Payette County Obituaries
Payette Enterprise 1915

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Special Thanks to Cheryl Hanson for going to all the trouble
to search each newspaper page by page to find these obituaries,
for typing them out, and for sharing them with us!

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 07, 1915

Former Congressman Expires After Short Illness, Victim of Pneumonia

From the Statesman

While his wife, from whom he had been separated for more than a year was being called to the telephone at her home, Edgar Wilson, one of the first Idaho congressmen, died at 10 o'clock Sunday morning at his apartments in the Owyhee hotel. Acute pneumonia was given as the cause of death.

Mr. Wilson had been ill for several days, having contracted a heavy cold, but his condition was not regarded as serious until his physician called Sunday morning. Mr. Wilson's attorney, Frank Martin, was summoned by the doctor and when it was learned that Mrs. Wilson had not been notified of her husband's condition, Mr. Martin stepped to the telephone to inform her.

Mrs. Wilson reached the telephone as her husband expired. He had been unconscious for some time.

His estate is rated at around a hundred thousand dollars and is represented principally by bank stock. In addition there is a business building on Idaho Street and the family home.

Mr. Wilson leaves a widow and two children, Laura and Maurice Edgar. The later is at present with his father's mother and sister at Brooklyn, N.Y. Besides his mother, Mr. Wilson leaves a brother, Albert Wilson of Payette, and two sisters, Mrs. Handy of Denver, and Mrs. Howes of Brooklyn.

Note, According to the Idaho Death Index, James Hoagland Hunter was born March 10, 1913 and died March 20, 1915. (Cheryl Hanson)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 07, 1915

Mrs. Cynthia Jane Sherman, daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. Doak, was born in the state of Missouri July 10th, 1841. In the year 1845 she came with her parents across the plains to Oregon and located at Lincoln, in Polk Co. For thirty years her home was in Lincoln when in 1875 she moved to Hepner, Ore. In 1856 she was married to Mr. John Angel. Two children were born to this union, both of whom are now living, Mrs. Mary Porter of Corvallis, Ore., Mr. James Angel of Grant Co, Ore. At the early age of eighteen she was left a widow. In 1860 she was married to Mr. Harrison Hale. Mr. and Mrs. Hale became the parents of nine children, Frank and Alfred of Payette, Idaho, Wm. of Pendleton, Ore., Mrs. Minnie Elder, now deceased, Mrs. Leath McCorkle of Tyghe, Valley, Or., Mrs. Effie Hopper, Mrs. Dora Ayers and Mrs. Jennie Shivers of Payette, Ida. One child having died in infancy. In 1878 the father and husband was killed in battle by Indians. In 1880, she was married to Frederick Sherman which union resulted in the birth of two children, Bertha and Delbert Sherman of Payette, Idaho. Fifteen years ago Mrs. Sherman moved from Oregon to Idaho and has been living in and near Payette ever since. In 1893 she publicly accepted Christ and identified herself with His church at Hepner, Ore. A year ago last March she was stricken with paralysis, since which time she has been in declining health becoming most serious about two weeks ago. She quietly passed away at 2:30 on the morning of Dec. 3, leaving 11 children, 21 grand children, 6 great grand children and a host of friends to remember her long and useful life. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 21, 1915
William Edger Orrell was born in Williamson County, IN, May 9, 1854. At the age of twelve years, he moved with his parents to Greenfield, Mo., where five years later he professed faith in Jesus Christ and united with the Baptist Church. In 1872 he moved with his brother to Dallas, Texas and three years later was united in marriage to Miss Tamer Barett of Blue Ridge, Texas. To this union were born seven children, Brazil, Lewis, Plez, James, Madge, (now Mrs. J. P. Hill, Jr.), Eunice, (now Mrs. Frank Foster), and John all of whom survive. In 1888, he moved with his family to Tacoma, Wash. where he lived for seven year when his health failed and he moved to Eugene, Oregon whence three years later he came to Payette, Ida. Here he has lived until the day of his decease. Died 10:45 Sunday morning, January 17th, 1915. Aged 60 years, 8 months and 8 days. He leaves to mourn his loss, a wife, two daughters, five sons, four sisters, one half sister, one brother, two half brothers, thirteen grandchildren and a host of friends. His wife, one half brother and all seven children were by his bed when he passed through this vale of tears to that land of eternal day. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from henceforth; yea saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors; and their works do follow them.

The funeral of Mr. Orrell was conducted by P. H. Evans pastor of the Baptist church, assisted by Benjamin Smith, pastor of the Christian church, at the home Tuesday at 2:30 P.M. The remains were laid to rest in the River Side Cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 21, 1915
Infant of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Richardson Passed Away

The two days old baby boy born to Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Richardson Friday night passed away like a fragile flower not destined to unfold, at three o'clock Sunday morning. From the first the attending physician perceived the little one would not live.

A few friends gathered at the home where an appropriate funeral service was conducted by Rev. Philip Koenig of Ontario who spoke very touchingly of the mission of the life so short but fulfilled according to God's purpose and Rev. J. J. Tickner, both intimate friends of the bereaved parents. The young mother who is a devout Christian woman, listened to the service from her room and viewed the sweet baby face, reconciled to deliver it to the great Kingdom from whence it came.

Payette Enterprise, January 28, 1915
Card of Thanks

We desire to express our heartfelt thanks to the friends who so kindly rendered us assistance at the time of the death of our little child. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Richardson (Parkview Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 04, 1915

On last Sunday, Jan. 21 at 10 A. M. Mrs. Elizabeth Conyers died at her home in this city. While her serious illness was generally known to many the announcement of her death came as a surprise, and many expressions of regret were expressed by those who knew her. Funeral services were held at the family home on Tuesday afternoon Feb. 2, at 2 P.M. (her 64th birthday). The services were conducted by Rev. Benjamin Smith, of the Christian church and a large number of friends were gathered to pay their last tribute, many of whom were also pioneers of early days. The remains were laid to rest in Riverside cemetery beside a son and daughter.

