Payette County Obituaries
New Plymouth Sentinel 1914

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Special Thanks to Cheryl Hanson for going to all the trouble
to search each newspaper page by page to find these obituaries,
for typing them out, and for sharing them with us!

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, January 22, 1914

Infant Falls Out of Crib With Fatal Results at Falk

The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Bolchke of Falk was killed last Wednesday by falling out of its crib and breaking its neck.

The child was only two-months old. It was asleep in its cradle and rolled out of the bed onto the floor, falling upon its head. The parents are grief stricken over the awful accident.

The funeral was held at Emmett on Friday.

New Plymouth Sentinel, January 22, 1914

The two month infant of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bolchke died Tuesday night. It had been put to bed in a large basket and the basket got accidently tipped off of the box on which it set and the little one struck the stove and fractured its skull.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, April 2, 1914
The three weeks old baby of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Henage died Monday afternoon after a brief illness. The funeral services were held at the house Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, May 21, 1914
Mrs. J. D. Welsh of this place, received a telegram last week announcing the death of her father, T. L. McCabe at Walla Walla, Wash, and left on the evening train for the funeral. Mr. McCabe had spent a number of years of his life in and near this community where he was well and favorably known. He was born in Arkansas, Jan. 28, 1848, and was married to Miss Tempest Gilkey, July 22, 1868. Was the father of six daughters and one son. Those surviving are Mrs. J. D. Walsh of place, Mrs. O. E. Harper of Murphy, Ore., Mrs. E. G. Watson of Walla Walla, Wash., and Mrs. B. B. Tibbs of Chitapa, Alaska. The funeral was held at the home of his daughter in Cottage Place, Walla Walla. The remains were laid to rest in the cemetery at that place. The deceased was a member of the Methodist church and spent many years in the Boise valley where all who survive him, and knew him, will mourn the passing of a good and noble man.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, May 21, 1914

Has Lived in the Payette Valley Since 1874

John Neal, one of the oldest and most respected pioneers of the Payette valley died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Jessie Williams at Fruitland, on Sunday morning May the 17th, 1914 at the age of 78 years, 4 months, and 22 days, and the funeral services were held at Fruitland on Tuesday morning conducted by his pastor, P. Montee Smock who was assisted by the Rev. J. J. Ticknor of the Baptist Church of Fruitland. Internment was in the Kennedy cemetery, by the side of his wife who was buried just two years to the day, before the subject of this sketch.

Mr. Neal was born in Little Rock, Ark., on Christmas day, 1835, and resided in that state until he was 29 years old. There he married to Martha Langley, with whom he lived for nearly half a century. This union resulted in the birth of seven children who survive -- two sons and five daughters as follows: Isaac Neal of Emmett, John Neal of New Plymouth, Martha M. Richey of Cambridge, Emma Youtsler of Nyssa, Oregon, Hattie Clement of Notus, Jessie Williams of Fruitland and Belle Branham of New Plymouth. There is also a step-son, William O. Langley of Auburn, Washington who survive. Deceased was a member of the I.O.O.F.Lodge and was senior deacon in the Baptist church of this place. His heart and soul had been in the church of his choice for over forty years as he united with that denomination in 187?.

He came to Idaho and spent the winter of 1873 in the Boise valley and in 1874 came to the Payette valley where he resided continuously for forty years.

Mr. Neal was a good man, his character beyond reproach, his religious convictions were always positive, and everyone who knew him will learned to call him friend. His loved ones have the sympathy of all, and the community mourns the passing of one of the noble men of this generation. (Applegate Kennedy Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, June 25, 1914
Drowns in Payette River

The terrible news of the drowning of the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Miller of Boise, and the only grandson of Mrs. Lucina Shipman, was telephoned by the mother to the grandmother Monday evening, when Mrs. Shipman learned that the little boy, aged 11 years, had been drowned in the Payette river, and the body not yet recovered. The drowning occurred at the Miller ranch near Falk's store. The river at this point runs within 25 feet of the barn on the ranch and while no particulars were given, it is supposed that the boy was playing in that vicinity. Mrs. Miller and her son had been at the ranch since school closed. Mrs. Shipman left the same evening to be with her daughter.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, August 20, 1914
Payette Man Killed

Payette - Ralph Anderson, president of the Payette-Oregon Slope Irrigation company, was instantly killed Thursday night when he came in contact with a live wire carrying 440 volts. Mr. Anderson together with Clark Rhodes and Max Lattig, were working on a barge that is being used to pump out the intake canal leading from the Snake river to the pumping plant. The irrigation company has built the line along the canal to furnish power for operating the pump on the barge. The line carries 440 volts. Four lamps have been connected in series on this circuit for light, and in overhauling the pump Mr. Anderson got a piece of tin up against the light line. Doctors were summoned immediately, but nothing could be done.

