Payette County Obituaries
Payette Enterprise 1921

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Special Thanks to Cheryl Hanson for going to all the trouble
to search each newspaper page by page to find these obituaries,
for typing them out, and for sharing them with us!

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 06, 1921
C. T. Barker died Wednesday, January 5th at the home of his son, Clarence Barker in Washoe after a continued illness. Mr. Barker was born in the state of Illinois, January 11th, 1843, being within a few days of 78 years of age. He is survived by several sons and other relatives in this community. He was a highly respected citizen and will be missed by a large circle of relatives and friends. We hope in our next issue to publish a full and complete obituary. Funeral services were held from the Christian Church this (Thursday) afternoon at two o'clock. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, January 20, 1921

Mr. W. C. Carlton, an early pioneer of Southern Idaho, and for many years a resident of Washoe, died in Boise last Monday, at the ripe age of 86. He will be well remembered by the early settlers of this section. He was a wagon maker and blacksmith and conducted a shop in Washoe for many years, and was a highly respected citizen.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 24, 1921
Mary E. Crews, 15-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Crews, died at her home in Payette Saturday evening as the result of measles which was accompanied by other complications. Short funeral services were held from the home on Monday morning, conducted by Rev. Shamberger, and the body shipped to Nampa for burial. She was highly respected among the younger people of Payette who will grieve at her early departure. She will be missed among her school mates and in social gatherings. Besides a father and mother, she is survived by one brother, Jerry Crews, all at home, and two sisters living on Payette-Oregon Slope, Mrs. Howard and Mrs.Troxell.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 24, 1921
Mabel Keeler passed away Wednesday at her home two miles north of Payette, after a continued illness and a hard fight with the dread disease tuberculosis. Her death, while not unexpected, was a shock to her many friends and caused a gloom of sadness over the entire community.

The writer has no further information at hand, but will publish full and appropriate obituary next week. Funeral services will be held at the Christian Church Friday morning at 11 o'clock, new time.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, March 03, 1921)


In the passing away of Mabel Keeler there has gone from among us one of God's own children, for surely she was led by his Spirit. There are many who, will miss her keenly for she had many friends. Her life was spent in the occupation of making friends and keeping them.

She was a graduate of Payette High School and after spending some time in Lewiston Normal, came back to Payette to teach her first school, being the only Payette girl to enjoy that honor. She taught several years here and led a very useful life.

Or the last few years she has been unable to teach on account of tubercular trouble from which she died Wednesday morning, February 23.

The funeral was held in the Christian Church of which she was a faithful member since eleven years of age. The service was a beautiful one, much of which she had planned herself, designating boys of her classes as pall bearers and her near neighbors, the Parson's family, to sing. The casket was followed to the front of the church by the boys in uniform, then came twelve girls in white each placing a beautiful flower upon the casket, then their filed in the members of the order of the Eastern Star, almost filling the center section of seats.

Miss Parsons sang most effectively "One sweetly Solemn Thought". The minister H. E. Mowe, preached a short sermon from the text: "She hath Wraught a Good Work. She Hath Done What She Could." These words were wonderfully fitting to her life. She had devoted herself to the ideal of following Christ and being useful in the world. In this she was always consistant, even through her long illness where she was compelled to stay in bed for over two years. She never forgot her Lord, nor her friends, and at the last she asked that some of her flowers be carried to the sick, and accordingly from the bountiful floral offerings twelve sick people received bouquets distributed by members of the Eastern Star of which she was a member, The ritual of the order was said at the grave, where many had gathered even before the casket arrived. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 03, 1921

Word has just been received, announcing the death of J. L. Hollandsworth which occurred at a Boise Hospital this (Thursday) morning. The body will be brought back to Payette and funeral services will likely be held here Friday afternoon in the Baptist Church. We have no further particulars, but will publish in our next week's issue, an appropriate obituary.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, March 10, 1921)


