's conflicts than himself, usually unknown to the general public, brought many messages of comfort to the bereaved family. He had been successful in a business way, having accumulated through years of industry, an ample fortune to protect and provide for those dependent upon him. Mr. Whitney possessed many qualities of mind and heart that endeared him to those who knew him best, and judging from the many kindly messages to the stricken wife and daughter, his sympathies with the friendless become quite apparent, as he seems not to have let his right hand know of the kindnesses done by the left.

He was one of a family of ten children, five boys and five girls. He was born near Girard, Pennsylvania, July 20th, 1863. Three sisters and three brothers survive him, two brothers living at Spokane Washington, and one at Walla Walla, Washington. His father now lives at Walla Walla. About three years ago his parents celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of their marriage, with their children around them, but his mother passed away about a year ago.

Mr. Whitney, like many other courageous men who have made the West what it is to-day, went first to California and subsequently came to Payette about 1884 when there were but a few buildings here, and engaged in the nursery business with his brother J. G. Whitney. The business became quite extensive but the death of his brother caused him to close out the nursery business.

On December 20th, 1888, he was married to Miss Mamie Lamb at Stuart, Montana, who, with their little daughter Marguerite, survives him.

Mr. Whitney lost his life February 25th, 1908. The funeral services were held at the home of his old friend Captain Irvin, at Payette, under the auspices of the Masonic lodge of which he was a member. His remains were taken to Walla Walla, Washington, the home of his father, where they were laid to rest with Masonic honors on February 28th, 1908. Thus passes away a thoughtful strong man in a time of usefulness.

Those who knew him best will remember him as a kind, brave and generous man, indulgent almost to a fault to those he loved.

Payette Independent
Friday, April 03, 1908

New Plymouth, April 2 -After a brave battle with the fell destroyer, which was continued for many months. S. E. Phillips, one of New Plymouth’s best known and greatly respected citizens, succumbed to an aggravated form of heart trouble at his home on Wednesday morning, March 25.

Mr. Phillips was an old resident of New Plymouth, having been one of the original colonists who settled in this valley 12 years ago, where he has made his home ever since. He was a man of sterling qualities, a man whose word was his bond, and who never spoke ill of any one, who always had a word of encouragement to offer at the most opportune time to the men and women who were struggling to build up a home in a new country, where there were many discouragements and difficulties to be overcome. He was always optimistic as to the bright future for the Payette Valley, and years have proven that he was not mistaken.

Mr. Phillips was born in Webster, Washington county, Michigan, December 2, 1839, and was 67 years of age at the time of his death. Two brothers still survive, one in Portland, the other in Iowa.

At Fitchburg, Wis., June 23, 1864, Mr. Phillips was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Divet, and three children were born of the union. They are, Mrs. J. W. Lynch, Mrs. N. C. Parker and J. W. Phillips. The widow and children are left to mourn the loss of a loving and devoted husband and father.

Rev. Greenlee of the Congregational church, conducted the funeral services Friday morning at the Phillips home. The pall bearers were P. R. Ketchum, A. R. Ingalls, Walter Burke, C. S. French, Henry Hanigan and A. Meyer. Scripture reading and prayer opened the ceremonies, after which the male quartet sang “Shall We Meet Beyond the River.” Following the song Rev. Greenlee sketched the life of the deceased in a touching manner, and ended his sermon with a few words of cheer and comfort to the members of the family. “It is Well With My Soul” was then sung, the services closing with Mr. Phillips’ favorite hymn. “In the Sweet Bye and Bye.”

In addition to the immediate members of the family, a large number of the settlers accompanied the body to its last resting place. The many friends of the deceased join in extending their heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved wife and family. (Parkview Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, June 05, 1908
Smith N. Soule Passes Away

Smith N. Soule, father of L. S. and A. S. Soule of this city, died Sunday morning at his ranch up the Payette river from Emmett, after an illness of several weeks. He was 57 years old and besides his sons living in Payette, he leaves three other sons, two daughters, a wife and a mother. His mother and eldest son, Benjamin, live at Princeton, Minn., where the body is being taken for burial.

Mr. Soule formerly lived in Payette, until about six years ago he moved to Emmett and then located on his ranch above that place. This spring he was taken sick with spotted fever, and before it had run its course pneumonia set in, causing his death at the time stated.

His body was brought to Payette and was taken in charge by the members of the Masonic lodge, of which he had been a member. It was shipped on the afternoon train for Princeton, accompanied by Benjamin Soule. The youngest son, Roy, who lives at Anaconda, Mont., was also here.

