Payette County Obituaries
Payette Enterprise 1912

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Special Thanks to Cheryl Hanson for going to all the trouble
to search each newspaper page by page to find these obituaries,
for typing them out, and for sharing them with us!

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 11, 1912

Louese Bower was born in Wurtenburg, Germany, Dec. 30, 1826 and died at Payette, Idaho, April 1st, 1912 aged 85 years 3 months, 2 days.

She was brought to America by her parents when she was six months old. She grew to womanhood in Pennsylvaniia and in 1852 in Blairsville, Pa., she was married to Corporal John Gardner who served through the Mexican war and afterward became Captain of Co. E. 2nd., Kansas Cavalry in the Civil war.

She united with the Lutheran Church in early life and at the time of her death was a member of the Payette Presbyterian Church.

She was the eighth child in a family of 13 children, two of whom are still living. She is also survived by one daughter, Mrs. E. W. Blakesley of Payette, four grand children and three great grand children. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 11, 1912
Death of P. M. Lover

P. M. Lover who died in Payette on March 28, following an operation for appendicitis came to this city but a few days before his death from British Columbia where he had been superintendent of mines for fourteen years. He was forty one years old at the time of his death and leaves a wife and two children to mourn the loss of an indulgent father and a loving husband. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 25, 1912

George L. Avey, father of Dr. O. H. Avey, died at the residence of his son in Payette, Friday, April 19th, 1912, after a short illness from erysipelas. His condition for several days did not seem dangerous and the disease was apparently clearing away when an unexpected turn for the worse set in, against which his advanced age and weakened vitality were unable to resist. He died peacefully Friday evening.

George L. Avey was born in Maryland, March 12th , 1830. When a young man he moved to Logan, Ohio, where he met and married Mary E. Fox in 1854. Two sons and six daughters came to them who, with the aged wife and mother, are still living and reside in Southern California, this being the first death in the family covering a period of fifty-eight years.

Mr. Avey engaged in harness and saddlery business in Ohio, but responding to the call of Lincoln for volunteers to defend the Union, he left his shop and assisted in organizing Company H, 114th regiment, Ohio Volunteers and served as lieutenant till the close of the war. He served under Grant in the Department of the West at the siege of Vicksburg and was with the Union army in the memorable campaign which opened up the Mississippi to the fleets of the Union; an event which brought forth the words from Lincoln, "The Father of Waters now flows unvexed to the seas."

Returning to his business at the close of the war, he was soon compelled by failing health, the result of the hardships and privations of the service, to change his occupation and conserve his strength. He moved to Oskaloosa, Iowa, where his children grew to maturity, and later moved to California.

About twenty-seven years ago, as the result of injuries received in the army, his sight left him and although doomed to live the rest of his days in total darkness, he was cheerful and optimistic to the last. He took a keen and lively interest in the affairs of the country and the current events. The papers were read to him daily. He had an excellent memory an the loss of sight resulted in a remarkable development of the other faculties. Nature seemed to make an extraordinary effort at compensation. He was able to go about the streets on a brisk walk, guided unerringly by his keen sense of sound, his trusty cane with which he felt his way along the sidewalks, up steps and over obstructions; and that indefinable sense of direction which is possessed in greater or lesser degree by those who have been blind a long time.

After becoming blind, his son, Dr. O. H. Avey, took him to his comfortable home where he was given every care and kindness that a loving son could bestow upon his father. The mother, who is quite feeble, is with her other son, who is also a physician, at Redlands, Calif., and quite prominent in the politics of the Golden State.

Father Avey was a member of the Masonic fraternity. The funeral services was conducted by Rev. A. L. Howarth, Sunday afternoon at Wesley chapel and the body was laid to rest in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 09, 1912
Gene Edna Minard, daughter of Charles and Elvina Minard, was born in Iowa August 15th, 1883. At the age of twelve she came in a wagon with her parents to the state of Idaho where she lived the remaining years of her life. On February 3d, 1901, she was married to Charles Browning. Three children were born to bless this union, two sons and one daughter. After a long and lingering affliction of eighteen months she passed away on the evening of May 5th, at the early age of 28 years, 8 months and 20 days. The children, husband, mother, two sisters and two brothers with other relatives remain to mourn her departure.