James Lawrence Hollandsworth was born at Ansley, Nebraska, Jan. 29, 1888. At the age of 14, he united with the Baptist church, at Broken Bow, Neb., where he was a faithful and consciencious worker. At an early age he embarked in the newspaper business at that place, and later became active in the state militia. His talent along military lines, led him in rapid promotion from the rank of private, to that of Sargeant, Lieutenant, and finally to Captain of Company M, Nebraska National Guard, located at that place. In 1909 he moved to Cherry County, a sparcely settled cattle region of Northern Nebraska, where he acquired a piece of Government land, and tried his hand at ranching. This life however proved distasteful, and in 1913 he sold out, and purchased a drug store at the nearby town of Brownlee. Later he was appointed Postmaster, and also launched forth a newspaper, the Brownlee Booster. Through his efforts a Church and Sunday School was organized, it being the only one in the community. His other activities included the organization of a base-ball club and brass band. In June 1915, he was married to Mrs. Helen Haley, and to this happy union three children were born. In 1917, he disposed of his holdings at that place and came West settling at Payette, which has since been their home. For the past three years Lawrence has been connected with the Postal Department of this place, serving in the capacity of both carrier and clerk. About three months ago he was suddenly stricken with a malady which for a while puzzled the doctors, but was later found to be a very acute case of Brights Disease. His condition however, was very changeable, and some days he would feel well enough to work at the office. Later, his illness assumed a more serious aspect, and since that time, he has steadily grown weaker. On the morning of March 2nd, he was taken to Boise, where the result of his examination seemed to be very favorable to recovery. But that night his condition suddenly became worse and he passed away in an unconscious condition at 7 a.m. the following morning. Upon receipt of a message to that effect. W. R. Williams left immediately for Boise to take charge, returning with the remains on the following day.

The funeral was held Saturday at 2 p.m. at the Baptist Church, where Rev. Buell delivered a very impressive sermon. The pall bearers were all selected from the Post Office force, and the office was closed during the hour of the funeral. The Legion flag was also hoisted and left, at half mast, as a mark of courtesy and respect. The final ceremonies at the grave were conducted under the auspicies of the Yeoman Lodge of which the deceased was an honored member.

Lawrence was always a favorite not only among his fellow workers, but by all who knew him, and his friends were numbered only by his acquaintances. He leaves to mourn his loss, a wife and three children in addition to two step-children, a mother, step-father, and four sisters. The sympathy of the entire community goes out to the family, in the dark hour of their bereavement. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 10, 1921
Note: This obituary has a line going thru it. It mainly affects one paragraph (see below). ch

Louise T. Hazeltine was born October 12, 1848, at Weston, Missouri, and died at Nampa, Idaho, March 5, 1921, being 72 years, 4 months and 28 days. She was converted and became a member of the Baptist church when twelve years of age and has been a constant church worker ever since.

Her first marriage was (unreadable) Massey, who died (unreadable). Two children (unreadable) to William who died (unreadable) a few years later, (unreadable) were born to this union (unreadable) died in infancy.

She was married to Charles Hazeltine on her 20th birthday. There were 8 children to bless this union. Her early life was spent in Missouri and Kansas. In 1888 they moved to Vale, Oregon, where they lived for five years. In 1893 they moved to Payette which place was her home until the time of her death which occured at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ralph Carpenter of Nampa. Her death was very unexpected being caused by apoplexy. Mrs. Hazeltine was a devoted wife and kind mother and a friend to all and will be missed by many friends in this community, who by her kindly ways, have learned to love her.

