Payette County Obituaries
Payette Enterprise 1910

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Special Thanks to Cheryl Hanson for going to all the trouble
to search each newspaper page by page to find these obituaries,
for typing them out, and for sharing them with us!

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 20, 1910
Mrs. A. S. Burns

Angeline Scott Bradley Burns was born April 1st 1829, and died Friday January 14th 1910 aged 80 years, nine months and thirteen days.

She was reared amidst the best Christian surroundings. October 5th 1857 she was united in marriage to the Rev. James Burns, a minister in the Wesleyan Methodist church in New Brunswick, Canada. To this union was born one daughter and three sons, all of whom survive her, Mrs. Dr. J. Fred Holmes of San Diego, Cal., Dr. J. B. Burns, Payette, Dr. John B., Oakland, Cal., and James M, Chicago, Ill.

Sister Burns and her husband were engaged in the work of the ministry in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia until 1871, when they moved to Illinois. They remained in Chicago only a short time and three days before the great Chicago fire removed to Sigourney, Iowa.

After remaining here one year they pushed on farther west and supplied several places in California, and in 1875 they moved to San Jose, in order that the children might attend the University of the Pacific. In 1879 they moved back to Nova Scotia, leaving the children in school and returned to Illinois in 1880 where they took up their residence in Chicago. In 1895 the West called them again and they moved to Idaho. They were stationed at New Plymouth and two years later, while climbing a ladder Rev. James Burns fell and was so seriously injured that it caused his death on Dec. 26th 1897.

He was the first one buried in New Plymouth, but was later removed to the Odd Fellows cemetery in Payette.

Since his death his widow has lived with her son in Oakland and for the last six years with Dr. J. B. and family of Payette.

Last Friday she went to spend the afternoon with her friend, Mrs. Jennie Woodward. Being urged to spend the rest of the afternoon with Mrs. Woodward, she said she would go down and buy some more yarn a she would keep busy knitting a shawl, she did so, and was assisted down the front stairs by Dr. I. R. Woodward. On her return she reached the second floor and, as it is thought her glasses were blurred, she did not see she was passing the Woodard living rooms and made a mis-step, falling down the flight of ten steps which lead to the balcony of the store room below. Mrs. Woodward and Mrs. Kent, the nurse heard the fall and were attracted to her by the groans. Dr. J. C. Woodward carried her to their rooms and telephoned for Dr. J. B. Burns, who was there very soon after. Everything was done by Drs. J. C. and I. R. Woodward and the nurse but the shock was too great and she lived only about half an hour, during which time she was conscious most of the time but did not realize her condition.

She was a noble Christian woman, a kind, loving wife and mother, a good neighbor and beloved by all who knew her. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 17, 1910

Payette residents were filled with sorrow and surprise on Tuesday morning of this week to learn of the sudden death of Lemuel Pratt a well known and respected resident of this city. Mr. Pratt had been a sufferer for years from Bright’s disease but it was not generally known that he was in a dangerous condition. He had been subject to severe attacks but for the past few days had been feeling as well as usual. Monday evening he expressed no unusual condition as to himself but was stricken early Tuesday morning and passed suddenly away. Other complications other than the chronic ailment hastened the failure of nature to withstand the inroads of disease. Lemuel Pratt was well known to a large number of Payette people. He was one of those quiet unassuming men that win their way into the hearts of many by their true worth and high standard of citizenship.

He was born February 26th, 1843, at Dover, Maine. His parents emigrated to Iowa when he was three years old. During the war of the rebellion Mr. Pratt served with honor and distinction with the Fourteenth Iowa Infantry.

On October 27th, 1865 he was united in marriage to Julia Ogg(?) and to this union were born five children all of whom are living. C. E. Pratt and Mrs. Henry Beckwith, of Payette, L. B. Pratt, of Harmony, Minnesota, Mrs. J. J. Parks and Mrs. H. O. Adams, of Fredericksburg, Iowa.

In 1899 the family moved to North Dakota where they resided But a short time, coming to Payette in 1900 where Mr. Pratt has since made his home.

The funeral services will be held Sunday at the Brethren church but as there are so many to come from such a distance and the time of the arrival of the trains so uncertain the hour cannot be given at this time. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 24, 1910

Mrs. Ellen Orcutt, the aged mother of H. B. Orcutt passed away at the home of her son on Monday, February 21st, the cause of her death being stomach trouble and old age. The funeral occurred Tuesday afternoon from the home. Minister Peters of the Christian church having charge of the services. A large number of the friends of this estimable lady paying the last tribute of respect to her.

