Payette County Obituaries
Payette Enterprise 1919

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Special Thanks to Cheryl Hanson for going to all the trouble
to search each newspaper page by page to find these obituaries,
for typing them out, and for sharing them with us!

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 02, 1919
Mrs. B. F. Huff returned from Baker on Thursday morning where she has been for the past two weeks assisting in the care of Mr. Huff's aged mother.

Later: Mr. Huff's mother passed away at 1:15 Friday afternoon. She was 88 years old on December 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Huff and daughter Lenora went to Baker Saturday morning to attend the funeral which was held at Baker Saturday evening at 7:30. Interment will be made at Mt. Pisgah cemetery near Little Sioux, Iowa.

The Editor and family have known Mrs. Huff for years. She has lived a life true to the word 'Mother.' Her thought in life was to do for others, thinking but little of herself. And after living more than four score years has gone to reap the rewards for her many deeds of kindness.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 02, 1919
It is the desire of the Enterprise to give a creditable mention of all of the soldiers who have been killed or wounded, but for lack of knowledge at the time there was but a brief mention of the death of Roy Milton Miller who died of wounds October 6th. The news of his death was received December 13th which simply stated he had died of wounds. Roy was a young man 26 years old with a moral standing unexcelled in this community. He was drafted into the service from Payette County last August and was in training at Camp Lewis but six weeks, until he was sent across and immediately sent to the front and shortly after was wounded, and on October 6th gave his all for the great cause. He leaves a sister, Mrs. Anna Mock, of Bancroft, Idaho, and many friends in this community who will ever hold in memory him who gave his life that peace might reign throughout the world.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 02, 1919
Richard Tooey, a bachelor 69 years old who has been living alone on a small island in the Snake river about five miles north of Payette, died at the Holy Rosary Hospital Friday, and his body brought to Payette Saturday where the funeral was held from Lauers Undertaking Parlor and interment made in the Riverside Cemetery. So far as can be learned he had no relatives. A letter was found in his posession written by his mother several years ago, in the east, who was at that time 95 years old. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 09, 1919
Mrs. Anna Murray, wife of ? Murray, died at her home one mile west of Payette, Wednesday morning, a few hours after the birth of a baby boy. The body was brought to Payette and shipped to Caldwell for burial besides two children who proceeded her a few years before. Mrs. Murray was 43 years of age and has made friends with all who knew her and will grieve at her sudden departure in this life. The husband with the infant babe will have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in his sad hour of affliction.

NOTE: According to the Idaho Death Index Anna J. was born 11-13-1875 and died

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 16, 1919

Mrs. Rhoddie T. Shearer, living on north 6th street, received the sad news last Friday from the war department announcing the death of her son, Roy Shearer, who died from wounds on October 1st. Roy was 25 years of age and was among the boys who left for Camp Lewis on the 27th of June, and later transferred to California and sailed for France in August. The message did not state at what time he was wounded, just the plain statement that he had died from wounds. He had two other brothers in the service, two in the navy and one in training camp who is now discharged and at home. The news came doubly sad as it was so long after peace had been declared. We extend to Mrs. Shearer and other relatives our sincere sympathy in their sad affliction.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 16, 1919

This community was greatly saddened when it was learned that Estella Stark who had been teacher on upper Crane creek, had passed away at the William Walker home, last Saturday, a victim of influenza. She had been ill with the disease for several days and seemed to be improving, but took a relapse and passed away at three o'clock Saturday afternoon, Jan. 11th, 1919. Estella was one of the most popular and highly esteemed young ladies of Payette, having spent most of her life in this community. She was a graduate from the Payette High school, a member of the Presbyterian church, and a friend to all who knew her. She was 32 years, 2 months and 13 days old at the time of her death. The body was brought to Lauera undertaking parlors at Payette, a distance of about 65 miles by auto truck on Sunday. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at the Riverside cemetery conducted by Rev. M. D. Mead, pastor of the Presbyterian church.

Besides a father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Stark, she leaves to mourn her early departure six sisters, Mrs. Charley McCrea of Vale, Oregon, Mrs. Paul Fife of Pasco, Washington, Mrs. Dorman of Boise, Mrs. Sanders of Idaho Falls, Mrs. V. L. Roberts of Payette and Reta Stark, the youngest sister who is at home, and one brother, Harry Stark, of Butte, Montana, who was the only one unable to be present at funeral. We extend to the bereaved family our heartfelt sympathy in their sad hour of affliction. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 23, 1919

Sarah Elizabeth Killingsworth was born in Alabama, November 25, 1943, and died at her home near Payette January 17, 1919 at 8 a.m.

While a small child, moved to Illinois with her parents and when quite young became a member of the Methodist church, to which she has lived close to the faith until the time of her death. When at the age of 18 years she was married to Joseph Kelly Howard. To this union 12 children were born, five boys and seven girls. Five of these children have preceded her to the Great Beyond, and all but one son of the remaining seven children are married and gone from home. There are several grandchildren and a few great-grandchildren, all of whom, with the husband, will greatly miss the loving words and kindly deeds of a wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, who for the last 58 years has walked side by side with her husband, ever bearing her share of the cares of life without a complaint, always mindful of a mother's duty, every ready to aid with the blessings of a mother's hand.

During Mrs. Howard's last sickness everything was done that loving hands could do. She was conscious to the last and passed peacefully away at ten minutes past 8 Saturday morning, January 17th.

Funeral services were held at the Methodist church Saturday afternoon at 2:30, conducted by Rev. H. K. Wallis, where a large number of friends followed to the Riverside cemetery where the body was laid to rest. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 23, 1919
Andrew W. Bradt, who has been an invalid for many years, passed away at a Boise sanatorium Friday, January 17th, and was brought to Payette that evening for burial. The funeral services were held at Boise at Fry & Summers undertaking parlor, conducted by H. J. Reynolds, pastor of the Christian church at that place, and at Payette short services were conducted Saturday afternoon at the Riverside cemetery by Rev. Thomas Ashworth, rector of the Episcopal church.

Mr. Bradt has been afflicted with locomotor ataxia for years and has endured his affliction with a great degree of patience, and death came as a relief to his suffering. He was 59 years of age and leaves to mourn his departure an aged mother, Mrs. Mary N. Bradt, a sister, Mrs. W. S. Brundage, both of Boise. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 23, 1919
Isaac Melton Coffey was born at Lenore, North Carolina, November 5, 1858, and died at Payette, January 20, 1919, aged 61 years, 1 month and 15 days. At the age of ten years he moved with his parents to Climax, Mo. On June 10th, 1880 he was united in marriage to Miss Susan Francis Brooks. To this union 12 children were born, seven of whom are still living. Mr. Coffey moved with his family to Payette in 1893 where he has continued to live until the time of his death. He became a member of the Baptist Church at the age of ?, and has lived true to the faith to the end. Funeral services were held at the Baptist Church Tuesday afternoon conducted by Rev. Swartz. Interment was made in the Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 23, 1919
Word was received that Mrs. Ellis Hartley passed away at her home at Council, from pneumonia following the flu. The kindest of sympathy from a host of friends goes out to Ellis Hartley and the children in this their sad hour. There are three little ones left with the father and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hanson and brother and sister at Council.