Besides her husband, she leaves to mourn her departure, six children; Mrs. W. R. Whipple of Payette, J. F. Hazeltine of New Plymouth, Mrs. E. Bull of Boise, W. L. Hazeltine of San Francisco, and Mrs. W. R. Carpenter of Nampa, also grand-children, and 5 great-grand-children. Funeral services were held at the Baptist church, Tuesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Buhl, Pastor and her body laid to rest in the Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 17, 1921

Just before going to press, we learn of the sad news of the death of Bernice Chatfield, the 13 years old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Chatfield which occured about nine o'clock this (Thursday) morning after lying in an unconscious condition for a period of nearly two weeks with sleeping sickness. Great hopes were entertained for her recovery until a very short time before her death when she became suddenly worse and died from strangulation. The news of her death caused many sorrowing hearts in this community. She was a very bright child and a favorite among her school mates and all who knew her. The entire community will extend their sympathy to the bereaved family and other near relatives. So far as we have learned, no funeral arrangements have been made. We will endeavor to publish a more complete obituary in our next issue.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, March 24, 1921)


Bernice Adeline Chatfield was born at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Coats, in Payette, December 22nd, 1907, and departed this life March 17th, 1921 at the home of Nurse Baker, after suffering with sleeping sickness for nearly two weeks, being at the time of her death, 13 years, 2 months and 23 days old. During her short life this community has been her home. Through her happy disposition she won the favor of all those who knew her. Her short stay in this world leaves bright and sweet memories of the past. We can but say, she had lived the sweetest part of life, and has escaped the trials and tribulations of a cruel world, and to those who know best, there is no doubt, she had gone to her maker, pure and undefiled, where sorrow and suffering is unknown. Those who will miss her in the home, are the father and mother, three brothers, Leo age 16, Carl age 10, and Willis age 8, besides the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Coats, and other near relatives. Funeral servies were held from the Christian church last Saturday afternoon, conducted by the Pastor, Rev. H. E. Mowe, and the body tenderly laid to rest in the Riverside Cemetery. To the bereaved family and relatives we can say, the entire community will extend their most heartfelt sympathy in the loss of their dear one who has only gone on before. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 24, 1921

Mrs. Dellacena Peterson was born in Polk County, Mo., May 14, 1863 and died at Payette, Idaho, March 18, 1921. She was united in marriage to H. T. Peterson January 4, 1884, and to this union ten children were born; four girls and six boys. The deceased children are: Fred, Lillie and Arlie, and those living are: Mrs. Betty Baxtor, Wapata, Washington; Mrs. Maud Roger, address unknown; Arthur, Louise Marion, Clarence, Ray and James. The boys were all present at her death. Besides the husband and children mentioned, she leaves one sister, Mrs. Martha Vanderpoll, and brother Vint Crawford, residing at Boise; one sister in Santa Rosa, Calif.; and two brothers in the East. She united with the Baptist church 31 years ago, at Rumels Caspel, Dellas County, Mo. The funeral was held from the Baptist church, Saturday, March 19th, in the presence of a large congregation. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 24, 1921
A long and useful life was ended when John Burns (otherwise known as John Boyd) passed away at his home in Payette, Idaho, March 20th, 1921. He was the third son of Patrick and Ruth Burns, born in Illinois in or about the year 1843, as his correct age is unknown. He was the last of the family circle to pass to the Great Beyond. While he was never a professor of religion, he did many acts of charity never to be forgotten.

In 1878 he visited his old home for a short time, and again returned to the West where he has since made his home. He settled on a farm near Union, Oregon, and was engaged in stock raising for a number of years. He came to Payette, Idaho about ten years ago where he has since made his home. He leaves to mourn their loss, a widow, and a nephew, Albert Burns of Payette and other relatives and friends. Funeral services were held at the home March 21st, by Rev Houser. Interment was in Riverside Cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 14, 1921

Mr. A. C. Douglass, a well-known and highly respected citizen of Payette, died at his home in the north part of town Tuesday morning at 1:30, following a very short illness. Not being furnished with the necessary data for an appropriate obituary, we will endeavor to do so in our next issue. Funeral services were held from the Christian church (this Thursday).

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, April 21, 1921)


Asa C. Douglass was born Oct. 18, 1847 at Baraboo, Sauk County, Wisconsin, and died at his home here April 12, 1921, aged 73 years, 5 months, 23 days.

