Payette County Obituaries
Payette Enterprise 1913

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Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 02, 1913

H. F. Lewis Passes Away at Danville, Iowa, Just One Hour After Arriving With Remains of Beloved Wife

H. F. Lewis, a well known resident of Payette who left here on No. 6 on Thursday evening, December 26th with the remains of his wife taking them to Danville, Iowa, for burial, passed away just one hour after arriving with his wife's remains at the destination. Mr. Lewis had long been a sufferer from asthma and was not in the best of health when he started east with his wife's remains but insisted on accompanying them. As long as his brother-in-law, Douglass Kelley, of Danville, Iowa, was to meet him in Omaha it was decided to accede to his wish to return. Just one hour after arriving in Danville the aged man sorrowing over the death of his life companion and suffering from other complications passed away.

Horatio Franklin Lewis was born November 18, 1850 and died December 29, 1912, being 62 years old at the time of his death. On November 27, 1872, he was united in marriage to Cornelia Jane Kelley and two children a son and a daughter blessed this union. The son, Roy Walker Lewis died December 18, 1900 and the daughter Mrs. H. C. Jensen of this city remains to mourn the loss of a loving father coming soon after the death of her mother a few days ago. The deceased also has a sister, Miss Ella Lewis, a resident of this city and a brother C. G. Lewis living at Lents, Oregon and a brother, N. A. Lewis, living in Boise and another brother living at Danville, Iowa.

Mr. Lewis was a quiet kindly man who won the friendship and love of all with whom he came in contact and many friends in Payette will mourn his passing. The relatives living in Payette have the sympathy of a large number of people in their double misfortune coming as it does when the majority of hearts are filled with the joy of the holiday season.

The funeral occurred on Tuesday and his remains were laid beside those of his beloved wife in the cemetery at Danville, Iowa.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 09, 1913

The funeral of C. Oscar Johnson occurred on Tuesday, January 7th at the Swedish Lutheran Church, and was largely attended. Oscar, as he was familiarly known, had just passed his 19th birthday, January 2nd, when death claimed him. He was a son of Axel Johnson, a prosperous farmer living on the bench south of town. A father, mother, two brothers and four sisters mourn the loss, all of whom were at home at the time of his death.

Death came after an illness extending over a period of six weeks, and was caused by an attack of pneumonia while at work near Yakima, Washington. The young man was brought home by his father who was called to him by wire. He found him suffering from a severe hemorrhage of the lung, causing a weakness from which he did not rally, although every effort known to medical skill and good nursing was put forth in his behalf.

The young man was born here at Payette, and having spent his life in this locality, had gained many warm friends and many associations which endeared him to those who knew him best.

Again the "grim reaper" admonishes us that while the aged must be expectant at any time, the young may be called with little warning of the inevitable. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 16, 1913

Prominent Family Living North of Payette Awake Tuesday Morning to Find Infant Son Dead in Bed

Frank Emil Dean, the three weeks old son of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Dean who live north of Payette was found dead in bed by his parents on Tuesday morning of this week. The little fellow had not been sick and during the night no disturbance warned the father and mother that the angel of death was hovering over the sleeping place of their little son. The cause of the infant's death has been stated by a physician called to have been congestion.

The funeral services were held at the home on Wednesday afternoon of this week conducted by Minister Smith of the Christian church and Rev. A. L. Howarth, of the Methodist church. Interment was made in Riverside Cemetery.

Mr. and Mrs. Dean are well known residents of this valley and the sympathy of their large number of friends will be extended to them in their bereavement. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 17, 1913
A. G. Wells

A sad death occurred Saturday evening when A. G. Wells was burned to death in a fire which destroyed the residence of his son, F.G. Wells, adjoining New Plymouth.

The origin of the fire will never be know as F.G. Wells and his family were away from home at the time and the aged man was alone. He was an invalid and had not left his room for four weeks. Before leaving, his son had fixed him comfortably for the night thinking all would be safe. By the time the fire alarm was sent in the house was all ablaze, the roof falling just as the engine arrived. Nothing was saved and the loss is total there being no insurance. Even the buggy that stood near the house was burned. The body of the old gentleman was recovered but was burned beyond recognition. The New Plymouth people have come nobly to the rescue of the homeless family. A subscription being circulated to raise enough money to build them a new house.

