Payette County Obituaries
Payette Enterprise 1911

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Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 09, 1911
Inman, Walter Gerald, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Inman. Funeral at the Bethel of the Church of God in the presence of a large number of sympathizing friends. Services conducted by the pastor, Elder W. T. Turpin.

Walter Gerald's mission on earth was four months less two days.
"As the sweet flower that scents the morn,
But withers in the rising day,
Thus lovely was this infant's dawn,
Thus swiftly fled its life away." (Riverside Cemetery)


We desire in this manner to express our thanks to our kind friends and neighbors who assisted us so much during the illness and death of our baby. Mr. and Mrs. Guy L. Inman

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 16, 1911

Peter Mordhorst an aged resident of this valley and one who had lived here for eleven years died at his home north of the city on Tuesday March 7th from old age and a complication of diseases. Mr. Mordhorst was a well known resident of the valley and in the vicinity in which he lived had the friendship and respect of all his neighbors. He leaves to mourn his loss two children both residents of this valley. George Mordhorst and Mrs. Emma Precht. The funeral services occurred on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the ranch home, a large number of friends paying their last tribute of respect to a well known friend and neighbor. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery beside the remains of his wife who passed away just a year ago in January last.

Peter Mordhorst was born in Germany, April 3, 1839, and came to America in May 1867 and first located at Davenport, Iowa. After a residence of 2 years in Davenport, he moved to Tama county and in 1877 he moved to Carroll county, Iowa, where he lived until the year 1900 when in company with others who were seeking the far west he came to Payette Valley and since that time has resided here. Peter Mordhorst was of a very quiet, retiring nature but was one of those neighbors that are missed in the neighborhood in which they reside when called away. The sympathy of a large number of friends will be with his son and daughter in this loss of their father coming so soon after the death of their mother. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 04, 1911

Last Sabbath afternoon the citizens of Payette with a large number of friends and acquaintances of the family from Weiser, Boise, Caldwell and other neighboring towns in Southern Idaho, paid their last tribute of love and respect to this stalwart citizen and with sad hearts tenderly bore his remains to Riverside cemetery and laid them at rest. The immense throng that sought to gain admission to the Methodist church where the services were held, the wealth of beautiful floral offerings and the largest funeral cortege ever seen in Payette were all evidences of the universal love and respect in which Captain Shawhan was held when alive. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. George W. Turner, who took for his text "Thou Shalt Be Missed Because Thy Seat Shall Be Empty." Rev. Turner paid a glowing tribute to the life of Capt. Shawhan speaking of his royal quality of manhood, his cheerful optimistic nature and of his life long labor devoted to making those near and dear to him happy. It was a beautiful tribute paid by a man whose knowledge was of a close personal acquaintance.

W. T. Sherman Post G. A. R. and the Women's Relief Corps had charge of the remains at the church and one impressive part of the arrangements was the draping of the casket with the flag he had fought to defend and perpetuate. After the services at the church the members of Washoe Lodge No. 28 A. F. & A. M. took charge and at the cemetery the simple but impressive burial service of the order were observed.

When the last rites were performed and just as the large concourse of people were sadly departing from the last resting place of this worthy citizen, taps blown by the bugler of Company I was a fitting close to the touching ceremonies of the afternoon.

