Payette County Obituaries
Payette Enterprise 1914

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Special Thanks to Cheryl Hanson for going to all the trouble
to search each newspaper page by page to find these obituaries,
for typing them out, and for sharing them with us!

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 01, 1914

In the death of C. A. Berding Payette Valley lost a well known and highly respected citizen. Coming suddenly as it did and on Christmas day it was a severe shock to the large number of people who had known and admired him for the ten years he has resided on the big stock ranch near Payette.

The writer of this was privileged to know C. A. Berding quite well for the past seven years and, knowing him as well as we did, we feel it unnecessary to comment upon his life. Those who knew him best loved him most. His was that broad disposition, with unbounded charity for all, Kind and liberal to a fault his was the sort of life that drew near indeed to him all who came in close contact with him.

The remains were taken by his stricken wife and a sister who came from California to Ferndale, California for interment. No services were held either at the home or in Payette. The wealth of beautiful floral offerings sent by residents of this valley to the home all bore mute testimony to the esteem and love in which this man was held.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 08, 1914
Well Known Woman Dies

After suffering for a number of years from Bright's disease Mrs. Sarah Jane Foss, a resident of this valley for fifteen years, passed away on December 23rd. Mrs. Foss was born July 7th, 1855, at Oswego, New York. The remains were laid to rest in Riverside cemetery on December 26th beside the husband who preceded her some years ago. Two sons and a daughter survive her, all well known residents of this valley who have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in the loss of their mother. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 09, 1914
Death Enters Home

George Jeffries returned Monday from Portland where he and his mother were recently called by the death of a sister, Mrs. S. P. McCrary living at 1019 Williams Avenue in that city. Mrs. McCrary was quite well known in Payette having resided here for four years. Her death came as a shock to her friends and relatives as she was up and around the day before and passed away at six thirty a. m. on January 1. The remains were taken to Harwood, Missouri, for interment by her son and daughter Boyd and Lulu and a sister Mrs. Lettie Newman, of Deer Lodge, Montana.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 15, 1914
Passing of a Pioneer

James F. Clement, well known in Payette and other cities of South-western Idaho, passed away at his residence in Ontario on Thursday morning, January 8th at the age of seventy four years. He came to Idaho in 1881 locating on a homestead at Washoe where he lived with his family until 1894 at which time he moved to Ontario. Mr. Clement assisted in laying out the townsite of Payette and at one time was engaged in the lumber business on an extensive scale in Weiser, Payette and Ontario. He enjoyed the best of health until about four months ago when he began to fail rapidly. A large circle of warm friends in Payette and Ontario will regret his passing. The funeral was held at his residence on Sunday afternoon, the Rev. B. L. Milligan having charge. The Odd Fellows of Payette and Ontario had charge of the services at the cemetery.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 22, 1914
Payette Citizen Killed

Word was received in Payette Monday that L. D. Scanlon had been killed at Olds ferry by being struck by a train on the O.S.L. Mrs. Scanlon went to Olds ferry Monday evening and identified the remains as those of her husband. Mr. Scanlon had just been released from the county jail where he was serving a sentence for assaulting his wife and threatening her life and had been warned not to come back to Payette. He was a hard drinking man and a bottle of liquor was found on his person. Just what train hit him will probably not be known as he passed through Payette Saturday evening enroute to Huntington. His ticket read only to Weiser and the conductor noticing him on the train at Olds Ferry put him off. The remains were interred in Weiser.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 22, 1914
Mrs. Mary A. Nelson was born in Aunita, Ill., July 12, 1862, died on Big Willow, Dec. 21, 1913, was buried in the Riverside cemetery Payette, Idaho. Mrs. Nelson was a resident of Idaho 12 years living at Parma and was a resident of Payette for the past two years. She leaves her husband, a married daughter and a little girl ten years old living on Big Willow. We could not get the facts of this death at an earlier date but these people living on Big Willow, we feel that they are our neighbors and friends and we extend to them our heartfelt sympathy in their dark hour of sorrow. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 19, 1914
Word was received by Mrs. Maule of Payette that John G. Nelson, our former neighbor and friend of whom mention was made last week, that he had passed away Feb. 13. Mr. Nelson was 69 years of age and a native of Sweden having traveled much over the world. They lived here about 4 years and have a host of friends who extend deep sympathy for the bereaved ones. He leaves to mourn his loss his wife, a brother O. F. Nelson, three sons, C. E. who lives on Mr. Nelson's large farm near Mondamin, Ia., and Dr. L. L. Nelson of Oakland, Nebr., and Ray Nelson who is a druggist at that place. All were present but the last named at his bedside. The interment was to be made by the side of a daughter at Woodbine, Iowa.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 12, 1914

The word that flashed over the city Friday afternoon of last week about two o'clock that Frank Price had dropped dead in the office of Denney & Company came as a distinct shock to the business men and his many friends. While Mr. Price had not been in the best of health for a number of years and for the last ten days had been probably a little more poorly than usual there was nothing in his condition to indicate a sudden passing.