A. G. Wells was born in Dubuque, Iowa, the 9th day of May, 1839, making him at the time of his death just 73 years, 11 months and 8 days old. He was married in 1859 to Miss Nancy Keefvoer to which union eight children were born, five being left to mourn his loss, one daughter, Mrs. H. A. Richardson of Kashmere, Wash., and four sons, W. P. Wells of Kalso, Wash., and F. G., J. G. and G. E. Wells of New Plymouth. He spent the greater part of his life in Kansas and Wash, later coming to Idaho and making his home with his son, F. G. Wells. Funeral services were held at the Baptist church Monday afternoon, the body accompanied by J. G. Wells, was shipped to Kashmere, Wash., to be laid at rest beside his wife who had passed on before.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 17, 1913
On Wednesday, April 9, 1913 at 4 o'clock the beautiful life of Mrs. Sarah Ann Fuller came peacefully to a close, aged 71 years, 5 mo., 6 days, after many years of patient suffering and fruitful service and in her quiet, unobtrusive way her pathway has been strewn with noble deeds and many will rise up and call her blessed.

Born in Park Co., Indiana, Sept. 3, 1841, Sarah Ann Ephlin lived her young life until her marriage to Rev. A. F. Fuller when they removed to Iowa and for thirty-three years she worked side by side with him as a Presbyterian minister in that State, six years at Burlington and twenty-seven years at Panora, Iowa, where their name is revered as workers for God and humanity in those early days, and stand alongside with the most prominent in that state.

To this union were born two sons, H. B. Fuller and M. A. Fuller of Fruitland, Minnie Fuller, now Mrs. James O'Hara, of Nampa, all who survive her and lovingly attended her during her months of patient suffering. In the year of '94, March 14, her husband passed to his reward and the mother followed her children to Idaho in 1902, first to Nampa, to her daughter who was a teacher in the public school of that place, and two years ago to her sons here. Last October she became seriously ill from a malady that had troubled her all her life, heart trouble, and dropsy, and everything was done for her that loving hands could do, for their lives were wrapped up in their mother, but in their grief too deep for words they bow to the inevitable and in the words of the children's poet say:

We will be patient and assuage the feeling
We may not wholly stay
By silence sanctifying not, concealing
The grief that must have away.

The funeral services were held at the home Saturday 11 o'clock, conducted by Rev. M. D. Reed of Payette and as he read John 14 and 1 Thess. 4, the words of promise and comfort reached the hearts of the sorrowing and as the hymns, "Nearer My God to Thee," "Asleep in Jesus" and other songs of comfort were sung we were constrained to recall

There is no Death! What seems so is transition,
This life of mortal breath,
Is but the suburb of the life Elysian
Whose portal we call Death,

Many beautiful flowers by family and friends were laid on the casket that held their beloved mother and friend.

Interment was made in Riverside Cemetery, Payette, largely attended by their many friends from Fruitland who extend to them their deepest sympathy in their deep loss. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 01, 1913
Aged Pioneer Passes Away

F. F. Hurd, After a Residence in Idaho of Thirty-One Years Answers the Final summons One of Valley's Most Respected Citizens.

There was indeed general sorrow in Payette Friday afternoon of last week when the word came to town that F. F. Hurd had passed away at his home two miles east of Payette and while for some time he had been in poor health and had reached the advanced age of seventy seven years and for several days past his friends had known him to be very low, yet the actual news that he had answered the final summons came as a distinct shock. For thirty-one years F. F. Hurd has been a resident of Payette Valley and the end found him still occupying the homestead he filed on when he first came to Idaho. His was a busy life. Coming as he did before the advent of the railroad he knew and experienced all of the privations and hardships of the pioneer but lived to see the earnest work of those who came with him bring forth fruit and the sage brush waste which greeted their eyes blossom forth into richly ladened orchards and fields of grain and alfalfa. He was a man of kindly disposition and earnest convictions, a father in all that the name implies and a neighbor that had the universal respect and confidence of all who knew him. Many will miss his genial smile and kindly greetings.

