Payette County Obituaries
Payette Independent 1915

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to search each newspaper page by page to find these obituaries,
for typing them out, and for sharing them with us!

Payette Independent
Thursday, January 14, 1915
August Carl Heinbach was born Oct. 16, 1837 in ???, Germany. At the age of nine years he came to this country with his parents, who settled in Detroit, Michigan. He was the youngest child in the family. In the named city he received his education and in his youth manifested an eagerness to learn at every opportunity. When he was 24 years old the family moved to northern Michigan where the deceased worked for a ? in a foundry and machine shop, and after a few years of training and work he became superintendent of the machine shop and designed and built concentrating mills for the gaining of copper. In the year of 1864, the 25th of May, he married Miss Margaret Lyons at the age of 27, and their married life has been in every way a very happy one. God gave to them five children, four boys and one girl, who were reared with the utmost care and the most tender love. One boy, Alfred died in early childhood. In 1886 Mr. Heinbach went to Anaconda, Montana, where he as master mechanic found work with Anaconda Co., in the position of consulting engineer. He occupied the same honored position with the Boston and Montana Mining Co., and other companies in Butte, Montana, to where he moved in 1888. In the same city he gathered about himself a large circle of friends by his winning personality, fairness and squareness to every one. On account of ill health he moved to Payette in 1912 staying with his daughter, Mrs. Julia Mutch. Again he was soon respected and loved by many friends. As often as he could he attended the services at the German Lutheran church. His Christianity was thorough, natural, for him a power of life, a source of strength for his daily duties, giving him perfect peace at all times and especially in the time of death. With grace of God he could with his dearly beloved wife celebrate their golden wedding anniversary on the 25th of May, 1914, receiving on that rare occasion the congratulations and good wishes of his children, friends and also the German Society of his own, of which society he had become a member. His strength soon began to rapidly fail him and a severe attack of bronchitis brought his vitality to a very low degree. In the early fall of the past year he was confined to the house and soon to his bed, and his growing weakness made it necessary to send work to his children. His son, August Charles responded to the call and came at once, to the great joy of the father. Last Saturday, January 2nd, the end drew near. He was perfectly calm and at peace, part of the time being only sub-conscious. To the last moment of consciousness he manifested an extraordinary mental power, insight and memory. Two and a half hours before his death he lost consciousness. Gradually the light of life was turned down and at 8:30 p. m. spirit left its perishable habitation to return to its source, a serene smile lighting upon his features; the soul was at rest; August Heinbach was at home, entered into the joy of his Lord. At his bedside bowed in great grief stood his beloved wife, son, daughter and two grand children. He died at the age of 77 yrs., 2 months and 7 days, leaving to mourn his loss his wife, four children, James, August, George and daughter, Mrs. Mutch, ten grand children and three great grand children.

His remains were taken to Butte, Montana, his former home for interment, accompanied by Mrs. Heinback, Mrs. Mutch and August Heinbach, Jr.

May our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace be with the deeply grieved wife and children in the dark hours of loneliness, wipe away all tears and strengthen them in the belief of a sweet reunion and a blessed hereafter. - His Pastor

Payette Independent
Thursday, January 21, 1915

Mr. J. N. Noyes, aged 48 years, was found dead in bed Friday evening Jan. 15th, at his home in New Plymouth, by his wife and children upon their return home from the picture show. He had been in his usual health, able to do his daily work and his sudden death, due to heart failure, came as a great shock to his family and friends. He leaves besides his wife, seven children, 4 sons and 3 daughters, all living in New Plymouth except one son married and living in Glenn's Ferry, who came Saturday to be present at the funeral. The funeral services was held at the Congregational Church, conducted by Rev. Knight and in charge of the Woodmen. The body was laid to rest in Park View Cemetery. (Parkview Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, January 21, 1915

William Edgar Orrell was born in Williamson county, Ill., May 9th, 1854. At the age of twelve years, he moved with his parents to Greenfield Mo., where five years later he professed faith in Jesus Christ and united with the Baptist church. In 1872 he moved with his brother to Dallas Texas and three years later was united in marriage to Miss Tamer Barnett of Blue Ridge Texas. To this union were born seven children, Braxil, Lewis, Plez, James, Madge (now Mrs. J. P. Hill Jr.,), Eunice (now Mrs. Frank Foster), and John, all of whom survive. In 1888, he moved with his family to Tacoma, Wash., where he lived for seven years when his health failed and he moved to Eugene, Oregon whence three years later he came to Payette, Idaho. Here he has lived until the day of his decease.

Died 10:45 Sunday morning, January 17th, 1915. Aged 60 years, 8 months and 8 days. He leaves to mourn his loss, a wife, two daughters, five sons, four sister, one half sister, one brother, two half brothers, thirteen grand-children and a host of friends. His wife, one half brother and all seven children were by his bed when he passed thru the vale of tears into that land of eternal day. Blessed are henceforth; yes sayth the Spirit, the dead who die in the Lord from that they may rest from their labors; and their works do follow them.

The funeral of Mr. Orrell was conducted by P. H. Evans, pastor of the Baptist church, assisted by Benjamin Smith, pastor of the Christian church, at the home Tuesday at 2:30 P. M. The remains were laid to rest in the River Side Cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, January 21, 1915

The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Richardson born Friday morning at 8 p. m. died Sunday morning at ? a. m. and was buried in Park View Cemetery, New Plymouth Sunday afternoon. The Congregational minister at Ontario conducted the services at the home at 2:30 and Rev. Ticknor delivered a few remarks at the grave. Mr. and Mrs. Richardson's many friends deeply sympathize with them in their sorrow. (Parkview Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, February 04, 1915

On the afternoon of Jan. 28 at her home in Payette, Ida., Mrs. Effie May Dixon, wife of C. E. Dixon, went to be forever with the Lord. She was born near Blackstone, Livingstan Co., Ill., on Sept. 19, 1869.

In early life she made public profession of her faith in Christ as a personal Savior and joined the Methodist Episcopal church of which she has ever since been a loyal member. Her own home was he chief kingdom of service. And her love of her family was deep and constant. Her neighbors loved her.

The services, held at the home in Payette on Sunday, Jan. 31, were in charge of Rev. G. W. Barnes. Interment was in the Riverside cemetery at Payette, Ida.

Besides a father and mother and three brothers, she leaves a husband and three daughters. "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His Saints." (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, February 04, 1915

Mr. Richard Davis living four miles east of New Plymouth died Saturday night at 9 o'clock of tuberoses. He is survived by a wife. The funeral was held at his home Monday morning at 11 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Thompson of the Congregational church. The remains were shipped west to Cleveland, Ohio, his former home.