His parents were among the early settlers at Baraboo and he was the first white child born in the settlement. While an infant his parents moved to Hillsboro, Vernon county, Wisconsin, where the family built their home in the woods with Indians for playfellows and neighbors. Here he grew to manhood and was married to Myrta A. Hall, October 20, 1972. In the spring of 1880 he moved to Farnhamville, Iowa, where he lived until coming to this state in 1903. He is survived by his wife, three daughters and two sons; Mrs. Clara S. Babcock of Farnhamville, Iowa, Mrs. Bertha P. Keith of Pasco, Wash., Florence, Howard F. and Leon L., of this place. Besides these he leaves ten grandchildren, three great-grandchildren, one brother and two sisters.

He will be greatly missed by family and friends, especially those of the church to which he was devoted for years. Not only was he a very liberal giver to the Lord's work, but he was always present at its services. A good man has fallen, and gone home.


We wish to express our deep appreciation and heartfelt thanks for the beautiful flowers and kind sympathy shown us during our recent bereavement by the loss of husband and father. MRS. A. C. DOUGLASS AND FAMILY

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 07, 1921
Word was received Sunday of the death of Mrs. Anna Welch of Caldwell, who died Sunday morning. Mrs. Welch lived in Fruitland a few years ago, and is a sister of George Frank and Mrs. H. R. Flack. She leaves two sons and two daughters to mourn her loss.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 21, 1921
Frank William Wheeler was born at Giltner, Nebr., June 9th, 1892, and departed this life April 14th at Payette, Idaho, after a very short illness. The immediate cause of his death was ulcer of the stomach.

Mr. Wheeler was a highly respected young man, a member of the Methodist Church and of the Epworth League, he was a clean young man of "good moral habits and was taken away just when life seemed the brightest.

He was married September 3rd, 1918 to Miss Bessie Oglesby, and to them were born two little girLs, one two and a half years old, and one but a few days. Besides the young wife and two little children he is survived by a father and mother, and one brother, all of Payette, also a host of friends who will share in the grief stricken relatives in the loss of their dear one. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon from the Methodist church conducted by the pastor. Interment was made in the Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 21, 1921
Hildreth Clanton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Clanton, age one year, ten months and twenty-five days passed away at the home of Nurse Baker, Tuesday morning at 9:30 after suffering about six weeks with bronchial pneumonia and other complications. The little one made a hard fight, and everything was done to save her that seemingly could have been done, but death came as the only relief and she has gone to maker with all the pureness of a child untarnished with the sins of the world.

The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon at the Chrisitian church, where many sympathizing friends gathered to share with the grief stricken parents in their sad hour of bereavement. Besides the father and mother, the little one is survived by one brother seven years old. (Riverside Cemetery)


We wish to thank the many friends for the beautiful flowers and their sincere kindness and sympathy shown us during the recent bereavement by the loss of our little daughter and sister. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Clanton and Son

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 28, 1921
Ezekiel Smith, was born 15, 1849 in Morgan County, Ohio, died at Payette, Idaho, April 24, 1921, age 72 years, 2 months, 9 days.

When a boy of seven years his parents moved to Clark County, Iowa. His father died a year later and he and his brother, two years his senior made the living for his mother and younger brothers and sisters.

He was married at Osceola, Iowa, June 30, 1870, to Lucy C. Switzer who survives him. He moved to Western Nebraska in 1886 where he resided for 18 years. He came to Payette, Idaho, in March 1902 and has lived here ever since.

He leaves a wife and eight children to mourn his loss. the children are; Fred Smith, Jess Smith, Walter Smith, Mrs. W. R. Williams, Mrs. E. A. Putnam, Mrs. James Roe, Viola Smith and Eli Smith, all of Payette.

Beisde bringing up his own children he at the death of his sister, Mrs. W. T. Clarke, took into his home her infant babe, Marian, and cared for her and educated her, as one of his own.

Three brothers and three sisters survive him all living in the East.