Elizabeth Jane Peasley was born in Crawford Co. Pennsylvania, Feb. 2nd 1851. She moved with her parents to Indiana and later to Iowa, locating in Harrison Co. In 1869 she was married to John Hiram Conyers. Twelve children were born to this union, seven of whom are living, Martin of Payette, Rufus, Vet, Johnnie and Wallace of Long Valley, Mrs. Ella Wells of Payette, and Mrs. Minnie Miller of Seattle. More than thirty years ago, 1884, the family came by wagon from Iowa to Payette and were among the first settlers of this community. They were called upon to endure the hardships of pioneer life, dwelling for a time in tents. Her home was been in Payette and Long Valley all these years. Mrs. Conyers was a believer in the Christian faith and became identified some 47 years ago with the "Latter Day Saints". She was taken sick last May and continued in declining health until death relieved her.

She leaves a husband, seven children, fourteen grand children, besides other relatives and friends to mourn her decease. (Riverside Cemetery)

Cards of Thanks

We desire to express our heartfelt thanks to the many friends who so kindly assisted during the long sickness and health of our dear wife and mother, and especially those who contributed flowers and the near neighbors who were never tiring in their assistance day or night. J. H. Conyers and family (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 04, 1915

On the afternoon of January 28th at her home in Payette, Idaho, Mrs. Effie May Dixon went to be forever with the Lord. She was born near Blackstone, Livingston Co. Ill., on Sept. 19, 1869.

In early life she made public acknowledgement and profession of her faith in Christ as a personal Savior, and joined the Methodist Episcopal Church of which she has ever since been a loyal member. Her own home was her chief kingdom of service, and her love for her family was deep and constant. Her neighbors loved her.

The services held at the home in Payette, Idaho, on Sunday Jan. 31st, were in charge of her pastor Rev. G. W. Barnes. Interment was in the Riverside Cemetery.

Besides a father and mother and three brothers she leaves a husband and three daughters. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saints.

Mrs. C. E. Dixon died Thursday at her home in Payette. Funeral was held at the home on Sunday. Mrs. Dixon was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Zahller and sister of Chas Zahller who reside in this community. Mrs. Dixon came to visit her family about two weeks ago and took a severe cold which resulted in her death. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 11, 1915

Burt L. Downs died at his home in this city on last Saturday, February 6th. While his illness was generally known, the announcement of his death came as a great surprise, it having been stated that he was improving and would be able to be out in a short time. Mr. Downs has been engaged in business here for the past eleven years and always was interested in matters pertaining to his home town. He was a member of Washoe Lodge No. 28, a. F. and A. M., and of the Modern Woodmen of America. He was also president of the Gun Club and Director and leader of the Payette band. He will be missed by a large circle of friends. Funeral services were held on Tuesday the 9th at the home on North Fifth Street, conducted by Rev. Reed, after which the remains were taken in charge by the Masonic fraternity and conveyed to Riverside Cemetery where the impressive funeral services of the order was given and the remains laid to rest.

As the casket was borne from the house to the hearse the band played Rock of Ages, and as the procession moved headed by the band they played Chopin's funeral dirge.

None of the brothers of the deceased were able to reach Payette. Two of them started but on account of snow blockades in Colorado were forced to turn back. Mrs. W. W. Goodrich, of Reno, Nev., a sister of Mrs. Downs was here.

Burt Louis Downs was born at Magnolia, Iowa, March 23, 1868, and moved to Pender, Nebraska in 1885. On August 13, 1890, at Pender, Neb. he was married to Miss Belle Osgood. Three children were born of this union, two of whom are living, Byrl and Leona. The family moved to Payette in 1903 and have resided here continuously since that time. He leaves besides a wife and two daughters, five brothers: Frank of Long Beach, Cal., Ray A. of Cedar Edge, Col., Geo. of Bloomfield, Neb., Will of Spencer, Iowa and Newton of Sioux Falls, S. Dak.


We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to the members of the fraternal orders, the Payette bank, the members of the Payette Gun Club and the many friends who so kindly rendered us assistance in our late bereavement and for the floral tributes offered. Mrs. M. B. Downs and Family (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 11, 1915
Nellie Callaway, daughter of John and Mary Callaway, was born in Burlington, Kansas, Dec. 2nd, 1860. At the age of twenty on March 13th 1881 she was married to Geo. Slonaker in Smith Co., Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Slonaker lived for several years at different places in Kansas, then moved to Colorado, then to Utah, and 18 years ago came to Idaho, where they have made their home near the town of Payette. Mrs. Slonaker was the mother of four children all of whom are living. Mrs. Mary Leigh, George, Bertha, and Delta Slonaker. She became a follower of Christ when about seventeen years of age and has been loyal to his Church all these years. She was one of the fourteen charter members of the Church of Christ at Payette which was first organized sixteen years ago. She was taken seriously ill eleven days ago and continued suffering until 10 o'clock on the evening of Feb. 5th when she quietly passed away leaving a husband, four children, two grandchildren, three brothers, three sisters and a host of friends to remember her gentle loving life. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 18, 1915

Charles Calvin Lawrence, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lawrence, was born in Nesperse, Idaho, Sept. 13th, 1899. At the age of twelve he professed faith in Jesus Christ and united with the Payette Baptist Church. At the time of his conversion he began the reading of the New Testament and completed it in a period of four weeks. His life has been exemplary and he died the death of the righteous. Died 2:30 Sunday P.M. Feb. 14th, 1915. Age 15 years, 5 months and one day. He leaves to mourn his loss a father, mother and eight brothers. The funeral was conducted by P.H. Evans Wednesday 2:30 P.M. in the Baptist Church. About 250 were present to show respect and sympathy to the family. The body was laid to rest in the Riverside Cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 04, 1915
The little eight month old boy of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Roe who live about four miles northeast of Payette, died at the home of its grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Smith in this city, at about 11 o'clock Wednesday night. The little one had pneumonia and was brought to town in order to have the best medical attention.

Payette Enterprise, March 11, 1915
Wilford Wendle Roe, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Roe died 11:30 Wed. night March 3rd, age 8 months. The funeral was held in the Baptist church Friday after-noon, March 5th, at 2:30 conducted by the pastor. The little body was laid to rest in the Riverside Cemetery.