Payette Independent
Friday, June 05, 1908
Mrs. T. R. Hubbard Loses Her Son

Friends of Mrs. T. R. Hubbard, who has made her home at Albion, Pa., since the death of her husband, will be grieved to learn of the death of her little son, which occurred a few days ago. The following account is taken from the Albion News.

The announcement Thursday evening of the death of James Daniel, the little son of Mrs. Thomas Hubbard, created profound sorrow in this entire community.

He had been confined to his rooms for about three weeks and while his condition was not encouraging he was not believed to be fatally ill until a few days previous to his death, when a weakening of the heart developed, which sapped his strength and on Thursday afternoon, May 21, friends realized that the hour of parting was at hand.

He was born at Payette, Idaho, September 6, 1901.

In the few years he was permitted to live he had brought comfort and joy, not only to those in his own home, but also to homes of relatives, for whom he showed an unusual fondness and attachment.

It was with farewell embraces and his lips forming words of cheer for those about him up to the moment the Great Master claimed him for his own and closed his eyes in eternal sleep. It was such a farewell to earth as might have been expected of one of mature age.

The funeral was held on Saturday afternoon at the home on North Main street and the remains were laid to rest by the side of his father in Wellsburg cemetery. The attendance was large and a wealth of beautiful floral offerings were in evidence.

Rev. W. S. Burton conducted the services, which were very plain though pathetic, and in its entirety the occasion was one of unusual sadness.

Mrs. Hubbard has the sympathy of many friends in her grief and loneliness. (Wellsburg Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, June 12, 1908
J. L. Fifer Answers the Call

With his family gathered around his bedside, at 8:35 o’clock last Friday night J. L. Fifer answered the call of his Master. He had been ill for the last two months with chronic inflammation of the bladder. He was 64 years, nine months and 27 days old, and left a wife and eight children, all of whom were with him at the last moments of his life.

Mr. Fifer had many friends in Payette as he had made his home here, residing on Park street, for the last two years. He was a member of the Methodist church and took a great deal of interest in his church work. He was born in Missouri August 8, 1839, and came to Idaho nine years ago from Montana, locating at Weiser, where he lived seven years before coming to Payette. His youngest son, Delbert, is engaged in business here.

His children are John A., of Harve, Ont., Mrs. A. Beckstead of Council, Ida., Harvey, of Deer Lodge, Mont.; William M., of Council, Ida.; Mrs. Frank Hahn of Council, Ida.; James L., of Salem, Ore.; Edward, of Weiser, Ida.; Delbert, of Payette.

The funeral services were held at 2 o’clock Sunday afternoon at the Methodist church, Rev. Long preaching the sermon. The remains were laid to rest in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, June 26, 1908
This Newspaper is Missing

Payette Independent
Friday, July 10, 1908
This Newspaper is Missing

Payette Independent
Friday, July 17, 1908

J. W. Jimerson died yesterday morning at 5:30 o’clock at his home five miles north of town of heart trouble. He had been suffering with the disease for more than a year. He was 65 years old and had lived in the Payette Valley 15 years, having coming here from Illinois. He was born in Robinson county, Tennessee. He leaves a wife and one daughter, the daughter being Mrs. W. C. Armstrong.

Mr. Jimerson was a veteran of the civil war, having spent three years in active service. He was a member of W. T. Sherman post, G. A. R.

The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at 3 o’clock at the Baptist church, where Rev. A. F. White will preach the funeral sermon. Interment will be in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, July 17, 1908

William Frame, one of Idaho’s pioneers, died in this city last Friday, after an illness lasting more than eight months. He had been sick for several months in Boise and attempted to go to the coast. While on his way he stopped off in Payette for a short visit with his old friend and partner, Mayor W. A. Coughanour, and while here became worse and was unable to proceed. He was here 17 weeks.

William Frame was born in 1842 in West Ontario, Canada, and he came to Idaho in 1860. Ten years later he went to the Boise basin where he engaged in mining and where he spent the greater part of his life. For 15 years he was foreman of the Gold Hill mine, one of the big properties of that section, under the superintendency of Mayor Coughanour. Then he was associated two or three years with Mr. Coughanour as a partner in the Coughanour sawmill at this place.

During his long illness he had with him Mr. and Mrs. George A. Dodd of Denver, Mr. Dodd being his nephew.

Mr. Dodd’s mother is Mr. Frame’s only living sister, or other member of his immediate family. She lives at Tilbury, Canada. He was never married.

The funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the Episcopal church under the auspices of the Masonic order, of which deceased was a member. The remains were laid away in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, July 24, 1908

Wife of State Horticultural Inspector Dies of Heart Disease While Out Walking in Boise - Shocks Community.