F. F. Hurd was born in New York state May 30, 1836, being the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Perley P. Hurd. Of the seven children in this family four girls and three boys all have passed away but one sister now residing in South Dakota. In 1841 Mr. Hurd's parents left New York state and moved to Illinois where in 1857 Mr. Hurd was united in marriage to Miss Permelia Walters, of Rochelle, Illinois. Eight children blessed this union, four girls and four boys, one girl dying in Illinois. The remaining children and mother who are left to mourn his loss all live in and near Payette, Mrs. Robt. M. Turner at Ontario, Mrs. Chas. Duell and Mrs. A. H. Ramey near Fruitland, Drs. R. B. and W. C. Hurd, engaged in the practice of veterinary live in Payette while F. E. and F. S. Hurd reside on the home ranch.

Living in Illinois until 1880 Mr. Hurd then moved to Firth, Nebraska, where he lived until 1882 when he pushed farther west and came to Idaho locating in Payette Valley living for a time with his son Frank until the arrival of his family when he took up a homestead two miles east of Payette where he resided until the time of his death.

The funeral services were conducted Sunday at the home by Rev. Henry Van Engelen of the Baptist church and accompanied by a large throng of friends who had known and appreciated him during life for his sterling qualities. The remains were laid to rest in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 05, 1913
Mrs. J. H. Rands Dead

Word was received in Payette on Tuesday that Mrs. J. H. Rands had died in a hospital in California where she had been ever since the death of her daughter Marjorie who passed away in April from tuberculosis. Mrs. Rands was also a sufferer from the white plague and since the death of her daughter her decline has been steady. Many friends of the family will learn with sorrow of her passing.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 05, 1913
Though not unexpected, the death of Robert Daniel Stegner, at about 4 o'clock, May 26, cast a shadow of sorrow, over the entire community and many mourned with the family when the kindly neighbor and friend was called to his heavenly home. His has been a useful, devout life and the large concourse of friends who gathered to pay their last respects and the beautiful floral offerings, were but a tribute to a good man who lived a pure unselfish life.

Robert Daniel Stegner was born in 1846, June 29, at Sunmen, Ind., died May 26, 1913, at his home near Fruitland aged 66 years, 10 months, 27 days.

He married Mary Catherine Anderson April 26,1868, and the union was blessed with two children, Eugene Arthur alone surviving, the daughter having died some years ago, leaving a little girl Ethelwyn Weir, now 12 years who has since lived with her grand parents.

In 1871, Mr. Stegner removed with his family to Wahasha Co., Minn., thence in 1876 to Bigstone co. where he resided until in 1901 he came to Fruitland and settled on the place where Wm. McConnel now resides. In 1906 owing to impaired health he removed to Payette but in 1912 returned to his old home south of Fruitland and built a pleasant cottage home where he resided at the time of his death.

While living in Bigstone, Minn., he was converted and united with the Methodist Episcopal church of which he has for about 37 years been an active earnest member, has often been an official in the church and held the position of steward at the time of his death, was Superintendent of the Union Sunday school for a number of years at Pleasant View and closely identified with a'l missionary effort, in those early days. The beautiful window of "Christ the Good Shepherd" in the Payette M.E. church being the gift of himself and wife.

He has been ailing for some time but the past two weeks the decline was more rapid and the friends knew the end was near. Sunday night he rested well and about 4 o'clock spoke of the good night, then putting his hand over his heart, said it pained him, and dropped in the arms of his wife and was gone.

Funeral services were conducted at the home by Rev. Howarth, his pastor in Payette and Rev. C.E. Deal pastor of the M.E. church here. Interment was made in Riverside Cemetery.