Joseph H. Shawhan was born in Rush county, Indiana, August 10th, 1838, and moved with his parents to Sigourney, Iowa, in 1845 where he grew to manhood and 1861 was united in marriage to Miss Mary Adeline Jackson. In October 1862 he enlisted in Company B 33rd infantry of Iowa as lieutenant and served until March 1863 when he was forced to resign on account of utter failure of health induced by the severe service in the southern swamps. In November of the same year he had so far recovered as to feel able again to go to the front and enlisted as Captain in Company K of the Ninth Cavalry Iowa Volunteers in which company he served until the end of the war returning to his home in Sigourney, Iowa, where he engaged in business until 1880 when he moved to Kansas settling at Clay Center. There he remained until 1895 in which year he came to Payette Valley being one of the original Plymouth colonists and living at New Plymouth for a time. Later he purchased and cleared the sage brush, leveled the land and planted the present twenty acre pear orchard near Payette which is the pride of this valley and noted all over the northwest as a typical, well kept pear orchard. He was one of the few men, possibly the only man in this valley who planted an orchard and had the faith and courage to stay by it until it was bearing and paying. As a horticulturalist he ranked with the leading ones of the state, was president of the State society, Vice-President for the state of Idaho of the National Horticultural. Congress and was also a member of the State Horticultural board. In matters pertaining to the advancement of fruit culture Capt. Shawhan was always a leader and in every movement for the betterment of conditions along all lines was always to the fore in the work.

He leaves to mourn his loss his faithful wife, four sons, Hon B. P. Shawhan of this city, Rev. H. H. Shawhan of Danville, Illinois, W. J. Shawhan, Dr. G. E. Shawhan of Boise and two daughters, Mrs. H. J. Sommercamp of Weiser and Mrs. T. E. Jones of Payette, all well known in their various communities and with legions of friends who with them mourn the passing of one of Payette Valley's most loved and respected citizens. (Riverside Cemetery)

Mrs. Shawhan and children desire to express their sincere appreciation of the sympathy and many acts of kindness which so helped them in their time of sorrow. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 27, 1911

Young Man Well Known in Payette Killed While in Hills With Party of Friends on Outing - Remains Brought to Weiser and interred Where Parents Live

Chris Korup, well known in Payette having worked here for some time with his Uncle Chris Henrichsen, met his death last Sunday morning in the hills near the head of Squaw Creek where he had gone with a party of friends for a hunting and fishing outing.

At the time of the accident the young man was engaged with two or three other men in the party in cutting down a huge dry tree that leaned threateningly toward the camp. Just before the tree fell young Korup notified the crowd of the direction he thought it would fall. As it started to fall they all scattered but in some manner a large section of the upper part of the tree broke off and striking another tree rebounded and struck Korup on the head. He lived from nine o'clock Friday evening when the accident happened until 12:30 Sunday morning when despite the efforts of all in camp and of Dr. I. R. Woodward, who was with the party and stayed by him constantly for the twenty-seven hours, he passed away.

The remains were brought to Weiser where his father and mother live and on Tuesday were interred in the Weiser cemetery the funeral services being held in Pythian Temple being conducted by Rev. Springfellow. The services at the grave were in charge of the K. of P. lodge of Weiser of which he was a member and a large delegation of the Payette K. of P. lodge also attended in a body.

The accident is one of the saddest that has occurred in this section for some time. Chris Korup was a young man, well known and admired by a large number of Payette residents as a clean upright young man. He was born in Germany, April 24, 1888 and came to this country with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ? Korup of Weiser who survive him. A brother, Karl Korup lives in Payette and a sister Mrs. Lew Waters, lives in Weiser. They all have the sincere sympathy of a host of friends who all deplore the sad affair. (Weiser Cemetery, Weiser, Idaho)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 07, 1911

Last Friday Mrs. R. L. Jimmerson, an aged and well known resident of Payette, passed away at her home north of the city after a very short illness of pneumonia. Mrs. Jimmerson was sick but six days and was not thought at any time to be in a serious condition but on Friday a sudden turn for the worse came and she passed away.

Mrs. Jimmerson came to Payette with her husband and family fifteen years ago from Illinois and during the long term of her residence here she became known to her friends and acquaintances as a lady of estimable quality. She was a member of the Baptist church and in her earlier life was an earnest, faithful worker in the church but of late years on account of her extreme age she had not been so active.

