Payette County Obituaries
New Plymouth Sentinel 1920

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Special Thanks to Cheryl Hanson for going to all the trouble
to search each newspaper page by page to find these obituaries,
for typing them out, and for sharing them with us!

New Plymouth Sentinel
Friday, January 16, 1920
Plymouth Pioneer Passes Away Sunday

William A. Neal, familiarly known as "Bud" passed away at the home of his sister, Mrs. Grover, six miles east of town on Sunday night at the age of 72 years. Mr. Neal was born in Fayetteville, Arkansas and led a very busy and active life. He has been a prominent figure in this section of the state for many years. His body was laid to rest beside his two daughters in the Kennedy cemetery on Tuesday of this week, and the world was made better by his life. The funeral was conducted by William Lickey. (Applegate Kennedy Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Friday, January 16, 1920
Death of Infant

Little Mary Anna Bean, infant daughter of Harry Bean and wife died at the parents residence in the Emmett country and was brought here for burial Tuesday. (Parkview Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Friday, January 23, 1920

Death of Mrs. Catto Follows Operation At Hospital

With a smile upon her face, symbolic of the smiles she brought to others a long this toilsome journey of life, Mrs. Helen Catto, widow of Walter Catto, deceased, peacefully passed away at the Holy Rosary hospital in Ontario, on Thursday morning just as the clock was striking five.

Deceased was born in Ontario, Canada on October 20th, 1865, her maiden name being Helen Laughlin. At the age of about eighteen she was married to Walter Catto in the city of London, Ont. Three children were born to this union --- all of whom survive. Rhea Catto, of Chicago was the eldest and was here the past autumn visiting with her mother and brother for several weeks; Nema (now Mrs. F.J. Ireland) of Chicago and Walter Catto, Jr., of this place. She also leaves to mourn her death two sisters, Mrs. George D. Smith of Los Angeles and Mrs. M. D. McNichols of Tacoma, the latter arriving a few hours before Mrs. Catto died, and in time to be recognized by the dying woman.

We knew Mrs. Catto quite intimately and can truthfully say she was one of God's best children - quiet, unassuming, cultured, unselfish, of a happy disposition, and as good a mother as ever was born. She was a member of the First Presbyterian church of Tacoma and her body will be taken to that place to be interred beside her deceased husband. The two daughters are on their way from Chicago and will arrive sometime the last of the week. If "to live in hearts we leave behind, is not to die" then Mrs. Catto is not dead, but just crossed over to another sphere.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Friday, January 28, 1920

Mrs. Anderson Rests From Earthly Labor

The community was covered with a cloud of gloom this week when the news broke out announcing the death of Mrs. Anderson at the home of her son W. B. in this city on Tuesday evening, January 20th, at the age of about 64 years. The funeral services were held from the W. B. Anderson residence on Thursday afternoon at two o'clock, and were largely attended, Rev. H. F. Knight, former pastor of the Congregational church at this place, conducted the services. The deceased was a member of that church at the time of her death.

The subject of this sketch, Minnie E. Waugh was born in East Craftsburg, Vermont on March 5th, 1956 and on March 6th, 1878 was united in marriage to George H. Anderson at Greensborough, Vt. This union resulted in the birth of four sons and one daughter, all of the children residing in this section of the west. Homer lives at Ontario, and is an employee of the O.S.L.R.R. operating on the Vale branch; Clyde B. lives at Glenns Ferry and is an engineer on the same R. R.; William B. and Perly W. both reside here and the one daughter, Mrs. Florence Blayden, lives on a ranch northeast of town. Deceased also leaves a sister, Mrs. A. S. Colton of Danvers, Mass.

Mr. Anderson died in 1893. All that was earthly of this noble woman, wife, mother and friend was laid quietly to rest in Park View cemetery, and this gently falling snow covers her couch with a purity emblematic of her useful and active life. (Parkview Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Friday, February 06, 1920
Mrs. Andy Rasmussen died at her home near Falk, Friday, of pneumonia, the result of the flue. The funeral was held Sunday at the family home. A son and daughter are seriously ill also. (Stuart Falk Cemetery)

According to the Idaho Death Index, Stena Rasmussen died 30 January 1920 (Cheryl)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Friday, February 27, 1920
Their Son Dies

After only a short illness, Lawrence M. Beamguard, ten year old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Beamguard, dies at his home here Saturday. The cause of his death given as acute nephritis.

