Payette County Obituaries
New Plymouth Sentinel 1915

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Special Thanks to Cheryl Hanson for going to all the trouble
to search each newspaper page by page to find these obituaries,
for typing them out, and for sharing them with us!

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, January 21, 1915
J. M. Noyes died suddenly Friday evening at this home in this city from heart failure. Friday evening, Mr. Noyes who was seemingly good health, had remained home while his wife and youngest child had gone to the moving picture show. On the return she found her husband in bed and life was extinct. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon, under the auspices of the Modern Woodmen of America, of which Mr. Noyes was a member. Rev. H. F. Knight of the Congregational church conducting the services. Interment was made in the Park View cemetery. Mr. Noyes for the past two years has been foreman of a small sawmill at Whitney Oregon; and had returned home a few weeks ago, to remain with his family until spring, when the mill is to resume operations again. Mr. Noyes and family have lived in this vicinity over eleven years, and Mr. Noyes who was an expert mechanic, has held many responsible positions in the sawmill and factories in Oregon and Idaho. Jessie Marlow Noyes was 47 years old, having been born in the state of Wisconsin on the 28 day of April, 1867. When a youth he moved with his parents to Sidley, Iowa, where in 1888 he was united in marriage to Miss Catherine Nebeling. A little over 11 years ago the family moved to the Payette Valley and have resided in the vicinity ever since. There are seven children all of whom were at the funeral. George a fireman on the Short Line, located at Glenn's Ferry, and Sylvia, Frank, Fred, Grace, Myrle and Ruth, all of whom live at New Plymouth. The sympathy of the entire community go out to Mrs. Noyes and family in their sad bereavement. (Park View Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, February 04, 1915
The little daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Meyer on January 11, died Thursday afternoon at the Meyer home, after an illness extending over two weeks. The funeral service was held at the Meyer home and was conducted by Father Nolan of the Catholic church and the body was laid to rest in the Catholic cemetery at this place. (Park View Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, February 04, 1915
Mr. R. S. Davis died at his home a few miles south of this city Saturday evening, after a long illness of lung trouble. The funeral services were held at the home Monday morning and the body was shipped to Cleveland O. for burial that afternoon. Mr. Davis has been a sufferer from lung trouble for a number of years, and three years ago, he and his wife came to the Payette valley in hopes the climate would agree with him. Mr. Davis was born in Buffalo N. Y. 89 years ago. In 1902 he was united in marriage to Miss Anna Nason, at Cleveland Ohio; and lived there until three years ago when he moved to the Payette valley.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, February 11, 1915
The funeral of Mrs. Effie L. Craig was held Saturday morning at 10 o'clock at the Schreiber and Sidanfaden chapel. Members of the Royal Neighbors attended the body. Burial was made in the Morris Hill cemetery. Mrs. Craig was 54 years old and died at her home near Reginia 18 miles from Boise on the Mountain Home road. She died of complication of diseases after being an invalid for over 4 years. She is survived by her husband and two sons. She was a member of the Royal Neighbors of America of Curtis Neb.

Mrs. Craig has for a number of years been a residence of New Plymouth and last spring her and her husband moved to Reginia where they have lived on a desert claim. (Morris Hill Cemetery, Boise, Idaho)

Card of Thanks

We wish to thank the many kind friends and neighbors for their kindness to our wife and mother during her illness and death. Abe Craig, Walter Craig, and Dee Craig.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, February 25, 1915
Mrs. Walter McFarland died at her home across the river after an illness of over three weeks. The funeral was held at the home and interment was held at Park View near New Plymouth, the service being conducted by Rev. S M. Hunter of Emmett and former pastor of Presbyterian church of Falk, of which Mrs. McFarland was a member. Grace Dollie McFarland was born in the state of New York on Jan. 12, 1886. In 1907, she came to Idaho to visit at the home of Mr. H. A. McFarland to whom she was related by adoption, and on the 17th day of August 1908 was united in marriage to Walter McFarland, at the McFarland home. For two years they lived at the home place and then moved on a homestead adjoining where they had lived since. Mrs. McFarland who had from childhood been a member of the Methodist church at Lee Valley N.Y. joined the Presbyterian church at Falk, shortly after her marriage. She has been an active worker in the church and a devoted christian. The end came to this beautiful life of a devoted wife and mother after an illness of over three weeks. Much anxiety was shown by her many friends of the valley during her sickness and willingness to aid has been a source of great help to her husband and family. She is survived by her husband and four children, Terna, E; Donald G; Dorris M. and the three week old baby, Walter J. (Park View Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, April 29, 1915
The 17 days old baby of Mr. and Mrs. O.J. Somerville died at the Sommerville home Sunday morning. The body was laid to rest in Park View cemetery Monday afternoon, Rev. Ira D. Hall conducting the services at the cemetery. (Park View Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, May 05, 1915
At the home of his sister, Mrs. J. H. Hanigan, Charles Hayden passed away Sunday evening. Death was due to heart failure. Mr. Hayden was seemly well up until about thirty minutes of his death when he had a severe pain over his heart. Charles Hayden was born at Chicago, Ill; on May 29, 1861, and was 54 years old at the time of his death. About 27 years ago he moved with his parents to Nebraska, and about 12 years ago he came to this state, making his home in New Plymouth. Mr. Hayden has been suffering with rheumatism for a number of years, and while the disease had crippled him so badly at times that he was compelled to use an invalid's chair, he has always had a cheery word and smile for every one he met. Mr. Hayden was unmarried and is survived by two sisters, Mrs. J. H. Hanigan and Mrs. Mary Haggerty, of Spaulding, Neb; an one brother John Hayden. The funeral services will be held Friday morning at 9 o'clock from the Catholic church and interment will be made at Park View cemetery. (Park View Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, June 24, 1915
Word was received here this week of the death of May Day at Old Mission, Mich. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Day and born in England 32 years ago. She was a resident of this city up until the time she moved to Michigan. Her mother and father moved back to New Plymouth this spring leaving her with their son Charles, to receive medical attention as she had never enjoyed good health, but which no one thought was serious. After having to undergo an operation she suffered a relapse and passed peacefully away. She was a true christian and while here she made many true friends who will be pained to learn of her death.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, July 29, 1915
Payette Man Kills Himself