Death entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Roe on Wednesday, March 3, and claimed Wilfred, their youngest son, who was but 8 mo. old. The funeral was conducted from the Baptist Church on Friday afternoon. The beautiful floral offerings expressed the sympathy of their many friends and relatives. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 11, 1915
Though not unexpected, the death of Mrs. J. W. Jimerson cast a shadow of sorrow over the entire community and many mourned with the family when she was called to her heavenly home. Mrs. Jimerson professed her faith in Christ while yet in her teens and united with the Methodist Church at an early age. She was a faithful Christian until her death, took the bible as a guide and died as she lived, trusting in God. She was a friend to the poor, cared for the orphans, a faithful mother and a kind neighbor. To know her was to love her and the many floral offerings were a silent tribute to her pure and unselfish life. Sarah Ann Farmer was born at Potoka, Ill. Sept. 12, 1843, and passed away March 4th, 1915. She was married to Wm. Jackson on June 12, 1866 with whom she lived happily until his death in 1876. They were the parents of four children, Sylvester and T. J. Jackson who live near Crystal, and Leander who died in 1897, and one daughter who died in infancy. She became the wife of J. W. Jimerson in 1878 and one daughter blessed this union, Mrs. Dora Armstrong, who now resides in Payette. Mr. and Mrs. Jimerson came to Idaho in 1893 and endured the hardships of pioneer life. Since her husbands death in 1908 she made her home with the youngest son, Sylvester Jackson. Funeral services were conducted from the Baptist Church by Rev. P. L. Evans and Rev. Barnes and the remains were laid to rest in the Riverside Cemetery. Besides her two sons and one daughter she leaves many friends and relatives to mourn her loss. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 11, 1915
Charles R. White, of Corinth, Miss. arrived in Payette yesterday to attend the funeral of his daughter Murial White. Lou Dunston an uncle from St. Anthony was also present. The services were held at the Church of God, at 3 p.m. today and interment was in Riverside cemetery.


We desire to express our thanks to the many friends who so kindly rendered us assistance during the illness of our beloved daughter and sister. We are also very grateful for the many words of comfort and for the beautiful floral offerings. Mrs. Mary A. White and Mrs. Gwenn Dickinson (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 18, 1915
Lester Dow Willoughby, was born in Chareton, Iowa, Dec. 22, 1887. He came from Colorado to Idaho about five months ago. He was in declining health when he came and has since been cared for by his mother at the home of Mr. John Puser. He passed away on the morning of Mch. 11th at the age of 28 years, two mo. and eleven days. Recently he confessed his faith in Christ and was baptized into Him. He leaves a mother, and two sisters, one of whom lives in Boulder, Colorado and the other in Kansas City, Mo. Neither of the sisters were able to attend the funeral services. Services were conducted from the home. Interment was at Riverside Cemetery.


For the many tokens of sympathy and kindness of friends during the sickness and death of my son Lester, I desire hereby to express my thanks to all. Mrs. Estella Williamson (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 25, 1915
The funeral of John Little Jackson was held in Weiser last Sunday. Mr. Jackson was a pioneer of Idaho and for many years resided in this part of the valley. Those from Crystal besides the relatives, who attended the funeral were Mrs. T. J. Jackson and daughter Opal, Wessley and R. L. Jimerson and Ned Skiffington.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 25, 1915
The two year old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hunter of Brownwell was drowned in the farmers ditch last Saturday afternoon.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 25, 1915

On Monday morning at about 8:20 John A. Ashbaugh died at Payette. His death removes from our midst one of our oldest citizens, he having lived here about thirty-five years. Everybody knew Uncle John and was his friend. He was born October 2, 1835 in Mahoning county, Ohio and was 79 years, 5 months and 20 days old at the time of his death. On Mar. 6, 1865 he was married at Coldwater, Michigan to Miss Hattie Fowler and the issue from this union was one son, Llewellan J. who lives at Constantine, Mich. He is also survived by three sisters and four brothers, Susan Mickey, Vancouver, Wash., Mrs. D. R. Herald, Ilwaco, Wash., Mrs. J. S. Elliott, Portland, Ore., E. A. Ashbaugh, Frederick, S. Dak., Wm. Ashbaugh, Scotts Bluff, Neb., H. L. Ashbaugh, Kansas City, Mo., and W. S. Ashbauagh, Albert City, Iowa. Of these the sister Mrs. Elliot was present at the time of his death, and has cared for him much of the time during the past year or two. Deceased was an old soldier having enlisted in Elkhart Co., Indiana, Sept. 2, 1862 to serve three years during the war, and was mustered into service at Indianapolis, Sept. 9, 1862 as a private of 21st Battery, Ind. volunteers Light infantry and served until mustered out on June 26, 1865.

A number of the members of the G.A.R. Post at this place were in attendance at the funeral.

The remains were interred in Riverside Cemetery, on Wednesday, March 24, the funeral being in charge of the Masonic fraternity of which deceased was an honored member. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 25, 1915
It was indeed a shock last Thursday when the word passed round that Byron had died in the morning of that day. His sickness was so brief that many had not heard of it. But those who knew its severity from the first were heavily anxious all though the week that it lasted.

Pneumonia was the ailment and it had made great progress when the Doctor first got to him. He died at 9:30 Thursday and was buried Saturday, the funeral services being at the Presbyterian Church.

He was sixteen years and five mo. of age and had lived all but eight months of his life here in Payette, the parents Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Gorton having moved here from Crawford, Neb. when then he was but a baby. He had gone up through our schools to the Sophomore class and the active class was out to express their sorrow at the funeral services. Also his Y.M.C.A. Bible study Club were out in a body.