Lawrence was a bright little lad and has a host of friends among his school mates here. The stricken parents of the boy have the sympathy of the whole community.

The remains were taken to New Plymouth yesterday where the funeral services were held in the afternoon. Weiser Signal (Parkview Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Friday, March 05, 1920

B. F. Swatman Passes Away Friday Night After Long Illness

After a lingering illness, like a candle slowly burning away, B. F. Swatman closed forever his eyes on earthly matters at his home on east Boulevard, February 27th at the age of 59 year and 14 days. The deceased was born in Page county, Iowa on Feb. 13th, 1861. When a babe at his mother's breast, his father responded to his country's call and served in the Union army, never to return from the battle field. In order to support the family, the mother was compelled to place the babe in the Soldier's Orphan Home at Glenwood, Iowa. In 1872, he with the rest of the family moved to Tabor, Iowa, and deceased there joined the Congregational church while a boy.

March 3rd, 1886 he was united in marriage to Miss Josephine Weatherhead and the new home was established at Wessington Springs, S.D. Five children blessed this union - two sons and three daughters. One son died in infancy, the other children all survive. They are Mrs. Fred Harper of Emmett, Miss Lillian a school teacher, Miss Charlotte, County Supt. of Payette County Schools, and Elmer a college youth on the Pacific coast. For years he was druggist at Tabor, Iowa, and in 1904 Mr. Swatman and family came to Idaho, settling here at New Plymouth where he has been a druggist all the time until he sold out last winter on account of failing health. In 1883 he graduated from Tabor college.

Funeral services were conducted at the Congregational church on Monday afternoon by Reverends Knight and Rice, the music furnished by Mrs. Collinsworth and Miss Sundles, the floral offerings were profuse, the members of the local M.W.A. attended in a body and the remains were quietly laid to rest in Park View cemetery. Our measure of this strong man is found on the editorial page.

Card of Thanks

Words fail to express our gratitude and appreciation to the many friends for the kind acts and the help given during the sickness and death of our dear one. The beautiful floral offerings which expressed to us the heart felt sympathy of our friends were also greatly appreciated.

Mrs. B.F. Swatman, Lillian, Charlotte and Elmer Swatman, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Harper, Ray Weatherhead (Parkview Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Friday, March 19, 1920

Corporal George Thiel Laid to Rest in Park View Cemetery

On Tuesday after of this week a group of sympathizing friend gathered at the Congregational church to do honor to the memory of Corporal Geo. E. Thiel, who passed away at the Ontario hospital on last Sunday.

The presence of about twenty five service men from this vicinity and from Payette added a military tough to the service which was highly fitting.

Fragrant flowers, the kindly tokens of love and respect, the comforting songs of the singers, and the filling tribute paid by the youngest veteran of the Civil War to the first of the home boys of the Great World War to lie in our little cemetery, all brought solace to those who sorrowed.

At the cemetery the usual committal service was read; then, after each service man had dropped a sprig of evergreen upon the casket, taps were sounded.

George E. Thiel was born at Galesburg, Ill., June 25th, 1895. When about ten years of age the family moved west. For a number of years they have lived in this vicinity, where they all are highly respected.

After our country entered the Great World War George volunteered, enlisted in the Marines on June 25, 1917. He served until August, 1919, when he was honorably discharged. During the great conflict he served on several different fronts, besides serving in the Army of Occupation, In Germany.

He returned home, apparently in good health. His death, however, was the direct result of his army experience. Disease, probably caused by his being gassed, soon confined him to his bed. He made a brave fight, but the hidden foe was too strong, in spite of his will to live and the splendid medical attention and nursing which he had.

The father and mother, the brothers and sisters, all have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community.

We desire to express our gratitude to the many kind friends and neighbors who acts and words of sympathy during the illness and death of our dear one made the sorrow less and the burden lighter.