Payette Independent
Thursday, February 04, 1915

The little two weeks old infant of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Myers died at their home in New Plymouth on last Thursday. The funeral was held at the home Friday afternoon and the body laid to rest in Park View Cemetery. (Parkview Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, February 04, 1915
Elizabeth Jane Peasley was born in Crawford, Co., Pennsylvania Feb. 2, 1851. She moved with her parents to Indiana and later to Iowa locating in Harrison Co. In 1869 she was married to John Hiram Conyers. Twelve children were born to this union, seven of whom are living, Martin of Payette, Rufus, Vet, Johnnie and Wallace of Long Valley, Mrs. Ella Wells of Payette and Mrs. Minnie Miller of Seattle. More than thirty years ago in 1884 the family came by wagon from Iowa to Payette and were among the first settlers of this valley. They have made their home here and in Long Valley all these years. Mrs. Conyers was a believer in the Christian faith and became identified some forty seven or eight years ago with the church of Latter Day Saints. She was taken sick last May and continued in declining health until death relieved her. she leaves a husband, seven children, fourteen grand children, besides other relatives and friends to mourn her decease.

Payette Independent
Thursday, February 11, 1915
Nellie Callaway, daughter of John and Mary Callaway, was born in Burlington, Kansas, Dec 2, 1860. At the age of twenty, on March 13, 1881 she was married to Geo. Slonaker of smith co., Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Sloneker lived for several years at different places in the state of Kansas, then moved to Colorado, afterwards to Utah, and 18 years ago they came to Idaho where they have since made their home near the town of Payette. Mrs. Sloneker was the mother of four children all of whom are living, Mrs. Mary Leigh, George, Bertha and Delta Sloneker. She became a Disciple of Christ when about seventeen years of age and has been loyal to His church all these years. she was one of the fourteen charter members of the Church of Christ at Payette when first organized sixteen years ago. she was taken seriously ill eleven days ago and continued suffering until 10 o'clock on the evening of Feb. 5, at which time she quietly passed away leaving a husband, four children, two grand children, three brothers, three sisters and a host of friends to remember her gentle loving ?


Mrs. Geo. Sloneker, aged 54 years., died last Friday night at her home of paralysis. She had been seriously ill since she was stricken about ten days ago, so her death was not unexpected. A husband survives, also three daughter, Mrs. Mary Leigh of Payette, Delta teaching at Twin Falls, Mary teaching at Kuna, and a son George living in Boise. All were called home because of her serious illness and were here to attend the funeral which was held at the Christian church in Payette at two o'clock p.m. Sunday afternoon, conducted by the pastor, Rev. Benjamin Smith. The body was laid to rest in the Payette cemetery. Mrs. Sloneker leaves a host of friends who extend sincere sympathy to the grief stricken family. (Riverside Cemetery)


We, the undersigned, as husband and children, desire to express our heartfelt thanks to the friends and neighbors who have so kindly assisted us in caring for Mrs. Sloneker in her last sickness. Geo. Sloneker, Mrs. Mary E. Leigh, Ernest Leigh, Geo. H. Sloneker, Bertha H. Sloneker, Delta M. Sloneker

Payette Independent
Thursday, February 11, 1915

Berton L. Downs was born at Magnolia, Iowa, March 23, 1867 and died at Payette, Idaho, February 6, 1915, aged 47 years, 9 months and 19 days. He moved from is birth place to Pender, Nebraska, in 1885. He was married to Miss Minnie Belle Osgood August 14, 1890, and moved to Payette in 1903, where the family has since resided. He has been engaged in the harness and saddlery business during his residence in Payette.

Mr. Downs was a quiet, unobtrusive, inoffensive man; he was not given to much talk and pursued his way quietly, attending to his affairs. He did not hurriedly form close friendships but when once a friend he remained so to the end, as it testified to by those who knew him best. He was a member of the Modern Woodmen of America, the Payette Valley Commercial club, was president of the Gun club and Director of the Payette Band.

The funeral services were held at the residence on Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 and was attended by a large number of friends and neighbors. rev. M. D. Reed, of the Presbyterian church conducted a short service and the Mason Lodge of which Mr. downs became a member at Pender, Nebraska, in 1892, took entire charge. The rendering of "Rock of Ages" by the band, of whom he was the much loved director and which he had trained to a splendid proficiency, as the casket, covered beautiful, delicate flowers, was born from the residence to the hearse, was sublimely beautiful. A large number of the membership of the Masonic Lodge, led by the band which softly played Chopin's funeral dirge, marched to the cemetery where the Masonic burial service was rendered in the presence of a large crowd of people.

Mr. Downs leaves to mourn his loss a wife, two daughters, Beryl and Leona, five brothers, viz: Roy A., Cedaredge, Colorado; George, Bloomfield, Nebraska; N. L. Sioux Falls, South Dakota; Will, Spencer, Iowa; F. H., Long Beach, California.

His brothers were unable to reach Payette in time for the funeral, some being prevented on account of snow blockades. Mrs. W. W. Goodrich, a sister of Mrs. Downs, of Reno, Nevada, arrived in time for the funeral service.


We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to the fraternal orders, Payette Band, The Gun Club and the many friends who extended to us sympathy and assistance in our last bereavement. Mrs. M. B. Downs and Family, Mrs. W. W. Goodrich

Payette Independent
Thursday, February 18, 1915
Charles Calvin Lawrence, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lawrence, was born in Nezperce, Idaho, Sept. 13th, 1899. At the age of twelve he professed faith in Jesus Christ and united with the Payette Baptist church. At the time of his conversion he began the reading of the New Testament and completed it in a period of four weeks. His life has been exemplary and he died the death of the righteous. Died 2:30, Sunday p. m., February 14th, 1915. Age 15 years, 5 months and one day. He leaves to mourn his loss a father, mother and eight brothers.

The funeral was conducted by P. H. Evans Wednesday 2:30 p. m. in the Baptist church. About 250 were present to show respect and sympathy to the family. The body was laid to rest in the Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)


We extend our heartfelt thanks to the many friends and neighbors who so kindly and faithfully contributed to our comfort and assistance during our recent bereavement. To the school children who so beautifully expressed their appreciation and thoughtfulness in their contribution of flowers and to every one who in any way assisted us we express hereby our sincere thanks. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lawrence and Family

Payette Independent
Thursday, February 25, 1915
Grace Golley McFarland was born in New York state January 12, 1886. She came to Idaho in September 1907 to visit at the McFarland home near Falk. Mr. McFarland being a relative of her adopted parents. On August 17, 1908 she was married to Walter J. McFarland. After living on the father's place two years, she, her husband and baby girl moved to their homesteads adjoining where they have lived up to the present time.

Besides the bereaved husband she leaves four children, Verna Evelyn, Donald G., Doris Marie, and the three weeks old baby, Walter Francis.

The deceased was a member of the Falk Presbyterian church which she joined by letter from the Methodist church of Lee Valley New York. She has always taken an active interest in the church affairs.

The end came to the beautiful life of a very devout wife and mother on Sunday evening Feb. 21, at nine o'clock after three weeks of a very severe illness. Much anxiety was shown by her many friends all during the sickness and their constant willingness to aid was a source of great help to the husband and family.

The funeral services were held at the home Tuesday morning at eleven. They were conducted by Rev. Stuart M. Hunter of Emmett, former pastor of the Falk church. The remains were taken to the Park View Cemetery at New Plymouth for burial.