Note: Martha E. "Mattie" Hanson Hartley was born 6-6-1890 and died 1-14-1919. She is buried at the IOOF Cemetery, Council, Idaho.(ch)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 30, 1919

The body of Dewitt A. Bigelow, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Millard F. Bigelow, arrived in Payette Sunday morning from Oxbow, Oregon, where the young man had been for several months working in the mining camp, and was taken sick while there and passed away after but a few days illness. Dewitt was a young man full of ambition and after registering, for service in the army and was exempted to be called at any time, went to work at the mining camp near Oxbow, where it would be convenient to return when called. He was taken with influenza about a week ago and passed away January 25th at the age of 19 years, 3 months and 2 days. He was a graduate from the high school at Woodburn, Oregon, in 1917, and shortly after came with his parents to Payette, wher he made many firends among the younger people who will regret his early departure in life.

Besides a father and mother he leaves to mourn his death two brothers, Dwight E. and Russell M., and two sisters Blanch and Belva, all of whom are living at home. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. H. K. Wallis at Riverside cemetery Monday afternoon at 4 P.M., where the body was laid to rest. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 30, 1919

Mr. Milton Bailey passed away at his home on North Sixth street Friday January 24th at 2:30, after a continued illness of about four years, and during the last eight months was confined to the house with intense suffering. Mr. Bailey was born near Indianapolis, Ind., March 18th, 1845; when quite young moved with his parents to Illinois; in 1871 moved to Nebraska where he took up a homestead and three years later was united in marriage to Miss Mary Catherine Zahaller. To this union four daughters were born; one died in infancy. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey remained on their homestead in Nebraska until April 1910, at which time they moved to Payette where they have resided until the time of his death. Mr. Bailey united with the Christian Church early in life, and later became a member of the Methodist church and has continually lived a Christian life. He has been a kind and gentle husband and father, and has won the respect of all who have known him where ever he has lived. He bore his long continued sickness with patience, ever looking forward to the hour when the death angel would come to his relief. He leaves to mourn his death a wife and three daughters; the daughters are Mrs. Charley B. Scott, living on the old homestead in Nebraska, Mrs. W. H. Mullin of Ontario, Oregon, and Melessa Mullen, the youngest, who is at home with her mother.

Funeral service was held at the home Monday afternoon at 2 P.M., conducted by Rev. H. K. Wallis. Interment was made at Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 06, 1919

Carrie Thornbus was born at Morrison, Maine, June 12th, 1848. At the age of 20 was married to Benjamin Brown who died four years later. To this union three children were born, one died in infancy. In 1874 she was married to Thomas Williams who preceded her in death twelve years ago. To this union two children were born, Benjamin Williams of Nebraska and Ida Williams who came to Payette with her mother twelve years ago and has had the constant care during her long siege of sickness. Mrs. Williams was a kind woman and a good neighbor, and during her residence in Payette has made many warm friends who will grieve at her departure, and extend sympathy to the daughter who is left alone. (Riverside Cemetery)

Card of Thanks

I wish to thank the many friends who so kindly gave their help during the sickness and death of my dear mother. MRS. IDA WILLIAMS

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 13, 1919
RIX, W. H.

W. H. Rix of Weiser died at the O.S.L. depot in Payette last Monday evening. He had been engaged by O. W. Porter to go to Letah to assist in the care of some sheep and left Weiser that morning, arriving at Letah a few hours later, and was taken suddenly ill. A doctor was summoned from Emmett who advised his return to Weiser, and while at the depot in Payette was taken worse and a doctor from here was called but arrived too late to render any assistance and death ensued a few minutes later. The body was taken to Wood and Spaulding's Undertaking parlor, and Tuesday morning was shipped to Weiser for burial. Deceased was 67 years of age and leaves a wife and one son living in Weiser.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 27, 1919

Little Carrol Anson, youngest son of Mrs. Florence Walker, met with sudden death at Cascade last Saturday while playing in the switch yards of the logging camp last Saturday afternoon. It is supposed that he attempted to cross in front of a moving car and was struck on the head and chest causing instant death. He was picked up by one of the work men after the moving car had crossed over the body.

Mr. and Mrs. Walker went to Cascade several months ago and have been employed as cooks at the camp near where the accident happened. Little Carrol was a sweet child and the pet of the family. He was four years, seven months and four days old at the time of his death and his sudden and untimely departure brings sadness to many a heart. The body was brought to Payette Monday, the funeral was held from Lauers undertaking parlors Tuesday afternoon conducted by Rev. Thomas Ashworth. Interment was made at Riverside cemetery beside his father, and twin brother who preceded him about a year ago. He leaves to mourn his loss, a step-father, mother and two older brothers besides other relatives who have the tender sympathy of many friends. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 27, 1919
CLEVENGER, Minnie Belle

The people of Payette, and particularly the old time residences were grieved to learn of the death of Mrs. G. W. Clevenger which occurred at her home in Burns, Oregon Monday evening February 17th. Mrs. Clevenger had just recovered from a two month siege of typhoid fever, when it became necessary for her to undergo 2 operations from which she did not recover. The body was brought to Payette where the funeral was held, Feb. 22nd conducted by Rev. Ward. Interment was made at the Riverside cemetery, beside a little daughter who preceded her many years ago. It will be remembered by the old residents of Payette that Mr. Clevenger was married to Miss Minnie Belle Johnson about 27 years ago and lived on sixth for several years and about the year 1901 moved to Vale where they lived for two years and from there to Burns where they have continued to live until the time of her death. There were born to them three children, one passed away when quite small. The two living are Gearry Clevenger age 14 years and a married daughter Mrs. Osae Walker, both live at Burns. (Riverside Cemetery)

Mr. Clevenger is a brother of Mrs. P. E. Short.

During the time Mr. and Mrs. Clevenger lived in Payette they made many warm friends who will truly sympathize with the bereaved husband and children who will keenly feel the loss of a kind wife and mother.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 27, 1919
Company K361st Infantry
American E. F. A. P. O. 77
8th January, 1919
From Commanding officer, Company K, 361st Infantry
To: Mr. Charlie Moore, Haily, Idaho
Subject - Private, Lee E. Moore, deceased

I regret to state that Private, Lee E. Moore, 2258187 Company K, 361st infantry, was killed in action in the Meuse-Argoane Offensive, near the town of Gesnes, France, on October 9, 1918. Private Moore was an Automatic Rifle Gunner. In the advance on Hill 255, he was struck by the fragment of a bursted shell, killing him instantly.

Private Moore was buried on the battlefield, and refer you to the Chief Graves Registration Bureau, American E.F., for correct location of grave.