New Plymouth, July 22 - The residents of this community were greatly shocked by the sudden and unexpected death of Mrs. J. R. Field, which was caused by heart disease and occurred in Boise while she was out walking with her two little daughters Monday evening. She had been feeling in her usual health and between 8 and 9 o’clock she and the two girls started from their home for a walk. They had gone only about a block when Mrs. Field became faint and stopped at a neighbor’s . In a few minutes she was dead. She had been a sufferer from heart trouble for some time.

Mr. Field, who removed with his family from New Plymouth to Boise when he received the appointment of state horticultural and pure food inspector about a year ago, and his little son Robert were in New Plymouth at the time of the sad occurrence. Mr. Field was reached by telephone and went to Boise Monday night.

Mrs. Field was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lill, formerly of this place, who reside in Payette. Thirteen years ago, when she was Miss Clara Lill, she came to Idaho with her parents, who were among the first of the Chicago people to settle in this valley. In 1899 she was united in marriage to Mr. field, three children being born of the union. They are Anna, Robert and Catherine, all left at a tender age without a mother’s kind and loving care. Besides her parents, three brothers, Russell, Martin and Vernon, and a sister Dorothy, are left to mourn her untimely death. She was 31 years of age.

Payette Independent
Friday, August 21, 1908

While Bathing Iola Byram Accidentally Slips Off of Sand Bar Into Deep Hole - Mother and Brother Come Near Losing Their Lives In Efforts to Save the Child

While bathing in Snake river with her mother and brother about 4 o’clock Monday afternoon little nine-year-old Iola Capitola Bryam accidentally stepped off a sand bar into nine feet of water and was drowned, making the third death which has occurred at Payette by drowning in the last three weeks.

She was playing on the bar where the water was less than two feet deep and at the time was calling to two girl friends on the opposite bank of the river. Neither she nor her mother knew the bar ended with a sudden dip of nine or 10 feet and in her eagerness she ventured a step too far, and the treacherous Snake claimed another life as its toll.

The little girl’s mother, Mrs. Jessie Bryam, and her brother, who is 11 years of age, each made desperate efforts to save her and came near losing their own lives. Both jumped into the deep water but could not rescue the drowning girl.

The sad accident occurred only a short distance from the family’s home and assistance soon arrived, but it was about an hour and a half before the body was recovered. While the three had been in bathing there were two children on the bank watching them. They immediately ran for assistance, going to the home of A. A. Stroup. At the same time the children on the opposite side of the river called their father who went to the scene in a row boat.

Guy Stroup was the first to reach the place and it was he who was successful in diving and bringing the body to the surface. A physician had been called and he worked over the body for more than an hour but the spark of life had flown.

Funeral services were held at the Christian church Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock; Rev. Edward Wright officiating. Interment was in Riverside cemetery.

The little girl was the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Stroup, prominent pioneers of the Payette Valley.

The sympathy of the community goes out to the mother and other relatives. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, August 28, 1908
Baby dies

Helen, the little four-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Lowry who live in Washoe, died Wednesday afternoon at 4 o’clock of cholera infantum. The baby was a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Cortner. The funeral will be held this morning at 10 o’clock from the family residence.

Payette Independent
Friday, September 04, 1908

Friends in Payette of D. W. Thompson were greatly surprised and shocked last Friday when they received the news that Mr. Thompson was dead at his home in Eureka, Calif. No one knew that he was ill and death must have come very suddenly.

Mr. Thompson and family lived in Payette for a number of years and made many close friends here. About a year and a half ago he moved to California, where he was engaged in business.

The local chapter of Eastern Star extend their sympathy to the bereaved family through the following resolutions:

Whereas, the Almighty in his wisdom has called to his eternal rest our loved brother, D. W. Thompson: therefore be it

Resolved, That we, the members of the Lorraine chapter No. 20, O. E. S., extend our heartfelt sympathy to the grief stricken family and pray God may sustain and comfort them in this their great sorrow.

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the records a copy sent to the family and a copy sent to the local paper. Mrs. F. CROWTHER, Mrs. S. B. BURN, and S. CHAPMAN.

Payette Independent
Friday, September 11, 1908
Herbert Harris, father of William Harris, who is engaged in picking fruit on the Shontz ranch, died Monday from pneumonia. He was taken ill at his mining claim near Durkee, Ore., and his son went for him and brought him here. He was 71 years old.