Mrs. Walter McFarland living six miles east of New Plymouth died Sunday evening from heart failure and was buried Tuesday afternoon in Park View Cemetery. She leaves, besides a host of friends, a husband and four children, one a babe of two weeks, to mourn her loss. (Parkview Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, February 25, 1915

Mrs. H. R. Boomer received a telegram Monday containing the sad news of the death of her father in Chicago. He will be buried on Wednesday. On account of the illness of the little daughter of Mrs. Boomer last week with the measles and because she could hardly reach there in time for the funeral Mrs. Boomer will not go on to Chicago. Her father was quite ill with pneumonia last summer from which he had never recovered but Mrs. Boomer was not aware of any recent serious illness. Her many friends extend deepest sympathy.

Payette Independent
Thursday, March 11, 1915

Wiford Wende Roe, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Roe died at 11:30 Wednesday night, March 3rd, age 8 months. The funeral was held in the Baptist church Friday afternoon, March 5th, at 2:30, conducted by the pastor. The little body was laid to rest in the Riverside Cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)


We tender our sincere thanks to the many friends who so kindly assisted us during the sickness and death of our little son, Wilford; to the second grade school children and others for beautiful flowers, and to all who in any way contributed to our comfort. -- Mr. and Mrs. James Roe, Mr. and Mrs. E. Smith and Family

Payette Independent
Thursday, March 11, 1915

Sarah Ann Farmer was born in Marion County, Ill., Sep. 12, 1843. In early girlhood, she became a Christian and united with the Mound Chapel M. E. church, June 12, 1866 she united in marriage to William Jackson of Marion County, Ill. To this union were born four children; Synthia, who die in early childhood, T. J., and Slyvester, who live near Crystal, and Leander, who died Aug. 23, 1897. Jan. 18, 1878 Mrs. Jackson was united in marriage to J. W. Jimerson of Marion county, Ill., to this union was born one daughter, Dora (now Mrs. Dora Armstrong). In April 1893 Mr. and Mrs. Jimerson, their daughter Dora and two sons, T. J. and Sylvester Jackson came to Payette, Idaho where they lived until July 16, 1908 when Mr. Jimerson died; since his death Mrs. Jimerson has made her home with her son Sylvester Jackson near Crystal, Idaho. Died 4:35 Thursday P. M., March 4, 1915, age 71 years, 5 months and 21 days. She leaves to mourn her loss, a brother, Urial Farmer, living at Worcross, Minn., a sister, Mrs. Kate Cox, living at Bowider, Ill., two sons, one daughter, eight grandchildren and a host of friends. She was a faithful Christian, a good wife and devoted mother. Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord.

Funeral was conducted in Payette Baptist church Saturday afternoon by Pastor Evans assisted by Rev. Barnes. Body laid to rest in Riverside cemetery. a large attendance at funeral. (Riverside Cemetery)


We wish to express our sincere thanks, and appreciation, to all those who so kindly rendered their assistance during the illness and death of our beloved mother. - T. J. Jackson and family, Mrs. Dora Armstrong and family, Sylvester Jackson

Payette Independent
Thursday, March 11, 1915

The funeral of Murel White, who died at St. Luke's Hospital, will be held Friday afternoon at one o'clock at the Church of God. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, March 11, 1915
Lester Dow Willoughby was born in Chareton, Iowa, Dec. 22, 1887. He came from Colorado to Idaho about five months ago. He was in declining health when he came and has since been cared for by his mother at the home of Mr. John Pu?er. He passed away on the morning of March 11, at the age of 28 years, two months and eleven days. Recently he confessed his faith in Christ and was baptized into him. He leaves a mother and two sisters one of whom lives in Boulder, Colorado and the other in Kansas City, Mo. Neither of the sisters were able to attend the funeral services. Services conducted from the home. Interment at Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, March 25, 1915
Byron Gorton, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Gorton, was born Oct. 18, 1898 at Crawford, Nebraska; died March 18, 1915 at his home in Payette, Idaho, age 16 years 5 months.

Byron came to Payette with his parents when he was a very small child and has resided here since that time. People soon came to realize the value of his bright sunny disposition which never allowed gloom or discouragement to hover about, and his friendships grew rapidly. In school work he was above the average student and always ready to assist in any activity which would in any way enhance the reputation of the school or town. He was a very promising athlete, playing always a clean sportsmanlike game and accepting defeat with the same indifference which he did victory. The High School and Y. M. C. A. teams always received his support and counted his presence in a game as a long step toward success. He was a member of the X. L. Club. He was taken sick Wednesday, March 10, and died Thursday morning, March 18, 1915. His funeral was conducted by the Rev. Reed from the Presbyterian church, Saturday, March 20, interment in the Riverside Cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, March 25, 1915

John Ashbaugh was born October 2, 1835, in Mahoning County, Ohio, and died at Payette, Idaho, March 22, 1915. He was married July 6, 1865, to Miss Hattie Fowler. One child, a son, was born to them. "Uncle John", as he was familiarly known, has lived in the Payette Valley for the past 35 years and was one of the very well know residents.

He was a member of W. T. Sherman Post, G. A. R., a member of Washoe Lodge No 28, A. F. & A. M. and of the O. E. S. "Uncle John" had been a sufferer for many years but it was not until during the past few months that he could not get around and see friends and attend lodge meetings. He leaves one son who resides in Constantine, Michigan, three sisters and four brothers. His wife died many years ago. The Masonic Lodge, G. A. R. Post, and W. R. C. attended the funeral, which was conducted entirely by the Masonic Lodge. Interment was made in Riverside Cemetery. Thus passes away another of the old time settlers of the Payette Valley. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, April 08, 1915
Charles Guild was born in Illinois, Feb. 8, 1835. In 1847 he crossed the plains with his father in an ox-cart and settled at Portland, Ore. In 1883 he came to Idaho and settled on Little Willow on what is now known as the Charles Bolton ranch. Two years later he moved to Payette, where he resided until the time of his death. He was of a family of nine children, six boys and three girls, all but two of whom are dead. The two surviving brothers live in and near Portland. At the age of 20 he was married to Cordelia Savage. They had no children of their own but were always fatherly and motherly to others. They helped to rear as many as 15 children. Ella McKern now Mrs. J. C. Giesler was adopted by them, and they brought her up as their own child. His good wife preceded him to better land eight years ago. Some fifteen years ago he embraced the religion of Jesus Christ, and died in the faith. He passed away April 3, 1915 at the home of his adopted daughter in Payette at the age of 80 years 1 mo. and 25 days. Besides the adopted daughter and brothers he leaves other relatives and a host of friends.

Funeral services at the Christian church Monday at noon. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, April 08, 1915

As we go to press we learn of the very sudden death of Mrs. Will Bivens, which occurred in Portland. We have not the particulars at this time and know nothing of funeral arrangements.

Payette Independent (Thursday, April 15, 1915)


Elizabeth Ada Jackson, was born March 17, 1876 on her father's farm near Emmett, Idaho. She was married November 16, 1892 to William Bivens at the place of her birth where the family then still resided. These young people were the children of old and respected pioneer families of the Payette Valley.

After the ceremony the young couple went to their new home five miles east of Payette where they have since lived.

Four children were born to this ? union, one daughter, Maurine, and the three sons, Walker, Ashley and Edwood.