She was born in county Clare, Ireland, January 6th, 1839, and was at the time of her death 71 years of age. She came to America with her parents when quite young and Nov. 19, 1854 at Lagre, Wabash county, Indiana, she was united in marriage to William Orcutt, who proceeded his aged wife to that home beyond the skies in February 1908.

Their golden wedding was celebrated at Bend, Oregon, in 1904 where they lived up until the time of Mr. Orcutt's death.

To Mr. and Mrs. Orcutt were born seven children, six boys and one girl, of which four boys are left to mourn the death of their loved mother; W. T. Orcutt, of Minneapolis; H. B. Orcutt, of Payette; W. W. Orcutt, of Bend, Oregon; and Frank Orcutt, now of this city.

She and her husband were truly of the frontier type having lived in Indiana before there was a railroad west of Chicago and in Minneapolis before the railroad found tis way across the west half of that state. They came to Oregon in 1903 and located at Bend.

Mrs. Orcutt was a wonderful woman in many ways always keeping up with current events of the times by constant reading. She was a kind considerate mother, a good neighbor and was especially noted for many acts of kindness to neighbors. She had an abiding faith that her future life would be taken care of it she lived right on earth and her whole life was a constant effort that her future might be bright and happy. The death of her husband was a sad blow to her and no doubt hastened her own end.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 03, 1910

Miss Clarissa Marion Soule, the only child and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Soule died suddenly March 1st at her home in this city following an operation for appendicitis. Miss Clara was taken ill on Thursday February 24th with what was at first pronounced ptomaine(?) poisoning but later developing into acute appendicitis and on Friday was operated upon with apparent success but on Tuesday the first a sudden change for the worse took place and despite the best of medical care and attention she passed away at an early hour that morning.

Clara Soule, as she was more generally known by that name, was one of these bright lady like little women what win their way into the heart of all that know them. She was of a sunny happy disposition, beloved by all her schoolmates and being the only child her loss falls more keenly upon her father and mother who idolized her. During her ?? illness of but a few days she suffered extreme pain but with a fortitude that was worth a much older person.

She was born at Rossland, B. C., July 25th, 1896, and at the time of her death she was 13 years, 7 months and ? days old. The funeral services were held from the Christian church at three thirty Wednesday afternoon, Minister D. C. Peters of the Christian church having charge. The remains were interred in the Masonic block at Riverside cemetery. A large offering of beautiful floral designs from the Masonic, Knights of Pythias, Eastern Star, Red Men and Royal Arch Masonic were token of the esteem with which the little one was held by those who knew and spoke more eloquently than words of the attempt of those dear friends of the father and mother to express their sympathy and sorrow for them in the sad bereavement and loss of their only loved one.

Six little classmates from the Payette schools acted in the capacity of pall bearers and their loving hands bore to her last resting place the little playmate they had known and loved so well. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 24, 1910

Saturday afternoon the word was received in Payette of the death of J. J. Toole in Palm Springs, California, where he had gone for the benefit of his health. For many years Mr. Toole had been a constant sufferer from Bright's disease and last fall when he left Payette was in a very serious condition although it was hoped the change of climate and other conditions would benefit him. Mr. Toole had been a resident of Payette Valley for twenty years or more and was one of this sections most prominent citizens. He was engaged in the nursery business and had heavy property interests in this section. The remains were taken from California to Rochester, New York, his old home, for interment.

White he has suffered from what is generally supposed to be an incurable malady his death came as a great shock to his many friends in Payette as the reports from California were to the effect that he was getting better. A large number of Payette residents will miss J. J. Toole from their midst and the sympathy of many friends will go out to Mrs. Toole in her sad bereavement.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 14, 1910

Although it had been known for some time that from the nature of his disease the death of this good young man might occur at almost any time, its announcement last Sunday morning was a sad shock to his many friends.

His death occurred last Sunday morning April 10, 1910 about three o'clock at the home of his father six miles and a half south of Payette.

James William Colley was born in Missouri and at the time of his death he was twenty-six years old. When he was yet but a small child his mother died, after which he went with his father to Oklahoma where they lived eight years, then moving to Idaho where he had lived for the past six years. James is survived by his father, step-mother, one half-sister who lives in Walter, Oklahoma, three half-sisters and one step-brother all at home. He was a member of the Christian Endeavor and Loyalty Bible class. During the last months of his sickness, he became convinced that he must make a public confession of his faith in Christ. This he did before a small company of friends at which time Rev. Day administered the ordinance of Baptism.

The love and esteem in which he was held is shown by the flowers by which his friends endeavored to make his sick room more cheerful.