Besides his wife and son, E. A. Stegner and family the little grand-daughter Ethelwyn, he leaves to mourn his loss two brothers, G. H. of Beardsley, Minn., and E. S of Minneapolis, and a sister, Mrs. Alice Ashton of Versallies, Ind., and hosts of friends. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 12, 1913
Death of Mrs. Walter Mead

Quite a number of Fruitland people attended the funeral of Mrs. Walter Mead Saturday at Ontario. They were for five years residents of the bench leaving here three years ago, and are well known here. She had been in poor health for a long time and had never recovered from an operation last fall. Last Wednesday she underwent another serious operation at Holy Rosary hospital from which she never rallied passing away on Thursday. She leaves a husband and six children, one her step step-son, Theron Mead of Payette and a host of friends to mourn her loss.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 12, 1913
Death of Mrs. C. H. B. Hutchinson

Many Payette people were saddened on Friday to learn that Grandma Hutchinson had passed away at the home of her son, W. A. Hutchinson in this city. While she had been quite poorly for some time and her extreme age of over eighty two years, made her recovery very doubtful, the actual news of her passing came as a distinct shock to her large circle of close friends.

Saphornia Davis was born February 2, 1831, in Utica, McComb County, Michigan. In 1850 she was united in marriage to H. C. B. Hutchinson and this union was blessed by three sons, Louis Victor, deceased and H. C. and W. A. both well known residents of this city.

With her husband and family she came west to Portland in 1890 and to Payette in 1899 where she has resided ever since. Since 1904 when the husband and father was called, Grandma, as she was familiarly called by her many acquaintances, has made her home with her son W. A. When quite young she united with the Congregational church of which she remained a member until she left to join the church eternal. It is unnecessary to comment on Grandma's life. It was a quiet, consistent Christian life, filled with charity and love for all. She leaves a brother, two sons, four grand children to mourn her loss.

Funeral services were held at the Methodist church Sunday afternoon, Rev. Howarth officiating, interment being made in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, August 21, 1913
Columbus French, 77 years old, died at his home Sunday morning August 17. Funeral services were held at the Congregational church Monday morning after which the body was laid to rest in Parkview Cemetery. His death was not entirely unexpected, as his relatives and friends had realized he was seriously ill with recovery doubtful. After being ill several months Mr. French was stricken with what appeared to be paralysis, Monday of last week, from which he never rallied, lying almost a week as if in natural slumber unable to take any nourishment, until Sunday morning he quietly breathed his last without regaining consciousness.

Mr. French was born Nov. 29, 1836, at Cato, New York. At the age of 9 years he moved to Jackson, Michigan, where he grew to manhood. On Jan 1, 1865, he was united in marriage to Miss Susan Graves. Later they moved to Nebraska where they spent two years and then going farther west to Union, Oregon, from where after two years more they came to New Plymouth where he spent the remainder of his life with the exception of two years spent in Montana.

Mr. French is survived by his wife, and one son, T. D. French of this place. New Plymouth people wish to express their sympathy for the bereaved family. (Parkview Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, August 21, 1913
Thomas Castles a former resident of this place died very suddenly of heart failure in Oakland, Cal, Tuesday morning while enroute to Fresno to join his wife and daughter. His sons Tom and Alec Castles of this place left Tuesday for Oakland.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 25, 1913
Former Payette Resident Meets Awful Death

Caught on snake river Bridge Mrs. Jack Irwin and Three Year Old Son Are Killed -- Eight Year Old Daughter Badly Injured.

Friday evening of last week about six o'clock Mrs. Jack Irwin and two children, a daughter eight years old and a son three were caught by a freight train while crossing the Snake River bridge and Mrs. Irwin and the son instantly killed and the daughter very badly injured.

Mrs. Irwin is well known in Payette but for some time has been living at Brogan, Oregon. She had come to the fair at Ontario and had started to walk from that city to Payette to visit with the family of F.E. Hurd with which family her husband had lived for a number of years before their marriage.

For some time after the accident the remains of the mother and son lay in Ontario unidentified until the little girl regained consciousness and told that her name was Daisy Irwin. Inder the belief that the lady was Mrs. Jack Irwin F.E. Hurd went to Ontario and was able to thoroughly identify her even though borth bodies were horribly mangled. Interment was made in the cemetery at Ontario. The daughter still lingers between life and death in the hospital in that city.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 02, 1913
Mrs. P. Green Dead

Word was received recently by the local lodge of Odd Fellows of the death at Loveland, Colo., of Mrs. P. Green for many years a resident of Payette. Interment was made in Loveland cemetery.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, November 13, 1913

Friday afternoon while playing with her little sister, Wealthy, the little four year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wayne was so severely burned, that she passed away at half past one Saturday morning.