The outstanding feature of his character was vivacity. There was never any dull time where he was. And yet his pleasantries and drolleries were not of the stinging sort. He was universally liked and so is universally held in tender memory, which may make it that his life so brief shall count for more than that of many who drag out many more less helpful years. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 08, 1915

"Uncle Charlie Guild" one of the pioneers of Idaho and Oregon passed away April 3rd at the home of his adopted daughter Mrs. J. C. Geisler, Payette, Idaho. At the age of 12 together with his father, he crossed the Plains with ox teams, himself walking most of the distance. They settled in Portland, Oregon. His father built the first frame house in Portland. The city was then a dense forest. They helped to clear away the timber and to start the city. At the age of 36 he came to Idaho and settled on Little Willow, on what is now the Charles Bolton ranch. In 1885 he moved to Payette where he lived the remainder of his life. At the age of 20 he was married to Cordelia Savage. They had no children of their own, but most of their married life they were helping to care for others children. They were fatherly and motherly and helped to rear as many as sixteen children. Ella McKeen was adopted by them and was with them for eighteen years until she was married to J. C. Geisler. 'Uncle Charlie' and 'Antie' Guild will long be remembered for their kind services to the sick and needy. They were always ready to answer any call for help either night or day. Uncle Charlie was an excellent character, honest and conscientious. He would not under any consideration, take undue advantage of anyone for his own interest. He was ready and willing to sacrifice for the sake of peace. He was a member of the Christian Church at Payette. He loved the Church and supported it in every way he knew how. He was 80 years, 1 mo. and 25 days old, with out a gray hair and apparently well the day he died. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 15, 1915

Annie Blanche Carico, the three year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Carico, died at their home in Payette last Monday morning (April 12). The funeral was conducted Tuesday afternoon by P. H. Evans, Pastor of Baptist Church. The remains were laid to rest in the River Side cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 15, 1915
Fanny, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Horn, was born in Indian Valley, Idaho Jan. 21st, 1901. Six years ago she moved with the parents to the Payette Valley where she lived at the time of her death. She attended school at the Hill School house until last fall she entered the High School at Payette and was a member of the Freshman class. She was a member of the Christian Bible School, enrolled in Mary Hill's class. About two weeks ago she was taken sick and died Tuesday April 6th at the age of 14 years, 2 months, and 16 days. She leaves a father, mother, brother, five sisters and many friends to mourn her demise.

Funeral services were held at the Christian Church Thursday afternoon, after which the body was interred at Riverside Cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 15, 1915
Susannah Merritt was born in Marion Co. Ill., July 8th, 1876. In 1897 she was married to J.W. McClure of the same state. They came to Idaho in 1912 and located on a ranch east of Fruitland.

She was the mother of four children, three sons and one daughter.

She became a Christian in March of the year 1899 and took membership with the Church of Christ in Marion Co., Ill.

She was a member of the Order of Eastern Star, Frina Chapter No. 112, Frina, Ill.

She was taken sick about the 1st of November last and continued suffering until death relieved her on the evening of April 10th.

She is survived by her husband, four children, three sisters and five brothers living in Ill., besides the friends formed here and at home.

Funeral services were held at the Christian Church Sunday afternoon. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 29, 1915
Hattie Lucy Folsom Branthoover was born in Butler Co. Iowa, June 16, 1872, and passed away at her late home near Fruitland April 21st, 1915 at the age of 42 yrs. 10 mo. and 5 days. When very young her parents moved to Kansas and at ten years of age she came with them to the Payette Valley where she has since resided. She was united in marriage to Alva A. Branthoover Oct. 1, 1890. This union was blessed with four sons, Freeman, Lester, Victor and Earl, all of whom, with the father remain to mourn her departure. Besides her own family, she leaves a mother, Mrs. E. T. Folsom, two sisters Mrs. Allen Carson and Mrs. Ada Magill, and two brothers, L. L. and C. J. Folsom all of Boise. although Mrs. Branthoover has been a sufferer for two years her going was sudden and unexpected. She went to rest for a short time about noon and when the family went to speak to her they found she had slipped away to the other world. She was a member of the Home Department of the Methodist Sunday School, also of the Ladies Aid, and was loved by all who knew her. The funeral was conducted from the home Friday morning amid a large company of friends and neighbors. Rev. C. E. Deal officiating. Burial was in Riverside Cemetery, Payette. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 29, 1915
Mr. Jno. M. Royston was born in Baltimore, Md. April 1, 1855 and died at his home near Fruitland Apr. 16, 1915, aged 60 yrs, 15 da. Feb. 28, 1883 he was married to Lily Etta Eaton, and the young people set up their new home in Nebraska. To this union were born 13 children; of these two died in infancy, the others six sons, John, Edward, Schuyler, Charles, Earl and Lafayette, and five daughters Mrs. Harry Hart, Mrs. Edward Williams, Clara, Irma and Josephine with the mother remain sides the immediate family he leaves to sorrow because of their loss. Besides the immediate family he leaves a mother, Mary E. Royston, 84 yrs. old, two sisters, Mrs. Kizzie Waltermyer and Mrs. Anna Bossom, and four brothers Charles, Wesley, William, and Robert, all of Baltimore, Md. Mr. Royston came to the Payette Valley in 1906 and settled on his ranch south of Fruitland, where he has since lived closely identified with every movement for the promotion of the community's best interests. Mr. Royston was widely known as he has been a director of the Canyon County fair since 1907, President of the Idaho Swine Breeders Association, an active member of the local and State grange and one of the prominent stock men of the state. The funeral was held from the home Thursday afternoon, at 1:30. It was very largely attended, people coming from all the nearby towns and surrounding country. Rev. G. W. Barnes of Payette conducted the service. His remarks on the theme "It is not all of Life to live, nor all of Death to die" were very kind and sympathetic. Mrs. Alberts and Mr. Paul Brainard sang a beautiful duet, and the other music was by a double quartette of the Fruitland people. The floral offerings were many and beautiful given by friends and associates in the business world, a tribute to his sterling worth and the high esteem in which he was held by those who knew him. Interment was in Riverside Cemetery, Payette. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 13, 1915

Mr. John C. Kenward of Roberts, Ill., who came to Payette in December last to visit with his son I. W. Kenward died at the home of his son on Friday May 6. Mr. Kenward was seriously injured in a runaway about two weeks ago. Immediately following his injury it was discovered that he was suffering from leakage of the heart and later pneumonia followed. Deceased was 82 yrs. of age. On Friday I. W. Kenward took the remains of his father back to his old home at Roberts, Illinois, where most of his children live. He is survived by seven children.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 13, 1915