I extend to you the entire sympathy of myself, and the men of this Company. You have the consolation that Private Moore died, honorably, while executing his duty as a soldier.

Curtiss R. Gilbert, Cap. 361st Infantry, Comdg. Co

The above letter was received by L. C. Moore from his son at Haley, Idaho.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 27, 1919

After suffering intensely for the last eight months, Mrs. J. W. Gray passed away quietly Feb. 18 at 7 p.m. at the home of her daughter Mrs. Reeder at Halfway, Oregon.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 06, 1919

Mrs. E. W. Madson received the sad news last Friday from her father, Mr. Edgecomb, who lives in Missouri Valley, Iowa of the death of her brother Orlo Edgecomb who lost his life by drowning January 2nd while in the service in France. No details have been learned.

The news of the death of Mr. Edgecomb comes as a shock to the people of this vicinity where he has lived for the past nine years and where by his sterling character and splendid business ability has made friends of all who knew him. He was a young man of excellent habit, a college graduate and a credit to the community, and it is with a great degree of sadness that we learned of his sudden and untimely death.

Orlo Hadsell Edgecomb was born Dec. 23rd, 1882 in Missouri Valley, Iowa. He was educated in the Missouri Valley school and later graduated from the State Agricultural college at Ames, Iowa. Came to Payette in 1910, and together with Mr. and Mrs. Madson purchased a 20 acre tract on the Payette bench, and in 1915 was made head miller of the Payette Mills where by his ability had a great part in building up a splendid business for the milling co. and from which position he resigned to enlist in the service of the United States.

He enlisted at Omaha, Nebraska, Feb. 6th, 1918 in the Avation Signel Corps and went overseas June first 1918, and died from drowning Jan. 2nd, 1919.

He leaves a father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. A. Edgecomb of Missouri Valley, Iowa, two brothers, E. E. Edgecomb of New York City, Rex Edgecomb of Omaha, Nebraska and a sister, Mrs. E. W. Madson of near Payette. He was a member of the Masonic Fraternity of Payette and also a member of the Y.M.C.A.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 13, 1919

Just before going to press the sad news came to us announcing the death of Mrs. J.E. Turner which occured at an early hour this morning, at their home on Payette Hights. Funeral services will be held from the Presbyterian church Saturday afternoon at 2 p.m.

An appropriate obituary will be published in this paper next week.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, March 20, 1919)

Rettie Clara (Mrs. J. E.) Turner - Mother of Edward, Dorothy and John Turner

The entire community has been keeping love watch and hoping against hope these many weeks during which Mrs. Turner fought the losing fight against disease. So it is merely marking a date to say her spirit left the body in the early morning of Thursday, March 13, 1919. Services in her honor were held in the Presbyterian church Saturday afternoon. Not many of us can expect to have at our departure so great a number of people helpless to tell their mingled sorrow and joy, as there were in this case: because not many are living so loftily, so deeply, and so comprehensively. A few of her intimate friends wrote down one thought each to be woven into the address at the services. These are words they used: "Inspirer to all that is best, leader, counsellor, comforter, one of God's noble women, my friend, queen of an ideal home, saintly in motherhood."

To evoke such praise means an outpouring of vital energy, enough most of us think, for any woman. But it is rare to find another who maintained interest in so many good things outside the community and home. Hers was an international mind in the best sense of the word. She demanded "the open door" into all lands, nor for their mines, their forests, their wealth of soil, things to be exploited for profit to the exploiter. She was as well informed about these as any well read woman, but they did not engage her interest. What she saw and felt concerning the far off lands was people -- swarming millions of people, so destitute of the things we enjoy so lavishly -- yea so destitute of the word of life which we so often neglect because of its very familiarity. She accepted a "manditory" from God for every sin laden people under the sun. On the walls of "That more stately mansion which her soul builded for itself," were lined faces, black, brown, and yellow faces, sad, weary, wretched faces, having no hope and "without God in the world." She bore them up to the throne of grace in intercessory prayer -- that most exhausting of all soul exercises. For her prayers were not of the "God-help-them-but-don't-trouble-me sort. As treasurer she set a standard of stewardship for the Missionary People of the Presbyterian church, by which they will be measured so long as any of the present generation are left to do any measuring. And not only did she make her life felt in the local work. The Presbyterian Missionary committee, of which, she was vice-president (elected president, but unable to accept on account of war work at the time) declare their personal esteem, and they say "in all planning for our missionary work we depended on her judgment and found it invariable reliable. Her death is an overwhelming loss in our work."

She had just pride in her ancestry, of which much might be said. But there was one event in which she felt boundless pride. It was when her Preacher Grandfather took and maintained a stand against fellowship with church members who held slaves. It was on the border line between North and South. His congregation forsook him for the most part. The missionary society that sent him out repudiated their promise for support, and the demonination behind it endorsed the repudiation. But he lived to see the whole denomination making it their highest boast, that they led in helping the black man. In the bad days of France Voltaire was asked, "why can not a Frenchman found a religion as well as the half-mythical Syrian of eighteen centuries ago?" The reply was "You can. All that is necessary is to get yourself crucified for a faith which, later, every body will recognize as the truth." The Congregational denomination did not crucify Grandfather Seward in 1843, but they turned him out to starve for all they cared. And, Lo, the American Missionary Association, which arose to back men of his vision, has become their society which more nearly than any other fulfills the scripture, "the poor have the Gospel preached to them." It was Mrs. Turner's good fortune to have such an ancestry. But is her own glory that she fixed upon this heroic Americanism as the most valued memory.

But her interest in the distressed folks of three continents could not confuse her as to the essential things. Reference has been made to her place in her home. But to pass it by with a mere reference would be a cruel falsehood. She never permitted anything to take precedence over her business - for to her it was the business - of Motherhood. Children at the mother's knee eagerly hearing about God's great men and women, was no fairy tale with her. It was a Sacrament. Yes, a Sacrament, which would have saved the world from its welter of woe, had it been kept as she kept it. For mentioning this there is a reason beyond the matter of speaking her praise more fully. The home a sanctuary, where the members meet God and recognize him as rightful Lord is the only thing that can save the earth from being a shambles. There is the making of character that can be counted on for the maintenance of the righteousness whereon peace can stand permanently. The greatest minds of the churches are wrestling with the question "how to bring the Salvation that is in Christ," into the troubled affairs of man. Many things suggest themselves as probably beneficial. But this one thing is recognized as essential. We must have homes where parents consistently set God in the Highest place of worth to their children, or we will have homes that in effect say, "the law of God is a secondary thing, look somewhere else for the real good."

It was because she had not neglected this that last September she could kiss her boy good-bye to go and put on the uniform of the nation and say to him "I have no advice to give you now. You know what I expect of you. Make good in that."

Mrs. Height, mother of Mrs. Turner was present with her several weeks before the end came. Two of her girl-hood friends Mrs. Gooding and Mrs. Whitenock have their homes in Shoshone and came to be at the funeral services. Mr. and Mrs. Rough also came down from Baker.