PAYETTE, Ida, - The body of Stewart Levers, aged 59, was found at 1 o'clock Monday afternoon in the back room of his coal office, lying in a pool of blood, with a shotgun beside it.

An investigation by Dr. J. C. Woodward, deputy county physician, indicated it was a case of suicide. An inquiry will be made by a coroner's jury.

The body was found by the 17-year-old son of the deceased about 30 minutes after death had occurred.

Up to the present time no cause has developed that could be assigned with any degree of accuracy. It is stated that Mr. Levers was not at his home Sunday night or Monday forenoon. (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, August 26, 1915
Drowned in Payette Lake

McCALL, Idaho - Rev. Robt. P. Picken pastor of the United Presbyterian church of Boise, was drowned in Payette Lake, Saturday afternoon about 5:30 o'clock, at Camp Boloan, in full sight of his wife and children. He and two other ministers all of whom were camping together, were in a boat and in their bathing suits and Rev Picken jumped into the water in an effort to learn to swim but he miscalculated the waters depth owing to its being so clear, and went in over his head. He rose and called for help, but for a moment the others thought he was joking and he went down a second time before they could reach him. As none of the others could swim they were powerless to help him although they tried to reach him with the oars. Others went to the rescue but reached the scene of drowning too late to save the drowned man.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, October 18, 1915
Mrs. Susan French died at her home in this city Friday after a long illness due to old age at the age of 73 years. She was born in Jackson county, Michigan, June 23, 1842 and was married in 1866 to Columbus French. Mr. and Mrs. French have lived in Neb; Michigan, Oregon and about 20 years ago they moved to Idaho and have made their home in this valley since that time. Mrs. French and her husband were among the first to settle in this valley and took a prominent part in the social and religious affairs in this neighborhood for many years. Mrs. French is survived by a brother, Richard Graves and a son, T. D. French, both of this place. Her husband died a little over two years ago. The funeral services were held in the Congregational church Sunday morning Rev. H. F. Knight preaching the funeral services. The body was laid to rest in Park View cemetery beside the remains of her husband. (Park View Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, November 25, 1915
Isaac Newton Baker died at his home a few miles west of the city, quietly about midnight Monday, November 22, after a brief but severe attack of pneumonia. The decreased was born in Sangaman county, Illinois, on December 8th, 1849 and was 66 years old at the time of his death. On April 21, 1870 he was married to Miss Sarah E. Post. In 1880 he moved to Nebraska and later to this state, where he has lived since; the past 13 years being spent at his home near this city. His wife and two boys survive the deceased. Harry Baker, one of the sons, lives near the Baker home and the other, Charles lives in Omaha, Neb; where he is manager of an electric road. Mrs. Baker, overworked by the sickness of her husband, lies critically ill with pneumonia at this writing and much doubt is entertained if she is able to attend the funeral or even survive the shock.

Funeral services have not been made, pending the arrival of Charles Baker, but it is probable they will be held Friday or Saturday of this week. Interment will be made in Park View cemetery. Mr. Baker has for over 30 years been a member of the Modern Woodmen Lodge and was also a member of the Royal Highlanders, and it is probable that the funeral services will be conducted by one of these lodges.

Mr. Baker will be sadly missed New Plymouth. His cheery voice and kindly manner have smoothed over the rough places for many people of this vicinity, and his many kindly and neighborly acts will always be remembered by the many friends and neighbors who he assisted during the time he has resided in this valley. He was quiet proficient along musical lines earlier in life. (Park View Cemetery)

Funeral Friday

The funeral services will be held at the Baker home Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. (Park View Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, December 09, 1915
Evelyn Snook, the 12 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Snook died at her home near this city Monday evening, after a long illness. Miss Evelyn had been ill with pneumonia for several weeks, and the forepart of last week it was necessary to perform an operation, the effects of which, owing to her weakened condition from pneumonia, she did not recover from. A private funeral was held at the house Wednesday afternoon, only a few friends being present. Rev. Knight conducted the funeral services, and the body was laid to rest in Park View cemetery. (Park View Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, November 18, 1915
Word has been received of the death of Joseph Marnoch, at a hospital in San Leandro, Cal. Nov. 4, 1915, of Tuberculosis. He had been a sufferer of the disease for a couple of years and was placed in a sanitorium to undergo treatment. It was not until two months ago that his condition was rendered hopeless and he was sent to Arizona, but was taken back to California again on account of his health failing so fast. His wife succumbed to the same disease some six months ago while visiting her parents in Mass. He is well known in this vicinity having lived here a number of years before going to California about 10 years ago, and all who know him will regret to learn of his untimely death. He is survived by an aged mother, (his father having died about seven months ago), three brothers, one sister, and a son three years old.

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