Word was received in Payette Saturday announcing that Margaret A. Weider, wife of J.H. Weider, passed away at Portland, Wednesday morning May 5. No particulars were given as to the cause of death. Cremation service was held at Portland at 4 p.m. May 6th. Mr. and Mrs. Weider resided in Payette for a number of years and the many friends and acquaintances here will extend their sympathies to Mr. Weidner.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 20, 1915
Elmer Ellsworth Hunter was born in Brookville, Jefferson Co. Pa., December 12, 1860 and died at his home in Fruitland May 11, 1915 aged 54 yr. 4 months and 29 days. He was married to Sabina Catherine Fitzimmons July 10, 1884. To this union four children were born, Dorion D., Bessie Claire, Alice S. Russell and Olive Pearl. Bessie Claire preceded her father to the other world about 8 years ago. The others with the mother remain to mourn their loss. Beside the immediate family Mr. Hunter leaves two brothers, S.A. and P. A. Hunter both of Brookville, Pa. In 1899 Mr. Hunter came to Idaho, and purchased the farm now owned by C.C. Powell. The family came in March of the following year. Later he bought the place now owned by Mr. Gillmore, cleared away the sage brush and built the house. About six years ago he moved to his present home on Minnesota Ave. His 49th birthday anniversary was a red letter day in his life, for on that day he surrendered all to the control of Jesus Christ and united with the church on probation. June 19, 1910, Rev. C. D. Day received him into full membership. In the church as in the community Mr. Hunter has been a statesman. He was always a leader in every advance movement, generous and self-sacrificing. Mr. Hunter was a business partner of J. A. Bowers for eight years and this is what Mr. Bowers says of him, "During the eight years of our association together in business we never knew him to speak an untruth or counsel a dishonest act. In all transactions between ourselves or any outside party he applied the second great commandment. "Love they neighbor as thyself" and made the Golden Rule his guide. He would always rather suffer wrong than to give anyone an occasion to think he was unfair. His word was a word of honor, and as good as any note. He sacrificed much time and money for the good of humanity and was a leader in all public charities. We can truly say we have lost a valuable and kind business partner, a good citizen and neighbor and a Christian brother in whom we had all confidence. We promised Mr. promised Mr. Hunter to continue the same business relation with the family as long as they desire. " Mr. Bowers estimate is that of every other man who knew him or had any dealings with him. Mr. Hunter was interested in the school and the church and took an active part in all enterprises for the up-building of the community. Mr. Hunter was sick for months and during all that time God was his refuge and His word was his comfort. His last words were to the effect that "God is our only hope". He will be missed in the home, in the community, in the church and in the business world, but Heaven will be enriched by our loss.

Funeral services were held at the home Thursday afternoon May 13. Rev. C. E. Deal officiating. Burial was in Riverside Cemetery, Payette. Fruitland Correspondent. (Riverside Cemetery)


We desire to thank our many neighbors and friends for their help and sympathy during the long illness and death of our beloved husband and father. Mrs. E. E. Hunter and family (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 27, 1915
The little 7 month old baby boy of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Blind, died Monday morning of bronchial pneumonia. The child had been sick for some time before with whooping cough. the funeral was held Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Koenig of the Lutheran church officiating. (Parkview Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 03, 1915
John Holm was born in Stockholm Sweden, April 16th 1840. He came to America at the age of 25 and located at San Jose, California. April 26th, 1878 he was married to Le Nora Gardner and later moved to Salem, Oregon where they lived for 25 years. Seven years ago they came to Idaho and entered a homestead in Whitley Bottom, where they lived at the time of his death. He was a member of the Church of Christ at Salem, Oregon. After a short illness he died at the hospital in Ontario Wednesday evening aged 75 years, 1 month and 40 days. He leaves a widow and two brothers. Funeral services were held at the Christian Church Thursday afternoon.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 17, 1915

The dead body of little Theodore Oster, the six-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilhelm Oster, was found in the Lower Payette Ditch, about nine o'clock Monday morning, at a point near the Crystal school house, after the parents and neighbors had put in the entire night hunting for the child.

The little boy was first missed by the Oster family, who reside about four miles north of Payette, a little after six o'clock Sunday evening. Search was immediately instituted by the parents, who were shortly after joined by a number of their neighbors, every effort being put forth to find the lost child. Soon after the alarm had been given the water was turned out of the canal and while one party was making a careful search along its banks others were hunting through the neighborhood orchards and the sagebrush along the nearby foothills, hoping to find or get some trace of the missing child.

It was not until nine o'clock Monday morning that the dead body of the little boy was found, in the body of the canal, about three miles below the Oster home, where it had evidently lodged when the water was turned out of the canal. From certain marks on the body it is probable that the little fellow fell into the canal some distance away from where the body was found and that it was swept along by the swift current, coming in contact with more than one of the big irrigating wheels along the stream.

The funeral took place from the German Lutheran church in this city at 11 o'clock Tuesday forenoon, being largely attended by the sympathizing neighbors and friends of the bereaved family. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 17, 1915
Byron S. Brainard was born at Rush, New York State, August 31st, 1826; was married to Phylinda L. Porter, January 4, 1849, in the State of New York; to them was born three children, Clarence E. Brainard, who died in Payette, in September, 1911, Ella C. Brainard, who died in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, in 1869, and E.C.S. Brainard, who now lives in Payette. He is survived by one sister, Mrs. Ann Kidder, who resides at Fairport, N. Y.

During the life of Father Brainard he was always found an aggressive worker for prohibition, an Elder in the Presbyterian church all of his active years, the Sunday School being his favorite place to work, the young people gathering early to enjoy the song service under his instructions.

He was always active in politics, but with no selfish motive. During his declining years all he asked for was regular employment, that he might still be useful, though his unfailing patience was manifested when too feeble for any activity.