The funeral services were held at the Christian Church Tuesday afternoon. Rev. Benj. Smith preached the funeral sermon.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 16, 1912

Nora Buxton, the eight year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Buxton, died at the hospital in Boise Tuesday afternoon of Hemophilia, a disease which, happily is a rare one but one of the most discouraging things a physician has to encounter. It is characterized by an excessive tendency to spontaneous bleeding from very slight and sometimes inappreciable causes. There is an excess of red corpuscles with great diminution of fibrine, the property of the blood that causes it to clot, or coagulate, and thus stop the bleeding.

The child had recently recovered from an attack of pneumonia which, perhaps, contributed to the condition. Friday evening she commenced bleeding at the nose and it was found necessary to plug the anterior and posterior nares Saturday morning. A tooth that had a cavity in it commenced to bleed. Recognizing the dangerous malady, the child was taken to Boise to a hospital by his parents and the attending physician in order to prepare for emergencies.

It soon developed that the case was fatal, for as soon as they arrived in Boise, symptoms of internal bleeding commenced and it seemed that the system was leaking blood in the various vital organs. Everything that could be done was undertaken to save the child, but it was without avail. She was apprised of the fact that death was near, and with fortitude becoming one of more advanced years, expressed no regret. She was an exceptionally bright child whose parents are deeply grieved at her loss. Nora was born at Cromwell, Iowa, September 20th, 1904 and was eight years, seven months and twenty-four days old. She said to papa and mama. "If I die now I'll go to heaven, If I live to be a woman I might not be a Christian." Realizing that death was near she said "good bye to everybody in this world that I know."

The body was taken to Cromwell, Iowa, to be buried in the family cemetery. Funeral services were held at the Christian church Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 23, 1912
Mrs. John Neal, New Plymouth, age 76 years was born at Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 10, 1836 and passed away May 18, 1912 at the home of her daughter Mrs. C. M. Williams from heart trouble. She has been severely ill of bronchial pneumonia but had somewhat rallied, except for the weak heart and severe attacks. They came to Idaho 38 years ago and had resided continuously in Payette Valley rearing a family of eight children who with the bereaved father, survive the deceased. When the end came all were gathered round her, the eldest son, W. C. Langley from near Seattle, Issac Neal, New Plymouth, Mrs. Ritchie, Cambridge; Emma Youtsler, New Plymouth; Mrs. Rosa Clement, Notus; Mrs. C. M. Williams, Fruitland; Mrs. Belle Branham, Emmett and Johnny Neal, New Plymouth. Funeral services were held at the Williams home near Fruitland conducted by Rev. Minaker of New Plymouth Baptist church of which she was a faithful member. The services were beautiful and touching and the grief of the family at the loss of a loving mother and devoted wife very pathetic. May beautiful flowers were laid upon the black casket as a tribute of love and honor from family and friends. A large crowd of sorrowing friends followed the remains to Park View Cemetery where they were laid to rest. (Applegate Kennedy Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 11, 1912

Falls From Load of Hay and Breaks Neck
Leaves Wife and Eight Children

A distressing accident occurred near the bridge across the Prestel spillway on Tuesday evening about six o'clock when a load of hay being driven by J. W. Page, a ranchman living in Washoe, tilted and started to overturn with him. Page jumped from the load lighting on his head and shoulders in the hard road his neck was instantly broken. Page was a man about forty years old and leaves a wife and eight children the family coming here about two years ago. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon and interment was made in Riverside cemetery.

The affair is one of the saddest that has occurred in Payette for some time and the fatherless children and bereaved wife have the sympathy of the entire community.

OBITUARY (Payette Enterprise, Thursday, July 18, 1912)

William Page was born in Indiana near Lebanon on October 2, 1866 and was 45 years, 9 months and 7 days at the time of his death.