George Thiel and Family
Arthur Thiel and Family (Parkview Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Friday, April 23, 1920
Good Woman Passes To Last Reward

Mrs. J. E. Wilson passed away at the Ontario hospital the last of last week from Bright's disease and was quietly laid to rest in the Payette cemetery on Tuesday of this week. Deceased leaves a large family of children and a husband all of which will mourn the loss of a quiet, tender-hearted, Christian wife and mother and the sympathy of the entire community go out to them in this hour of their sorrow and sadness. (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Friday, April 23, 1920
Donald, the six year old son of Rev. and Mrs. H. F. Knight of Middleton and grandson of Rev. and Mrs. H. F. Knight died at his home last Friday night.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Friday, April 30, 1920

Prof. C. A. Strong Falls in Death as He Was Leaving For Boise

On Monday morning of this week while Prof. C. A. Strong was on his way to the garage he was suddenly stricken down, and in a few brief moments the fleeting breath of life had gone. He had been in failing health for sometime, but few in the community realized how serious was his real condition. He was born in the state of Iowa on Sept. 20th, 1858 and had been active all his life. He was married in young manhood to Miss Martha V. Zeller and to the union three sons and one daughter survive.

Prof. Strong was engaged in educational work for a number of years in Kansas and came from that state to Plymouth something like then years ago. Here he was Supt. of the city schools several terms. His first wife died about six years ago and about five years ago he was united in marriage to Mrs. Minnie B. Davis who survives. When A. C. Cogswell resigned as county commissioner a year ago Mr. Strong was appointed by Governor Davis as his successor. Just two weeks ago today (Wednesday) Mr. Strong closed a deal for the purchase of this paper, intending to edit it in connection with his other duties.

The funeral services were conducted by the Rev. H. F. Knight at the beautiful residence on west boulevard and very largely attended. The floral offerings were beautiful and profuse. A quartet sang "Lead Kindly Light, Abide with Me, and the Home of The Soul." The remains were laid to rest in Parkview cemetery. (Parkview Cemetery)

Fruitland Banner (Fruitland, Idaho)
Friday, May 07, 1920
Dies At Advanced Age

John McPherson, aged eighty-two, died at his home three miles south of Fruitland of cerebral hemorage. The funeral services were conducted at the home Wednesday afternoon, Rev. Chas. Rittenhouse, of Baker, Oregon, officiating, and burial taking place in Riverside cemetery in Payette.

Deceased leaves two daughters, Misses Minnie and Kate McPherson, and two grandchildren, Claude and Caroline McPherson, of Boise. (Riverside Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Friday, May 28, 1920

Forrest, the sixteen year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wilfong, passed away at the home of his parents, west of New Plymouth, Friday, May 21. Funeral services were held at the Breather Church in Fruitland and the burial took place at Parkview Cemetery at New Plymouth.

Over two years ago it appeared that something was wrong with his health. The family became interested. Tests proved that he was afflicted with diabetes. That dread disease with which adults may, under careful treatment, live for years, but children and youths seldom survive beyond a few short months and years. The condition was at once recognized as grave. Every effort was made to affect a cure if cure might be possible. Expense, time, labor, effort, everything known and available was brought to bear upon the case. Nothing was spared. It was a fight of loving parents for the life of a dear one. The fight was well made. But fate was against those who so diligently strove to conquer the inevitable. The end has come. The grave has claimed another body; Heaven another soul. Playmates of his childhood and associates of his youth will miss him. To the home to which he brought light, pleasure and hope, there is, and can be, no relief from the sadness which now fills it. Time may lessen the acuteness of the bereavement but the loss is irreparable. The place cannot be filled. Loving heart will ache. Heavens brightest sunshine cannot dispel the shadow which deaths dark clouds have cast around the home. Mortal man cannot relieve the sorrow which fills the hearts of those who mourn his loss. But if the sympathy of generous friends who would gladly bear a share of the burden of sorrow for them, and the sympatric pulsation of hearts who have felt such sorrow from experience to recent to be forgotten, could in some small measure assuage the grief which now fills the home, such sympathy from the depths of such souls would gladly be given to the sorrowing family. More than this we cannot do. We would counsel them to forget. But memory stands like adamant while life exists. Sorrow may be lessened but not forgotten. Such clouds may be driven away for a time by the brighter lights of life, but life's sunshine can never be as clear as before. He was a part of life's bright sunlight. But he is gone. But there is a measure of relief in knowing that his sufferings are over. He will not need feel the sorrows which fill human lives, the sufferings which fall to mortal man are no longer his, the sins of Earthly life cannot tempt him and the pains of flesh can not torment him. He passed before the darker part of life had overtaken him. His body is at rest. His soul is in peace. (Parkview Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Friday, June 04, 1920
Theis Smith Dies

We have just received communication in which we find the following: "After fourteen months of intense suffering Teis Smith passed away May 28th."