He was an Iowa pioneer, coming out in the early 50's; wherever he lived he made friends who still testify that the confidant of all their troubles and perplexities, was Uncle Brainard, for he was universally known as the "peacemaker."

Many were the boys and girls who for a time had their home with Father Brainard, and one of those daughters now asks the privilege of attending the last services in the old Home Cemetery, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where the body has been sent for interment.

A strong, vigorous life, devoid of evil habits, always temperate and deliberate, Father Brainard lived to the age of 88 years, 9 months and 13 days, passing away at the home of his son E. C. S. Brainard, June 13, 1915. His funeral was conducted from the home the following day, by Rev. M. D. Reed and Rev. G. W. Barnes. Mr. Henry T. West, a cousin of the deceased, and a life-long friend, spoke in strong and simple words, of the kindheartedness and justice of his comrade. (Home Cemetery, Cedar Rapids, Iowa)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 01, 1915
The little infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Leigh died last Thursday morning. Mrs. Leigh was Mary Sloniker.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 08, 1915

E. D. Cosman, well known to all the old settlers of this community, where he first established his residence more than thirty years ago, died yesterday in the State Asylum at Blackfoot, where he had been a patient for three years. J.B. Cosman, a brother of the deceased, received a telegram at 3:30 in the afternoon, advising him of the death. He wired back to have the body sent to Payette for burial. As the remains will probably not reach this city before this (Thursday) evening, no arrangements have yet been announced for the funeral.

"Dow" Cosman was a pioneer settler of the Payette Valley and for more than twenty-five years had been a familiar figure on the streets of this city, when his mental faculties suddenly became deranged and it became necessary to remove him to the State Institution at Blackfoot, for care and treatment. His brother, Mr. J. H. Cosman, had heard nothing concerning his sickness, and does not yet know the cause of his death. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 15, 1915
William F. Steigerwalt, son of Samuel and Catherine Steigerwalt, was born in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, on March 31, 1843. Died July 12, 1915, at 10:40 A.M. at Payette, Idaho, at the home of his daughter Mrs. Blanche Zimmerman. Aged 72 years, 3 mos. 12 days.

He located at Carroll, Iowa in 1870. He was married to Anna Colelo of Carroll in 1878, and lived on a farm. Seven children were born to them, five of whom are living, one daughter and one son having preceded him to the Life beyond.

In 1907 he moved to Ames to educate his boys. He was always interested in educational work of all kinds, having taught many terms of school, at different periods of his life, even at the age of 69 years.

He was elected County surveyor, also County Superintendent of Schools of Carroll County.

He united with the Church of God at Carroll in 1892 and lived a Christian life until death.

He and his wife came to Payette four weeks ago to visit his daughter and relatives, and was taken sick the second day after his arrival, and all that medical skill and loving hands could do, proved of no avail.

His wife, daughter, and son Frank, also his sister and family, and a number of relatives were at his bedside when he passed away.

He leaved to mourn his loss, his wife, four sons, Garfield of Glidden, Samuel of Nevada, Frank and McKinley of Ames, Iowa; one daughter Mrs. Blanche Zimmerman of Payette, one sister Mrs. S. B. Alspach of Payette, and many relatives and friends.

His body was taken to Carroll, Iowa and laid to rest besides his children.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 22, 1915


"Dear Father and Mother, Brothers and Sisters: I am going to bid you all good-bye. Please now don't take this hard. I am tired of life. Dear mother, you will forgive me for everything I have done or said, won't you? I know you will, Dear mother I hope to meet you in heaven some day. I don't think I have been so wicked that God will cast me into hell. Now mother, I want you to look at it this way --- everybody has got to die, so what is the use of worrying so about it. There is no use, mother. It won't be long till I see you again. Dear mother, I can see Etta holding out her arms to take me when I come. Perhaps people will think I am crazy, but I am not any crazier now than I ever was. Well, good-bye everybody till I meet you again. Mother don't think that I didn't love you, because I acted so cruel some times. Tell John and Harry to be good boys and pay up the mortgage on the home as quick as possible. Mother I would like to kiss you and all the rest good-bye, but I cannot do it, so good-bye forever. Kisses for all. "Good-bye"

Becoming despondent and tired of life, Thomas Shepherd, only 18 years old, ended his existence in a most tragic manner. Seeking the seclusion of an unused building in the foothills just east of the city limits he deliberately wrote a farewell note to his blind father and already distracted mother, who had been worrying over his absence, and blew his brains out with an army rifle. The body was found nearly 24 hours after the fatal shot was fired, and by the order of County Coroner A. A. Farris, who was immediately notified, was conveyed to Lauer's undertaking parlor to await the corner's arrival from Caldwell.

Relatives and friends of the young man had known for some time that he was laboring under a mental strain, caused no doubt by a physical ailment which had preyed upon his mind, finally driving him to the omission of the desperate deed that ended his young life and earthly sorrows together. He was a member of Company 1, of the National guardsmen of this city, and when refused permission by Captain Shaw, to accompany his company to the recent State Encampment at Boise, expressed his disappointment and contrition.

Sunday morning about 11 o'clock, armed with the gun with which he had become familiar at the armory, which he had procured through a friend, he departed for the open country on the Payette Heights, to hunt rabbits, as was supposed by his parents. Not returning at night nor the following morning, search was instituted by his older brother and by Nephi Purcell, the dead body being found by the last named about 1 o'clock Monday afternoon in the unused building in the gulch near the city gravel pit about 150 years east of the main wagon road. From all appearances the unfortunate boy had sat down and grasping the muzzle of the gun in his left had had placed the same to his left temple and pulling the trigger with his right had fired the fatal shot. Mr. S. W. Lisle, whose home is not more than 200 years from the scene of the tragedy, heard a shot and saw the smoke about 2 o'clock Sunday, which was doubtless the shot that ended Thomas Shepherd's life, but thought nothing of the matter at the time, as it is such a common thing to hear shooting in the vicinity.