Frank Price had been a resident of Payette since 1904. During all of his years of living in this city he had been constantly in some way connected with the valley's chief interest, the fruit business. By his honest business methods, his earnestness of purpose and his unfaltering devotion to trust imposed in him he won for himself an enviable reputation among the business men of this city and the fruit growers with whom he came in contact. Of a quiet and retiring nature he never the less was always willing to bear his share of public work and was unceasingly interested in better conditions in the city and valley along all lines.

He was born in Keokuk, Iowa, July 20, 1860. When he came to man's estate he worked for twenty years with his uncle Wm. Tackaberry, of the Tackaberry Wholesale Grocery Company, of Sioux City, Iowa, first as book-keeper and later as traveling salesman. In 1898 he was united in marriage to Miss Jean Shontz, who was a daughter fourteen years old remain to mourn the loss of a kind and loving husband and an indulgent father.

In 1904 when Mr. Price first came to Payette he accepted a position as manager of the Payette Fruit Packing Company which position he filled with entire success and satisfaction until 1908 when he resigned to accept the management of the Fruits, Colorado fruit association where he worked for three years returning again to Payette in 1910 to accept a responsible position with Denney & Company as head book keeper in this city at which place he worked until the day of his death, always with the entire respect and confidence of his employer. Death came to him while he was at his post of duty busily engaged in looking after his employer's affairs.

The funeral services were held in the Methodist church Sunday afternoon at two o'clock being conducted by Rev. A. L. Howarth. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery the services at the grave being in charge of the Masonic fraternity of which deceased was an honored member. The wealth of beautiful floral offerings from friends were mute testimony to the love and esteem in which this man was held. The sympathy of the entire community goes out to the stricken wife and daughter and to the mother, brother and two sisters who residing in Iowa were unable to be present at the services. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 25, 1914
One Dead Two Injured

Train Strikes Auto Containing Three Children, One Dies as Result of Injuries, Two Will Recover

A distressing accident occurred Sunday afternoon about one thirty at the Seventh Street crossing of the Oregon Short Line in Payette, when an extra passenger train struck an automobile injuring one of the occupants so severely as to cause his death Monday and seriously but not fatally injuring the other two occupants.

Howard Bain aged sixteen, Lena Chapin aged fourteen and Howard Duncan, aged fourteen were the occupants of the car, young Bain being at the wheel driving.

They drove up ninth street and at the corner of Seventh Avenue North turned west to cross the track. At the same time a freight train headed west was coming slowly down the passing track but stopped just in the clear of the main line switch. It is believed that the young people intent upon watching the freight did not know the passenger train was approaching from the west and no doubt presumed that the ringing of the crossing bell was being caused by the freight train.

At any rate they slowed up slightly when the freight train was moving but when it stopped attempted to drive over the crossing and were hit by the passenger train. The car was carried by the pilot of the engine some two blocks before the train could be stopped the occupants all being thrown from the auto onto the platform of the pilot.

Miss Chapin and Harold Bain were severely bruised and unconscious when picked up but regained consciousness shortly afterward and will recover. Howard Duncan had both ankles broken and suffered a fracture of the skull. He died about three o'clock Monday afternoon never regaining consciousness.

Howard Duncan At Rest

The funeral services of Howard Duncan were held at the Methodist church on Wednesday afternoon at 2:30. The church was crowded by those who paid their last respects to the manly little fellow who met his death in so tragic a manner. Many beautiful floral emblems attested the love in which this lad was held. The remains were laid to rest in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 02, 1914

George Reimers was born in Scott county Iowa, May 10th 1877 and passed away at Good Samaritan hospital in Portland on June 16th. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery Payette, Idaho on June 19th. His death came as the result of an operation which followed an illness of 18 years during which time he patiently suffered a great deal of pain. Mr. Reimers was by trade a bricklayer and was a resident of Payette for a short while at one time and many people here became acquainted with him. Since he left Payette several years ago he has been making his home in Portland. He leaves a wife but no children.