The little girls were playing out in the yard and had stolen some matches out of the house and started a fire in some leaves. The little girl got too close to the fire and her clothes got afire burning her very severely. She was burned to almost a crisp and despite the best efforts of the doctor, the little girl passed away.

The parents are heartbroken and have the sympathy of friends and neighbors.

The funeral was held Sunday afternoon at the Church of God. The body was interred in the Riverside Cemetery.

A fatal accident occurred Nov. 7, at the home of Herbert Wayne. Wealthy the four year old daughter, was playing with matches and set fire to her clothing, the child lived but a few hours. Funeral services were held from the Church of God in Payette. Many flowers were sent as a token of sympathy for the bereaved parents. the flowers sent by the L. S. U. expressed the heartfelt sorrow of their immediate neighbors, for the parents in their great bereavement. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, November 20, 1913
The sad news received here of the death of the baby boy of Rev. and Mrs. W. L. Kyles at Caldwell from cholera infantum Monday the tenth, elicited the deepest sympathy for the unhappy young parents in their bereavement.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, November 20, 1913
Charles McKay Dead

Word received in Payette Saturday by Nelson Wilbur, secretary of the Local Order of Moose, that Charles McKay well known in Payette as a former cook at the Commercial hotel had passed away in Dalles, Oregon on Friday afternoon.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, November 27, 1913
Miss Anna Cannon, the 17 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cannon, died last Thursday of pulmonary tuberculosis. She had been ailing for a number of years and during the last few days she was confined to her bed. The funeral was held Monday in the Christian church, Rev. Smith officiating. She is survived by her father, mother, brother and sister all of whom are living in Payette. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 04, 1913

Harry Cartwright, who has been ill for three or four weeks of typhoid-pneumonia, passed away last Saturday night. He hung on bravely but owing to the complication of diseases it was impossible for him to get well.

Mr. Cartwright has been for some time, in the employ of the Mountain States Telephone Co. He was well thought of by everyone.

He was twenty five years, three months and eight days old. He is the son of J. W. Cartwright of Fruitland. He leaves a wife and little baby, and four sisters.

The funeral was held from the house Monday afternoon, Rev. A. L. Gorham officiated. Many beautiful flowers were supplied by kind neighbors and friends. The body was laid away to rest in the Riverside Cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 18, 1913

Mrs. L. M. Bell died at the home of her son in Payette, Dec. 12, 1913, of pneumonia, aged 81 years, seven months.

Lucinda B. Miller was born at Cambridge, Pennsylvania, May 12, 1832. she was married to G. M. Bell, March 29th, 1855 at Oxford, Wisconsin. She was the mother of six children, four daughters and two sons, three of whom have preceded her. Florence B. Orton of Marietta, Minn.; E. T. Bell of Long Beach, California and H. M. Bell of this city remain to mourn the loss of a kind and loving mother.

She came with her husband to Payette in July, 1912, to reside with her son. Her husband died in September of the same year.

She joined the M.E. church in early life and was an active Christian worker during her lifetime.

Funeral services were held at the M.E. church. Interment at Riverside Cemetery, Rev. Howarth officiating.


We take this method of expressing our appreciation to our neighbors and friends for their kindness and assistance during the sickness, death and burial of our dear mother and grandmother. Also for the beautiful flowers sent. H. M. Bell and Family (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 18, 1913
Thos. Butler Dies

December twelfth at the home of Dr. Skippen near Sweet, Thos. Q. Butler passed away from cancer of the face. Mr. Butler had been at Sweet the greater part of the summer being treated for his ailment and for a time seemed to get better but it was known in Payette the last week that he was failing. The remains were brought to Payette and on Monday were interred in Riverside cemetery the funeral services being held in the Methodist church.

The deceased had been a residence of the west for a long time. He was born in Indiana in 1850 and in 1854 crossed the plains with his parents. He came to Payette in 1910 from Seattle. Those who knew him found him a quiet likable gentle-man. He leaves to mourn his loss two sons, Howard and Benjamin, both residents of Payette and two daughters who live in Seattle and were unable to be present at the funeral. (Riverside Cemetery)

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