He united with the Methodist Church when a young man. By his honesty and charitable disposition he made and retained many friends where ever he lived. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, April 28, 1921
Blanche Edna Culp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Culp, was born near Sigourney, Iowa, Sept. 22, 1885 died at the home of her brother on Payette-Oregon slope, April 19, 1921, of heart trouble. She leaves to mourn her departure, two sisters, and two brothers, Emerson of Morrell, Nebr., Mrs. Bernice Clough and Maud and George W. Culp of the Payette-Oregon slope, an aged grand-mother of Milo, Mo., and many other relatives including an uncle, J. D. Conner of Payette-Oregon Slope.

Her parents and two sisters having gone on before.

In early girlhood she united with the Methodist church of Harmony, Mo., and later moved to Highland, Cortland, Neb., where she united with the Congregational church.

The funeral was conducted from the home of her brother on Dead Ox Flat, Thursday, April 21st, at 2 p.m., Rev. C. W. Buell, officiating.

Interment took place in a cemetery on Payette-Oregon Slope near Weiser.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 05, 1921

George W. Baker, of this city, died in Portland, Ore., Saturday afternoon, April 30, at 10 minutes to three o'clock. Mr. Baker suffered break-down last fall from valvula heart trouble and began to fail rapidly during the winter. The end came at the home of his son, Malcolm D. Baker, in Portland, where he had been taken from Payette about the middle of March in the hope that his health would be benefitted by the change of altitude. It was, however, of no avail as he grew steadily weaker in his unequal fight with death and it had been realized for sometime that he had practically no chance for recovery.

At his bedside when the end came - of his immediate family, were his wife, who had accompanied him to Portland, his son, Malcolm, of that city, and his daughter, Mrs. Earl Venable, of Payette. The sad news was brought to Payette in a telegram Saturday afternoon to Mr. Venable, who left that afternoon for Portland. Mr. Baker leaves also in this city to mourn his loss a sister, Mrs. D. W. Alney.

Funeral services were conducted in Portland Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock, from the home of the son, by Dr. W. B. Henson, pastor of the East Side Baptist Church of that city. Interment was in Mount Scott Cemetery, Portland.

George W. Baker was born at New Castle, Green county, Indiana, August 8, 1849. as a small boy he moved with his parents to Jasper County, Iowa, and in that state he spend many years of his useful and active life. April 16, 1873, he was united in marriage with Miss Abbie M. Ellis, in Polk County, Iowa, the devoted wife who watched at his bedside only two weeks before he died, upon their forty-eighth wedding anniversary. To this long and happy union were born six sons and one daughter, all of whom survive except the second son, Charles F., who died in infancy. The living are; Claude M., of Chicago, Ill.; Ward E., of Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Malcolm D. of Portland, Ore.; George A., of San Antonio, Texas; Kate E. Venable, of Payette, Idaho, and Dwight S., of San Francisco, Calif. Besides his sister, Mrs. D. W. Alney, of Payette. Mr. Baker also leaves a brother, W. H. Baker, of Des Moines, Iowa.

Twenty-seven years of his life Mr. Baker resided in Des Moines, Iowa, where he was prominent in business and financial circles. To Des Moines he brought his young wife early in their married life and in that city all of their children were born. He was for a number of years cashier of the Capaital City State Bank of Des Moines and was later treasurer of the Iowa Building & Loan association there. He was also active in church work in Des Moines. In his early manhood he became a member of the East Des Moines Baptist church and was for many years superintendent of its Sunday school. Later upon coming to Payette, he was actively affiliated with the Baptist Church of this city and for a conciderable time superintendent of the Sunday school.

Mr. and Mrs. Baker with their daughter, who was later married here, and their youngest son, Dwight came to Payette in March, 1902. Here they had since resided with the exception of four years spent at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and a year at Wendell, Idaho. They returned to Payette in March of last year from Wendell after five years' absence, and Mr. Baker, again became connected with the First National Bank of this city with which institution before returning to Iowa in 1915 he had for several years held the position of assistant cashier.