Coroner Farris, County Attorney Griffith and Deputy-Sheriff McCullough arrived late Friday afternoon, to investigate the case, but after viewing the body and consulting with Dr. I. R. Woodward, who made the first examination immediately after the body had been discovered, and after carefully interviewing a number of people who were acquainted with all the circumstances and facts known in connection with the tragedy, they decided that it was not necessary to hold an inquest over the remains.

Upon the body of the dead boy Coroner Farris found a small passbook upon three leaves of which was written in a neat and legible hand the pathetic farewell which is printed above.

Funeral services were conducted from the Church of God at 2 o'clock Tuesday, by Rev. A. H. Farnham, the pastor.

Thomas Shepherd was the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Shepherd and had spent most of his life in this city. for some time he had been employed by the Independent Meat Market as deliveryman and had always been faithful and dependable in the performance of his duties. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 29, 1915


Stewart Levers, the well-known Payette coal merchant committed suicide between twelve and one o'clock Monday afternoon, by shooting himself through the heart with a shotgun in the back room of his place of business.

The dead body of Stewart Levers was found by his 17-year-old son Lloyd, lying on the floor in the back room of his place of business at one o'clock Monday afternoon, upon opening the door between the office and wareroom, when he returned from his lunch. An investigation subsequently made by Dr. J. C. Woodward, deputy county physician, went to clearly indicate that it was a case of suicide, that the deed had been committed with a 12-gauge shotgun found by the body, that death had been instantaneous and had evidently occurred only a few minutes previous to the discovery of the body.

Dr. Woodward questioned several persons who were present when he reached the scene of the tragedy and made full notations of the condition of the body, the surroundings and other circumstances, after which he permitted the removal of the dead man to the undertaking establishment of Wood & Spaulding, to await the arrival of the county coroner.

All the circumstances pointed unerringly to the fact that Stewart Levers made deliberate preparation for the ghastly work which his mind had decided upon. He used his own gun, firing the fatal shot by touching the trigger with a yard stick in which he had cut a notch. He evidently slipped into the building during the noon hour while his son Lloyd was at lunch, as the door between the front and back rooms had been open during the forenoon and he had not been seen about the building or at his home since 11 o'clock Sunday night and the time when his dead body was discovered.

Coroner Farris, upon his arrival later, made an investigation and was satisfied that it was not necessary to hold an inquest. There was found in the pocket of the deceased a brief note bidding his wife "goodbye" to his family when taking his departure from his home Sunday night.

Stewart Levers had been a resident of Payette some 15 years and had been engaged in the coal business almost continuously during all that time. He was honest and straightforward in the conduct of his business affairs, was public spirited and liberal to a fault, idolized his children and from appearances endeavored to gratify their every wish, and but for a habit which was his only enemy, might today be living the useful life he was fitted for. He leaves a wife and six children to mourn his untimely death, to whom will go out the heartfelt sympathy of every citizen of this community.

Funeral arrangements have been made for today at 2:30 o'clock, to be conducted from the family residence. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, August 12, 1915


On last Friday, August 6th, word reached Payette that Samuel Teets Mathers, who has been living with his daughter Mrs. William Wing, and her husband, on Big Willow, had committed suicide, at the Wing home. By authority of the County coroner the remains were brought to Payette Friday evening, at which time statements of witnesses were taken.

The following memorandum notes of Dr. J. C. Woodward, taken about 6 P.M., Friday evening, August 6, 1915, at J. A. Lauer's store, from the statements of Lloyd Pence and P.E. Miller, in the presence of Burt Venable, J.A. Lauer and Glenn Landon gives the facts fully.

Statement of Lloyd Pence:

"Sometime after dinner Violet Wing granddaughter of the deceased came to my residence and asked for the loan of a horse to go and notify Mr. Wm. Wing, who was working for Mr. P. E. Miller, that her grandfather had killed himself and that he should come home. Violet said that her grandfather had cut his throat with a razor. I notified Mr. Miller at once by telephone and Mr. Miller took Mr. Wing home in the automobile. Ike Carter and I then went to the Wing home. I found there Mrs. Wing and her sister, Miss Mathers, and I inquired where the body was and was informed that it was in the cellar. Mr. Carter and I went to the door of the cellar and saw the deceased lying dead in a reclining position against the unfinished portion of the cellar. He held the razor in his right hand and his throat was cut across. There was blood everywhere. Some of it had spurted up on the points of the house. Mr. Miller and Mr. Wing arrived shortly afterward and we four entered the cellar covered the body with a canvas and hung two quilts over the door. I then came home and telephoned the facts of the suicide to Dr. J. C. Woodward, who in turn notified the coroner who authorized me by telephone to remove the body to the undertaking rooms of J. A. Lauer and Bro. Accompanied by Mr. Miller we took the body by automobile to Payette and arrived there about 5:20 p.m. I found a letter near the body which I turned over to the daughter Miss Mathers. This letter was read by Mr. Miller. The body must have been dead over an hour when I first saw it. Death occurred on this day, Friday, August 6, 1915."

Deceased is survived by his wife and two daughters. Mrs. Mathers arrived from Oregon City Saturday noon. The funeral was held Saturday afternoon and interment was at Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 09, 1915

Benjamin Franklin Burgess, aged 72 years, 7 months and 19 days, died at his home in Washoe, Sunday night death being caused by neuralgia of the heart. Funeral services were conducted from the family residence at 2 o'clock Wednesday, by Rev. Rittenhaus of Ontario, Oregon, of the denomination of Seventh Day Adventists, of which church deceased had been a consistent member. Deceased was a War Veteran with a commendable record, tho not a member of the local G. A. R. Post. He was a good citizen, an exemplary husband and father and leaves a wife and several children to mourn his loss. He was an old resident of the Washoe community. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 20, 1915
Elmer Austin Anson was born in Leadsville, Iowa, March 29th, 1882. He came to Idaho and was married to Miss Florence Moss, Oct. 23, 1906. During the nine years of their married life they have lived in Payette and other towns of southern Idaho. He learned to be a skillful chef and worked successfully at his trade at various places. Mr. and Mrs. Anson were the parents of six children, all boys, the youngest of whom are but ten days old. Only four of the children are living. He was taken sick but a few days before his death and passed away Saturday evening at 10:30. Besides the children and wife, he leaves one brother, one sister, a father and mother, and other relatives and friends to mourn his departure.

