Payette County Obituaries
Payette Enterprise 1917

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Special Thanks to Cheryl Hanson for going to all the trouble
to search each newspaper page by page to find these obituaries,
for typing them out, and for sharing them with us!

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 18, 1917
Mary Elizabeth Downs was born November 25th, 1849 in Franklin County, Vermont. In 1858 she came with her parents to Magnolia, Iowa. March 17th, 1877, she was married to Philo M. Richardson. To this union were born two children, a son and daughter, the daughter dying at birth and the son Ralph W. at whose home she died. Mrs. Richardson had only recovered from la grippe when she was stricken with pneumonia from which she died Jan. 10, after an illness of 12 days. Funeral services were held at the home at 9:30 conducted by Rev. Ford Burtch of the Baptist church, after which the husband accompanied the body to their old home in Magnolia, Iowa, where additional services will be held and burial made at Magnolia Cemetery. The many friends of the family sympathize with them in their bereavement.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 25, 1917

Roy L. Shaw was born at Hudson, Missouri, November 14th, 1883, and died at St. Alphonsus Hospital, Boise, Idaho, January 18th, 1917, age 33 years, 2 months and 4 days. He was united in marriage at Inid, Oklahoma to Miss Ruth Harris, August 29th, 1906. They moved to Blackwell, Okla. shortly after their marriage, where one child was buried. They remained at Blackwell until the spring of 1911 at which time they moved to Boise, Idaho, and shortly after moving to Payette, Idaho, where they have made their home until the time of his death. Upon moving to Payette Mr. Shaw engaged in the practice of law and was closely connected with the affairs of the city, ready and willing at all times to assist in the upbuilding of the city and community. He was loved and respected by all who knew him. He was a member of the W.O.W., Modern Woodmen, and Artisan lodge, carrying $6,000 Insurance and a Past Master in the Masonic Lodge. He was also chairman of the Payette Commercial Club at the time he left Payette to go with Company I to the Mexican border as their Captain. He was not in good health at the time, but owing to his robust appearance he passed the medical examination and went in response to his country's call as Captain of Company I. He was a good officer, commanding the respect of all, and under his command Company I became one of the best disciplined Companies in the regiment, and received many compliments through the press.

He leaves to mourn his loss, a bereaved wife and mother, one brother, I. A. Shaw of Blackwell, Okla., two half sisters and two half brothers. The many friends made by Mr. and Mrs. Shaw in this community, extend to the wife and mother their heartfelt sympathy in their sad bereavement.

A military funeral service was conducted from Fry & Summers Undertaking parlor Sunday morning at 10:30 o'clock by the Chaplain of the Idaho Regiment, Rev. Wilsie Martin, which was very impressive and fitting for the occasion. There were many beautiful floral offerings from Company 1, the Masonic Order of Payette of which he was a member and from many friends at Boise. Six Captains of the Idaho Regiment acted as pallbearers. The 3rd Battalion escorted the procession to the depot from which place the body was shipped to Blackwell, Okla., accompanied by the bereaved wife and mother, to be laid to rest in the family lot beside his father and little son who preceded him to the better world.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 08, 1917

The whole community mourns the death of Mrs.. Emma Lane Wright, wife of Dr. Crispia Wright, which occurred Saturday morning, Feb. 3, 1917. Mrs. Wright has been in failing health the past three years but it was little thought by her friends that the end was so near. She was born in Chicago in 1885 and left there 10 years ago on account of tuberculosis. She made a determined and successful fight against the disease until three years ago when pneumonia caused her to lose in the race, she having steadily lost strength and health since.

She had a bright, cheerful, happy disposition and was a noble Christian and a member of the Methodist church in Fruitland. When in good health she was an active worker in the church, the Womans' Home Missionary Society and the W.C.T.U.

She leaves to mourn besides her husband, one son, George Dryden, aged 5 1/2 years, a sister, Miss Fanny Lane, a brother, Otis M. Lane, and her father, George H. Lane, all of Chicago, Ill. The sister was on her way in answer to a telegram but was delayed 3 days in Wyoming because of the snow blockade, arriving Monday evening.

The funeral was held in the Methodist church at Payette Tuesday afternoon, Rev. C. L. Walker and Rev. Ford Burtch officiating.

Dr. and Mrs. Wright and little son have made their home in Fruitland five years and their many friends sympathize with the bereaved family. Interment was made at Payette Cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 15, 1917

Adna H. Bowen was born at Adrian, Michigan, July 21st, 1842; died at Payette, Idaho, February 10, 1017, aged 74 years, six months and twenty days.

March 14th, 1862, he was united in marriage to Julia S. Babcock at Monroe, Michigan. He is survived by his widow, two daughters and one son.

He enlisted for the service of his country in Company A, 4th Michigan infantry at Monroe, Michigan, early in the spring of 1861 and was mustered into the United States service at Adrian, Michigan, June 20th, 1861. He was promoted many times for gallant and meritorious service and was discharged May 1866 with rank of Major and breost rank of Brigadier General.

He was a pioneer homesteader in Nebraska, his homestead filing in Adams county, Neb. being No 1.

He was elected county superintendent of public instruction upon the organization of the county, later filling the offices of County Attorney and County Judge; was also probable Judge in Washington County, Idaho, while residing in Weiser before coming to Payette.

During the Temperance campaign in Nebraska he was active in the Temple of Honor and Good Templars organizations, having served at the head of each of these orders. He was a member of the Grand Army of the Republic and for the past 35 years and the last five years a member of Wm. T. Sherman Post of Payette, Idaho, also he was a member of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion U.S. Commandery of the State of Oregon, Portland, Oregon.

He was converted under the ministration of Major Cole, an evangelist and former Major of the 4th Michigan Infantry. He joined the First Congregational Church at Hastings, Nebraska, where he resided previous to his removal to Idaho and was a member of the First Presbyterian Church at Payette, Idaho, at the time of his death.

During his residence here in Payette, he was a man among men, and held high honors as a practicing Attorney, always attending to his own affairs, yet willing to assist in the welfare of his fellow men. His good judgment and advice will be missed by many.