How much these few words convey. They tell of the passing of a vigorous manhood through the suffering of falling health; through the agonies of intense sickness, and then the end.

We knew him several years ago when he was in health and that physical strength which indicated the strong and powerful man. We saw him later when his appearance told, only to plainly, that health and vigor was no longer his. We later heard that he was in a hospital at Ontario, and now that he is no more. How little we know of man's physical health and the prospects for long life. We look upon vigorous manhood, yet young, and thing we see the probability of many years before him. We note his light hearted pleasant ways and expect them to continue many years. Then suddenly we see some dread disease falling upon him; we see him weaken; we see him fall, suffer and die. But we are thus brought more fully to the realization that mans earthly end is death. (Evergreen Cemetery, Ontario, Oregon)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Friday, June 11, 1920
C.S. French Passes Away

Colman S. French died at his home southeast of New Plymouth, June 5th. Mr. French was born at Barre, Vermont, seventy-two years ago. In 1866 he engaged in the mercantile business in Chicago. Later he moved to Iowa where he held a position with a railroad company for twenty years. Then returned to Chicago when he again engaged in the mercantile business, and from Chicago came to the Payette Valley. In 1872 he was united in marriage with Miss Abbie Southgate. He is survived by his wife and his son, Fred P. French, and his grandchildren.

He has not been in good health for several months. While paying a visit to Chicago last winter he had a severe sickness from which he partially rallied and returned to his home this spring. Recently he again took sick and all efforts failed to conquer the disease which had fallen upon him.

He came to the Payette Valley in 1898 where he engaged in farming and later in fruit culture. He accumulated considerable property about three miles southeast of New Plymouth where he built his home now well know as Valley View. About the year 1905 he became interested the Farmers State Bank of New Plymouth and was in charge of this bank for several years. He took an active part in politics. Served in the state senate several years ago and was his county's representative in the lower house, and was speaker of the house in the 1915 session.

He was a man of sterling qualities and substantial strength of character. One who loved his family and was loved in return. He was a part of the community in which he lived, and lived in it to make it better. Where he lived his presence was felt. Now that he is gone he will be missed. Ne're more will his firm grasp close on the hand of friend or loving arms enfold dear ones of his home. He is gone, but only in the flesh. He will remain in the memory of those who knew him. There is a vacant place in the home. A sorrow in the hearts of those who were dear to him. A sorrow which can not be dispelled. But let kind friends with tenderest sympathy carry love, like Heavens sweetest sunshine into the home of those bereaved people and lighten the burden of sorrow so far as may be possible. (Parkview Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Friday, July 02, 1920

Mrs. E. E. Snyder, mother of A. I. and Edwin of this vicinity, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. Phetteplace in The Dalles, Oregon, June 29 and was buried in Park View Cemetery June 1920.

Annitta Gracia Belden was born at East Worcester, Otsego County, New York on the 28 day of May, 1857. In the month of June 1866 she became the wife of Edwin E. Snyder. To this union was born five children, the youngest of whom died at the age of twenty years. The others are still living. She lived in the state of her birth until her children were born. Later she, with her husband and family moved to Wisconsin, from Wisconsin to Minnesota, and from there to Indiana. About eleven years ago she moved from Plymouth, Indiana to New Plymouth, Idaho, where she had resided until a short time before her death when she went to The Dalles to visit her daughter.

Funeral services were held at the Dalles June 29, and on June 30 at her home near here just twenty-five months after similar services were held at the same place for her husband. She is survived by two sons and two daughters, A. I. Snyder and Edwin Snyder of New Plymouth, Mrs. W. Phetteplace and Mrs. Charles Phetteplace at The Dalles, Ore. and several grandchildren and great grandchildren.

For several years she has been in poor health but patiently followed her household duties in so far as health would permit.

She was a devoted wife to whom her husbands affections clung until death separated them. She was a loved mother and grandmother who was all that the word implies.

While her age and health was such that her departure was not unexpected it cast a pall of sorrow over the homes of those who mourn her loss.