It would be difficult to overstate the evidences of sympathy, and love shown at the church as well as at the home. When nothing else can utter our feelings, we call to our help the most beautiful things God has put at our disposal, and send flowers to speak for us. There was nothing possible more than was done in that way. Everybody was in readiness, eager to be of help. And while no one's assistance was more valued than others, there is warrant for speaking especially of the contribution made to the service by the Boys Glee club, led by Mr. Neilson. They have not done much in a public way as yet, but their singing was a delight to all who heard it on that occasion.

This life sketch being practically a resume of her Pastor's address may as well conclude with the words that were made the finale of that.

"Oh, may I join the choir invisible
Of those immortal dead who live again
In minds made better by their presence; live
In pulses stirred to generosity -
In deeds of daring rectitude,
This is life to come,
Which Martyred men have made more glorious
for us to strive to follow, May I reach
That purest heaven; be to other souls
The cup of strength in some great agony;
Enkindle generous ardor, feed pure love;
Beget the smiles that have no cruelty -
Be the sweet presence of a good diffused
And in diffusion every more intense
so shall I join the Choir invisible
Whose music is the gladness of the world." (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 13, 1919
Mrs. Rosy Johnson

Last Thursday afternoon at the Methodist church occurred the funeral of Mrs. Rosy Johnson wife of Mr. W. A. Johnson. Her death occured at her home a mile and half north east of Payette. Though she and her husband lived in this vicinity only about a year and a half she had endeared herself to all who became acquainted with her. She was but thirty-five years of age and it would seem that she was called in the prime of life. She was a close Bible student and for years had lived in intimate fellowship with her Savior. The old home is unspeakable lonesome but she has been translated to the Home Above.

Besides her husband, she leaves to mourn her loss two sisters, Mrs. Ida Condit of Portland, Ore., and Mrs. Lily Lawrence of San Jose, Calif.; also four brothers, William Luce of Portland, Ore., Daniel Luce of Vancouver, B.C., George Luce of Fortuna, Cal., and Henry Luce of Payette, Idaho. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 27, 1919
G.I. Taylor

A. F. Taylor and family returned last week from Sawtelle, Cal., where they were called on account of his father's serious sickness and death. He arrived in time to talk with his father before he passed away. G. I. Taylor was a resident of Payette for 6 years coming here from Utah. He has been in poor health for many years. He and Mrs. Taylor have spent the winters in California for three years. He leaves a wife who returned with her son, A. F. Taylor to Payette. Mrs. Minnie Hamilton the daughter who is in New York and four grandchildren mourn his loss. Mr. Taylor was a very conscientious man and highly respected by all who knew him.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 10, 1919
Little Charlene Adams, aged 14 months and 10 days, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Adams from the Emmett slope, died at Mrs. Adams' sister, Mrs. L. Z. Schubert's home in Fruitland about one o'clock Wednesday afternoon of bronchial pneumonia.

The funeral services were held in the Christian church in Payette Thursday after which the little body was laid to rest in Riverside cemetery. Besides the parents there is left to mourn one sister Olive. The bereaved ones have the sympathy of many friends. (Riverside Cemetery)

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index, Charlene was born January 17, 1918 and died April 4, 1919. ch

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 17, 1919

Charles Frederick Muller was born in Philadelphia on January 11, 1844. The early part of his life was spent in the immediate vicinity of Philadelphia. In 1870 he was united in marriage to Lucie Branen Randall of Brockport, New York. Two daughters were born to this union -- Lucile Muller Morgan who is living at present in Rio Janeiro, Brazil, and Maud Muller Clements, wife of Dr. Melbourn Clements, U.S. N., Chief Medical officer on the S. S. Wilhelmina.

In 1900 he was married to Margaret Whittaker of Philadelphia. Of this marriage there was born one son, Charles F. Muller Jr., who is now attending Moran school at Rolling Bay, Washington.

For twelve years, from 1897 to 1909 Colonel Muller lived in France, as the executor of the estate of his uncle, Dr. Thomas Evans, the renowned American dentist of Paris.

After a year and a half of travel in the United States following residence abroad, he came to Payette in 1911 in the interest of an irrigation project on Oregon Slope and then became interested in Payette, erecting the cold storage plant, one of the largest and best of its kind in the entire Northwest.

Colonel Muller was a member of the Ohio Commandery of the Military Order of Loyal Legion. He was department commander of the G.A.R. of Tennessee and had never severed his connection with his Post at Chattanooga, Tenn.

Mrs. Muller and Junior left with the body Monday morning for Philadelphia where interment will take place in Woodlands Cemetery.

Colonel Muller's life was purposeful four score years, rich in worldwide experience and full of service of struggle and achievement. There was no pause in his virile activities until the end suddenly came.

The rich life of Colonel Muller covered an equally rich period of his country's history. The scene of his youthful activity was the old historic city of Philadelphia, and while he was a boy many of the political giants of our history were still alive and Philadelphia was the center of political activity. His boyhood and young manhood were passed amid the storms of a great argument, made necessary by the silence of our Constitution as to the nature of the Union. To our minds, cleared of the hot temper of time, that age seems an unhappy time; but it was a good age in which to be born, for men were in earnest about deep, vital things. It was, indeed, an age of passion, but of passion based on principle and enthusiasm and deep loyalties - and it made men, for men then counted their ideals as of more value than their lives and they kept faith with their ideals. Indeed, it was a good age in which to be born.

Colonel Muller was but a boy of 17 when the great drama, fate-driven and fate-determined, passed from argument into grim war, and he himself, at that early age of 17 caught in the grip of that same fate, played the part of a man and a soldier. No wonder he was a man of high purpose and ideals. He had reached young manhood when the storm had passed and despair had smitten so many souls, but he was a young man of heart and courage and he set himself to make good in life.

The most vivid characteristic of the man during the late world war and since was his intense and complete Americanism.

His home was of the ideal American type where loving and thoughtful consideration and equality of interest are the fundamentals of family life. He was more than husband and father in his home - he was friend and companion, appreciating with a rare understanding the problems of wife and children. Knowing the value of a good woman's influence, he made his wife his confidant and true helpmate.

As a friend, he was loyal and true, and while he admitted but few to the inner sanctuary of his friendship, he was admired and respected by all.

He was a public spirited citizen, interested to the end in the welfare of his fellow beings. One of his closest friends said of him, "He was a man of the finest fiber I have met."

Frank and upright in character, kind and considerate, but positive and outspoken, there was nothing in his life in Payette, that did not square with his convictions. We shall remember him as a dignified, courtly, Christian gentleman -- one whose motives were pure, whose oath was straight and who never shirked from what he considered duty. His life and character in Payette will survive as a wholesome memory.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 24, 1919

Alberton(should be Albertine) Ann Walkington, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Burt Venable, in this city, at 4 o'clock on the morning of April 17th. Had she lived until the 24th day of the present month she would have reached her 87th years. For a long time she had been a helpless invalid, having been for 13 years confined to her room and the constant care of her daughter who knew no sacrifice imposed by filial duty.