It is rarely that a death has so grieved a whole community as his the passing of George W. Baker. Words are sometimes used loosely but it is not too much to say of him that he was loved not only by his family and immediate friends but by his business associates and all who came within the circle of his influence. The reason is not far to seek because the name of George W. Baker must be written high among those who have loved their fellow men. Blessed with splendid health until the final break-down came he went his way through life with rare energy and unfailing cheerfulness. To him life was but an opportunity for good deeds, right living and right thinking. He lived his religion day by day and year by year. His faith was screne and as simple as that of a child. So that when he realized that his end was near he accepted it calmly and with no need of preparation. He bore his suffering wihout complaint and passed into the presence of his maker as confidently as he had lived -- a kind and loving husband and father, a good neighbor and a true friend, in every sense of the word a Christian gentleman.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 12, 1921

Mrs. John Boyd died at her home in the north part of town last Saturday afternoon of heart failure. She had been as well as usual and had been working in the garden that afternoon and was suddenly taken with a choking sensation and passed away with a few minutes. She was preceded by her husband John Boyd, but a few weeks ago. The deceased was 68 years old and is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Susan Amond of Payette, and Mrs. Harlet Baker of Fresno, Calif., also two nieces at Fresno and one niece and one nephew in Carolina and the niece Mrs. A. O. Green of Washoe.

Funeral services were held from the home Monday afternoon conducted by Rev. Arygl Houser, pastor of the Church of God. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, May 26, 1921

Miss Lena Fulton passed away at her home on Sixth street, Tuesday evening at 8:10 after many months of suffering with cancer of the stomach. Funeral services will be held at the home this (Thursday) afternoon at 2:30, after which the body will be shipped to Marysville, Kansas, for burial, accompanied by the father Geo. Fulton and brother Charley Fulton. A complete and appropriate obituary will be published next week.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 02, 1921

The news of the sudden and untimely death of Lee Connerly, foreman of the Clinton ranch at the mouth of Willow Creek, was a severe shock to the entire community. So far as was generally known, he had been in the best of health and his sudden death was a great surprise. Last Monday morning, he in company with his son, went to the field to repair some fence and about ten o'clock, Mr. Connerly went to the house to get a lunch as had been his usual custom, and stated to his son, that he would work until noon in the garden. About an hour later, his son after finishing his work started to the house, and on his way found his father lying dead on the creek bottom near the edge of the water where he had started to cross to the garden. Word was immediately sent to Payette and the body moved to Wood & Spauldings Undertaking Parlors. No inquest was held as all evidence clearly showed that death was due to heart failure. While it was not generally known, Mr. Connerly had been subject to, for some time with heart trouble, frequently becoming unconscious. The origination of these spells are said to have been caused by a severe attack of Trichiniasis some ten or twelve years ago.

The death of Mr. Connerly is made doubly sad as at the present time his wife is in very poor health and is confined at the home of her sister, Mrs. B. R. Fitch, in Payette.

It is not only immediate relatives that will keenly feel the loss of this man, Lee had a cheerful and friendly disposition that won friends where ever he was. To meet him was to meet cheer and the bright side of life. He was a man among men, and honest to a fault. He was a good neighbor, a kind and thoughtful husband and father, in short, he was the kind of a man that makes the world better, it is with the deepest sorrow that the people of this community must lose from their midst a man of this character.

Lee Connerly was born at Waterloo, Neb., February 20th, 1876, and departed this life May 30th, 1921. He moved with his parents in 1896 to North Bend, Neb. At this place he was married to Cora Howard, in December, 1900. To them was born one son, Darrell, now living at Payette. In 1901 he moved with his wife to Kahotus, Wash., and back to North Bend, Neb., in 1906, and to Payette in the spring of 1908, where he has made his home until the time of his death. Besides a wife and son, he is survived by three brothers, Jesse, of Proctor, Colo.; Harry, of Fremont, Neb., and Guy of Pendleton, Oregon, the latter being present at the funeral which was held at the Baptist church, conducted by Rev, Buhl, who preached the funeral sermon. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 02, 1921
While death was hourly expected, a gloom of sadness was spread over the city when it was made known that Mrs. Shirley Brannock had passed away last Thursday afternoon at four o'clock. She had lived practically all her life in Payette and her lovable disposition had won for her many dear friends who truly grieved at her early departure from this life. She was stricken several months ago with tuberculosis and made a hard and patient fight but was unable to withstand the firm hold of that dread disease.