Mr. and Mrs. Bivens united with the Baptist church in Payette about three years after their marriage and were faithful and obedient members until about nine years ago. At this time, Mrs. Bivens found herself a confirmed invalid and when all other help had failed she resorted to Christian Science and was healed. Some years later when first church of Christ Scientist in Payette was organized, Mr. Bivens became a charter member. Her ? and friends who sought her services or advice ever found in her a loving helpful friend who had absolute faith in Christ and trusted God for everything.

The desire to express her gratitude for God's love as revealed to her in her healing was manifested in the willingness to assist others to see the light as shown to her in the Christ life.

She was a devoted wife and mother upon whom her husband and children had learned to lean, knowing as they did, that she had a knowledge of God which banished every care.

Mrs. Bivens ended the mortal existence at Portland, Oregon, April 6, 1915. among her last words were these, "I am resting in the truth."

There are left to mourn her departure besides her husband and four children, her sisters, Mrs. Alice Riggs and Mrs. Ella Davis of Emmett, Mrs. Anna Ashley of Payette, three brothers, Mr. William Jackson of Baker, Albert of Weiser, Alex and George of Crystal, and many friends.

The beautifully simple Christian Science funeral service was held at the Satoris residence under the auspices of First Church of Christ Scientist, conducted by the First Reader of the church. Miss Harlene Satoris impressively sang as a solo, "Still, Still with Thee." The reading was from John and from "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." The service breathed of a hope strong and enduring, with no suggestion of despair. A short service was held at the grave in Riverside cemetery at which Miss Harlene sang two verses of "Nearer, my god, is Thee," while the casket was lowered to its resting place, and all that was mortal of Mrs. Bivens was laid to rest. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, April 15, 1915
Susannah Merit was born in Marlon Co, Ill., July 8, 1876. In 1837(SB 1897) she was united in marriage to J. W. McClure of the same state. They came to Idaho in 1912 and located on a ranch east of Fruitland.

She was the mother of four children, one daughter and three sons.

She became a Christian in March of 1899 and took membership with the Church of Christ in Marion Co., Ill.

She was a member of the order of Eastern Star, Frina Chapter No. 112, Frina, Ill.

She was taken sick about the first of November last and continued suffering until death relieved her on the evening of April 10th at the age of 38 years, 9 months and 2 days.

She is survived by her husband, four children, three sisters and five brothers living in Illinois, besides the friends formed here and at home.

Funeral services were held at the Christian church Sunday afternoon.

Payette Independent (Thursday, April 15, 1915)


It was indeed sad news that came to the host of friends of Mrs. James McClure on Saturday evening when it was said she had passed away. She had been reported so much better only a few days before. Her death was due to Brights Disease. On Tuesday of last week she took very ill and no hope was given for her recovery. Part of the time from then until 6:40 Saturday evening when she died, she was unconscious and kept alive by stimulants. Her place in the home can never be filled and she will be greatly missed in the community where she had made a host of friends in the four years she had lived here. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, April 15, 1915
Fanny, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Horn, was born in Indian Valley, Ida., Jan. 21, 1901. Six years ago she came with her parents to the Payette Valley where she lived at the time of her death. she attended school at the Hill school house until last fall she entered High school at Payette and was a member of the Christian Bible school and was enrolled in Mary Hill's class. About two weeks ago she was taken sick and passed away on Tuesday, April 6th at the age of 14 years, 2 months and 16 days. she leaves a father, a mother, five sisters, a brother and many friends to mourn her decease. Funeral services were held at the Christian church Thursday afternoon after which the body was interred at Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, April 15, 1915
Annie Blanche Carico, the three year old daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. T. J. Carico, died at their home in Payette last Monday morning. The funeral was conducted Tuesday afternoon by P. H. Evans, pastor of Baptist Church. The remains were laid to rest in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)


We wish to express our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to the many friends who so kindly ministered to us during the sickness and death of our darling little girl and sister.

We wish also to express sincere thanks for the beautiful floral offerings from friends and from the fifth grade of the West side school. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Carico and family

Payette Independent
Thursday, April 22, 1915

LeRoy Gardner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Gardner, was instantly killed by a big water wheel, near their home in Boise Monday evening. On his way home from school he stopped with other children to play at a big water wheel. It is supposed that while attempting a ride on the wheel he fell through and was struck by a paddle of the wheel while lying at the bottom of the ditch. He was alone when the accident happened, the other children having gone home.

Both parents use to live here. Mrs. Gardner is the daughter of Frank Gardner of Payette Heights. Mrs. Gardner is a nephew of the Wayne brothers. We understand the body will be brought to Payette for interment. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, April 22, 1915

The whole community was dazed Friday evening when they heard of the tragic death that had met our neighbor, Mr. J. M. Royston. It seemed unbelievable that so big and strong a man should meet death so suddenly in such a way. He has lived here for nine years and he and his large and generous hearted family have occupied a large place in the hearts of those friends and neighbors around them. Our hearts are grieved and little else has been talked about. The wife and all the members of the family have our deepest sympathy in their new sorrow.

The sad accident occurred about 6:15 Friday evening at Mr. Royston's home two miles south of Fruitland when his Jersey bull gored him near the corral when he was trying to put him in the barn. He was struck in the thigh and died from the loss of blood and the shock, within two or three minutes after the accident happened in the presence of his wife and daughters.


(Fruitland Correspondence)

John Mordica Royston was born in Baltimore County, Maryland, April 1, 1855, died at his home two miles south of Fruitland, April 16, 1915, aged 60 years and 15 days. He was married to Miss Etta Eaton Feb. 28, 1882. To them thirteen children were born, two dying in infancy. The wife and eleven children survive her, John, in Nebraska, Mrs. Harry Hart of Twin Falls, Mrs. Ed. Williams of Kimberly, Schuyler, Earl and Ed who have been at Twin Falls, Charles, Lafe, Clara, Erma, and Josephine who are all at home. Mr. Royston leaves an aged mother ? years old, in Baltimore, also four brothers and two sisters, also in the east.

Mr. and Mrs. Royston with their family came from Furnas County, Nebr., to the Payette Valley nine years ago last March. They lived in Payette during the first summer and then moved to the ranch two miles south of Fruitland where they now reside.

Mr. Royston was an important ? in the community in which he lived, and in the county and state. He was a prominent member of the state Grange, which has passed appropriate resolutions relative to his death. Two brothers, Robert and William, and a brother-in-law, Samuel J. Miller, arrived from Baltimore in time for the funeral.

The funeral was held today on the beautiful lawn at the late residence, Rev. G. W. Barnes, pastor of the first M. E. church officiating. The floral tributes were abundant and beautiful. The choir sang selections appropriate to the occasion. A large concourse of people gathered to pay their last tribute of respect to their much esteemed neighbor, friend and fellow citizen. Interment was made in Riverside Cemetery at Payette. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, April 22, 1915

As we go to press we learn of the death of Mrs. A. A. Branthoover. The Branthoovers are long time residents of the valley. Mr. Branthoover was at one time a practicing dentist in Payette. No funeral arrangements made a this time.