The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. A. F. White officiating. Interment was at Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, October 02, 1908

B. Shontz, father of Mrs. Frank Crowther, Mrs. Frank Crighton and Mrs. F. E. Price, all of this city, suffered a stroke of apoplexy Wednesday night at the home of Mr. Crowther, where he makes his home. It was not discovered until yesterday morning, when an investigation was made to ascertain why he did not rise at his usual hour. He was found in his bed unconscious, and yesterday morning the physician could not tell if there was a chance for recovery.

Since the above was written, Mr. Shontz passed away without regaining consciousness. His death came so sudden that it greatly shocked all who knew him. On Wednesday he had gone to a physician, who had warned him that he was threatened by apoplexy and he was preparing to take precautions against it.

He had lived here about five years and owned one of the best fruit ranches in the valley. His body will be held until Sunday so that relatives may arrive. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, October 30, 1908

Death is extremely sad at all times but it is seldom that the visit of the white robed angel causes more sorrow than was felt in Payette when the news came of the passing of the spirit of Mrs. Ralph Thurston, who died at the St. Helena sanitarium, California, October 22. Her spirit was taken just as her life was budding into full womanhood, just as she and her husband were preparing themselves for a greater usefullness in the world. For her to be stricken down at what seems such an untimely age cast a cloud of gloom over the large circle of friends she had in Payette.

Stella Eloise Thurston was the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Brainard. She was born at Whatcheer, Iowa, January 28, 1885. Her girlhood was spent in Ogden, Utah, where she leaves many friends whose sympathy and love testify to her sweet and loyal comradeship. She graduated from the Collegiate Institute of Salt Lake and afterward attended Whitman college Wash., and Oberline college, Ohio. In each place she grew in fine Christain character as her education was received, and left the touch of her strong personality upon her friends and associates.

She came to Payette as a young woman, and on August 7, 1906, was united in marriage with Ralph V. Thurston, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Thurston, one of the oldest and most highly respected families of Payette. After their marriage she lived a short time in Utah, then moved to Kimberly, British Columbia, and this last summer went to Berkeley, Cal., where Mr. Thurston was studying.

Her body was brought to Payette Monday of this week and Tuesday afternoon was laid to rest in Riverside cemetery. A simple and beautiful service was held in the Methodist church by Rev. Mr. Turner of the Presbyterian church, of which Mrs. Thurston was an active member. The church was filled with the many friends of the two families who listened to a sermon both comforting and inspiring. Sweet and appropriate music was furnished by her friends. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, November 06, 1908
E. T. Beamgard Dies

New Plymouth November 5 - Estey T. Beamgard, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Beamgard who live a few miles from this place, died Monday night after a protracted illness of many months. He was 28 years of age. He came here from Kansas City early last summer for his health.

Yesterday afternoon the funeral services were held, Rev. Mr. Greelee officiating. The services were conducted under the auspices of the Odd Fellows and Woodmen lodges and were largely attended by the friends of the family. (Parkview Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, November 20, 1908
Mrs. Anna F. Bilyeu died at her home on Ada avenue Tuesday of organic heart disease, from which she had been suffering for more than a year. She was 42 years of age, and leaves a husband and five children. She had been a resident of Payette for more than 10 years. (Riverside Cemetery)

Funeral of Mrs. Bilyeu (Payette Independent, Friday, November 27, 1908)

The funeral of Mrs. Anna Bilyeu was held Thursday afternoon of last week from the home on Ada avenue, Rev. A. F. White officiating. Beautiful flowers were sent by the members of the Baraca and Philathea classes of the Baptist Sunday school, who attended the funeral in a body. Interment was in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, December 04, 1908
Baby Dies at Weiser

Mr. and Mrs. Chesney Thompson of Eureka, Cal., are visiting in Payette at the home of Mrs. Thompson's sister, Mrs. L. S. Soule. The many friend of Mr. and Mrs. Thompson here will sympathize with them in the loss of their baby, who died last week at Weiser, where Mr. and Mrs. Thompson had been visiting for two weeks with Mrs. Thompson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hinze. The little one, who would have been eight months old December 10, was laid away in the Weiser Cemetery. Rev. P. Murphy of Payette was called to officiate at the funeral. (Weiser Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, December 11, 1908

Mayor Coughanour Orders Investigation and City Physicians Make Report - County Physician also Investigates and Says He Will Recommend That County Attorney Prosecute Those Responsible.

Alden Rose Sherwood, the five year old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Sherwood, died Wednesday morning of diphtheria amidst circumstances which are being investigated by the county officials and which may lead to criminal prosecution.

The parents of the boy ahere to the Christian Science faith and when, four days before his death, the little fellow became ill healers of the church were consulted and called in to wait upon him. Principal among these was Mrs. Sedenia Dunford of Boise, against whom grave charges will be made if it is found that the Idaho statutes cover such cases. She confesses she knew the child had diphtheria, still she permitted his brother to go to school the day the boy died.

