Payette County Obituaries
New Plymouth Sentinel 1916

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Special Thanks to Cheryl Hanson for going to all the trouble
to search each newspaper page by page to find these obituaries,
for typing them out, and for sharing them with us!

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, January 13, 1916
Tim Driscoll Dies

Tim Driscoll, of Payette, died at his home at 10:30 p.m. Thursday of heart trouble. On Wednesday evening he was attacked by a fainting spell and gradually declined until the end came.

Mr. Driscoll is survived by his widow, three sons, John, Tom and Edward, also three daughters, Mrs. Tainter, Misses Helen and Edith and one step son, Walter.

In his earlier days, while residing in Boise, Mr. Driscoll was deputy sheriff, deputy United States marshal and deputy warden of the state penitentiary. He was a past grand master of the Odd Fellows and was always a leading member of the order. (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, February 10, 1916
Word was received in this city Saturday of the death of Miss Francis Amsden at her home in Cleveland, Ohio, after an illness of about two months. Miss Amsden visited at the Trayer home in this city last summer with her mother and made a host of friends who will be grieved to learn of her death.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, March 16, 1916
Judge Flenner Dies

J. D. Flenner, pioneer pastor, journalist, lecturer and litterateur, died at 6:50 Tuesday morning, at the residence of his son, Guy Flenner Boise, Idaho, where he had made his home for the past two years. The direct cause of his death was diabetes, from which he had suffered intermittently for 9 years. He was in his sixty-sixth year.

During this time, Mr. Flenner devoted considerable attention to magazine and literary work. He represented in Boise practically all of the principal newspapers in the east and west, and wrote for a number of magazines, besides devoting some attention to platform work.

Mr. Flenner was a deep reader and a man of exceptional literary taste and ability. His contributions to The Statesman and other publications attracted wide attention and were extensively copied and quoted. Leading critics pronounced his version of the "Passion Play," one of the American literary classics. "Syringa Blossoms" a complication of editorial writing won more than statewide recognition. He left a number of manuscript, finished and unfinished, including the material for two volumes he intended to publish.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, April 6, 1916
Esther Florence Stuve, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stuve, died at her home south of this city Monday, April 3rd, after a long illness of over a year. The funeral services were held at the home Wednesday afternoon, the funeral services being conducted by Rev. H. F.. Knight, pastor of the Congregational church of this city of which Miss Stuve was a member. Interment was made in Park View cemetery, the body being followed to the last resting place by a large host of friends, and the pall bearers being former schoolmates of the deceased.

Miss Stuve was born at Harrison, Idaho, on June 13th, 1897. She spent her early childhood at Harrison, the family moving to New Plymouth in 1904, where they have since lived. She was a member of the High school class of 1915 where she took an active part in the social life of the school and was a great favorite among her schoolmates. She was to have graduated with the class of 1915, but was taken sick a few days before the graduating exercises were held, and was unable to take part in the exercises.

Esthers illness and death has been a great blow to the people of this vicinity and her friends. She was a general favorite among her friends, on account of her cheerfulness and kindness, and her loss will been greatly felt by everyone who has come in contact with her during her stay in this community. The heartfelt sympathy of the entire community are extended to Mr. Stuve and family in their bereavement. (Park View Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, April 06, 1916
Roland, son of Earl Gilbert of Meridian, died Monday from eating wild parsnips. The two little Carpenter boys, who were with the Gilbert lad and also nibbled at the poisonous roots, made a speedy recovery, and in a few hours were able to get about again. It so happened that these tots came home almost at once after eating of the parsnips, and that on eating dinner were nauseated, with the result that their stomachs were emptied. On hearing of the condition of the Gilbert boy, the parents also administered an emetic. The Gilbert lad, on the other hand, went down town and was riding about on his father's delivery wagon before signs of his illness were noticed. It was about an hour after he had swallowed bits of the poisonous tuber before poisoning was suspected, and in that time the destructive agent had too thoroughly permeated the system to be counteracted.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, April 06, 1916
Life of another little boy of Meridian was snuffed out Wednesday afternoon, when Claude, the year and seven months old son of J. G. Farrel, was drowned in a small pond. The drowning occurred on the Grimmett ranch, six miles southeast of town, on which Farrells are tenants. The Farrell child was playing about the farm yard unattended, when in some manner he slipped into the shallow stock watering pond. It is thought he fell into the water about 4 o'clock and that 30 minutes elapsed before he was discovered, portions of the child dress floating above the surface of the pond.

(Added by Cheryl Hanson, July 28, 2004)

Claude Gerald Ferrell was born August 16, 1914 and died March 29, 1916. He was the son of James Glendor Ferrell and Maud Lewis. He is buried in Star Cemetery.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, May 18, 1916
Tuesday evening, Ross Mason received a telegram from the East informing him of the death of his son, Donald at Brownsville, Minn. Mr. Mason left Wednesday morning for Iowa to join his wife, and burial will be made in the Mason cemetery lot at Goldfield, Iowa. The news came as a great shock to Mr. Mason and the entire community. Several weeks ago Mrs. Mason and her son left for Iowa and Minnesota to visit relatives. Tuesday morning Mr. Mason received a letter from his wife saying that Donald was in the best of health. No causes for the child's death were given in the telegram. Donald Mason was born in this city a year and a half ago. The loss of the loved one coming in the way that it has is a great shock to Mr. and Mrs. Mason, and the deepest heartfelt sympathy of the entire community is extended to them in their bereavement. (Mason Cemetery, Goldfield, Iowa)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, July 06, 1916