Mr. Anderson had lived in this community for several years, coming from Illinois. He leaves a wife and father and mother. He had not been in good health for several months and this probably accounts for the reason why he was unable to stand the shock. Mr. Anderson is a cousin of Bert Anderson, one of the contractors on the school house. He left Friday to attend the funeral.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, September 10, 1914
Mrs. McCullough, the wife of E. W. McCullough of this city and a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cash Nichols of Falk, died very suddenly at her home in New Plymouth Tuesday night. His death was due to heart failure. Mrs. McCullough was taken sick about 7 o'clock Tuesday evening and at 12 that night she passed away. Her husband, mother and brother, R. H. Nichols were at her bedside at the time of her death. Funeral services will not be held until Friday morning in order to give relatives and her husband's relatives time to get here. The services will be held at the house at 10 o'clock Friday morning. Rev. C. H. Blom of Emmett will conduct the services. Interment will be made in Riverside cemetery.

Olive Nichols was born at Falk, Ida. on the 20th day of November 36 years ago. She made her home at Falk until her marriage to E. W. McCullough at Caldwell in 1901. Mr. and Mrs. McCullough have made their home in New Plymouth for the past five years and during that time have made a large circle of friends who will deeply mourn Mrs. McCullough's untimely death. She was a devoted christian, and a member of the Baptist church at this place. She was active in church affairs, and will be greatly missed in religious and social affairs. (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, October 08, 1914
Mrs. Johnson, the wife of James Johnson of this city died Sunday evening at her home a few miles west of New Plymouth, after an illness of about three weeks. About three weeks ago Mrs. Johnson gave birth to a daughter, and since then she has gradually been getting worse, until Sunday evening she passed away. The funeral services were held at the Congregational church, of which Mrs. Johnson was a member, Monday afternoon. The services were conducted by Rev. C. A. Thomson, assisted by Rev. Knight. the body was laid to rest in the Park View cemetery.

Mrs. Johnson was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Johnson of Bellevue Idaho. She was born 38 years ago in Wisconsin. On the 2d day of October, 1900, she was united in marriage to James Johnson. In 1904, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson moved to Idaho, making their home on the wood river, near Haily. Five years ago they came to New Plymouth and have lived here since. Mrs. Johnson was the mother of eight children, all of whom are living. Besides her husband and children she is survived by her parents, two brothers and one sister. Her parents and one brother and sister live at Bellevue and were at her bedside at the time of her death. (Park View Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, October 29, 1914

Shotgun accidently Discharged and Enters Left Side

Fred Swank the Fruitland blacksmith was fatally injured Sunday morning, when a gun accidently went off, the load going into Mr. Swank's left side. Mr. Swant was hunting ducks between here and Falk's Sunday and were returning home when the accident occurred. They were crossing a small ditch and a few mile east of town about 1:30 Sunday morning when the shot gun fell out of the buggy, exploding, the shot entering the left side, a little above the back of the heart. Dr. Drysdale and Dr. Wright of Fruitland were called and the injured man was rushed to the hospital at Ontario, where he died early Monday morning. The shot made a hole as big as the palm of the hand, and part of the shot entering the lung. The wound would not have proven fatal if Mr Swank could have recovered from the shock. He leaves a wife and a daughter and two brothers living at Payette.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, June 25, 1914
Boy Dies

Howard Duncan died Tuesday morning at his home in Payette, from injuries received in the auto accident Sunday. The girl is said to be in serious condition, while Harold Bain is improving rapidly.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, December 10, 1914

Son of Dr. O. M. Drake Dies in Salt Lake From Gun Wounds

Clyde Drake the 13 year old son of Dr. O.M. Drake of this city died Sunday morning in Salt Lake from wounds from the accidental discharge of a 32 automatic pistol.

The boy was visiting at the home of his brotherinlaw, A. E. von Harien and the accident occurred about ten days ago, when the boy was left at home to take care of Mrs. Von Harien's children.

He was on the bed with a four months old baby when the next youngest, 2 years old came into the room with the pistol in his hands. Clyde asked for the gun and in some way the gun was fired, the bullet entering near his nose and came out near his left ear. For some days it was thought his condition was not dangerous and every hope was entertained for his recovery. However he suffered a relapse and died on Sunday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. Drake arrived in New Plymouth this morning with the body of their son and the funeral will be held today, interment being made in Park View cemetery. (Park View Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, December 17, 1914
Mrs. Wayman Dies

Mrs. W. M. Wayman died at her home Sunday morning in Boise. The direct cause of her death was heart failure. It was sudden as she had appeared to be in her usual health up to the time of her death.

Her husband is in the east at the present time. Friends of the family tried to reach him in Omaha Sunday but up to a late hour had failed to receive any communication from him. A daughter ten years old survives her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Wayman are well known to old residents of this city Mr Wayman having lived here a number of years owning a farm near Archie Sundles place. Mrs. Wayman has many friends in this section who will mourn her loss.

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