Payette Independent (Thursday, April 29, 1915)


Hattie Lucy Folsom was born June 16, 1872, in Butler County, Iowa, died April 21, 1915 near Fruitland, Idaho, aged 42 years, 10 months and 5 days. When a little babe her parents moved to Kansas, and when she was ten years old her parents came to the Payette Valley where she has resided ever since. She was married to Alva A. Branthoover October 1, 1890. To them four sons were born, Freeman, Lester, Victor and Earl.

Besides the husband and four sons to survive her, are her mother, Mrs. E. T. Folsom, two brother, L. L. and O. J. Folsom, two sisters, Mrs. Allen Carson and Mrs. Ada Magill, all of Boise.

The funeral was held at the home last Friday morning at 10 o'clock conducted by Rev. C. E. Deal of the Fruitland M. E. church. Many friends were there to show their sympathy for the bereaved family. The body was laid to rest in Riverside Cemetery, Payette.

Mrs. Branthoover because of her serious illness the last few years was not able to be away from home much but she was a devoted mother and wife and her influence for kind deeds was felt in the community. The family has the sympathy of the entire community in their late sorrow. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, May 13, 1915

(Fruitland Correspondent)

E. E. Hunter, who last fall suffered a paralytic stroke passed away at 5:15 Tuesday afternoon. His death came as a surprise and saddened the whole community. While Mr. Hunter has been more or less ill from the stroke the last seven months, his death at this was unexpected. He had been able to attend church services in his wheeled chair and ride out in the buggy and auto. Only a very few knew that he had been failing fast the past two weeks and even the immediate family who had been told he could not survive long, his death was unexpected on Tuesday.

Mr. Hunter has long resided in the Payette Valley where by his cheerful disposition and generous heart has made hosts of friends. He was liked by everyone and his death causes great sorrow in our midst.

Funeral services will be held at residence Thursday at 2 p. m. Rev. C. E. Deal of the Fruitland M. E. church officiating. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, May 13, 1915

The many friends of Mrs. J. H. Weider will be pained to know that she passed away early on the morning of the 5th at her home in Portland, after a long and painful illness, which she bore with great fortitude, and made a hard struggle for life without avail.

Less than three years ago Mr. and Mrs. Weider moved from Payette to Boise, having disposed of their property here. Mr. Weider accepted a position with the O. S. L. in the freight office, which position he held until Mrs. Welder's health failed and they thought best to make a change and they decided to go to Salt Lake, but the benefit was only temporary for her and so they thought perhaps a low altitude would be better than a high one as she had developed serious heart trouble, so last spring they went to Portland, but she did not respond to the change with very much improvement and since the first of the year she has been a great sufferer until death relieved her. She leaves one little son 7 years old and her husband, besides an aged and almost helpless mother, and several brothers and sisters, to mourn her loss. Mrs. Weider opened up the first Studio in Payette about 12 years ago, and continued in the business for five years. She was a very capable woman and a devoted wife and mother.

The heartfelt sympathy of her many friends goes out to Mr. Weider and little Brayton in their great sorrow.

Payette Independent
Thursday, May 13, 1915

John C. Kenward was born at Hallsham, England, Oct. 2, 1832, and came to America at the age of seventeen years. In 1833 he was married to Nancy Westbrook, in door County, Wisconsin, and lived in loved companionship with her for over half a century, until her death about six years ago.

To them were born ten children, seven of whom survive; Joel, of Fisher, Ill., Ira Westbrook, of Payette, Idaho, Samuel, of Seattle, Wash., Aaron, of Onarga, Ill., and Willard, Miss Patience, and Mrs. Jennie Jensen of Roberts, Ill.

John C. Kenward died at Payette, Idaho, May 6, 1915, of pneumonia, brought on by the shock of a fall he sustained two weeks previously when he was thrown from a buggy while coming into town from a visit on Willow Creek. He had spend the winter at Payette, and had endeared himself to many new friends.

He had been for many years a steadfast Christian, a member and an officer of the Methodist church.

He had crossed the Atlantic several times to visit relatives in England, the last time he went four years ago, he was a passenger on the ill-fated Lusitania.

The remains were accompanied to the old home at Roberts, Ill., by the son, Ira, leaving at noon on May 7, 1915.

Payette Independent
Thursday, May 13, 1915

Born, Saturday, May 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Miles Miller, a little son, weight 5 lb. The little one did not live long. (Parkview Cemetery)

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index, the baby was born 5-8-1915 and died 5-9-1915. ch

Payette Independent
Thursday, May 20, 1915
This Newspaper Issue Missing

Payette Independent
Thursday, May 27, 1915

As we go to press we learn of the death of John Holm, which occurred at the Ontario hospital Wednesday evening at 5 o'clock. the funeral will take place at the undertaking rooms at Wood & Spaulding's this (Thursday) afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Mr. Holm leaves a wife, a brother in Cleveland, Ohio and a brother in California. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, May 27, 1915
The little six months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Blind, died Monday morning at 4:30 of bronchial pneumonia caused by whooping cough. the death was a surprise to the family as he was not thought to be seriously ill. The funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at 3 p. m. at the German church near Sunnyside and the little one laid to rest in Parkview cemetery, New Plymouth. The family have the sympathy of the community in their loss. (Parkview Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, June 03, 1915
John Holm was born in Stockholm Sweden, April 16th 1840. He came to America at the age of 25 and located at San Jose, California. April 26th, 1878 he was married to Le Nora Gardner and later moved to Salem, Ore., where they lived for 25 years. Seven years ago they came to Idaho and took up a homestead at Whitley Bottom, where they lived at the time of his death. He was a member of the Church of Christ at Salem, Oregon. After a short illness he died at the hospital in Ontario Wednesday evening at 5 o'clock. . He leaves a widow and two brothers.

Funeral services were conducted at the Christian church Thursday afternoon. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, June 10, 1915
This Newspaper Issue Missing

Payette Independent
Thursday, June 17, 1915

When Last Seen He Was Walking Down Ditch Bank - all Night Search - Body Recovered Monday at 10 a. m. Three and One-Half Miles Down the Ditch - Funeral Services Tuesday

Theodore William Ostr, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Oster, age 6 years was accidently drowned in the irrigation ditch 3 1/2 miles from his parents' home last Sunday evening and the body was not recovered until 10 a. m. Monday morning.

As long as he had lived with the exception of the past year Theodore had been a sickly child, causing his parents a great deal of anxiety and worry. since he was not a healthy child but an afflicted one, he had to be watched all the time. In spite of his peculiar affliction he readily responded to music, the most simple song attracted him. Obviously the irrigation ditch near the home wa a constant danger to him. It was last Sunday while the parents were absent on a visit, at 5 o'clock p. m. it was known that he had crossed the ditch near the home and then no trace could be found of him. The neighbors assisted in searching for him ut in vain. It was improbable that he had wandered away and it was feared that he had accidently met death while crossing the ditch. The water was turned out of the ditch, and late that night he could not be found. Searching was resumed early the next morning and finally at 10 a. m. the body was discovered in the ditch about 3 1/2 miles from the home. He was 6 years, 2 months and 11 days old. Funeral services were held at the German Lutheran church on Tuesday afternoon. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, June 17, 1915
Byron S. Brainard was born at Rush, New York State, August 31st, 1826. He was married to Phylinda L. Porter, Jan. 4, 1849, in the State of New York. To them was born three children, Clarence E. Brainard, who died in Payette, in Sept. 1911, Ella C. Brainard, who died in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, in 1869, and E. C. S. Brainard, who now lives in Payette. He is survived by one sister, Mrs. Ann Kidder, of Fairport, New York.