The funeral was conducted from the home by Rev. M. D. Reed, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, at 10 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 15th. The body was escorted to the depot by the members of the G.A.R. from which place it was shipped to Boise for interment, the members of the G.A.R. taking charge at that place.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 08, 1917
Margaret J. Howe was born in Louisville, Ky., March 13, 1835, died March 4th, 1917 at the age of 81 years, 11 months and 21 days. When quite young she moved to Scipio, Ind. with her parents. At the age of 13 she united with the Baptist church from which time she has tried to do the will of her Master. At the age of 19 she was united in marriage to James Elliot. Six years later she was left a widow with two children. In 1860 she became the wife of Nathan Draper. After 44 years she was again left a widow, her second husband having been struck by a train in Payette in 1904. To this second union was born ten children of whom six survive her, C. F. Draper, Mrs. J. E. Richardson and Mrs. a. A. Stroup of Payette, J. F. Draper of Oklahoma, Mrs. D. P. Mears of Macon, Mo., and Mrs. C. C. McBride of Sheridan, Wyoming.

She bore her suffering patiently being confined to her bed 14 weeks before her departure. Four of the children were at her bedside as she passed away; the two sons C. F. Draper and J. F. Draper and two of the daughters, Mrs. J. E. Richardson and Mrs. A. A. Stroup. The two others daughters were unable to be present. Several of the grandchildren were at the funeral on Monday. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 08, 1917
A beautiful, talented young life, capable of doing much good in this world, was taken from our midst early last Friday morning when death claimed Miss Lela May Fisher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Fisher. Miss Lela was born May 10th, 1898 in Sheridan, Mo., coming with her parents, sisters and brothers to Fruitland in 1908. At the age of 13, Lela united with the Christian church and has been a Christian worker in Sunday School, church and the Young People's Branch of the W. C. T. U., using her sweet voice much in song.

She was a member of the Senior class of the High School and will be greatly missed, especially by the brother Earl who is a member of the class and has had his sister with him in his school work. Over the whole school has been cast a sorrow -- a strange mystery.

Death was caused by acute appendicitis. All was done that could be done by doctors, loved ones and friends. The funeral was held Sunday morning in the Brethren church, Rev. J. E. Shamberger speaking works of comfort from the text, "The Damsel is not Dead But Sleepeth." Rev. Obey offering a helpful prayer. Members of the Men's Glee Club sang some of Lela's favorite songs for which she had asked during her sickness, "The Answering Time Will come," "That Will Be Glory For Me," "Crossing The Bar," and "Abide With Me." She seemed to feel that she had a life work to do and must live.

The floral offerings from the Sunday School, the W. C. T. U., Mothers' Circle, High School teachers and pupils, and the grades and friends were beautiful and showed the love and respect all felt for the deceased and the family. The body was laid to rest in the Riverside cemetery at Payette beneath the bank of flowers on which the beautiful white snow, typical of the beautiful life gone out fell. She leaves to mourn besides the parents, two sisters, Mildred and Merle, three brothers, Earl, Glade and Kenneth, and a half sister, Mrs. Leon Eldredge, and a half brother, George Fisher, many relatives and friends. (Riverside Cemetery)


It being impossible for us to thank each of our dear friends personally for their many deeds of kindness to us during the sickness and death of our loved one, we must take this means of doing so. May the Lord richly bless you for your kindness to her and to us.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Fisher and family

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 08, 1917
Edward Lyle Frank, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Frank, died Saturday morning from measles. He was four years, nine months and three days of age. Besides the parents he leaves a sister, Marjorie. The funeral services were held at the home Sunday afternoon, Rev. M. D. Reed, pastor of the Presbyterian church of Payette, officiating, speaking words of comfort to the bereaved parents. The body was laid to rest in Payette cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 08, 1917
Cole Wathel, born December 18th, 1915, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Raines, died early Thursday morning of pneumonia. He leaves two sisters and a brother, besides his parents. Rev. Ford Burtch, pastor of the Baptist church, conducted the funeral services at the home Friday morning and interment was made in Payette cemetery. Miss Agnes Marks, a sister, came down from Weiser Thursday morning. (Riverside Cemetery)


We desire to express our sincere thanks to our many friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy shown us in our sad bereavement in the loss of our little son and brother, Cole.
R. P. Rains and family, Fruitland, Idaho

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 15, 1917

Nels Pearson of Fruitland died Saturday March 10, 1917. Death was due to Brights disease. Mr. Pearson was born to Skone, Sweden, Jan 4th, 1852 and came to America in 1890. He was married to Miss Elna Maimrose, Aug. 8th, 1883 and to this union were born six daughters, two dying in infancy. Mr. Pearson came to the Payette Valley 18 years ago and settled on a piece of sage brush land two and one-half miles east of Fruitland with comparatively nothing but by hard work and thrift he converted this land into a fine orchard and home, and has reared and educated his family of four daughters, Mrs. Elsie Brunnelle of Spokane, Wash., Miss Anna, who was an efficient teacher in the Fruitland school several years, but who has been helping to care for her father the past year during his illness. Miss Ruth, who is a nurse in a hospital at Walla Walla, Wash., and Miss Helen, who is attending Lewiston Normal. Besides his four daughters he is survived by his wife. Mr. Pearson was a charter member of the Swedish Lutheran church at Payette. The funeral services were held Tuesday forenoon at 11 o'clock when a service in English was held at the house, and at 1:30 a Swedish service in the church at Payette, Rev. C. E. Olson of Boise, officiating. Interment was made in the Riverside cemetery at Payette, where an infant daughter was buried. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 22, 1917
Death has claimed another little one from Fruitland. Little Janice Fay Bowers, who brightened the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bowers just one year, died Sunday afternoon, March 18, her birthday in Ontario hospital where she had been taken Sunday forenoon. Death was due to peritonitis. The funeral was conducted by Rev. Edey, Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock from the Brethren church. The many friends sympathize with Mr. and Mrs. Bowers in the loss of the little one from their home. Mr. and Mrs. Burns and son Jerome, and Mrs. Rutledge of Meridian, parents and brother and sister of Mrs. Bowers, came down Sunday night to attend the funeral. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 29, 1917
Mrs. Rachel Wright, wife of George Wright, who has been a resident of Payette for fifteen years, died Saturday, March 24th, 1917, at their home on North Sixth Street, after an illness of several months.