Funeral services are held Tuesday afternoon at the Frank Moss home. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 28, 1915
Jacob Sherer was born at Dayton, Ohio, Oct. 25, 1857, and died Oct. 19, 1915, age 57 years, 11 month, 24 days. When he was three years old his father moved from Dayton, Ohio, to Edgar county, Illinois, where he resided until he was 21 years of age. From there he moved to Aurora, Nebraska. February 12th, 1881, he was married to Rhoda A. Evans. Unto this union ten children were born, four girls and six boys, all of whom are living. Mr. Sherer moved from Aurora to Wood River, where he resided for eighteen years. He was a charter member of the Modern Woodmen of America Lodge in Wood River. He moved to Fruitland, Idaho, five years ago, where he resided until his death.

Funeral services were conducted at the home, Saturday afternoon by Benj. Smith of the Christian Church, of Payette. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 02, 1915
Mrs. Ann Ellen Bussey, whose death occurred at Portland, Oregon, November 19, 1915, was the daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. W. H. Mellor, deceased. She was born at Kewanee, Illinois, in 1862. Her parents moved west and located at Rock Springs, Wyoming, in 1870, where she grew to womanhood and was united in marriage with Mr. Charles H. Bussey in 1879. She resided there until 1895, when she became a resident of Payette, where for twenty years she lived the beautiful life of noble womanhood, devoting herself to her family. In spite of the fact that she was much of the time a patient sufferer, her cheerful disposition drew about her a large circle of friends, by whom she will ever be held in loving remembrance.

Thursday evening she was in good spirits, fondly hoping that she would soon be in perfect health and able to rejoin her dear ones at home. But, alas, for the uncertainty of human hopes, at 6:10 o'clock Friday morning, her gentle spirit very suddenly and peacefully took its flight.

An impressive funeral service was conducted at the Bussey home, at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, Nov.. 23, by Rev. Thomas Ashworth, rector of St. James Episcopal church, of which decreased had long been a consistent member. She was also a member of Loraine Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star. The offerings of emblems and flowers were many and beautiful.

A large concourse followed the remains to Riverside Cemetery, the following named old-time friends of the family acting as pallbearers; F.. H. Cram, Jr., F.M. Satoris, W. A. Coughanour, M.F. Albert, M.E. McDonald and Burt Venable.

Deceased is survived by the husband, C. H. Bussey, and five children, Mrs. C. L. Dagg and Mr. Orrin E. Bussey, of Payette, Mrs. L. H. Tillotson, Mrs. W. A. Baker and Mr. Charles H. Bussey, Jr., of Portland, Oregon, and by the following named sisters and brothers; Mrs. A. B. Moss and Mrs. George Resac, of Payette, Mrs. E. B. Murray and Mr. Charles H. Mellor, of Rock Springs, Wyoming, and Mr. W. E. Mellor, of Boise, Idaho.

The many friends of the family are in deep sympathy with them in their great loss and bereavement. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 09, 1915
Eliza Engeline Patterson was born in Adkin county, North Carolina, Feb. 17th, 1861. In October 1881 she moved with her sisters to Boise, Idaho. There, about three years later, she was united in marriage to Jessie Mitchel. To this union were born three sons, Jessie, Wessley and Algie. In the spring of 1905, Mrs. Mitchel moved to Payette, Idaho, where she lived until the day of her death. Died Friday noon, Dec. 3rd, 1915. She leaves to mourn her loss a husband, three sons, three sisters and many friends. Her funeral was held in the Baptist church, Saturday, 2 p.m. The body was interred in River Side cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 09, 1915

News was received at this place Monday of the death of Mrs. Henry Peutz, which occurred on that date at Lake Port, Idaho. Mrs. Peutz, who had resided near this city for a number of years, had long been a sufferer from tuberculosis and was spending the winter in the higher altitude of the Payette Lakes section. Mr. Peutz arrived with the remains on the P.V. train Wednesday evening, the funeral taking place at 2 o'clock this afternoon. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 16, 1915
Mollie Davis Bedsaul, was born March 3, 1882 and died Dec. 13, 1915. She was the daughter of Isaac and Sarah Katharine Bedsaul, who are now living in Virginia. On Sept. 25, 1903 she was married to Rufus F. Ward. To this union was born two children, a boy who preceded the mother to the heavenly land when about eight years of age, and a little girl who with the husband and father and many other relatives mourn the loss of a beloved wife and mother.

Years ago Mrs. Ward gave her heart to the Lord, and became a faithful and devout Christian and joined the Friends Church of which she was a member at the time of her death. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 23, 1915
Mrs. Clema Bates, wife of Mr. Roy A. Bates, to whom a daughter was born Thursday morning, Dec. 16, died at 10 o'clock that night. deceased was aged 21 years and 7 months. She had been a resident of this city but a short time, having removed to Payette only a few months ago from Lucas, Kansas, to which place Mr. Bates took the remains for interment. The babe, which survived its mother, is being cared for in this city until it is old enough to be taken back to the home of relatives in Kansas.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 23, 1915
Jeptha Smith Warden was born at Deer Ridge, Mo., Aug. 8th, 1848 and died at Payette, Idaho, Dec. 17, 1915.

He was a soldier of the Union army in the Civil War having joined the 55th Missouri in 1865, under recruiting officer captain Jentry. Sept. 8, 1891 he was married to Sarah Jane Dare. Three children of this union have gone on before to that other land, and three children with the wife remain to mourn the loss of a beloved husband and father. In addition to these there are still living, of the immediate family, two sisters and three brothers.

During the last few years Mr. Warden has been in very poor health and has traveled about a great deal in seach of a climate that would be helpful to him. About three years ago he came to Payette where he lived to the time of his death. It was in Payette that he became a Christian and was received as a member into the fellowship of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The funeral service was held from the church on Sunday afternoon, Dec. 19, 1915, the pastor, G. W. Barnes, officiating. (Riverside Cemetery)

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