J. H. Beamgard of this City Stricken With Apoplexy

J. H. Beamgard dropped dead this afternoon about two o'clock while talking over the telephone to Chas. Eder, from a stroke of apoplexy. Mr. Beamgard has been a resident of this city for the past nine years and was a member of the city council. Deceased leaves a wife, four sons and a daughter, Mrs. Ed Dotson, a resident of this city - Mr. Beamgard was 72 years old. (Park View Cemetery)

J. H. BEAMGARD LAID TO REST, (New Plymouth Sentinel, July 13, 1916)

Funeral Is Held Under Auspices of Odd Fellows Lodge

The funeral services and interment of the late J. H. Beamcard took place last Saturday in this city. The local order of Odd Fellows had charge and Rev. H. F. Knight, conducted the funeral services, which were held from the Congregational church. Quite a number of the members of the Odd Fellows lodge at Payette motored up to pay their last respects to their departed brother. The business houses of this city closed Saturday afternoon until after the funeral.

Mr. Beamgard leaves a wife, three sons and one daughter, A. H., of St. Joseph, Missouri, Frank, of Boise, Clarke, of Ontario, Oregon and Mrs. Edward Dotson, of this place. Deceased was 79 years old. (Park View Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, September 21, 1916
Mr. Sylvester Dies At Ontario Hospital

Wm. Sylvester died at the Holy Rosary hospital in Ontario last Monday after a long illness. The funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon in this city at the Congregational church, Rev. Knight officiating. Interment was made in Pleasant View cemetery. (Pleasant View Cemetery, Ontario, Oregon)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, September 21, 1916
Death And Funeral Of Frank McCarthy

Frank McCarthy, aged 60 years, died at his home here Friday morning at 9 o'clock from the effects of a general breakdown. He is survived by his wife. Mr. and Mrs. McCarthy homesteaded a 160-acre place near New Plymouth and they moved to town about six months ago, mainly on account of the poor health of the deceased. The funeral was held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. H. F. Knight of the Congregational church officiating.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, November 16, 1916
Death of Aged Man
(Richland, Wisconsin, Democrat.)

The death of Abram Miller, who has been a patient at the city hospital for several weeks and who underwent an operation for the removal of one of his limbs ten days since, occurred Saturday afternoon last, the 21st inst. He had been making such favorable progress that relatives and physicians had great hopes of his ultimate recovery, but Saturday morning a change took place which caused the summoning of those near to him, and late in the afternoon he breathed his last.

Deceased was a native of Kentucky, born in Fleming county, December 14, 1832 being 83 years and 10 months of age. When a babe he moved to Marion county, Indiana, where his boyhood days were spent. In 1854 at the age of 22 years, he came to Richland county, which was then in its pioneer days and where he wrought his home and competence. He was united in marriage October 30th, 1855, with Louisa A. Jones, who preceded him to the unknown several years since. This union was blessed with four daughters, Mrs. Martha Sigrist, of the town of Orion, Mrs. Ella Cox, of New Plymouth, Idaho, Mrs. Elizabeth McClintock, of Long Beach, California, and Mrs. Emma Benham, of Cedar Rapids, Nebraska all of whom were with their father in his last days and attended the last sad rites. Mr. Miller enlisted in the fall of 1862, and served his country until the close of the civil war. He was in every sense of the word a good man a man who followed the dictates of conscience and did as near as possible for frail humanity, as he would be done by.

Funeral services were held from the Pratt funeral parlors Monday afternoon, interment taking place at the city cemetery. The funeral address was made by his old comrade, Rev. Hood, and the services at the cemetery were under direction of the G.A.R.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, November 23, 1916
Mrs. Lucy Biggs Dead

Mrs. Lucy Biggs, mother of Mrs. W. J. Weese and Judge Dalton Biggs, of Ontario, passed away at the Dr. Weese home in that city Tuesday morning after a lingering illness of several year's duration. The deceased came to Ontario something like a year ago from Bowling Green, Missouri, for medical treatment and to be with her daughter. Brief funeral services were held at the Baptist church Thursday morning after which the remains were taken back to the old home at Bowling Green for interment.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, November 30, 1916
Old Settler Passes Away

James A. Patton, an old resident of this section died at the home of Scott Stuart Monday morning. Death was caused by a severe case of jaundice aided by old age. Deceased was 78 years old and had resided here for the past forty years. The funeral services will be held in the Congregational church tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'clock Rev. Knight officiating, after which interment will take place in the old Stuart cemetery south of Falk. (Stuart Falk Cemetery)

Mrs. Flo DeLemeter, the only daughter, arrived here Tuesday evening to attend the funeral of her father. (Stuart Falk Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, December 07, 1916
Mule Falls And Kills Colored Boy

Richard Clemmons, a 10 year old colored boy, was killed last Friday afternoon about 5:30 on McKinney's Island three miles east of Fruitland, when a mule which he was riding slipped and fell. The boy was riding one mule and leading another when the accident occurred. Being rendered unconscious by a fracture at the base of the skull he remained so until he died at about 10:30. With his mother, Mrs. Josephine Clemmons, the boy was living on the J. R. McKinney ranch and attending the Fruitland school, having come here from Boise some time ago.

The Funeral services were held from the McKinney home at 2:30 Saturday the burial taking place at the Payette cemetery.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, December 07, 1916
Samuel Yost Dies

Samuel Yost died at his home one mile north of Fruitland Thursday at the age of 51 years. His death was brought about by complications following a severe case os grippe. He leaves a wife and six children, the oldest Richard 15 years old, Maud, Robert, Frank and Ray and a year old baby daughter also two brothers. Funeral services were held at the M.E. church, Payette, Saturday. (Riverside Cemetery)

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