The deceased leaves to mourn her departure a husband, three daughters, Mrs. Jennie Wilson, Mrs. Elva Baker and Miss Olive Wright, and two sons, Will and Roy Wright. all were at the bedside when she passed away.

Mrs. Wright fellowshipped with the Church of God March 26, 1910. She was a consistent Christian and a faithful member. She died in the full assurance of faith. The funeral was largely attended. The Royal Neighbors were present in a body and many friends came from a distance. The services were conducted by her pastor from the Methodist Episcopal Church. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 29, 1917
We regret to have to record the death of Miss Ethel B. Sidford which occurred at the Holy Rosary Hospital, Ontario, on Saturday evening last. The deceased lady had been an invalid for a number of years and about two months ago her condition became serious and she was taken to the Hospital where she passed away. Miss Sidford had made her home with her sister, Mrs. Howard Brown, at her ranch north of town and there she lived a somewhat retired life owing to the physical weakness. Those who were privileged to know her will greatly miss the cheery personality of one who bore suffering with amazing courage and fortitude. The funeral was held from St. James' Episcopal Church on Monday, the Rev. Thos. Ashworth conduction the service. Interment was in Riverside Cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 29, 1917

John Weir, unmarried, who has been stopping at the home of his brother, Thos. Weir, the past several years, died Friday morning, March 23rd. Death was due to a complication of diseases. Mr. Weir was born in Scotland 65 years ago. He has been in poor health several years. The funeral was conducted by Rev. Knight Saturday afternoon, at the Weir home. Interment was in Park View cemetery. Besides his brother, he leaves a sister in New Zealand. (Parkview Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 05, 1917

Word was received that G. D. Shake had died Sunday afternoon two hours after undergoing an operation for cancer of the stomach at Burlington, Wash., where he went accompanied by his wife and little daughter a week ago Saturday. Mr. Shake owned a 40-acre ranch on Pennsylvania Ave., two miles south from Fruitland. He was about 50 years of age and leaves to mourn besides his wife, a sister and two brothers, three sons, Homer who lives in California, Harold of Corvallis, Rodney, who is in school in Corvallis, Helen, Dorothy, Lola and Irene. Mr. Shake came here from Minnesota 15 years ago. Mrs. Shake will arrive Thursday with the body. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 05, 1917

Last Saturday evening we received the sad news of the death of Mart Connyers who was crushed between two logs while working in the logging camp near Cascade. The accident occurred on the morning of the 19th. He was caught between two logs, and one of his legs and foot was crushed so badly that it was necessary to amputate it just below the knee. At the time, the railroad was blockaded with snow and it was impossible to bring him out, and not until Saturday was it possible for a surgeon to reach Cascade. The operation was performed Saturday afternoon about 3 o'clock, and owing to his weakened condition he was unable to stand the shock, and never recovered from the effects of the anesthetic.

Mr. Connyers was 42 years old. Besides a wife, he leaves to mourn his loss, a father, J. H. Connyers of Payette, two sisters, Mrs. Will Wells of Payette and Mrs. H. E. Miller of Seattle, four brothers, Rufus of Payette, Vet. John and Dock of Cascade. Mr. Connyers was for several years a resident of this City, and had many friends who will mourn his loss and untimely death. The family, except the sister living at Seattle, were all present at the funeral which was held at Cascade Tuesday. Interment was made in the Cascade cemetery.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 05, 1917
The funeral of the late Dan White a highly respected citizen living one mile north of Fruitland on Pennsylvania Avenue, was held Saturday morning from the Ontario United Presbyterian church. Mr. White was born in Canada 60 years ago and was married seven years ago. He was a member and a deacon of the United Presbyterian Church at Ontario. He came to the Payette Valley about 10 years ago. Mrs. White accompanied the body to Dewitt, Ia.. A brother will meet Mrs. White at Omaha. He leaves besides the wife, two brothers and four sisters to mourn. Mr. White will be greatly missed by his many friends who extend their sympathy to the bereaved wife.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 05, 1917
Frances Ellen Ruberson was born in Lawrence County, Indiana, February 8, 1847, and died Friday, March 30, 1917 at her home three and one half miles from Fruitland. On July 8, 1866 she was married to Wm. Thomas Clayton at Adel, Dalles Co., Iowa. To this union were born seven sons and two daughters. The oldest son died in infancy. Ed of Sterling, Colorado, Harry of Grande Valley, Colo., who arrived Sunday evening, Leo, Beach, Wilbur, Delbert, and Mrs. Gramlee of Grand Valley, Colorado, and Mrs. Jessie Lemmon of Fruitland. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton moved to Rawlins County, Kansas, in 1880, and to Grand Valley, Colo. in 1899 and in 1910 they came to the Payette Valley, where they have since resided.

Mrs. Clayton was taken suddenly ill Thursday evening. The physician was called and every thing done that could be but she passed away at noon Friday. Mrs. Clayton has been a member of the Methodist church since 1895 and was a devoted and consistent Christian. Rev. Knight of New Plymouth, an old friend and neighbor of many years, conducted the funeral services at the home. Her favorite chapter, John 14, was read at the service. Interment was at Riverside Cemetery, Payette. Mr. Clayton and family have the sympathy of many friends and neighbors in their great sorrow. (Riverside Cemetery)


We wish to express to our neighbors and friends our sincere appreciation of their sympathy and many acts of kindness shown us during the illness and death of our loving wife and mother.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 12, 1917
The community was saddened by the sudden death of Mrs. H. T. Troxal Friday evening, April 6, 1917, at her home on Minnesota Avenue. Harriet Elizabeth Henderson was born in Carrol County, Illinois, April 13, 1861 and was married to Henry Theodore Troxal September 11, 1883, at Galena, Illinois. To this union were born seven children, Alma, (Mrs. Chas. Morris of Pleasant Valley, Ore.), Lee, Ray, Floyd, Wavie, (Mrs. Lacey Griep of Caldwell, Ida.), Blanch, (Mrs. Herbert Homan) and Loyal.