The services were held at the home at 11 o'clock conducted by Rev. Day of the Methodist church assisted by Rev. Kyles of the Baptist church.

The music was rendered by Mrs. Powell, Mrs. Harry Lewis, Messrs. Edgar Vestal and Harry T. Lewis with Mrs. C. E. Peterson as accompanist. The pall bearers were Messrs. Lee McCoy, Milton Carnifex, Charley Smith, Philip Smith, Kenneth Stegner and Guy Graham. The honorary pall bearers were Misses Melcher, Linch, Potter, Tussing, Lewis and Mrs. Harry Lewis.

The family have the sympathy of the whole community. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 16, 1910
Jay Fitch, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Fitch, was born September 1, 1901, at North Bend, Nebraska, and met his death by drowning June 11, 1910, at Payette, Idaho, in the Payette river.

He was a bright manly little fellow, a member of the Baptist Sunday School, being a constant attendant and taking great pride in his standing in the class.

The funeral services were conducted from the home of his parents on Sunday afternoon by the Rev. Kyles, of the Fruitland Baptist church, the remains being laid to rest in Riverside cemetery.

The following tribute to the manly little fellow who gave up his own life in an endeavor to save that of his brother was written by Miss Lois Moore his Sunday School and music teacher.

Little Jay, sleep sweetly, In your bed of clay.
Now you are with Jesus, lad you'll be alway.
Little hands lie quiet, All the summer night.
Little soul with Jesus, Pure, and clean, and white.
But we'll miss you ever, From our Sabbath class.
Where each Sabbath morning, Pleasant hours we pass.
We'll miss your cheerful voice, In our song and prayer.
But we know you're happier, With Jesus up there.
Dear Jay, you remind us, That we too must go
To meet our dear Saviour. Leave our friends below.
And we'll try remember, Our Saviour to live near
So we'll meet in heaven, With our classmate dear. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 7, 1910
Death of Mrs. Cram

Many people of Payette were shocked and pained on Tuesday morning of this week to learn of the death at Hot Lake on that morning of Mrs. Frank Cram, Sr. Mrs. Cram had been in poor health for sometime and a patient sufferer from a combination of diseases and while her death was not in the strictest since of the word unexpected, yet the news of her demise came with a distinct shock to her many friends. The remains were brought to Payette Tuesday evening and on Wednesday at the Presbyterian church the Rev. Turner officiating the funeral services were held a large concourse of friends paying their last tribute to the one they had known and loved in life. The remains were interred in Riverside cemetery.

Mary Wanamaker was born in Minnesota July 18, 1859, near Albert ?. Her parents were of that sturdy pioneer stock that have made this western country what it is and her father was killed in the Indian wars while she was but a mere child.

In October 1776 she was united in marriage to Frank H. Cram who survives her. Soon after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Cram moved to Montana where they resided for ten years. They moved to Washington in 1890 and in 1895 came to Payette where they have since made their home. She leaves besides a loving and devoted husband to mourn her loss one daughter, two sons, Roy and Frank Jr. both of this city, a mother, one sister and four brothers.

Mrs. Cram was a member of the Presbyterian church and a devoted Christian woman and among her friends she will be sorely missed. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, August 01, 1910

Last Friday afternoon while attending a picnic given by the Fruitland Sunday School in Orcutt's grove, Austin Berg, the seventeen year old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Berg living on the bench near Fruitland was drowned in Washoe Slough. The young man had gone in bathing with some companions and as he could not swim had been advised to keep in the shallow water. He got beyond his depth and shouted for help. His companions at first thought he was joking, but workmen working at the icing station noticed his genuine distress and hastened to his rescue. Before they could get to him he sank and was in the water fully twenty minutes before they could locate him. It is a sad accident and the family have the sympathy of many in this community.

The funeral services were held at the home on Saturday, afternoon and interment was made in the cemetery at New Plymouth. (Parkview Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, August 25, 1910

Last week just before we went to press we learned of the death of Dorothy the five year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Graham living on the bench and at the time were unable to give other particulars. The little girl was taken sick at midnight on Saturday of last week and on Tuesday it was decided by the attending physician that she was suffering from an acute attack of appendicitis and that an operation was imperative. It was accordingly performed Tuesday and on Wednesday morning the little one passed away.

The funeral services were conducted on Thursday afternoon at the home conducted by the Rev. George Turner of the Presbyterian church of this city. Internment took place in Riverside cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Graham have the sympathy of a host of friends and acquaintances in the loss of their little daughter. (Riverside Cemetery)

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