Mrs. Jimmerson was sixty-four years of age at the time of her death and leaves to mourn her loss three sons, Wesley, Presley and Robert, all substantial ranchers living near Payette and a daughter, Mrs. C. G. Goodwin of this city. She also leaves a sister and two step sons living in Illinois who were unable to be present at the funeral which was conducted at the Baptist church of this city, by the rev. Van Engelon. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery by the side of her husband, Robert L. Jimmerson who died four years ago. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 07, 1911

Rev. H. P. Peterson Struck by Engine of No. 18 Wednesday Morning and Instantly Killed

Rev. H. P. Peterson, the young minister appointed by the Methodist conference to the work on Dead Ox Flat and who just recently came to Payette was struck by the engine on No. 18 Wednesday morning of this week and instantly killed. Mr. Peterson has been preaching on the Flat on Sundays and of nights has been working as baggage man at the depot. It was his duty to hang the mail on the crane for No. 18. As there was no witness to his death it is largely a matter of conjecture but the supposition is that he hung the mail out for No. 18 and as she was a little late probably sat down on the rail to await her arrival and falling asleep awakened too late to save himself. The body was found by the night operator who after the grain went by and the baggage man and not return went out to look for him. He found him lying a few feet from the track just north of the mail crane with the right side of his head crushed in.

The young man has been in Payette but a short time but there are a number of people living here who knew him in his old home, Maratho?, Iowa, and they all speak in the highest of terms of him and during his short residence in Payette he made many new friends. He leaves a wife and three children.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 07, 1911

Saturday afternoon the people of Payette were generally pained to learn of the death of Joseph T. Patch at the home of his son, General L. V. Patch in this city. Although for the past year Mr. Patch had been in poor health he had still been able to be up and about most of the time and his friends did not think his condition was at all serious. The news of his demise came as a distinct shock to his wide circle of friends and there was genuine sorrow in Payette when it became known.

Joseph T. Patch was born in Mount????, Vermont, September 25, 1838, where the early part of his life was spent. Arriving at man's estate he moved from there to Gawandy, New York , and later taught school in Buffalo for a short time afterward entering the State University of Michigan from which he graduated with high honors. After leaving the university he went to Mt. Pleasant, Iowa where for twelve years he practiced law and was united in marriage to Mary E. Vernan, daughter of Dr. J. B. Vernan, a Methodist minister. He moved from there to Omaha, Nebraska, where for twenty years more he engaged in the practice of law. A large law business coupled with an intense zeal for his profession finally undermined his health and about nine years ago he came to Idaho to spend his remaining days with his son General I. V. Patch, of this city. The first few years of his residence here were very beneficial and he regained his health until the last year during which time he seemed to gradually grow weaker until on Saturday, September 2 at six p. m. he answered the final summons and peacefully closed his eyes in the last strange sleep. He was the father of four children, three girls and one boy, Mrs. Gordon P. Mikker of Prosser, Washington, and General L. V. Patch, of this city the only surviving ones, his wife having died some fifteen years ago in Omaha. He has one brother living, Prof. J. V. D. Patch, of St. Joseph University, and one sister, Mrs. E. C. Colkins, of Kearney, Nebraska, wife of E. C. Colkins, Supreme Court Commissioner of Nebraska.

During his residence in Payette, Joseph T. Patch became known as a gentle, kindly, aged man of sterling quality and exceptional citizenship. Early in life he united with the Unitarian church and while there was no church of his denomination here he lived the latter part of his life in Payette quietly but with a well known regard for high ideals in every walk of life.

The funeral services were held at the Methodist church in this city Tuesday afternoon at two thirty being conducted by Rev. Howarth. The large concourse of friends and acquaintances that gathered to pay their last sad tribute to this citizen and the many beautiful floral offerings were all evidence of the universal esteem in which he was held. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 05, 1911

Aged Woman Who Crossed the Plains With First Body of Mormons and Pushed a Cart From Navoo, Illinois to Salt Lake, Passes Away in Payette at the Age of Ninety-Two

Monday morning of this week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. William Holt, Sr., Mrs. James Barnes passed away at the age of ninety-two years. Mrs. Barnes had been for the last few years quite feeble and a few days ago fell down stairs and never recovered from the shock but lingered for a few days gradually growing weaker until Monday morning when the end came.