Mother Walkington was born at Georgetown, Ohio, and spent her early life in that state. She was reared in the Methodist faith, to which she sted fastly adhered throughout the vicissitudes of a long life-time the latter part of which was attended by pitiable invalidism and much suffering. She was the last of her immediate family and is survived by only a daughter and son Mrs. Burt Venable of Payette, and Mr. W. C. Boyer of Silver Creek, Neb. She leaves five grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.

A simple but impressive funeral service was conducted from the Methodist Episcopal church Easter Sunday at 1:30 o'clock, Rev. Wallace, the pastor, officiating. The pall bearers were Messrs. E. S. Pence and I. L. Thurston, grandson-in-laws of the deceased Clyde Thurson, Lloyd Pence, J.A. Lauer and Rex Bradshaw, to whom the aged woman had long been devoted. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 01, 1919

The people of the Community were greatly shocked when it was learned that Mrs. L. L. Culbertson had passed away at the Weiser Hospital on last Monday evening. She was taken suddenly with appendicitis on Sunday and taken to the hospital where an operation was performed about six o'clock in the evening and on Monday evening she passed away seemingly without suffering. The body was brought to Payette where the funeral services was held from the Methodist church conducted by Rev. H. K. Wallis. Interment was made in the Riverside cemetery.

Mildred Nellie Chapman was born October 15th, 1889, at Copeville, Wyoming and when but a small child moved wtih her parents to Payette where she has continued to live until January 1, 1916.

She was united in marriage to l. L. Culbertson and moved to their ranch on Payette Oregon slope and a few weeks ago moved to Weiser.

Mildred was a girl loved and respected by all who knew her. She was noted for her kindness to others, she was a model in the community with but few her equal and her early departure will be keenly felt by many friends.

Besides a husband and infant child, she leaves to mourn her death a father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Chapman of Wendle, Idaho, and a brother Irving Chapman of Caldwell. The sympathy of the entire community is extended to the berieved relatives. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 22, 1919

Mrs. Earl J. Amick died Sunday morning at her home near Fruitland.

Bertie Liggett was born at Howard county, Mo., January 12, 1884, and died Sunday, May 18, 1919.

She was married October 20, 1903 to Earl J. Amick to which union 6 children were born, four girls and two boys the eldest and youngest. Mrs. Amick and family came to Fruitland last September with the hopes that the change of climate would benefit her health. When a girl sixteen years of age she united with the Church of Christ and has lived a beautiful christian life.

Besides the husband and children she leaves a mother Mrs. Liggett who with a sister Mrs. C. J. Swearedgen live here. The funeral was held Monday at her home. Elder Shelby Smith, borther-in-law of Mr. Amick, conducted the service, after which the remains of the loved one was laid to rest in the pretty little cemetery at New Plymouth. (Parkview Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 22, 1919

Prominent Fruitland Woman Succumbs to Grim Reaper after long illness

Mrs. Ruth Rodgers, who suffered from a paralytic stroke about a month ago, passed away peacefully at the Rodgers home at an early hour Thursday morning. following is a brief resume of a long and eventful life:

Ruth Bailey Gregg was born in Charmichals, Pennsylvania, in the year 1834 and died May 15, 1919, at her home in Fruitland. At the time of her death she had attained the age of 84 years, 6 months and 27 days.

In the year 1855 she became the wife of Alexander Rodgers and they went to Iowa a part of the Great American desert at that time.

Two sons were born to them before the Civil War broke out at which time Mrs. Rodgers returned to her father's home in Pennsylvania while Mr. Rodgers fought with the northern army.

After four years they again took up their life in the mid-west seeming to mend their broken fortunes and rear their family. Five children were born to them after the war, making a family of seven, four of whom are yet living. Now, ofter an unusually long, active and happy life, Mrs. Rogers will be laid to rest beside her husband in the beautiful cemetery near their former home at Wymore, Nebraska.

Mrs. Graham Park wand two little sons left Monday morning on the early train to accompany the remains of her mother to her last resting place.

The funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock on the lawn at her home. Rev. Chas. McCoard of the Methodist church and Rev. Ford M. Burtch of the Baptist Church officiating.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 22, 1919
Margaret Jane Conway was born in Butler county April 25, 1856 and died Wednesday, May 14. She was married to A. T. Wilson Aug. 13, 1877, to this union 7 children were born, six living one dying in infancy. Mrs. Wilson was taken ill with pneumonia a month ago which developed quickly into tubercolosis.

She with her husband and son and daughter came to Fruitland last January. Since a little girl about sixteen years of age she has been a member of the Church of Christ. She leaves beside the husband and daughter Miss Lillie, and son Oscar, who were here with her a son Loinel and daughters Addie, and Odilah of Kentucky, and Miss Lena Wilson who arrived Monday from Louisville, Kentucky.

Elder Shelby Smith conducted the funeral services in the Church of Christ, Saturday. Burial was made at New Plymouth. (Parkview Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 19, 1919

Wife of E. W. Blakesley, died at the home on first Avenue south in the early hours of Saturday, June 14th, and was buried Sunday afternoon. It profits little to use superlative sentences in an obituary notice. People who have known the deceased have no need of them, and those who have not known her will pay scant attention to them. And yet there is nothing but words by which to express feeling and appreciation. And there is little danger going beyond the truth in any thing we may say to the praise of Mrs.. Blakesley. The things that are pure, just, kind, lovely and of good report, those things she thot upon and sought to put them into deeds. She not only "Hoped that God was love indeed and love Creation's final law." She believed it in the same sense that a traveler believes in the buoyancy of water to carry the great ship. Her interests ranged wide but they looked for no wealth or value except that of people being re-made into the likeness of Christ Jesus. This one thing she did --sought to make the kingdom of God a reality in this present world. Never in her life was she found ranged with the forces of evil, but always with the forces of righteousness. It is as true of her as it was of Abraham, "God could reveal His utmost purpose to her, seeing she ordered her household aright." Her husband and four children who remain among us sorely bereaved are sustained by the perfect assurance that whatever there is of future reward for the faithful of earth, is already become her possession.

From our mortal point of view there is an extra tinge of sadness that the death angel came for her this month instead of next. Twenty-seven days more and she with her husband would have reached the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding day. But Gods plans are not by our calendars, and she passed on a little too early for the celebration that was to have been. Loving memory will take the place of personal presence when the day arrives.