Zola Pearce Brannock was born at Elizabethton, Tenn., June 16th, 1898. When 4 years old she accompanied her parents to Payette, Idaho, which has been her home ever since.

She received her education at the public schools of this city and was a graduate from the High School in the class of 1916.

At the age of 11 years she accepted Christ as her Saviour uniting with the Baptist Church of this city. She was one who trusted her Saviour implicitly, during the closing weeks repeatedly testified to his comforting grace and relieving of pain in answer to prayer.

On August 28, 1920, she was united in marriage to Shirley Brannock at Grangeville, Idaho. All to brief were the happy months that they were permitted to spend together.

Death came peacefully at 4 o'clock on the afternoon of Thursday, the 26th at the age of 22 years, 11 months and 10 days.

She leaves to mourn her departure, the husband, father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pearce; 4 brothers, Charlie, Brownlow, Claire and James, and one sister Mrs. Reulla Huper, of Harper, Oregon, besides many relatives and friends.

Funeral services were held from the home Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock conducted by Rev. A. P. White of Caldwell, who buried her in baptism eleven years ago. (Riverside Cemetery)


We sincerely thank the host of friends who assisted us during the illness and death of our beloved Zola, and for the many beautiful flowers that were given. SHIRLEY T. BRANNOCK, J. A. PEARCE AND FAMILY

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 02, 1921

Very suddenly on Thursday last the sad news passed around that one had been called into the higher life. There was perhaps no sunnier disposition to be found any where in the Valley, than that of Mrs. Millie Ferber Diederichsen.

Being under almost constant pain due to heart failure, she never ceased to radiate cheer and good will. Surely we who remain can take heed by her example to be more affectionate in the discharge of our duties as we move along life's way.

It will be easier too for us to strive to understand our fellowman, because of her understanding, cheerful mood.

We bespeak for those who mourn her loss the all-sufficient care of the eternal God.

Millie Ferber Diederichsen was born at Sauk Center, Wisconsin, October 12, 1876. She lived there for a time, was married to Mr. Anton Diederichsen in January, 1905, of this happy union three children were born, she filled her place as mother, wife and friend with a cheerfulness that was an inspiration. Her's was the sunny soule, the contagious laughter and the winning personality. On 11:00 o'clock on May 26, 1921, she closed her eyes for the last time on earth. Her faithful husband, three children, Leona, age 15, and the twins, Henriette and Henry, aged 11 years, feel her loss keenest. She leaves also her stepmother and four brothers; Walter, Henry, Louis and Alexander.

The funeral services were conducted from the Evangelical church on Saturday, May 28, 1921, from which place her remains were laid to rest in Riverside Cemetery.

"And when the morning was come Jesus stood on the Shore." F. C. RUEGGEBERT, Minister (Riverside Cemetery)


We wish to thank the many friends and neighbors who so kindly rendered their assistance and sympathy in our sad bereavement in the loss of our dear wife and mother and especially to those who gave the beautiful floral offerings. ANTON DIEDERICHSEN AND CHILDREN

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 02, 1921
Lealine Susan Fulton was born near Rachelle, Illinois, from which place she moved with her parents to Marshall county, Kansas, while still a child, where she grew to young womanhood, coming to Payette about eighteen years ago, since which time she had made her home here.

She united with the Presbyterian church at this place several years ago and continued faithful till her death.

She was also a member of the Rebekah lodge here in Payette.

During her residence here she has become favorably known and loved by a great many who will miss her cheerful and friendly presence.

She leaves to mourn her death, her father, Geo. R. Fulton, of 611 N. 6th St; one brother, C. S. Fulton; and one sister, Mrs. E. H. Brubaker; and several nieces and nephews, all of Payette, besides many friends both here and in Kansas, where her remains were laid to rest.

