Payette County Obituaries
New Plymouth Sentinel 1918

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Special Thanks to Cheryl Hanson for going to all the trouble
to search each newspaper page by page to find these obituaries,
for typing them out, and for sharing them with us!

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, January 17, 1918
Miss Ella Lewis of Payette died Tuesday evening at St. Luke's Hospital, Boise. She was during many years a resident of the New Plymouth District. Funeral arrangements have been made to hold the services at the Payette Presbyterian church at 10:30 Saturday morning. Burial will be in Park View cemetery. (Park View Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, January 24, 1918
Death of C. A. Campbell

Chas. A. Campbell died Friday, Jan. 18, 1917,(SB 1918) at the residence of his uncle Captain Mulholland. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Campbell and was born in Kingsville, Canada, May 25, 1892. The father came from Cass City, Michigan to be present at the funeral. The funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon from the Baptist church and were conducted by Rev. J. F. Lanman, assisted by Rev. C. F. Thompson. The burial was in Park View Cemetery. (Park View Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, February 07, 1918
Mrs. Fred Bigsby who had been in poor health for several months and has been removed to Payette died today. We hope to give an obituary notice later.

Mrs. Edith Case Bigsby (New Plymouth Sentinel, February 14, 1918)

Mrs. Edith Case Bigsby died, at Payette, Feb. 7 after an illness of several months. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Case and was born in Iowa Feb. 22, 1875. She was married to Mr. Fred Bigsby in 1901 at Cheyenne, Wyoming. With her husband she removed to this section about 2 years ago. She is survived by her husband and 3 children, Gladys, Walter and Nelson. Funeral services conducted by Rev. H. F. Knight were held at the family residence near New Plymouth Friday afternoon. The burial was in Park View cemetery. (Park View Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, February 14, 1918
Mrs. Margaret J. Weir

Mrs. Margaret J. Weir died at her home near New Plymouth, Feb. 11, 1918. She was born in Woodstock, Illinois, Feb. 12th, 1847, her maiden name being Margaret Jane Lindsay. She was married to Rev. Thomas Weir at Woodstock, March 3rd, 1879. Her church membership was in the Free Methodist church and she was interested in all good works. She is survived by her husband and four children, Nellie, Mary, Archie and Paul, all of whom were present during the last hours of Mrs. Weir.

The funeral services were conducted from the family residence on Wednesday afternoon by Rev H. F. Knight. Burial was in the Park View Cemetery. (Park View Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, February 14, 1918
Mrs. Elizabeth Ludrick

Mrs. Elizabeth Ludrick died Friday at the residence of son, Wm. Ludrick. She was born in Ohio and was 83 years old at time of death. Her husband died May 8, 1914, since which time she had lived with her son. Before her death she been a sufferer from paralysis for several months. Funeral services were conducted from the residence by Rev. C. F. Thompson. The burial was on Saturday in the cemetery at Emmett.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, March 21, 1918
Frank E. Kessler Passes Away

Frank E. Kessler died at his home near Falk, Monday afternoon. He was 29 years of age and is survived by his wife and three children. The burial will be at Boise.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, April 04, 1918
The Passing of a Good Woman

Mrs. Catherine Flynn passed quietly away at her residence in the outskirts of New Plymouth last Friday after a short suffering from a throat difficulty. She was born in Canada 65 years ago and her maiden name was Catherine Kelley. Her husband departed this life about seven years ago in Mineral, Idaho, since which time Mrs. Flynn has born her widowhood with Christian fortitude and patience. Deceased leaves four children to mourn her departure - one son and three daughters. The son, John Flynn has been living with the deceased and one of the daughters, Mrs. W. W. Wheaton, resides only a stone's throw away. The other two children are Mrs. John Whalen and Mrs. John Goforth, of Prosser, Wash.

Funeral services were held on Sunday afternoon at St. Aloysius church in New Plymouth, being conducted by Rev. J. Nolan, and interment was made in Park View cemetery. The many friends of the deceased, with the sorrowing relatives, have the sympathy of the entire community but rest assured that this is a life well ended because it was well spent. (Park View Cemetery)

Cards of Thanks

We wish to thank all our kind friends and neighbors for the many tokens of love and words of sympathy extended during the sickness and death of our dear one. Mrs. John Whelan, Mrs. W. W. Wheaton, Mrs. J. R. Goforth, J. A. Flynn and Lee Sheilds (Park View Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, April 18, 1918
Good Man Dies

Thos. Hartung of Payette, died suddenly of heart failure last Saturday evening at his home on Lovers Lane. He was 67 years of age. The funeral services was held on Tuesday at the Christian church in Payette and the building was packed to its capacity, which shows the universal esteem in which he was held by the people of this county. Those who attended the funeral from here so far as we can learn were Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Ackerman, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stockton and I. Wachter and wife. (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, May 30, 1918
Death of Veteran

E. E. Snyder, a veteran of the Civil War and one of the leading citizens of our community, died at his home east of town yesterday morning at the age of 72 years.