Mr. and Mrs. Troxal came here from Sargent, Nebraska, five years ago, having moved from Illinois there two years before. Since coming here the family have made many friends. Mrs. Troxal was not a member of any church but interested, and was a strong believer in the Bible and its teaching. Her grandfather having been a Presbyterian minister. Mrs. Troxal was a loving wife and mother and her husband and children were much devoted to her. She will be greatly missed in her home. Death was due to hardening of the arteries and came suddenly upon her return from a visit to the home of her son, Ray Troxal, near New Plymouth. Rev. M. D. Reed, pastor of the Presbyterian church at Payette, officiated at the funeral held Monday afternoon in the Baptist church. Interment was made in Riverside Cemetery, Payette. The community sympathize with the bereaved ones. (Riverside Cemetery)


We take this means to express our sincere thanks to the many friends and neighbors who by their many acts of kindness and loving words of sympathy assisted us during the sudden death of our beloved wife and mother, also for the beautiful floral offerings.
H.T. TROXAL and family.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 19, 1917
Friday afternoon the word of Miss Marian Lewis Stetler's sudden death threw the whole community again into sorrow. It came as a shock to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Stetler and to her aunt, Miss Annie Rupp, as they were making the day one of her happiest, granting all her birthday wishes, and to her classmates - the Freshman class - as they had planned a birthday shower for her at the close of the day. But the Heavenly Father planned otherwise and in our sorrow we bowed to His will knowing that "the Father who loveth all knoweth what is for the best" and that "lengthened breath is not the sweetest gift God sends his child, but sometimes the sable pall of death conceals the fairest gift His love can send."

Marian was born in Chicago, April 13, 1902 and came with her parents to Fruitland in 1910 when she entered the Fruitland school. She has always been a general favorite and leader in her classes. Marian was a faithful and interested member of the Chelola class of the Methodist Sunday School, being the vice president, and has been greatly missed by the whole Sunday School during her illness. She was also a member of the Queen Esther Missionary Society of which she was organist. Marian was brought home from the Hospital three weeks ago after a stay of ten weeks, following an operation for appendicitis. Death was due to Pulmonary embolism. She made a brave fight and everything was done that could be for her recovery. She was a beautiful character - bright, happy and the light and life of her home. During her sickness she was planning some happy occasions with her friends for the summer, when she hoped to be well again. She leaves besides her parents and aunt, a little sister, Helen Ruth. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon at the home where many of her friends and friends of the family gathered. Rev. C. L. Walker officiated. A quartet from the Men's Glee club sang several beautiful selections, "Go to thy Rest," "Crossing The Bar," and "Going Down the Valley." Six of the freshmen boys acted as pall bearers. Interment was made in Riverside Cemetery, Payette, Idaho. The bereaved ones have the sympathy of the whole community. (Riverside Cemetery)


We wish to thank our many kind friends and neighbors for their loving kindness to our beloved daughter and niece during her long illness and death.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 26, 1917
Boy Of 13 Dies

Donald Enoch Lesh passed away at his home near Crystal at 9 o'clock Saturday morning, April 21, 1917. Donald was just 13 years, 2 months old. The trouble was thought to be typhoid fever, but later it was found to be spinal trouble. The funeral services were held at the home Sunday afternoon April 22nd, at 2 o'clock. The little body was laid to rest in the Riverside Cemetery. He leaves to mourn, a father, mother, and eleven brothers and sisters, all at home near Crystal. (Riverside Cemetery)


We wish to thank the many kind friends and neighbors who showed their kindness and respect for us during the illness and death of our loved son and brother.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 03, 1917

Many hearts were saddened when it was learned that P. H. Brown, who for 22 years has been a resident of Payette and vicinity, had suddenly passed away. Mr. Brown had not been in good health for some time but his sudden death came as a surprise and a shock to us all. Death was due to heart trouble and hardening of the arteries. During the day, Thursday, he had been comparatively well and worked most of the time in the garden. Friday morning the little boys got up about 6:30 and after building the fire, called their mother who after getting up noticed Mr. Brown turn over and seemed to be in distress. She went to him and tried to raise him in bed, but found he was in a rigid condition and in a few seconds passed away without regaining consciousness.

Mr. Brown will be greatly missed in this community. He was a ? hearted man always ready to help in every effort to advance the movements to better Payette and vicinity. He had no enemies, but had many friends. His affliction deprived him of many social pleasures in this life, but he has gone where sorrows and afflictions are unknown.

Percy H. Brown was born in England about 48 years ago, moved to Manitoba, Canada, with his parents when about 18 years old, living there about one year, from there moving to Dakota, and 22 years ago he came to the Payette Valley, settling on what is now the Manneman ranch south of Fruitland. He was married to Tena Grotie in New Mexico about 14 years ago and since that time has been a resident of Payette. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Thos. Ashworth from the Episcopal Church Sunday Morning at 8 o'clock. The body was taken to Boise on the morning train by A. I. Adair, the family going overland with Rev. Ashworth in an automobile. The services were conducted at Morris Hill cemetery at 4 p.m. by the Woodmen of the World of which Order he was a prominent member. Besides a wife and four children, he leaves to mourn his loss, an aged mother, one brother and one sister, all of whom live in Boise, who have the deepest sympathy of a host of friends both at Payette and Boise.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 03, 1917
Walter Ray McConnell, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McConnell, died Monday night, April 30, 1917, at their home on Pennsylvania Avenue. Walter was born June 2nd, 1898 at Doyleville, Colo., and came to Payette with his parents about 14 years ago. The next year they moved to their present home. Walter's school days were spent in the Fruitland schools. He was a member of the Freshman class in High School. He was sick but a week with pneumonia but seemed to be seriously ill from the first. All was done that the family physician, who had known Walter from childhood, and a loving family and friends could do, but all bowed to the will of Heaven, feeling sure "that a wiser hand than yours or mine, pours out this potion for our lips to drink," and that when we shall clearly understand we will say "God knew the best." Walter has been a member of the Baptist church since twelve years of age and when Rev. Kiles was here, he belonged to the Boys' prayer meeting class, always taking an active part. Members of this class acted as pall bearers. His last words as he bade the members of the family 'good bye' were, "Yes, I am going home to Jesus." The funeral services were held from the Baptist church at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon by Rev. Ford Burtch. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 24, 1917
Howard Lauer, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Milt Lauer, passed away Tuesday morning at 12:20 at the Commercial hotel in this city, after an illness of about four weeks. He was first taken sick at Denver, Colo., and was taken to the hospital at that place where he underwent several operations. He rapidly grew worse. Mrs. Lauer and daughter Fay, went after him, arriving at Payette on Friday, May 11th. His case seemed hopeless from the start, and at the time of arriving in Payette was too far gone for medical aid to be of any service other than to relieve his suffering, and passed away shortly after 12 o'clock Monday night.