During the life of Father Brainard he was always found an aggressive worker for prohibition; an Elder in the Presbyterian church all of his active years, the Sunday School was his favorite place to work, and the young people gathered early to enjoy the song service under his instructions.

He was always active in politics, but with no selfish motive. During his declining years all he asked for was regular employment, that he might still be useful, though his unfailing patience was manifested when too feeble for any activity.

He was an Iowa pioneer, coming out in the early 50's. Wherever he lived he made friends who still testify that the confidant of all their troubles and perplexities, was Uncle Brainard, for he was universally known as the "Peacemaker."

There were many boys and girls who for a time had their home with Father Brainard, and one of those daughters now asks the privilege of attending the last services in the old home cemetery, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where the body has been sent for interment.

As a result of a strong, vigorous life, devoid of evil habits, always temperate and deliberate, Father Brainard lived to the age of 88 years, 9 months and 13 days, passing away at the home of his son E. C. S. Brainard, June 13, 1915. His funeral was conducted from the home the following day, by Rev. M. D. Reed and Rev. G. W. Barnes. Mr. Henry T. West, a cousin of the deceased, and a life long friend, spoke in strong and simple words, of the kindheartedness and justice of his comrade. (Home Cemetery, Cedar Rapids, Iowa)

Payette Independent
Thursday, July 01, 1915

Sunday, June 20th a little son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Leigh at the home of the grandfather, Mr. Geo. Sloneker. Late Wednesday night the little fellow took sick and died Thursday at 2 a. m. The death was probably due to reptuer of the lungs. The funeral was held Thursday afternoon and the little one buried beside the grandmother in Payette cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, July 08, 1915

(Fruitland Correspondence)

The following from Sunday's Statesman will be of interest to the Fruitland friends. Mr. Folsom was a brother to the late Mrs. A. A. Branthoover and has visited here.

Orvil J. Folsom, a well known Boise valley rancher, was instantly killed on Saturday afternoon when the rig in which he was driving to Boise was struck by an Oregon Short Line train at Maple Grove crossing. His horse was also killed and the buggy smashed. The body was taken to the undertaking parlors of Fry & Sommers where Coroner Summers will hold an inquest on Monday.

Mr. Folsom was on his way to Boise and reached Maple Grove crossing just as the fast mail connection, which leaves Boise at 12:15, approached. It is supposed that a clump of willows obstructed his view of the train and that he did not hear the warning whistle.

Apparently Mr. Folsom's buggy was right on the rails when the engine struck it. His body was carried under the engine until the train stopped and for a time it was supposed that he had been thrown into an irrigation ditch. The body was frightfully mangled.

The engine was driven by Evan Williams, one of the oldest and most careful engineers on the road.

Mr. Folsom was 47 years old and unmarried. He is survived by his mother, his brother, Louis Folsom, and two sisters.

Payette Independent
Thursday, July 15, 1915
William F. Steigerwalt, son of Samuel and Catherine Steigerwalt, was born in Schuylkill County, Penn. on March 31, 1843. Died July 12, 1915, at 10:40 A. M. at Payette, Ida., at the home of his daughter Mrs. Blanche Zimmerman, aged 72 years, 3 months, 12 days.

He located at Carrol, Iowa, in 1870. He was married to Anna Colclo of Carrol in 1878, and lived on a farm. Seven children were born to them, five of whom are living, one daughter and one son having preceded him to the Life beyond.

In 1907 he moved to Ames to educate his boys. He was always interested in education work of all kinds, having taught many terms of school, at different periods of his life, even at the age of 69 years.

He was elected County surveyor, also County Superintendent of Schools of Carroll County.

He united with the Church of God at Carroll in 1892 and lived a Christian life until death.

He and his wife came to Payette four weeks ago to visit his daughter and relatives, and was taken sick the second day after his arrival, and all that medical skill and loving hands could do, proved of no avail.

His wife, daughter, and son Frank, also his sister and family, and a number of relatives were at his bedside when he passed away.

He leaves to mourn his loss, his wife, four sons, Garfield of Glidden, Samuel of Nevada, Frank and McKinley of Ames, Iowa; one daughter Mrs. Blanche Zimmerman of Payette, one sister Mrs. B. B. Alspach of Payette, and many relatives and friends.

His body will be taken to Carroll, Iowa and laid to rest beside his children.

Payette Independent
Thursday, July 22, 1915

After Long Hunt by Friends and Neighbors Body Was Discovered by Nephi Purcell at 1 p. m. on Monday - Touching Note Left to His Mother

Thomas W. Shepherd, aged 18, committed suicide sometime last Sunday by shooting himself through the head with an army rifle. He left his home in Payette Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, stating he was going rabbit hunting. When he failed to return in the early evening a search was made for him, which continued all night and up to 1 o'clock Monday afternoon at which time he was found by Nephi Purcell, a neighbor, in an old abandoned shed on Payette Heights a mile southeast of the main part of town. Word was sent to town of the finding of the body. It was found he had shot himself through the head with the army rifle, which he was still grasping in one hand. The bullet entered near the left ear, went clear through the head and passed through a board on the opposite side of the shed, about eight feet above the ground. The whole back of his head was torn away by the bullet. These facts were learned through an examination made of the body by Deputy County Physician L. R. Woodward and several other men who went along to view the body. The county coroner, A. A. Ferris, of Caldwell, was notified, and with County Attorney Griffith and Deputy Sheriff McCullough, arrived at Payette in an auto at 5:30 o'clock Monday evening.

After viewing the body and hearing the statements made by Dr. Woodward and others as to the finding of the body, together with a pathetic letter found on the body of the deceased, the coroner and the county attorney decided an inquest was unnecessary. The following is a copy of the letter found:

"Dear Father and Mother, Brothers and Sisters: I am going to bid you all good-bye. Please now don't take this hard. I am tired of life. Dear mother you will forgive me for everything I have done or said, won't you? I know you will. Dear mother I hope to meet you in heaven some day. I don't think I have been so wicked that God will cast me into hell. Now mother, I want you to look at it this way - everybody has got to die, so what is the use of worrying so about it. There is no use mother. It won't be long till I see you again. Dear mother I can see Etta holding out her arms to take me when I come. Perhaps people will think I am crazy but I am not any crazier now than I ever was. Well, good-bye everybody till I meet you again. Mother, don't think that I didn't love you because I acted so cruel sometimes. Tell John and Harry to be good boys and pay up the mortgage on the home as quick as possible. Mother, I would like to kiss you and all the rest goodbye, but I cannot do it, so good-bye forever. Kisses for all."


The young man was the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Shepherd of Payette. He has several brothers and sisters here. His father is blind. He was a member of the Payette company in the state militia, but was unable to attend the recent encampment of the state militia at Boise.