The funeral services, at the house were brief and simple as she had requested. The roses of Junetime never lent themselves more lavishly to express love than when they garlanded her casket and her burial mound. The family was grateful indeed, that it was so beautifully done. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 03, 1919
Francis B. Gardner was born near Rock Island, Illinois in 1857 and died at his home on the farm north of Payette, June 26th, 1919, aged 62 years, 3 months and 26 days. He leaves a wife and seven children all of whom were present at the funeral, except one son who resides in Colorado and was unable to come. The sudden death of Mr. Garnder came as a great shock to his family and many friends. He was in his usual health, and was stricken while at work in the yard near the home. Mr. Gardner was a member of the Christian church, having joined with that body in Colorado.

He was a great home man, and a kind neighbor. He will be greatly missed by all. The funeral was by auto from the home Sunday, afternoon (several unreadable words) church at 4 o'clock. The services were conducted by Rev. N. H. Farnham of the Church of God. The E. E. Parsons' Quartette rendered very appropriate hymns. The remains were laid to rest in Riverside. The family has the sympathy of the community in their bereavement. (Riverside Cemetery)

Tho, the sun shines just as brightly
As in the days gone by,
In our home there is a shadow
Clouded seems our summer sky.

Tho, the birds are singing sweetly,
And the breezes gently blow,
We can hardly catch their music
Or their sweet influence know.

Father, how we all shall miss you,
While we know that you are gone
To the land whence no returning.
We can only follow on.

No more we await your coming
Hear your footsteps at the door,
Listen for your call at evening,
As we did in days of yore.

Yet while we are bowed in sorrow
And with tears our eyes are dim,
We would list the savior's message
And as children come to him.

God He was and came to suffer
That our suffering he might share
Tasted death - that cup so bitter-
All our bitterness to bear.

Father, all your work is ended,
And your weary form laid low,
Rest, dear one, and wait our coming
When our call come soft and low.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 24, 1919
Mr. P. J. Lyon of Minneapolis, Minn, aged 59 years, died in Ontario hospital Wednesday afternoon about 4 o'clock. Mr. Lyon came here accompanied by his wife and daughter, Miss May Lyon, July 6, and was taken directly to the hospital. He became better and spent several days at the Park ranch which he was owner of, but Wednesday morning he was not so well so returned to the hospital.

Mr. Lyon owned 120 acres near Fruitland - the Park ranch, and a 20-acre ranch across from the Geo. Childs' ranch. He was well known as the president of the Hull Tractor Manufacturing plant at Minneapolis. Mr. Lyon has visited here a number of times. He leaves besides his wife, four children, Mrs. H. R. Frost and Russell of Spokane, and Misses Helen and May.

Mrs. Lyons and daughter left Thursday for Minneapolis with the remains.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 31, 1919
The funeral of Mrs. Julia Ann Zahller occurred Tuesday afternoon the ceremony being at Lauer Bros. Undertaking parlors and the interment being at the local cemetery, Rev. Wallis officiating.

The deceased was born in Ashland County, Ohio in 1847. In 1856 she moved to the state of Illinois and in 1868 was married to Mr. Zahller.

In 1908 these people moved to Idaho which has been their home since that time. Last year they went to visit a son who lives near Portland and it was there that the death of Mrs. Zahller occurred.

The two daughters have preceded her; the husband and three sons survive.

This family has won the highest respect of all who knew them and we desire to extend sincere sympathy to the bereaved.

Mrs. Zahller was of a bright and kindly disposition and of a sympathetic nature. After her own children became grown she sought to exert motherly influences upon other peoples children. Her chief virtue was in being a home maker. When she was called it was a call to a better home -- a home eternal in the heavens. (Riverside Cemetery)

"That unchangeable home is for you and for me.
Where Jesus of Nazareth stands;
The king of all kingdoms forever is He,
And He holdeth our crowns in his hands."

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 04, 1919
The entire community was shocked when the news was received on Sunday evening that Miss Alvina Ruth Puchert had that evening passed away. Miss Puchert was a member of the last High School graduating class and was known and loved by a host of friends most of whom had not known that she was will. She was born April 27, 1900 near Idaho Springs, Colorado. She lived with her parents for some years at Wood River, Nebraska, where at the age of 13, she united with the Methodist church. She came to Fruitland two years ago with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Puchert. She was their only child, they having lost, fourteen years ago, their only son who died at the age of six. A strange coincidence is the fact that Miss Puchert was born in 1900, was 19 years of age, graduated in '19, with a class of 19 members. She was a beautiful Christian character in every sense of the word and the deep sympathy of every individual in the community goes out to the bereaved parents and other relatives. A half sister, Mrs. Dorothy Hendricks, lives at Cleo, Oklahoma. (She will be buried from the M.E. Church. The funeral announcements await word from Mrs. Henricks).

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 18, 1919

The eight months old child of Mr. and Mrs. O.D. Channer of Payette-Oregon slope, died very suddenly Sunday morning, presumably of heart failure. The little one had been suffering from a severe attack of whooping cough and on Saturday evening was quite bad. A little after midnight it became easier and went to sleep in the mothers arms and passed away some time later which was not discovered until about six o'clock in the morning when the mother awakened finding the child dead in her arms. Funeral services were held from the home Monday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Argyle Houser, pastor of the Church of God, and interment made in the Riverside Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Channer who but a few weeks ago moved to this community will have the sympathy of many friends in their sad bereavement. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 18, 1919
Mrs. Fay Gray, youngest daughter of John L. Henshaw, died at a hospital in Astoria, Oregon, last Monday September 15th, following an operation. The body was brought to Payette Wednesday evening where the funeral services were held from Lauer's Undertaking Parlor, this forenoon at 11 o'clock, conducted by Rev. C. W. Buell, pastor of the Baptist Church at Payette. Interment was made in the Riverside Cemetery. Mrs. Gray was about 30 years of age. She leaves a husband and daughter ten years old, to mourn her untimely death. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 18, 1919
Word was received Friday that Mrs. Belle N. Branham had passed away that morning at the home of her sister in Boise. Mrs. Branham was born in Payette Valley and was for many years a member of the Payette Baptist church. She was a sister of Mrs. Chapman Williams and was well known here. Her death was unexpected, occurring after an illness of but three days duration. The funeral services were held Saturday in Boise at the Frye, Sommers and Crebs Undertaking Parlors, Rev. Charles H. Griffin of the First Baptist Church officiating. The body was interred Sunday at the Pioneer Cemetery at New Plymouth, Rev. Burtch of Fruitland conducting the burial services. She leaves one son, Frank. (New Plymouth Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 02, 1919
Clifford Leroy Cram, the 6-months old son of Mr.. and Mrs. Roy Cram, died at the home of Mrs. Hattie Shafer Wednesday afternoon after an illness of three weeks with stomach and bowel trouble. Funeral services were held from Mrs. Shafer's home this (Thursday) afternoon, conducted by Rev. M.D. Reed, and interment made in Riverside cemetery.