Howard Lauer was born in Payette August 22, 1895, died at Payette May 22, 1917, aged 21 years and 9 months. He leaves to mourn his untimely death, a father, mother, three brothers and one sister, all of whom are living at Payette. Funeral services were held from the Presbyterian Church Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock conducted by Rev. M. D. Reed. Interment was made in Riverside Cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 07, 1917
Frank H. Cram, Sr., died suddenly on Monday, June 4th, at his home which was with his son, Frank H. Jr., on Payette Heights. The funeral services were at the home on Wednesday when a large company of people assembled to express the friendship they had for a peculiarly friendly man. Rev. M. D. Reed and other members of the Presbyterian church had charge of the funeral services, thus fitly expressing what was his chief relationship in life during the last several years.

Mr. Cram has had part in making up the good citizenship of five different states. Wisconsin was his birth place. He was married in Minnesota, moved to Montana, then Washington, and in 1895 to the Payette Valley. His wife and life companion for thirty-five years, died here seven years ago. The two sons, Frank H. Jr., and Ray, and the daughter, Mrs. Walter B. Pence, all live among us and are held in esteem that does honor to a worthy father. It is by such as him that communities are made so fine for dwelling places and we will honor him who is gone by adding on our post the same sort of integrity and friendliness that characterized him. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 07, 1917
Death entered the home of F. B. Suplee on the morning of June 2nd, and claimed Minnie, the wife. Mrs. Suplee was born in Odebolt, Iowa, on Feb. 1st, 1879 and came to Idaho when quite a young girl. She was the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Paine and was married to F. B. eleven years ago last April. Mrs. Suplee was an active member in several lodges and the many floral offerings were a silent tribute of their love.

She leaves her husband and little daughter, her mother and brothers and sisters to mourn.

Funeral services were conducted at the house on Monday afternoon, Rev. Reed of the Presbyterian church, conducting them.

The Rebekahs had charge of the services at the cemetery.

Chas. Paine of Boardman, Oregon, Forrest Paine of the I.N.G. stationed at American Falls, and Marsh Paine from Pendleton, Ore., were the relatives from a distance who attended the funeral. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 14, 1917

The 18 months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Phipps of Brogan, Oregon died from the effects of a rattle snake bite, Wednesday afternoon about four hours after the fatal accident. The little one was playing in the yard near the house when it came in contact with the deadly reptile. A doctor was immediately summoned, but arrived too late. The little body was at once brought to Wood and Spauldings Undertaking Parlor, arriving at 4 o'clock this Thursday morning. Mrs. Phipps is a dauaghter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Windle of Little Willow creek, and a niece of Mrs. J. B. Cosman. The grief stricken parents are at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cosman. The funeral will be held some time Friday. No further arrangements have been made. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 14, 1917

H. M. Williams who has been building a home for Lester Sewell on Payette-Oregon Slope, passed away very suddenly while returning to Payette in a car Wednesday evening. Mr. Williams, John L. Robinson, and Fulton were working on the Sewell house Wednesday. Mr. Williams seemingly was feeling well and had been doing a little more work than us all that day. About 3 o'clock in the afternoon he said he was not feeling well and laid down. In a short time he told Mr. Robinson to get in the car and take him home as he was very sick. They started and just before reaching home, he passed away. Funeral services will be held from the home tomorrow, Friday, afternoon, at 2 o'clock.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 14, 1917

The funeral service of Maud Chalfant, only child of Mrs. Flora Chalfant, was held in the Methodist Episcopal Church, in Payette Sunday afternoon, June 10, 1917, at three o'clock, Rev. G. W. Barnes, the pastor, officiating. Mrs. Chalfant's father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. John Wilkinson, were with her during the sickness and the funeral.

Maud Chalfant was born in Sac City, Iowa, May 10, 1902. About two years afterward, because of the father's illness, the family moved to Payette, Idaho. Since Mr. Chalfant's death the mother and daughter have made their home in Payette, where Maud attended the public school and completed the 8th grade. She was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church and regular in attendance at the services and the Sunday School. Tho the greater part of her life was tilled with sickness and suffering, yet she was always hopeful, cheerful, patient and kind. On the 8th day of June, after an extended sickness she passed the bounds of this life and entered the gates of light. Her relatives and many friends mourn, but only as those who have hope in God, and assurance in the future "For we know that if the earthly house of our tabernacle be dissolved, we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal, in the heavens." (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 28, 1917

Clarence E. Pratt, a former resident of Payette passed away at the hospital in Weiser Sunday evening at 8:30 o'clock after an illness of but a few days. Mr. Pratt was taken sick on his way to Payette Tuesday of last week. On arriving at Payette he called a Doctor who hurried him to Weiser where he was taken to the hospital and underwent an operation ? ? appendicitis. Everything was done in his recovery, but to no avail, and on Sunday evening passed to the great beyond.

Clarence E. Pratt was born at Waukon, Iowa, September 21st, 1868, died at Weiser, Idaho, June 24, 1917, age 48 years, 9 months, and 3 days. He was married to Miss Ella Wolf about the year 1888 and moved to Payette, Idaho, in 1900, where with his family he made his home until the year 1911, moving from here to Weiser at which place he made his home until the time of his death. He became a member of the Brethren Church when quite young and has always taken an active part in the church work. During his stay in Payette he made friends who will grieve to learn of his death.

Besides an aged mother, and wife, he leaves to mourn his loss, four daughters, Mrs. Goldie Snyder of Pocatello, Pansy, Flossy and Velma of Weiser, four grand children, one sister and two brothers.

The body was brought to Payette Wednesday on the noon train and the funeral services were held from the Brethren Church, conducted by Rev. Joseph Nehir of Nampa. Interment was made in the Riverside Cemetery.