He was married to Elizabeth Crawford March 24, 1896 and to them were born nine children of whom eight boys survive. He leaves, besides a wife and children, a mother, one brother and five sisters and many friends to mourn his loss.

He united with the Christian church when he was fifteen years old. The funeral services were conducted at the Methodist Episcopal Church by the pastor Rev. A. L. Howarth. The body was taken to Elgin, Oregon for burial. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 19, 1912

Monday morning at two o'clock at the home of his son H. M. Bell, George M. Bell passed away from a complication of diseases resulting from extreme old age. He had been troubled some time with spinal disease and for a week or more had been in a very critical condition and the end came Monday morning.

George M. Bell was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, January 5, 1828, and was at the time of his death 84 years and six months of age. He came to Canada in 1833 and resided in the Dominion until 1837 when he moved to Buffalo, New York where he lived until 1841 when he moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin and engaged in the fur business until 1881 when he took up his residence in Minnesota where he resided until July of this year when he came to Payette to make his home with his son H. M. Bell. He was married in 1855 and three children and the aged wife survive to mourn his loss. H. M. Bell, a son lives in Payette; E. T. Bell, of Long Beach, California and Mrs. Florence B. Orton, of Marrietta, Minnesota.

The funeral services were held Thursday afternoon and the remains were laid to rest in Riverside cemetery the Masonic brethren having charge of the services at the grave. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 03, 1912
Jacob Sloneker was born in Pennsylvania, November 22, 1831. died at his home in Payette, September 27, 1:30 A. M. age 80 years, 10 months and 5 days. He was a veteran of the Civil war, having enlisted in Co. F., 15th Iowa Volunteer Infantry October 10th, 1861. He re-enlisted in the same company January 1st, 1864 and served until his discharge July 24th, 1865. some of the prominent engagements in which he had a part were the battles of Shiloh, Fisksburg, Chattanooga, Missionary Mt. and Atlanta.

He never married. He united with the Church of Christ at Glenwood, Iowa, soon after the war, and took membership with the church at Payette in the year 1903. His quiet and honorable life won for him many friends.

The funeral was held in the Christian church Saturday afternoon. The G. A. R. officiated at the grave. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 10, 1912

Word was received in Payette Tuesday morning that a well known pioneer James Harrington had suddenly died at his home three miles southeast of Payette on the Payette river. The news came as a shock to this community as Mr. Harrington had been in Payette but a few days before and had not as that time complained of any illness. The immediate cause of his death was apoplexy and his death came without warning to the family. James Harrington was a native son of Idaho and was fifty five years old at the time of his death. He had lived all of his life in this state and had accumulated considerable wealth, owning a number of fine farms in this vicinity. He leaves a wife and grown daughter, who live at the home place and a step son, Henry Weldner, who lives on a ranch in the same vicinity. The funeral services occurred today. Interment being made in Riverside cemetery.

The deceased was a man of quiet disposition but withal made friends with all with whom he became acquainted. Like all pioneers he was fee handed and hospitable and will be missed by a large circle of friends. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 10, 1912

Friday morning, October 4th Payette people were shocked to learn that one of the best known and oldest citizens had been suddenly stricken to death. While assisting to unload a wagon of refuse from the vinegar factory he had lately purchased, D. S.. Lamme, for many years a resident of this city and state was stricken with a stroke of apoplexy which immediately killed him. The deceased was for many years a resident of this state coming here in 1863 first locating on a ranch on Big Willow. Later he went to the Boise Basin where for a time he engaged in mining and at one time conducted a hotel. Many years ago he returned to Payette and during the many years of his residence engaged in several different lines of business, at one time engaging in the mercantile business in this city. For a number of years he had retired from active business and lived quietly on the proceeds that early frugality had won for him but just a short time ago had purchased the Payette Vinegar Works and was actively engaged in its management at the time of his death. The remains wee taken Monday morning to Placerville and laid beside those of the wife who over twelve years ago preceded her husband to the other shore.