When first taken sick, the little one was taken to the hospital for treatment and a few days ago brot to the home of Nurse Shafer where every possible care could be given but all to no avail. Mr. and Mrs. Cram will have the sympathy of many friends in their sad bereavement. (Riverside Cemetery)

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index Clifford Leroy Cram was born 3-31-1919 and died 10-1-1919. ch

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 09, 1919
Vera Maggie Linder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Linder, died at the home of her parents, Thursday October 2, age 4 years and 11 days. Death was due to convulsions caused by eating apples with a spray of arsenate of lead on them. The body was shipped to Midvale for burial.

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index, Vera Maggie Linder was born 9-21-1915 and died 10-2-1919. ch

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 09, 1919

Mr. O. W. Baker, living north of Payette, died very suddenly Monday night at his home following a stroke of apoplexy, age 62 years, 6 months and 14 days. He is survived by a widow and five children; one son living near his home, one son in Boise, two sons in Nebraska who came Thursday morning and one daughter in Nebraska who was unable to come. Funeral services will be held from the home, Friday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Interment will be made in Riverside Cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index Oliver Warren Baker was born 3-22-1857 and died 10-6-1919. ch

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 23, 1919

Mr. David Masoner of this city passed away at the Ontario hospital Wednesday evening from injuries received about one o'clock Tuesday while on his way to the Association packing house where he was engaged at work. His home is on the west side of the track which necessitates his crossing the track in going to work and on Tuesday afternoon when reaching the railroad track, the local train was standing on the track with a small opening between two cars. Just as he attempted to pass between, the gap was closed for the purpose of connecting the train. The brakeman who was on the other side of the train while looking to see if the connection was made, noticed a man's cap on the track and immediately gave the signal to stop which was done within a few feet. It was discovered the unfortunate man had been knocked down and while not run over with the wheels of the car was badly bruised and bleeding about the face. Dr. Woodward, the railroad physician was immediately called and removed him to the office where it was discovered one leg was broken between the knee and the ankle, and three ribs broken besides being crushed about the chest. Temporary aid was rendered and then taken to the Ontario hospital in a special car which was arranged by Agent Johnson. Every aid was rendered that was within the power of the physicians and a special nurse employed, but owing to his advanced age it was all to no avail and at 9:30 o'clock Wednesday evening death came to his relief. So far as we have learned just before going to press no funeral arrangements have been made but a full account and an appropriate obituary will be published next week.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, October 30, 1919)


Mention was made last week of the accidental death of David Masoner. Funeral services were on Sunday afternoon at the Presbyterian church of which he had been long time a member. The number of people who came to express sympathy and appreciation, was a fine tribute to a man who never thot of himself as any more than a plain honest citizen. Probably none of those present thot differently; but the occasion made it more certain that in the final estimate it is the plain honest citizen that gets closest to our hearts.

He was just two days past, 71 when death took him. Missouri was the state of his infancy, but he followed the "advice" and moved west, to Kansas when she was yet bleeding; then to Montana before that vast territory had been admitted to statehood, and last to Idaho in 1907 where he completed his allotted time.

He was married to Lucy McFadden in Paola, Kansas, in 1875. Five children were born to them. One died in infancy, another, Mrs. Card was a victim of influenza last November. The other three, Harvey, Albert and Mrs. Lucy McPherson, were present also the son-in-law, Mr. Card, a sister, Mrs. Maurer, and an old time friend, Mr. Sandy, all of Boise. The "Grange" of which he was a member, furnished the pallbearers, but their kindly offices would have been rendered by any of the others present if there had been need. The feeling was that it was an honor to show him respect. A sudden death is a shock to loved ones that we all hope to escape. But so far as "Dave" is concerned, it is certain he would have chosen a sudden, rather than a long lingering transition from the present form of life to the other form for which he had made full preparation. A good man loved by all who knew him. May it be possible for some one to write it of each of us when the time comes.

Mrs. Masoner will spend the winter with her sons in Boise. After that her plans will be made as events may lead; but wherever she may go she will carry precious memories of nearly a half-century of happy wedded life. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 30, 1919
Mrs. Margaret Jane Sherwood passed away Tuesday, October 8th after being confined to her bed for many weeks. She had been in feeble health for several years gradually growing weaker and her passing to the great beyond was truly a symbol of declining years. She had finished her work on earth and was ready and willing to go. She had been entirely blind for the last fifteen years but with her great affiliation was patient to the end.

Margaret Jane Post was born near Postville, Iowa, June 22nd, 1838, and died at Payette, Idaho, October 28th, 1919, being at the time of her death over 81 years of age. In 1868 while living in Dodge County, Minn., was united in marriage to Ambrose Sherwood. To this union five children were born of whom all have preceded her in death except W. F. Sherwood of Payette.

Since 1894 she has made her home in Idaho. She became a member of the Christian Church, when but a child to which faith she has lived truly and devoted to the end. Funeral services were held at 2:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon at Lauer's Undertaking Parlors, conducted by Rev. Adams, pastor of the Christian Church, and that evening the body was shipped to Kendrick, Idaho, accompanied by W. F. Sherwood, for burial beside two children who were buried there.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 30, 1919
John August Tuney was born December 23, 1835, in Stockholm, Sweden, and passed away Saturday morning, October 25, 1919, in Payette, after suffering a paralytic stroke on Monday. His daughter, Miss Marie Tuney who was in Spokane, Wash., was sent for and all was done that could be.

Mr. Tuney came to this country about 40 years ago with his wife, Sophia Hedda Anderson, and made their home in York, Nebr. After the death of his wife he made his home in Omaha and Lincoln, Nebr., where he has a large circle of friends and acquaintances.

He was the father of seven children, two dying in childhood. Several years ago he came to Fruitland, Idaho, where he has lived until the past summer.

Mr. Tuney was deprived the blessed privilege of seeing the beauties of Idaho as he had been blind for many years.

Funeral services were held Sunday from the Swedish Lutheran church, Payette, Rev. G. A. Herbert of Boise, officiating.

Temporary interment was made in Riverside Cemetery. The remains will be removed to its then final resting place at York, Nebr., where the wife is buried.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, November 13, 1919
Mrs. Lula Coulter was born March 24th 1888, died November 6th, 1919. Wife of Fernando Coulter and daughter of S. J. Mayfield. Married August 29th, 1906. Six children were born one of who is dead. The husband and five children remain to mourn the loss. When her mother died she assumed the responsibility of the home and was a mother to her younger brothers and sisters. Much credit is due the departed one for her efforts which meant much sacrifice for her.

She was first a member of the M.E. Church, joining when about 15 years old, but soon united with the Christian Church, and has been a faithful member since. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Adams Tuesday afternoon at the church and interment made in Riverside Cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, November 13, 1919

Last Sunday at the Baptist church occurred the funeral of little Phyllis, the year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Brown of the Payette-Oregon Slope, whose death cast gloom and sadness over the entire community, where the family have lived and have been highly esteemed for many years.

The little one was taken sick on Friday and while everything possible was done and doctors from Payette and Ontario were in constant attendance, she seemed too frail to make the fight, and finally at 9:45 a.m. the following Thursday, she passed, beyond.