We join with the many friends of the believed family in extending to them our sincere sympathy. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 19, 1917
Sunday morning our community was again visited by the Angel of death. This time he took one of our young mothers, Mrs. Lester Rands. Mrs. Rands has been in poor health for over a year, but her death came as a shock to her family and friends. She died suddenly a little after 7 o'clock Sunday morning of heart failure. Carrie Chalmers was born in Marengo, Ia., July 12, 1886. She was married at Colfax, Iowa, July 5, 1911, to Lester Rands. They lived one year in Tripp, South Dakota, coming to Idaho four years ago and building their pretty little home on Pennsylvania avenue in Fruitland. Mrs. Rands was a member of the Methodist Sunday School in Fruitland. She leaves besides her husband, a little 5-year-old daughter, Laura, a mother, Mrs. Mary Chalmers of Colfax, Ia., three sisters, Mrs. Alice Revel of Mapleton, Iowa, Mrs. Rose Holif, Yankton, So. Dakota, Mrs. Linda Bobo, Colfax, Iowa; two brothers, John of Fort Dodge, Iowa, and Andrew of Canada. A service was held at the house Monday morning by Rev. C. L. Walker, pastor of the Methodist church. The body was shipped to Colfax, Iowa, Mr. Rands accompanying it.

Mrs. Rands was always cheerful and so hopeful of regaining her health. In her testament which she had been reading was found several passages recently marked. Among them was one which we feel sure left as a message for her loved ones, "And he shall wipe every tear from their eyes and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain any more." Rev 21:4. The community sympathizes with the family in their bereavement.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 26, 1917

William Weaver committed suicide last Tuesday morning at the Johnson ranch, about a mile and a half from Weiser on the Oregon side by cutting an artery in the left arm with a razor. Mr. Weaver was employed on the Johnson ranch and for some time has been acting somewhat queer. However, nothing was thought of it until last Tuesday morning. He was not heard leaving the house as usual, but it was supposed that he was out doing the chores. But when he did not return to the house for breakfast, Mr. Johnson went to his room and discovered that he was missing from the house and had left his shoes. A search was immediately made, and his body found back of the barn by a straw stack where he had committed the rash act. The left arm was severed just below the elbow, and a razor lay in a pool of blood by the lifeless body. No cause is known. Mr. Weaver was a man of about 50 years of age. He was the owner of some town property in Weiser and also owned a small tract of land not far from the Johnson place where he was working. His wife was living on the place. The Coroner from Malheur County, Dr. Payne of Ontario, was summoned, and on arriving at the scene, decided an inquest was not necessary as all indications were that death was caused by self infliction. The body was taken to the undertaking parlor at Weiser, and interment was made in the Weiser Cemetery. Besides a wife, he leaves a married daughter who is living on a ranch in the same neighborhood.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 26, 1917

Fred Seda, a former resident of Payette was drowned in the Boise river Monday evening while in bathing in company with other men. Mr. Seda was not an expert swimmer and in attempting to swim the Boise river near Caldwell, was overcome, and went down. Every effort was made to save the man, but not until it was too late. His body was rescued by Jay Keefer of Willow creek who is with the Second Idaho, after it had been in the water for some time. A strenuous effort was made to resuscitate the body but to no avail.

Mr. Seda will be remembered as manager of the Garage just north of Giesler Bros. Store. He was employed at the Heith Auto Co. of Caldwell. He leaves a wife and one child. Mr. Seda was a member of the Modern Woodman, carrying insurance in that organization.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, August 02, 1917

John Hall, who has been in failing health for the past year, died Tuesday morning at 2 o'clock at his room in Payette. Death was due to Endocarditis. He was 57 years of age. He had no relatives in this part of the country, but had one brother, Curtis Hall of Clinton, Ill., and a sister, Mrs. Levind Watts of Dallas, Ill. Neither were in attendance at the funeral which was held Wednesday at ten a.m. conducted by Rev. Thomas Ashworth. Interment was made in the Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index, he was born 4-21-1860 and died 7-31-1917. (ch)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, August 02, 1917
After a long illness death claims William Wallace Thompson.

William Wallace Thompson was born in Painesville, Ohio, Oct. 16, 1838, and died Friday morning July 27th. His early life was spent in Illinois with his parents.

In 1883 he was married to Mrs. Alice Drake Streator at Sterling, Colo. Their married life was mostly spent at North Platte, Nebraska.

Mr. Thompson was employed as engineer on the Union Pacific and Missouri Pacific Railroads for over 26 years, but because of poor health he left the active service of his own accord and with his wife came to Idaho in 1910. Mr. Thompson has always been a firm believer in the Christian life but not until two years ago did he unite with any church. He and his wife then united with the Fruitland Methodist church. The past seven years have been full of suffering but thru it all he had been hopeful of again being well. The past year he has been confined to his bed most of the time. He had been faithfully cared for by his loving wife.

At the last he was anxious to go to his Heavenly home where he would be freed from suffering.

He leaves besides his wife, two sisters and two brothers. Mr. Russell Thompson of this place is a brother and Frank Thompson a nephew.

The funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at the house, Rev. Walker officiating, assisted at the grave by Rev. Ford Burtch. Interment at Payette in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 27, 1917
Cecile Luella Cram, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cram, age two month, died at the Ontario Hospital Tuesday. The body was brought to Payette. Funeral services were held at the T. A. Fulton home this Thursday afternoon at 2 p.m. conducted by Rev. M. D. Reed. Interment was made in the Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index she was born 7-18-1917 and died 9-26-1917.(ch)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 04, 1917
Ida Blanch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fay C. Wells, passed away Monday evening after an illness of about ten days. She was first taken with acute indigestion which developed into spinal meningitis. Everything known to physicians and a trained nurse was done to save her but to no avail. Death came to relieve the suffering one at eleven o'clock Monday evening. She was a sweet child, and her little life was snuffed out like a bud before the bloom; but death in all its sadness has a comforting that -- that she has left this cruel world before the stain of sin has marred the little soul. She had returned to that from whence she came, untarnished, pure and sweet, where sin in all its temptation and the trials of a cruel world are unknown.