As soon as a report of the death reached Mayor Coughanour he instructed the city physicians, Drs. J. C. and I. R. Woodward, to investigate the case and make a report. They, with Dr. O. H. Avey, held an autopsy over the boy and examined the members of the family and those who waited on him. They were unanimous in their opinion that the child died of diphtheria, and in their report give a complete history of the case.

When the nature of the case was discovered, County Physician W. E. Waldrop of Caldwell was notified. He came to Payette yesterday morning and also made an examination. He informed the Independent that the only point brought out at the examination which is not included in the report of the local physicians is the statement of Mrs. Dunford, which was made in the presence of several, that she was aware of the nature of the disease. Dr. Waldrop said he intended to lay the reports before the county attorney with the recommendation that he prosecute those responsible for letting the members of the Sherwood family and others pass in and out of the house after the nature of the disease was known, thus giving opportunity to spread it.

Superintendent Turner of the Payette schools first learned of the case yesterday morning. He immediately dismissed the pupils in the eighth grade of which Clark Sherwood is a member and had attended Wednesday, and yesterday the room was thoroughly fumigated. Mr. Turned stated he would have all the rooms of both schools fumigated before schools opens Monday morning. (Riverside Cemetery)

The report of the local physicians follows:

Payette, Idaho, Dec. 9, 1908
To the Honorable Mayor and Common Council of the City of Payette, Idaho.

We, the undersigned, physicians, Dr. J. C. Woodward, and Dr. I. R. Woodward, city health officers, and Dr. O. H. Avey, who were requested by the mayor to perform an autopsy upon the body of Alden Rose Sherwood, who died this morning, and to ascertain if possible, the cause of death, beg to report our findings as follows: We first took the statement of Mrs. W. F. Sherwood, Mrs. Lena Rose, of Payette, and of Mrs. Sedenia Dunford, of Boise, Christian Science healers, in the presence of W. F. Sherwood, father of deceased, A. W. Conover, undertaker, who stated the facts in the case to be as follows: “Alden Rose Sherwood, male, aged five years, six months was taken with a sore throat on Thursday, December 3, 1908. He began to vomit about 2 or 3 p.m. on Friday, December 4, 1908. During this time he had no fever, but complained of pain in the stomach through the night. He took milk Friday night and seemed better Saturday. During the day he ate an egg and some meat, seemed to swallow perfectly, had no vomiting and no fever. What seemed to be a beginning cold was noticed, however, and there was a bad discharge from the nose all day. During Saturday night the child was compelled to breath through the mouth and did so with a snoring intonation. At this time we inspected the mouth and throat. The throat and tonsils were not swollen and no sports were apparent but the child talked tickly and with difficulty, the nose was running and the breathing was difficult. On Sunday the child seemed to be all right and was around the house and wanted to go to church. Sunday night the child was breathing hard and was treated at 11 p.m. by Mrs. Dedenia Dunford, a Christian Science healer in Boise. Presumably this treatment was given by telephone. The child rested easily thereafter and was better until 10 p. m. Monday night when a croupy cough and spasms of difficult breathing occurred. This continued all night. The child seemed better Tuesday and went out doors with Mr. Sellers at 10 a. m. Fever was present Tuesday afternoon, the pulse was very rapid, and the child was spitting all the time. Mrs. Sedena Dunford arrived from Boise about 5:30 p. m. Tuesday and found the child dressed and lounging on the floor. It had no fever but had a croupy cough and perspiration, continued all night, but apparently the child had no fever. Toward Wednesday morning the cough tightened and the breathing became more difficult. The child rested quietly in bed. Gradual heart failure occurred and the child died about 9 a. m. Wednesday, December 9, 1908.

Result of autopsy upon the body of Alden Rose Sherwood, male, aged five years six months at about 5 p. m. Wednesday, December 9, 1908.

External appearance of body normal. Post-mortem rigidity present and well marked. Child had apparently been dead about eight hours. Upon examination the heart was found to be normal. The lungs were likewise found to be normal and portions of the lung tissue orepitated and floated on water. Careful examination of the trachea and larynx disclosed the presence of a thick grayish membrane nearly or quite occluding the canal.

It is our unanimous opinion that the child died of laryngeal diphtheria.

Respectfully submitted, J. C. Woodward, M. D., O. H. Avey, M. D. and I.R. Woodward, M. D. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Friday, December 18, 1908
This Newspaper is Missing

Payette Independent
Friday, December 25, 1908
This Newspaper is Missing

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