She was an especially bright and loving child, having one of those sweet friendly dispositions so endearing to all and will be missed sadly by the ladies of the club of which Mrs. Brown is an old member.

The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Brown wish to extend their deepest sympathy which was in evidence by the very large attendance at Church and by the many beautiful floral offerings.

Phillis Brown was born October 26th, 1918: died November 6th, 1919. (Riverside Cemetery)


We wish to extend our sincere thanks to the neighbors and friends for the kindness shown us during the illness and death of our baby Phyllis, and also for the beautiful flowers. Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Brown and relatives

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, November 13, 1919
The funeral of Mr. W. L. Griffin was held at Vale, Oregon, Sunday afternoon, Rev. A. J. Adams of Payette officiating. Mr. Griffin was a pioneer of that section, and was a Charter Member of the Christian Church when organized there in 1898.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, November 13, 1919
Rev. A. J. Adams was called to Parma Monday where the funeral of Mr. L. L. Mundel was conducted by Thos. E. Buckner and Rev. Adams, Grand Master and Chaplain of the Grand Lodge I.O.O.F. Mr. Mundel was one of the leading business men of Parma and an Honored Citizen.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, November 20, 1919
Mrs. Elizabeth (Skinner) Wilson

Mrs. Wilson will be better known as mother of Mrs. Elizabeth Hutchinson, with whom she has made her home all the later years of her life. She died at the same home last Sunday and was buried Tuesday afternoon. Funeral services were at the home conducted by Rev. Mr. Reed, members of the Rebecca Order acting as "pall-bearers." Neighbors and friends gathered in a large company to pay respects to her memory.

Mrs. Wilson was born in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, in 1833. Two children were born of the union, Mrs. Hutchinson, as already noted, and Mr. John H. Wilson of Meadows. Mr. Wilson was down during the last days of his mother, and will be in Payette some time yet.

Her life is of exceptional interest to all who study the movements of people that have gathered here in America to Constitute the Land we love. She was bereaved of her husband after only a few years of married life, and when her son was grown to manhood he felt the call that has brought so many of the select of the world to our shores, and sought in America a new home for the family. After selecting a place to his liking, he went back to the land of "the Bonnie Thistle weed" and brot Mother and Sister to the new World. That was in 1883, seven years before Idaho became a state. The journey from Ogden to Meadows was in an emigrant wagon. They were in the Meadows Valley early enough to share the dangers of Indian savagery, and were fast friends and co-workers with those who helped "win the west" from barbarism to the state of perfect security as we now know it.

A child of Scotland, she was of course a Presbyterian with that strong faith in a God who knows and orders things in the Earth, which faith has been the foundation of so many of the world's best enterprises. In that faith she lived and died and the message of her departed spirit is to our generation "Ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein and ye shall find rest for your souls." (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 04, 1919

Mrs. Charles Holtz died at her home east of Payette at 2 p.m. last Friday after a brief illness of heart trouble. She was born December 26, 1861 in the little village of Leangefelf, Sachsen. In 1879 she was married to Louis Heyer and came to this country in 1885, landing in the state of New York. To this union five children were born of whom two remain, Alfred Heyer of Poughkeepsie and Frank Heyer, Newbury, N.Y. In 1912 she was married to Charles Holtz, and two years later came to the Payette Valley where they have resided until the time of her death. She was a member of the W.R.C. and also a member of the Lutheran Church to which faith she followed closely to the end. She was a patriotic worker during the war contributing willingly and liberally to the Red Cross and other war activities. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon from the Lutheran Church conducted by Rev. Carl Reuggeberg, and interment made in the Riverside Cemetery. The grief stricken husband will have the sympathy of many friends in this community. (Riverside Cemetery)


I wish to express my heartfelt thanks to the kind friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted me during the illness and death of my beloved wife. Also for the floral offering from the W. R. C., from the Lutheran Ladies Aid, and other friends. CHAS. HOLTZ, Husband

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 04, 1919
Mrs. Elizabeth I. Ashlock was born in Illinois November 18th, 1839 and died at Payette, Idaho, November 30th, 1919, age 80 years and 12 days.

Mr. and Mrs. Ashlock came to Idaho in 1903 and have made this their home most of the time since. Mrs. Ashlock was of the Apostolic faith. She leaves to mourn her loss, a husband, F. P. Ashlock, and three children. Mrs. S. M. Justice and William Ashlock of Payette and George Ashlock of Oregon, besides other relatives.

Funeral services were held from the Christian Church Tuesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. A. J. Adams. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 04, 1919

The body of Geo. F. Isenhager who died at the Ontario Hospital last Monday, was brought to Payette where the funeral was held from the Methodist church conducted by Rev. Wallis Tuesday afternoon. The body was shipped to Dallas, Oregon for interment. Mr. Isenhager was a nephew by marriage to Lewis and Jacob Nodle, 31 years of age and leaves a wife but no children. They were residents of Oregon and resided on a farm some distance from Ontario.

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index, George Isenhagen was born 11-23-1888 and died 11-27-1919

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 18, 1919

Levi Slinker was born October 21, 1842 in Mason County, Illinois, and resided there until the age of fourteen when he came with his parents to Warren County, Iowa, and later returned to Illinois. He enlisted on the 11th day of July, 1862 and was mustered into the U.S. Service at Camp Douglas, Chicago, Illinois as a private of Captain Wm. H. Weaver Company G 71st regiment, Ill. Infantry. He was honorably discharged from Chicago, Ill. on the 29th day of October 1862. He was united in marriage to Anna M. Heoulette on the 18th day of March, 1863 from which union were born six children, all of whom are living. In the spring of 1907 he and his wife moved to Payette, Idaho, where he resided until his death, which occurred on December 12, 1919 at the Holy Rosary Hospital, Ontario, Oregon, following an operation. His wife, Anna M. Slinker, died October 13, 1912, and on January 2nd, 1914, he was married to Susan E. Schmuch of Des Moines, Iowa, who with his children, namely, Mrs. P. A. Creger, Mrs. H. B. Strawn and E. L. Slinker of Fruitland, J. C. Slinker of Payette, Mrs. W. S. King of Fillmore, Cal., and A. V. Slinker of Peru, Ia. and twenty-seven grandchildren and four great grandchildren and four sisters and four brothers are left to mourn his death.

The interment was from the Methodist Church of which he had been one of the leading members and worker.

The funeral was largely attended. The G.A.R. being present in a body, and the American Legion being in charge. The service was a fitting tribute to the high moral and religious character of the man as well as to his wide experience, extensive friendships and kindly deeds. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 18, 1919
Susan Ann Norwood was born in Illinois in 1848. She was married in the same state, moving to Portland, Oregon, many years ago where she resided for several years. She came to Payette in 1909 where she made many friends. She was taken with pneumonia about December 1st and died December 8th. So far as is known but one relative is left to mourn her departure. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon from Lauers Undertaking Parlor conducted by Rev. H.K. Wallis and interment made in the Riverside Cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

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