Four brothers Henry, William, and John all well known residents of this valley survive him and also a brother Herman who lives near Portland. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, August 13, 1914
E. E. Utley Laid To Rest

Edwin Erastus Utley passed away at the home of his daughter in this city on Thursday, August 6, and was laid to rest in the Weiser cemetery Sunday afternoon. The funeral services were held at the Methodist Church in Weiser, conducted by Rev. W. W. Deal, of Nampa, assisted by rev. A. L. Howarth of Payette.

Mr. Utley was born March 23, 1829 being in his 86th year at the time of his death. The surviving relatives are the widow, Mrs. Martha Utley, one son, J. E. Utley, and two daughters, Mrs. Tim Driscoll and Mrs. Harry Mitchell.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 03, 1914
Sad Death of Mrs. Elbert Melcher

The entire community was shocked and grieved Tuesday morning, Aug. 25, when a telegram was received stating Mrs. Florence Melcher has passed away at Sacred Heart hospital, Spokane, while her parents were hurrying to her bedside but the messenger of death preceded them and they did not see her again alive.

Florence Lavinia Patheal was born March 23, 1887, at Salem, S. D., and died at Sacred Heart hospital Spokane, Aug. 24, 1914, aged 27 years, 5 months. She came with her parents to Idaho in 1902 and on Sept. 7, 1909 was married to Elbert L. Melcher, in 1910 they moved to Priest River, Ida. where they resided until her death which was due to blood poison starting with an infection on the hand. She leaves to mourn her loss, her husband and little 4 year old daughter Gladys Elaine, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Patheal and brothers Frank, Chas., and Ben Patheal and a host of friends who showed their love and esteem for the deceased, their presence at the funeral which was held in the Payette Baptist Church of which she was a faithful member for many years and was upon her request her interment and the services held in her church. Beautiful services were conducted by Rev. C. E. Deal of the M.E. Church of Fruitland and Rev. Evans of Payette and interment made in Riverside cemetery where a large number of sorrowing friends paid their last respects a tribute to a loving Christian character which made the deceased loved and honored by all who knew her.

Card of Thanks

We wish to extend our heart felt gratitude to the many friends who helped us by their kind ? and sympathy during our hour of sorrow in the death of our beloved Florence. Elbert B. Melcher and daughter Gladys, and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Patheal and family. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 24, 1914

News was received in Payette on Friday of the death of A. L. Tuttle, which occurred on Tuesday, Sept. 15, 1914 at the home of his sister Mrs. S. M. Johnson in Lopez, Pennsylvania.

Mr. Tuttle was an old time resident of the Payette Bench having settled there in 1893. He was born in Homedale, Penn. June 3, 1853 and was therefore 61 years old at his death. He always enjoyed rugged health until about one year ago when he was seized with a malignant growth in the neck. Everything was done to relieve him that could be done, but as he continued to grow worse he was sent to Johns Hopkins Hospital at Baltimore, Md. And placed under the care of the celebrated surgeon, Dr. Howard Kelly. The radium treatment was employed but to no avail.

Mr. Tuttle was widely known and respected as friend and neighbor. He leaves a family of six children, Mrs. Anna Frend of Roswell, Id. Mrs. Edna Quarterman of New Plymouth, Mrs. Ruth Ann Edge of Baker City, Oregon, and Ray, Ellery and Julia Tuttle who live near New Plymouth. He was a brother-in-law of M. F. Albert of Payette and of Peter Albert of New Plymouth.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 15, 1914
Death of Mrs. John Hill

Mrs. Emma Hill was born in the province of Smoland, Sweeden, July 20th, 1867. she came to America at the age of 21 and lived one year in the State of Iowa, after which time she came to Boise, Idaho. In 1892 she was married to John Hill. They made their home in the Payette Valley where they lived at the time of her death, Friday morning Oct. 9th. Mrs. Hill was the mother of seven children one of whom died in infancy. She was born and reared in the Lutheran church in her native country, seven or eight years ago she united with the Church of Christ at Payette and has proved a loyal and faithful member. She leaved a mother, a brother and sister in Sweeden to hear the sad news. Also she leaves one brother here, Mourie Olson, besides her husband, six children and many friends to mourn for death.

Funeral services were held at the Church Sunday afternoon. It is estimated that fully 500 people were in attendance which testifies to the high respect held for the mother and family. Interment at Riverside Cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

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