Little Ida Blanch Wells was born at New Plymouth, Idaho, Feb. 21st, 1917; died at Payette, Idaho, Oct. 1st, 1917, age seven months and 8 days. The funeral services were held from the home, conducted by Rev. E. E. Clayton. Many beautiful floral offerings covered the little white casket. Interment was made in the Riverside Cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 04, 1917
Leslie English Ensign was born October 8, 1890, at Cando, North Dakota. He moved to Payette, Idaho with his parents when ten years of age and made Payette his home until eight years ago when he went to Salt Lake and took up the trade of candy-maker for the Sweet Candy Company. He continued with them until he became manager for the Company, which position he held at the time of his death. While in Payette he was a member of the National Guard for several years. He was also a member of the Baptist church, joining when quite young. He departed this life in Salt Lake City, September 25, after an illness of about three weeks following an operation for appendicitis. He leaves to mourn his loss a wife and one child about two years old, a father and mother, one brother and three sisters. The body was laid to rest in the Salt Lake Cemetery.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 11, 1917
Enoch Albert Blomstrom was born in Sweden, 19 years ago and died Monday morning, October 8th of cancer of the stomach.

Mr. Blomstrom came to this country 27 years ago and two years later married Miss Anna Johnson of Savannah, Illinois. To this union were born six children, four daughters and two sons, Henry, Edith, Elsie, Eva, Edna and Roy. Mr. Blomstrom was a member of the Christian church and a man beloved by all who knew him, his neighbors always finding him a real friend and neighbor.

Mr. and Mrs. Blomstrom came to Idaho and built their home near Fruitland 15 years ago. Three years ago they sold their home to A. L. Kingsbury and moved to Cambridge, Idaho where they made many new friends. Mr. Blomstrom began to fail in health last January. Specialists were consulted and everything done that could be but he gradually grew worse. Two weeks ago he was taken to a Boise hospital. He was very hopeful and cheerful thru all his illness, telling his wife the night before his death that she must not feel badly, he would soon be well. The body was brought to Payette Tuesday where the funeral was held in the Christian Church, Rev. Cook of Caldwell officiating. The floral offering from the many friends here and of Cambridge were beautiful, showing love and respect for the deceased and sympathy for the bereaved. Interment was made in Riverside Cemetery, Payette. The family returned to Cambridge Thursday. Besides his wife and children he leaves two brother, Thurston Blomstrom of Ontario, and a brother in Illinois - Fruitland Correspondent. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 18, 1917
Miss Beardsley, well known to all Payette people died at St. Alphonso hospital Monday evening, the 15th of October. She had been in poor health for a couple of months, and underwent an operation for gallstones some weeks since. The results of that appeared to be good, but the case turned out otherwise. After her return home she ? in health and last Sunday it became plain that another opening of the wound was necessary if she was to have a chance for life. But it turned out that she was too weak for the ordeal and death came at the hour slated above. The funeral services will be at the Presbyterian church but at the time of writing this the hour is not set as the ? have not all been able to get here yet. Burial will be in the New Plymouth cemetery, New Plymouth having been the family home when first they came to Idaho.

Miss Beardsley was born in Burlington, Ia, Nov. 1st. 1852. Being left an orphan at an early age she was given a home in the family of Nathan R. Lewis of Danville, Iowa and has shared all the blessings and changes of that home until now. Her name has been spoken in connection with that of Miss Ellan M. Lewis in all her Payette life. The other members of the Lewis family had gone their various ways and these two remained and maintained a home of similar charm, these last seven years.

Obituary notices are naturally eulogistic; but there is no way of telling the truth about Miss Beardsley without putting her in a high class. She accepted Christ as her Lord and united with the Congregational Church of Danville, Iowa, at the age of seventeen; but that much might be said and to many people would say very little. But to say that those who knew her agreed that selfishness did not seem to be existent in her is getting onto ground where readers will feel an opinion. And yet it is not one which beyond, the fact. She had delight in her Church life but her joy was in filling weeks and months and years full with these deeds that are mentioned with approval in the Great Judgment scene of Matt: 25. To her are the words, "Well done good and faithful servant; Enter into the joy of the Lord."

Of her own relatives probably none will be in attendance at the funeral as they live in the far east. C. G. Lewis of Portland and another brother from Boise will be here. It is needless to say that the sympathy of all friends go out to Miss Lewis, who above all others will feel bereavement in the death of the one other member of her household. (Parkview Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 25, 1917

Mrs. Geo. Fulton passed away at her home Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, after a long illness. The funeral will be held at the residence at 611 N. 6th St., Friday afternoon at three o'clock. The body will be taken to the old home at Marysville, Kansas, for interment. Mrs. Brubaker and sister Lena will accompany their father to Marysville. Miss Puchert will accompany them as far as Denver and will go from there to Morenci, Arizona.

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index - Eliza A. Fulton was born 3-22-1840 and died 10-24-1917.(ch)

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, November 01, 1917)


We made mention last week of the death of Mrs. Fulton. A fuller obituary notice is fitting when one so much esteemed as she passes from among us.

She was Eliza A. Woodcock before she became Mrs. Fulton. Her birth place was Wooster, Mass., and the date March 21st, 1840. The Woodcock family trace their line back to the Mayflower, and Mrs. Fulton was a worthy descendent. She was married to George R. Fulton July 21st, 1861 at Rochelle, Ill. These were stirring times, something like these only more so, and when Co. H. of the 92nd Ill. Infantry were leaving for their field of action the city of Rockford presented them with a large flag. The honor of presenting it was conferred on Miss Woodcock, as her name was at the time. The incident is of peculiar interest to one of our Payette citizens as he was a member and is now the only Idaho member of that Co. J. H. Bowers is the one who reports this with great pleasure.

The Fultons moved to Kansas in 1870 and helped turn that state from desert to the fertile wealthy state that it now is. Seven children were born to them, three of whom died in infancy, and another as he was just coming to young manhood; so there were but three to rejoice their later years; Charles R., well-known in our business circles, Miss Lena who has been with the parents all the years, and Mrs. E. H. Brubaker whose home was here until a year ago when she with her family moved to Arizona. She however was here several weeks before the mother's death so that she had the pleasure of having them all about her as the end drew near.

Funeral services were at the home on Friday, Oct. 26th and on Saturday the body was taken to the old Kansas home for burial. Father Fulton, George, and Miss Lena went to the burial. Mrs. Brubaker with her children accompanied them as far as Denver but turned from there to her Arizona home.