There is no other to take her place. The love she gave and the love she received in return is but a memory, but a memory that dies only with the passing of life itself. That word, mother, so tender to the human world, so deep in human affection, so dear to the human heart, so wrapped in the souls embrace, can ne'er again be spoken except in recollection of the past. (Parkview Cemetery)


We wish to express to the friends and neighbors our appreciation of their sympathy, help, beautiful flowers and music at the burial of our beloved mother and grandmother.
A. I. Snyder and family, E. Snyder and family, H. A. Snyder and wife, W. Phetteplace and family, C. Phetteplace and family

New Plymouth Sentinel
Friday, September 03, 1920
Mrs. Eveline McLean Woodward (nee Steele) died at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McFarland on the 27th day of Aug. She was born near South Salem, Ohio, on the 15th of June, 1837 and so attained the age of a little more than 83 years. She was married June 10th 1857 to Chas. Frederick Woodward. Eight children were born to them, four of whom survive. Mr. Woodard died in 1872, since which time Mrs. Woodard has lived among her children. Funeral services were held at the McFarland home on Saturday 28th, and the weary body laid to rest in the cemetery at Boise.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Friday, September 03, 1920
David J. Campbell died at his home in New Plymouth, August 20 and was buried in Park View Cemetery, Aug. 22.

Mr. Campbell was born at Dry Run, Penn. Aug, 26, 1846. While a young man he moved to Indiana and later returned to Penn. where he was married to Miss Marie Gribble. Later they moved to Bloomington, Ill. from there to Neb. and from Nebraska to New Plymouth about twelve years ago.

Mr. Campbell had been in failing health for several months before his death. Some weeks before the end he made arrangements for the inevitable.

The calmness with which he directed the preparation of such documents, as are common with those who realize that their lease of life is not for long, indicated the courage of the man.

The words he uttered exemplified the feeling, built on a foundation of unfaltering family love, which animated his nature to the last. He fought life's battles well, but yielded as all men must, to the final call of the Great Beyond. It is over, He is gone. He will be missed, but not forgotten. There is a vacant place, that cannot be filled, in the hearts of those who were bound to him by ties of family love. (Parkview Cemetery)

New Plymouth Sentinel
Friday, October 01, 1920
Grandmother King died at the home of her daughter Mrs. W. C. Johnson, Sunday. She was the mother of Mrs. Sam Applegate.

(October 8, 1920)

Mrs. Elizabeth King, nee Ruff, died at the W. C. Johnson home on Sunday, Sept. 26. She was born in Madison county, Tenn., July 18, 1831, so had attained an age of a little more than 89 years. In 1841 the family moved into Mississippi where Elizabeth grew to womanhood. In 1854 she was married to S. W. King. Four children were born to them, two of whom died in infancy. The King family came to Idaho in 1869 and settled where Emmett now stands.

Those were days of real pioneering and many were the privations and hardships endured. In it all she bore her part bravely and did her duty well. In 1907 Mr. King died. Since then she has lived with her children and been mother and grandmother to all the children in the neighborhood. The survivors are Mrs. W. C. Johnson and Mrs. John Applegate.

Funeral services were conducted at the Johnson home on Tuesday, Sept. 28, and the body laid to rest beside her husband in Payette cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery) Submitted by Cheryl Hanson

New Plymouth Sentinel
Friday, December 24, 1920

Mrs. Maupin, who resided near Valley View for a number of years and who moved to eastern Colorado after the death of her husband, died there and was buried here beside her husband on December 16th. She was respected and loved by all who knew her. (Parkview Cemetery)


We wish to thank the people of New Plymouth for the many kind deeds and words of comfort shown us in the time of our sad bereavement. Mrs. Mae Gould, Mrs. J. M. Smith, Mrs. Glen Phetteplace

New Plymouth Sentinel
Friday, December 24, 1920

The sudden death of Archie H. Sundles on Sunday morning at 2 o'clock came as a severe shock to the entire community when he died of uranic poison.

Mr. Sundles was born in Dalton, Ohio, July 13, 1856, and married Miss Clara Masteller in 1888; they moved to New Plymouth in 1896.

Mr. Sundles was hurt about 7 years ago when a live wire fell on him burning one of his arms off and disabling his other hand and arm. Through all this he never complained, and always had a smile and a kind word for everyone.

In his death New Plymouth loses an old and respected pioneer who helped make the Payette Valley what it is today. His life is an example of honesty, faithfulness, patience and one that could well be taken as an ideal.

The deceased leaves to mourn his death a wife, two children, Henry and Esther, and a host of friends.

The Sentinel joins the entire community in extending sympathy to the bereaved ones in this time of sadness. (Parkview Cemetery)

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