The history of this aged lady is indeed interesting. Mary Ann Thompson was born in Lawton, Chesire, England, July 28, 1820. In 1851 she was united in marriage to John West in England and the young couple started across the ocean to make their home in this country. They were ten weeks crossing the ocean. Arriving in New York City they journeyed with other people of the Mormon faith to Navoo, Illinois, the husband dying shortly after they reached Navoo. From Navoo Mrs. West took up the journey in 1862 with the great movement of Mormon people and pushing a push cart all the way walked to what is now the present city of Salt Lake. While enroute she wedded James Barnes who for eleven years after arriving in Salt Lake was one of the master mechanics employed in building the temple, tabernacle and other religious buildings of the Mormon people and died of stonemason's asthma.

Up until the last five years Mrs. Barnes was hale and hearty and did all her own house work but for the last four or five years she has been living with her daughters, Mrs. Frank Moss and Mrs. Will Holt, Sr., of this city passing her old days in bliss and quiet.

She leaves besides these two daughters to mourn her loss, Hiran James Barnes, Lorenzo D. Barnes, John Lacori Barnes all of whom live in Southeastern Idaho, and Richard Staton Barnes, of Salt Lake.

The remains accompanied by Richard Barnes and Mrs. Frank Moss and Mrs. Will Holt were shipped to Salt Lake on Monday evening for interment. (Salt Lake City, Utah)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 12, 1911

Mrs. A. C. Hammond, wife of A. C. Hammond died very suddenly in Payette on last Sunday from heart disease. Mrs. Hammond had been to the post office and was returning home when she was seen to fall when near the corner of Seventh street and First Avenue North. Parties observing her ran to her assistance and soon determined that something serious was wrong. A physician was called and she was taken to the Woodward hospital but passed away while enroute there in an automobile. Mr. Hammond was out of the city as the time of his wife's death as he had been engaged in assisting in gathering exhibits for the Pittsburg land show and was supposed to be on his way to Pittsburg at the time but fortunately was located in Boise. He returned to Payette on the night train Sunday and took his wife's remains to Boise Tuesday afternoon on the Pony. Mrs. Hammond was well known in Payette as the family have lived here several years. The blow falls on Mr. Hammond all the more keenly as just a few months ago the only son passed away in Boise.

A large number of friends gathered to pay their last respects to this estimable and aged lady who had lived a life of peacefulness and good among them. (Boise, Idaho)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, November 16, 1911

Benjamin Franklin Wilson was born in 1852 near Youngstown, Ohio and with his parents moved to Mahaska county, Iowa, in a very early day. As a lad of twelve he went to Denver and spent three years freighting to and from Omaha, afterwards locating at Winterset, Iowa, where he grew to manhood and met and married Sylvia Ellen Wilson and located in Cherokee county, Iowa, near Aurelia on a homestead. Of this union five children were born, four of whom survive him, Mrs. C. A. Dobell of Corvallis, Oregon; E. C. Wilson of Mikado, Sak., Canada; Dr. C. E. Wilson, of Corvallis, Oregon; and Mrs. Chas. Shontz of Payette.

After an active career in the grain and stock business at Marcus where he as a charter member of the Masonic lodge at Anthon, Iowa, for over twenty years, the call of the prairie lured him to Canada where he lived until about one year ago when he was stricken by a partial stroke of paralysis. With his wife he then came to Payette where Mr. Wilson bought ten acres north of town in the hopes that the climate of this valley would aid in warding off the inevitable, but on Sunday morning, November 5th, a second stroke developed after a week's illness and he passed away November 14th. His mind was clear to the last; his unfaltering trust in Jesus the Christ and his repeated assertion that he had no fear to go helped those who are left to mourn a noble father and a faithful husband.

The funeral services were held at the Christian church on Tuesday afternoon at two thirty o'clock, the Rev. Smith of that church officiating and the remains were laid to rest in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

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