Mother Fulton lived a beautiful life among us and made friends as one living so is bound to do. Her departure is not an occasion for wailing after the fashion of the heathen, for she had been granted many happy years here and had a sure hope for the hereafter. The sadness of parting was very keen as it must be where love has abounded, but death relieved her from a long period of acute suffering. She had been confined to her bed nearly all the time since July. The sympathy of a large circle of friends goes out to the family, but we can scarcely wish for those we love anything better than that they may meet their end as well prepared as she.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 25, 1917
Chloe Gertrude Tussing was born in Odessa, Nebr., Dec. 5th, 1893, and died suddenly and unexpectedly at her home in Fruitland, Idaho, Wednesday afternoon October 17th. She was married Nov. 3, 1912 to Roy Taylor. To this union three children were born. Doris aged 3 years, and twin sons, Ortho and Orin, just one year old the day of their mothers death.

Mrs. Taylor was the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Tussing who were prostrated by the death of their daughter. Mrs. Taylor came to Fruitland with her parents about 14 years ago. She leaves besides her children, husband and parents, three sisters, Mrs. Ira Henderson of Baird, Neb., and Mrs. Henry Anderson of Douglas, Wyo., and Mrs. Otto Deihm, and two brothers, Cary and Henry of Fruitland. Mrs. Taylor has been in poor health for a year. The funeral services were held at the Tussing home, Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock by Rev. Chas. McCoard, pastor of the Methodist church. Interment was made in Riverside Cemetery, Payette.

The many friends of the family sympathize with them in their sad bereavement. (Riverside Cemetery)


We desire to express our sincere thanks to the many friends for their kindness and loving sympathy to us in our hour of sorrow, and for the beautiful floral offerings. Roy Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Tussing and family

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, November 15, 1917
John McWilliams died Tuesday morning and was buried Wednesday afternoon, funeral services being at the Presbyterian church, conducted by the pastor Mr. Reed, in conjunction with Mr. McWilliams' Fraternal order "The Woodmen of the World." A large company of people came to express their sympathy with the bereaved ones as well as their high esteem of "Johnny" as he was endearingly known.

He has been in poor health a good while. Some two years ago he suffered an injury to his heart and has not been able to depend on himself for full duty since. But he had a stout will and kept doing his best until a leakage prostrated him some weeks ago, since which time it has been plain to his friends that he had but a short time to live.

Two brothers came from Colorado before the death and remained for the funeral. Another brother and two sisters were unable to be here.

He was born in St. Louis county, Mo., Jan 30th, 1878. As a small boy he was ? to Colorado where he grew up with a mother's care only till the age of seven. After that the father was also mother to him except as the older brothers and sisters shared the privilege of caring for their young brother.

At twenty he enlisted in the regular army and was very soon sent to help uphold the flag in the Philippines. In all he gave five years soldier service to his country. He came to Payette eleven years ago.

In October 1912 he was married to Miss Edna Davis and the five years of wedded life have been happy ones indeed. There are no children so the bereavement to Mrs. McWilliams is the more complete. But she has a rich heritage in the memory of him. Those who knew him in the ways that unveil character are eager to say of him not only a good man, but a rarely good man. The Enterprise joins with the many other friends in extending the fullest sympathy to the wife as well as to the other relatives who feel a keen sense of loss in his departure from this realm of earthly friendships. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 06, 1917
The funeral of Arthur C. Merritt who died at the home of his parents near Eagle, Idaho, on the 27th of November, was held at the home of his uncle, R. E. Haynes, November 29th, conducted by Rev. H. E. Wallace, pastor of the Methodist church. His body was laid to rest in Riverside Cemetery beside his brother Don who preceded him to the Beyond about six years ago.

Arthur C. Merritt was born at Perry, Kansas, March 26th, 1892, and was at the time of his death, 25 years, 8 months and one day old. He came to Idaho with his parents when about nine years of age, moving to Payette soon after, where he has lived continuously until within the last two years. He was a member of the class who graduated from the Payette High School in 1912. At the time of his death he was a member of the Camp of Modern Woodmen at Boise.

He was a young man of good habits, clean character and bright prospects for the future. He was cheerful and hopeful to the last, believing that he would soon be well and able to resume his work, but his life was snuffed out just as he was blooming into useful manhood.

He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Merritt of Eagle, Idaho, and two sisters, Mrs. W. E. Perkins of Payette, and Mrs. G. R. Bliss of Caldwell, all of whom were with him, and who will receive the sincere sympathy of a large circle of friends in their sad bereavement. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 13, 1917

Death claimed one of our sweetest and dearest little ones Monday morning when it took little Miss Wanda Lackey, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Lackey, who live on Pennsylvania Ave. Wanda was taken ill Thursday night, but was not considered seriously ill altho a physician was called and every thing done to relieve her. It came as a great shock to her parents when the little life passed quietly away, due to prostration. Wanda was 10 years, 1 mo. and 13 days of age, an unusually bright and happy child, always wearing a smile for every one. She possessed a very sweet voice and used it often in song at public meetings in our community. We can imagine at this Christmas time the little voice which so often gladdened our hearts with its song, blending with the great chorus in Heaven in its "Carols to the King" to whom she just lately gave her little life. Wanda was a member of the Baptist Sunday School and was president of the junior B. V. P. U.

She leaves beside her parents, two brothers, Harold and Donald, and two sisters, Lois and Floie, besides other relatives and friends, who will miss her greatly.

The funeral services were held at the home Tuesday afternoon, Rev. E. E. Clayton of Payette, officiating. Interment was made in Riverside Cemetery at Payette. (Riverside Cemetery)


We desire to thank the many friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted us during the sickness and death of our little Wanda, and for the beautiful floral offerings. C.M. Lackey and family Miss Irene Law

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 27, 1917
Mrs. Friedericke Liebig, mother of Mrs. M. G. Riebeling, died at 11:50 Thursday at the home of Attorney M. G. Riebeling. Funeral will be held from the residence Saturday at 1:30 p.m.

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index, Friedericke Liebig was born 4-10-1842 and died 12-27-1917.(ch)

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