D. S. Lamme was born February 11, 1842, in the state of Illinois and was at the time of his death seventy years, seven months and twenty-three days old. He was one of the real pioneers of Idaho coming here in 1863. His experiences were these of all early pioneers. He was brusque and rugged but withal kindly and hospitable and will long be held in tender remembrance by a large number of people in this valley.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 17, 1912

Mrs. Levi Slinker, wife of Levi Slinker passed away at her home in Payette on last Sunday afternoon at three o'clock from a complication of diseases after an illness of some duration. Mrs. Slinker's loss will be felt in Payette. She was an ardent church member and a lovable lady of retiring disposition. Since 1907 she and her husband had been residents of Payette during which time they had formed a large circle of friends who will mourn her departure.

Anna Margaret Houlett was born in the state of Ohio, March 15, 1845. In 1848 she moved with her parents to Illinois where on March 18, 1865, she was united in marriage to Levi Slinker. In 1865 they moved to Iowa where they resided until 1907 when they came to the Payette Valley to make their home. In early youth Mrs. Slinker united with the Baptist church but after her marriage she united with the Methodist church and during her entire life was a devoted consistent worker for the Master's cause.

There remains to mourn her loss her husband, Levi Slinker, six children, twenty-three grand children; one great grand child, four brothers and one sister. The funeral services were held at the M.E. church on Wednesday morning at ten o'clock interment being made in Riverside cemetery. The services at the grave were in charge of W. T. Sherman Post and W. R. C. No. 17. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 17, 1912

Payette residents in general were shocked on Sunday morning to learn that Mrs. George Hoskins had passed away at her home in Boise. Mrs. Hoskins lived for a number of years in Payette where she was known as an active church member and had a host of friends. Since last November she had suffered from neuralgia of the heart and for a time her friends in Payette had known she was ill but had not thought she was in a serious condition and consequently her death came as a distinct shock in this city.

Mrs. Hoskins was quite well known over the state of Idaho as she had served as president of both the Woman's Relief Corps and the Ladies of the G.A.R. She was born in Racine, Wis., 68 years ago. Her maiden name was Mary A. Crowther. She leaves to mourn her loss a husband, George Hoskins; who is assistant adjutant general of the G.A.R., a brother Frank Crowther, of Payette; and one grand daughter, Mrs. A. Kaessner of Fruitland.

Short funeral services presided over by Rev. Haley, formerly the pastor of the M.E. church in this city at a time when Mrs. Hoskins was one of its most active members were held at Schreiber & (unreadable) chapel in Boise on Monday afternoon. On Tuesday morning the remains were brought to Payette and at ten a.m. at the Methodist church with Rev. Howarth officiating the last sad tribute was paid to this well known and loved woman by her Payette friends and interment was made in Riverside cemetery the Ladies of the Relief Corps having charge at the grave. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 05, 1912
H. McMannus Died At Notus

Word was receive in Payette on Wednesday of the death at Notus, Idaho, of H. H. McMannus formerly a well known citizen of Payette. Particulars other than he passed away of neuralgia of the heart, are unknown. The remains will arrive in Payette Friday on the Pony and the funeral services at the grave will be in charge of the I.O.O.F. of which deceased was a member. Interment will be had in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 26, 1912
Mrs. H. F. Lewis died at her home early on Christmas morning. She has lingered in serious illness thru several weeks gradually declining until the end came peacefully just about the hour when the world was awaking to shout "Merry Christmas." Cornelia Jane Kelly is the name her parents gave her almost sixty-three years ago, the time of her birth at Danville, Iowa. She was married to Horatio F. Lewis at the same place and the body will be taken there for burial, Mr. Lewis leaving with it on No. 6, this Thursday evening. Funeral services will be at the house conducted by Revs. Reed and Van Engelen. The aged mother, Mrs. Kelly who has been with her daughter the last year will also return to her home at this time.

Only one child remains, Mrs. H. C. Jensen. There was a son but death claimed him some years ago before the family moved to Idaho in 1901. The sympathy of many friends go out to the relatives especially that their bereavement comes in the time when happiness is the lot of so many.

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