Funeral services will be held this afternoon at one o'clock conducted by Rev. H. F. Knight. Six Civil War comrades will act as pall bearers. There will be fitting services at the cemetery. More complete obituary notice next week.

New Plymouth Sentinel (June 08, 1918)


Edwin Eldred Snyder was born at Roseboom, Otsego County, New York, on April 22nd of the year 1846. In the vicinity of his birth, he grew to manhood and on May 31st 1866 he was married to Miss Gratia Annetta Belding. The new home was established in the same neighborhood, and there five children making up the family were born. These are Mary E. Phetteplace of The Dallas, Oregon, Albert I. and Edwin Snyder, Louie A. Phetteplace of Payette and Harry Amos. All these survive save Harry who died at the age of 19 years. He was a loving and beloved son and brother and is counted by the family, not as lost, but as gone before.

From New York the Snyders moved to Wisconsin, then to Minnesota, still later to Indiann, and finally to Idaho, where they have resided for about nine years. The father and sons have always carried on their business in partnership as E. E. Snyder & Sons. When a mere youth Mr. Snyder enlisted as a soldier of the Civil War in the 121st. Regt. of N. Y. Vol. Infty, and served to the end of the war. He died May 29 with his wife and children at his bedside. Funeral services were held at the home on May 30th, at which a brief address was made by a comrade of the G. A. R. and the body was borne to its resting place by six other comrades, these seven being all that remain in this vicinity of the boys who were soldiers in the 60s.

They laid him down to rest "Till the robe of white is given for the faded coat of blue."

The sincere sympathy of the community is extended to the family, and especially to Mrs. Snyder who is in feeble health. (Park View Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, June 15, 1918
Dies at Meridian

Emma Miller, wife of E. Bruce Knight died at her home near Meridian, Wednesday June 12th. She leaves a husband a nine children. Fuller obituary next week.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, August 08, 1918

Pioneer of the Payette Valley Passes Away Sunday Morning

James S. Fairman quietly passed away at his home in our village on Sunday, August 4th, after having lived for well toward 88 years.

He was born in Indianna, in the state of Pennsylvania, on the 6th day of March in the year 1831. He grew to manhood near the place of his birth and on December 21, 1854 was united in marriage with Rebekah E. McCain of Armstrong County. The next year the young pair moved to Marshalltown, Iowa, and established their home. Here they remained for ten years, when they came to New Plymouth in 1903. Ten children were born to Mr. and Mrs.Fairman, eight of whom survive. There are also fourteen grand-children and twelve great-grand children of varying ages and different names, that sprang from this family. If each of these fill their place and of their part as well and faithfully as did this progenitor, then a goodly share of labor and of trust will have been so met as to merit the"Well Done" of his fellow-men. For more than 63 years the Union begun on their marriage day continued, and she who is widowed after so long, and late in life, knows full well that her loneliness cannot be for very long. She knows, equally well, that while she remains, the same care and solicitude for her comfort and happiness will be exercised toward her, by her children, that she gave so unstintingly to the husband with whom she lived so long.

Mr. Fairman learned the carpenter's trade in his young manhood and followed that line of work through all his life. Many a piece of work did he undertake and finish after he had passed the four-score mark. He scarcely ceased to work until he ceased to live.

In early life he was associated with the Presbyterian church, where he held positions of trust and responsibility. Himself and wife united with the Congregational church of this place, and for many years he held the office of deacon. A few years ago he resigned because of unceasing infirmities. Instead of accepting his resignation the church elected him "Deacon Emeritus" for life, so that he died with the honor of that office upon him.

Funeral services were held at the home on Wednesday, the 7th and were conducted by Rev. J. E. Sears pastor, assisted by Rev. H. F. Knight, former pastor.

Mrs. Fairman and family have the comfort and support that a kind and sympathetic community afford.


Mrs. J. S. Fairman and family take this method of expressing their appreciation and gratitude for the kind sympathy and ready assistance proffered us during the illness and death of our husband and father. (Parkview Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, August 8, 1918
Mrs. Hollenbeck's Son Dies Monday

Rudolph, the six year old son of Mr. and Mrs. William Hollenbeck passed away at the Ontario hospital last Monday after a brief illness, and the officials of the court house expressed their unanimous sympathy by a beautiful floral offering accompanied by fitting resolutions of condolence.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, September 12, 1918
She Has Fallen Asleep

"The Grim Reaper" cut a beautiful bud just opening, when Saturday morning about 12:30, Alma, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Day, succumbed to the incurable malady - diabetes.