Funeral services were held from the Church of God Tuesday afternoon, the pastor, Rev. Farnam officiating. It was said of Tom that "he was a kind, goodhearted boy who loved his home" and one of the young men who knew him remarked, "he was my friend." Where he was employed he was known as a good, faithful worker and was well thought of by his employers. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, August 12, 1915

Samuel T. Mathers passed away last Friday, Aug. 6 at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Wing, on Big Willow, his death the result of his own deliverate act. The statement of Loyd Pence and P. E. Miller, who brought the body to town, to the undertaking rooms of J. A. Lauer & Bro., shows. That sometime after dinner Violet Wing, grand-daughter of deceased, went to the Lloyd Pence home and asked for the loan of a horse to go and notify William Wing, who was working for J. llLE. Miller, that her grandfather had killed himself. Mr. Pence notified Mr. Miller by phone and Miller at once took Wing home in his auto. Ike Carter and Lloyd Pence went to the Wing home and found here Mrs. Wing and her sister, Miss Mathers. Upon inquiry they were informed that the body was in the cellar. Mr. Pence and Mr. Carter went to the cellar and found Mr. Mathers lying dead, reclining against the unfinished wall. A razor in his hand and a ghastly wound in his throat made plain what had taken place.

Miller and Wing soon arrived and he went to the cellar and viewed the body and arranged to have no one enter until coroner Farris of Caldwell and Dr. J. C. Woodward, deputy county physician at Payette had been communicated with. the coroner ordered the body taken to the undertaking rooms of J. A. Lauer and Bro. at Payette, where Pence and Miller arrived with it about 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Pence found a letter near the body which he handed to the daughter, Miss Mathers. The belief is that death had taken place about an hour before the body found. Dr. Woodward took the statement of Lloyd Pence and P. E. Miller, which left no doubt that Mr. Mathers had taken his own life.

the Mathers family reside at Oregon City, Oregon, and Miss Mathers was with her sister, Mrs. Wing, who had been sick, and Mr. Mathers had recently come down from his home to work on a farm in the Wing neighborhood. Mrs. Mathers was notified of the death on Friday evening and arrived in Payette Saturday on the noon train and the funeral service was held at the M. E. church at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon, conducted by the pastor, Rev. Barnes.

Miss Mathers, daughter, said her father had always been a good man and she could not possibly conceive of a reason for his rash act except temporary unbalance of mind. Mr. Mathers was 59 years of age and life's struggle with him had been difficult of late years. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, August 12, 1915

Mrs. Jennie Inman was born at Johnstown, Pa., April 26, 1859 and died at Payette, Idaho, August 9, 1915. She leaves a husband, C. Inman, 2 sons, O. W. Inman of Pocatello and G. L. Inman of Payette; the sister, Mrs. Mary Klen of Payette; two brothers, I. F. Teeter, of Boise, and J. Teeter, of North Bend, Nebraska.

Mrs. Inman moved with her parents to Waterloo, Iowa, in 1863 and lived there until 1891 when she moved to Minnesota, near Minneapolis. Came to Payette in 1901 and had since resided here. She was a good wife and kind mother. She has many friends and was loved and respected by all who knew her. She had been sick since last October and her sickness was of a nature that caused her very great suffering, which she bore with Christian fortitude. She was an earnest believer in the teachings of the Bible and when death approached she welcomed the messenger that carried her away from earthly suffering. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. Farnham from the Church of God. Her son, O. W. Inman and daughter, Mrs. Kien left Wednesday with the body for Waterloo, Iowa, where it will be interred amid old home scenes.

"There is no death what seems so is transition. This life of moral breath is but the suzurbs of the life elysian whose portals we call death."

Payette Independent
Thursday, September 09, 1915
DIED: Benjamin Franklin Burgess died last Sunday evening at his home near Payette, of neuralgia of the heart, at the age of 72 yrs., 7 mon., 19 days. The funeral service was held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Rittenhouse, of Ontario, of the Seventh Day Adventist Church.

Mr. Burgess saw hard service in the war of the sixties, and while not a member of the G. A. R. was an honored "old soldier" and citizen. Another old comrade has joined the "silent majority" in the country where they know no wars "nor rumors of war." "They are falling from the ranks one by one." (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, September 16, 1915

D. C. McDonald died at St. Luke's Hospital, in Boise, Wednesday of this week. Mr. McDonald was station agent at Fruitland when he asked for leave of absence some time ago. He went to his ranch for his vacation and while there was taken sick and later went to the hospital. Mr. McDonald was well known and much respected by a wide circle of friends. He leaves a wife and adopted boy. Funeral services will be held in Ontario on Friday, at 2 o'clock from the Baptist church, conducted by Rev. Tickner, of the Fruitland Baptist church.

Payette Independent
Thursday, September 16, 1915

On Friday morning, September 10, at four o'clock, occurred the death of Mrs. Hettie Williams, beloved wife of Henry Williams. They were former residents here having lived in the McKinney ranch and later just west of there near the D. H. Williams ranch. They had no children and were devoted to each other. Mrs. Williams was a sweet character and loved by every one who knew her and will be greatly missed by her husband and friends. She fell two years ago from a cherry tree and her ribs were broken which was the indirect cause of her death at this time at St. Alphonsus Hospital, Boise. They owned a fine home in Boise but had all their goods packed ready to ship to Caldwell where they expected to reside this winter. The funeral was held Tuesday at one-thirty o'clock in the afternoon in the M. E. church, Boise and the body laid to rest in the Boise cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. E. ? Nokes from here attended the funeral. His brother, D. H. Williams, who reside here is himself to ill that he is not able to attend. Much sympathy is felt for Mr. Williams in his bereavement.

Payette Independent
Thursday, September 30, 1915
Elmer Austin Anson was born in Leadsville, Iowa, March 29, 1882. He came to Idaho and was married to Miss Florence Moss, Oct. 23, 1906. During the nine years of their married life they have lived in Payette and other towns in Southern Idaho. He learned to be a skillful chef and worked at his trade successfully at various places. Mr. and Mrs. Anson were the parents of six children, all boys, the youngest of whom are only ten days old. Only four of the children are living. He was taken sick but a few days before his death and passed away with pneumonia. Besides the children and wife, he leaves one brother, one sister, a father and mother, and other relatives and friends to mourn his departure.

Funeral services were conducted at the Moss home Tuesday afternoon by Rev. Smith of the Christian Church. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, October 21, 1915

Jacob Shearer, sixty years old, died at his home, one mile east of Fruitland, Tuesday evening at six o'clock, with bronchial pneumonia. He has been a sufferer with asthma for years but even his family and closest neighbors did not realize his serious illness and his death came as a surprise. He, with his family, came here about five years ago. He leaves a wife and ten children, four girls and six boys, four of them living at home, one of them being away at Jimmerson, Ore., at the time of death, one living at Ferdinand, Idaho, four children living in Nebraska, and one in Minnesota. All of those away have been notified of his death. Funeral arrangements have not been made but he will probably be buried in the Payette cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, November 04, 1915

Susan Caroline Graves was born June 23, 1842, in Jackson county, Michigan, where she grew up and on January 1, 1866 was united in marriage to Columbus French. To this union one child, T. D. French, was born. Mr. and Mrs. French came to this valley 20 years ago. Mr. French died August 22, 1913, since which time Mrs. French has lived with a sister in Washington, and son and brother here until the time of her death. the funeral services were from the Congregational Church conducted by Rev. H. F. Knight and interment was made in Parkview Cemetery beside her husband. (Parkview Cemetery)


One by one the flowers are dying,
As the summer passes by.
And the humming bees are sighing,
Neath the gray autumal sky.

