Payette County Obituaries
Payette Enterprise 1909

Welcome to the Payette County IDGenWeb

Special Thanks to Cheryl Hanson for going to all the trouble
to search each newspaper page by page to find these obituaries,
for typing them out, and for sharing them with us!

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 02, 1909
This Newspaper Issue is Missing

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 16, 1909
James Ewing, for 13 years a resident of the Payette bench passed away on the afternoon of Sept. 13, at his ranch eight miles this side of Emmett. He was past his 75th birthday, being born at Fall River, Mass., June 30, 1834. At the age of fourteen he moved with his parents to the northern part of Ohio near Cleveland. During the war he went to Cincinnati where he married Elizabeth Goble. A very happy union, to whom two children, Abbie and George R. were born. For many years, Mr. Ewing was in railroad employ, finally under the stress of failing health coming to Idaho, and settling on the Payette bench when it was a sagebrush desert.

Mr. Ewing and his family have been important factors in the development of the moral and religious life of the Payette bench as also in the building up of the Baptist church at Payette, of which he was for many years a worthy deacon. Active until the last, his final sickness was brief but accompanied with much suffering. Always and everywhere a true Christian gentleman, Mr. Ewing will be greatly missed by a large circle of friends. Loving sympathy is especially expressed to the members of the bereaved family, Mrs. Elizabeth Ewing, Mrs. A. E. Pomeroy and George Ewing.

The funeral was held at the Payette Baptist church, with interment at Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 30, 1909

P. E. Short left Friday afternoon for Chicago where he was called to attend the funeral of his mother who died very suddenly Thursday morning of heart failure. Mother Short was a resident of Payette for a number of years and has many friends here who will be pained to hear of her death. She leaves to mourn her loss two sons and two daughters, P. E. and William Short, of Payette, and Mrs. W. Bowman and Mrs. Margaretret Whedon, both of whom reside in Chicago.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 15, 1909
This Newspaper Issue is Missing

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 22, 1909
This Newspaper Issue is Missing

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 29, 1909
This Newspaper Issue is Missing

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