Alma had been ailing for some time and for several days it was apparent that the end was near. She was born in Indianola, Nebraska, twelve years ago March 13, last. With her parents and brother and sister Allen and Lucile she has lived for a number of years in New Plymouth and has won the love of all her acquaintances. Her face was beautiful in its last repose. Memorial services were held at the family home and the body laid to rest in the family lot in Parkview cemetery amid profuse and lovely floral tokens from mates of Alma and friends of the family.

All living in the community sincerely sympathize in this keen sorrow. (Park View Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, October 03, 1918
Fruitland Man Dies

F. F. Branthover, eldest son of A. Branthover, a well known rancher east Fruitland, died very suddenly at noon, last Monday at the home of his father, death following an operation of tonsilitis. He leaves a wife and daughter three years of age, father, two brothers at home and Lieut. L. Branthover, in France. He was 27 years of age. (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, October 24, 1918

Laid To rest At The Ripe Age of Eighty Six Years

On the 21st of October, 1832, a baby girl was born to the McCain family at Kittanning, Penn. To her was given the name --Rebecca Alice. She passed the period of infancy and childhood as common children do. Arrived at womanhood, she was united in marriage with J. S. Fairman, with whom she lived until his recent death, then after a few weeks of waiting she followed him to the great beyond, and on Monday, October 21st -- just fourscore and six years after her birth -- her body was laid to rest beside the husband with whom she had lived for more than 62 years.

Mrs. Fairman was of the quiet, modest type, faithful to every duty, patient in the vicisitudes of life, singularly interested and alert, for one of her age, in the movoments of the busy world.

For several years her health and strength have been on the wane and realized full well that the time of her departure drew near.

She feared not to go, but desired to remain to care for her husband until the sands of life, for him, should have run. Her wish was granted, and soon after his departure, she laid her down to rise no more.

She was tenderly cared for by her children as the end drew near and lack-for nothing that could minister to her comfort. She died on the eve of Saturday, October 19th, "just as the sun went down." With her, we hope and trust it was RISING of the sun of an eternal day.

Funeral services were held at the home on Monday afternoon conducted by Rev. J. E. Sears. Abundant and beautiful floral offerings bore record of the respect and esteem in which she was held in the community where she has lived so long. The families bereaved have the sincere sympathy of all. (Park View Cemetery)

Card of Thanks

We desire to express our thanks to our friends and neighbors for their thoughtful kindness and sympathy during the illness and death of our mother. Charles Fairman and family. Frank Fairman, Fred Fairman and family, Mrs. I. D. Hall

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, October 24, 1918
Infant Dies

An infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Campbell died last Saturday morning, October 19th, and the body was quietly laid to rest in a little, tiny grave at Park View. (Park View Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, December 05, 1918
Victim of Pneumonia

Mrs. Aliza Hale who lives near Falk received the sad news yesterday of the death of her son Alma which occurred at a training camp in Texas, following a short illness of pneumonia. He was among the boys drafted from this valley a few months ago.

Mr. Hale was employed in the fruit at this place last fall, and while here made a large number of friends who extend their heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved mother.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, December 12, 1918

Word Received Does Not Tell Cause of His Death

Roy S. White received a telegram on Wednesday morning of the death of his brother, John R. White, of Lincoln, Nebraska, who died at Base Hospital 24 in France, at the age of 24 years.

The cause of his death was not given in the telegram, but it is thought that it was from the result of wounds received by him on July 24, an account of which is taken from a letter written by his nurse on August 14, to the parents;

"My Dear Mrs. White:

I am writing to you in behalf of your son, Corporal J. Raymond White, Co. C 30th Infantry, who is at present at Base Hospital 24.

"Your son is wounded pretty badly, in the eyes. The bullet went right across his face, taking both eyes and the bridge of his nose. White was wounded July 24, and reached this hospital July 30. When he first came to the hospital and for a week or so more, he was pretty blue and depressed.

"I am returning to the states in a few weeks, and if you care to ask any questions you might write me at 106 Marlboro Street, Boston, Mass. Sincerely yours, Elizabeth C. Putman, Jr."

Mr. White was a student at York college when he enlisted shortly after America entered the world war. He played on the all-star football team in 1916 and was a member of the Hastings college eleven in 1915 and the university state farm team one year.

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