One by one the birds are leaving,
As the autumn draweth nigh.
And the winds seem to be grieving,
for the smiling summer sky.

One by one the years are gliding,
into ages of the past.
Nothing here is long abiding,
But is every passing fast.

One by one our friends are going,
to that long eternal home.
O'er the mystic sea they're rowing,
Never more to stray or roam.

One by one the leaves are falling,
As the autumn older grows.
Soon the ice king will be calling,
From the land of cold and snows.

One by one each scene is changing
By times ever blighting hand.
Death is ever, ever ranging,
On the sea and on the land.

One by one we'll soon be landed,
On the great eternal shore.
Soon our barks will all be stranded,
On the unknown evermore.

Payette Independent
Thursday, December 02, 1915

Isaac Newton Baker died at his home a half mile west of New Plymouth, Monday, Nov. 20, 1915, about midnight, from an attack of pneumonia.

Mr. Baker was born in Sangamon county, Illinois, December 11, 1849, and at the date of his death was about 66 years of age. He was married April 21, 1870 to Miss Sarah E. Post. In 1880 they moved to Nebraska and later to Idaho, where they have since lived, the past 13 years having been spent at their present home. A wife and two sons survive. Henry Baker, son, lives near New Plymouth; Charles Baker, son, lives in Omaha, Nebraska, where he is manager of an electric road. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the Baptist church, Rev. Daughl officiating. A large crowd of people gathered to pay their last tribute of respect to their friend and neighbor. Interment was in Park View cemetery.

Charles Baker, of Omaha, attended his father's funeral and is visiting with his mother who is seriously ill. (Parkview Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, December 02, 1915
Mrs. Ann Ellen Bussay died at Portland Surgical Hospital, Portland, Oregon, Friday, November 19, 1915. Thursday evening she was in good spirits and expected to soon join her family, restored to health, but the reaper suddenly called Friday at 6 a. m. the immediate cause of her taking away being Pulmonary Embolism. The body was brought to Payette Sunday and was accompanied by two daughters, a son and daughter-in-law.

Funeral services were held at the Bussey home Tuesday at 2 o'clock conducted by Rev. Thomas Ashworth of St. James Episcopal church of which church Mrs. Bussey was a cominunicant. Loving neighbors provided abundantly the most beautiful flowers, expressions of their love and esteem.

Mrs. Bussey was born at Kewanee, Illinois, in 1862 and moved with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Meilor, to Rock Springs, Wyoming, in 1870, where she met and married Mr. Bussey in 1879. They moved to Payette in 1895 when Mr. Bussey became manager for the Moss Mercantile Co.

Relatives and very many friends mourn the passing away of good wife, a loving mother and kind and helpful neighbor. Her life was marked by deeds of love and kindheartedness. The community has lost a friend to every good work, to every noble aspiration. A husband and five children survive her. Mrs. Clifford Dagg, and Orrin E. Bussey, of Payette, Mrs. Harry L. Tillotson, Mrs. William Baker and Charles Bussey, Jr., of Portland, Oregon, whose lives will be richer by the exemplification of the mother's teaching and the practice of her womanly virtues are the children. (Riverside Cemetery)

"There is no death. What
seems so is transition;
This life of mortal breath is
but the suburbs
Of the life Elysian, whose
portals we call death."

Payette Independent
Thursday, December 02, 1915
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Presley Jimerson died Nov. 24 being only 6 days old; interment at Riverside cemetery Friday, Nov. 26. We wish to sympathize with the parents of this babe. Beautiful home grown flowers were the tok- grown flowers were the tokens of ens of love from the neighbors and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Jimerson.

Payette Independent
Thursday, December 09, 1915
Eliza Engeline Patterson was born in Adkins County North Carolina, Feb. 17, 1861. In October 1881 she moved with her sisters to Boise, Idaho. There, about three years later, she was united in marriage to Jessie Mitchell. To this union were born three sons: Jessie, Wessley and Algie. In the spring of 1905, Mrs. Mitchell moved to Payette, Idaho, where she has lived until the day of her death. She died Friday noon, Dec. 3, 1915. She leaves to mourn her loss a husband, three sons, three sisters and many friends. Her funeral was held in the Baptist church Saturday at 2 p. m. The body was interred in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, December 16, 1915
Mollie Davis Bedsaul, was born March 3, 1882 and died Dec. 13, 1915. She was the daughter of Isaac and Sarah Katharine Bedsaul who are now living in Virginia. On Sept. 25, 1903 she was married to Rufus F. Ward; to this union was born two children, a boy who preceded the mother to the heavenly land when about eight years of age, and a little girl who with the husband and father, and many other relatives mourn the loss of a beloved wife and mother.

Years ago Mrs. Ward gave her heart to the Lord, and became a faithful and devout Christian and joined the Friends church of which she was a member at the time of her death.

Funeral services were held at the M. E. church Tuesday at 2 p. m., conducted by Rev. G. W. Barnes. Interment in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, December 16, 1915
On the afternoon of Friday, Dec. 10, the funeral of Mrs. Katie Peutz took place.

Mrs. Peutz, whose maiden, name was Katie Michelson, was born in Sweden, Oct. 22, 1876. When six years of age, in 1881 she came to this country, and was married April 2, 1897, to Mr. Henry Peutz, to whom she has been a devoted wife and a tender mother for her children. Last summer she had gone to Payette Lakes to find relief in her severe illness; but God willed it otherwise. On December 1, she died and leaves to grieve over her death her husband, two daughters, aged 17 and 13, one son aged six, one sister, Mrs. Wm. Peutz, in Nyssa, Ore., and one brother, Peter Michelson of Payette.

Mr. Peutz and children wich to express their sincere gratitude and appreciation for christian sympathy shown to them through floral tributes by the German Verein, the German Ladies Aid, friends and relatives, also for the comfort received from large attendance at the funeral.

May the bereaved seek and find Divine comfort and consolation. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, December 23, 1915
Jeptha Smith Warden was born at Deer Ridge, Mo., Aug. 8th, 1848 and died at Payette, Idaho, Dec. 17, 1915.

He was a soldier of the Union army in the Civil War having joined the 55th Missouri in 1865, under recruiting officer Captain Jentry. Sept. 8, 1891, he was married to Sarah Jane Dare. Three children of this union have gone on before to that other land, and three children with the wife remain to mourn the loss of a beloved husband and father. In addition to these there is still living of the immediate family two sisters and three brothers.

During the last few years Mr. Warden has been in very poor health and has traveled about a great deal in search of a climate that would be helpful to him. About three years ago he came to Payette where he lived to the time of his death. It was in Payette that he became a Christian and was received as a member into the fellowship of the Methodist Episcopal church. The funeral service was held from the church on Sunday afternoon, Dec. 19, 1915, the pastor, G. W. Barnes officiating. (Riverside Cemetery)

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