The remains were accompanied to there last resting place by the father and brother to Marysville, Kansas.


We wish to extend our sincere thanks to the kind friends who assisted us during the illness and after the death of our beloved daughter, sister and aunt, also for the beautiful flowers and to the Rebekahs for their kindness. Geo. R. Fulton, C. S. Fulton and Family, Mrs. E. H. Brubaker and Family

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 02, 1921

Little Mary E. Wilcox, ten month-old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Wilcox, passed away at the home here last Friday morning. The little one had had whooping cough and other complications followed which caused her death. Funeral services were held from the home Sunday afternoon, Rev. Walker of Payette conducted the services and the little one laid to rest in the Riverside Cemetery.

The sympathy of the entire community goes out to the Wilcox family at this time. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 09, 1921
The funeral of Andrew Smith, a well known and respected citizen of Washoe, who died in a Portland hospital, was held last Friday from the M. E. Church, conducted by Rev. M. D. Reed. The deceased was a native of Holland having been born in that country in 1858. He came to America when a young man and was married in the State of Michigan, and moved to Idaho many years ago. He is survived by a wife, four sons, five daughters and an aged mother, who reached her 96th year the day her son was brought here for burial. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 16, 1921

We have just received word that the body of Thomas McClanahan, one of the Payette boys who was killed on the battlefield in France, was expected to arrive in New York about the 15th of this month and will be taken to Cerlington, Virginia, for burial in the National cemetery.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 23, 1921
Again we are called upon to record in the columns of the Enterprise, the death of one whom this community loved, and are sorely grieved at her early departure from this life when it seemed the brightest. It had been generally known by the many inquiring friends that Mrs. Bruce Shafer who for the past ten weeks had been in a critical condition at the home of her uncle in Boise, had but little chance of recovery, but when the sad intelligence came that she had passed away last Saturday morning, a greater measure of sadness was keenly felt.

Margaret McPherson was born in Indian Valley, Idaho, February 26, 1898. She was left without a mother when but a child two years of age, and at the age of nine her father also died. After the death of her parents, she made her home with an uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. McPherson of Boise, where she spent her school days, finishing with a course at Link's Business College.

She came to Payette October 1918, where she accepted a position with the Payette Valley Rex Spray Co., making her home with Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Ballenger. Mrs. Ballenger being an intimate school mate during their school days in Boise. While here she met and was united in marriage to R. B. Shafer, September 14, 1919. The following year Mr. and Mrs. Shafer moved to Boise where they continued to make their home until death separated the short, but happy union of less than two years.

The funeral took place Tuesday afternoon at the Undertaking Parlors of Summers & Kreb, conducted by Rev. Jones, rector of the Episcopal church, who was the officiating Clergyman when she was christened and confirmed, and who officiated at the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Shafer. Besides the husband she is survived by one sister, an aunt and uncle, who live in Boise, all of who will have the heart-felt sympathy of many friends both here at Payette and at Boise.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 23, 1921
The death of E. F. Allen occurred at the Ontario hospital last Saturday June 19, following a brief illness of Brights Disease, thus this community has lost a good neighbor and friend.

Ebenezer Francis Allen was born at Boston, Mass., July 14, 1861, and moved with his parents when an infant to Chelse, Mass., and to Blain, Kansas, in 1879, where he was united in marriage to Elizabeth Ann Massey, October 15, 1884. In 1891 he moved with his family to Vale, Oregon, and from there to near Payette in 1895. His wife preceded him in death in 1893, and in 1905 he was again married to Johanna Olson. He is survived by three daughters, two now living in the East, and Mrs. Sam Raby of this place.

Funeral services were held from the Baptist church, Monday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Buell, Pastor.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 30, 1921

Mrs. Virginia Garmen, mother of Mrs. J. H. McConnel, and Mrs. Sherley, of Fruitland, was drowned in the irrigation ditch near Fruitland, last evening about seven o'clock. Mrs. Garmen came out from Iowa about three weeks ago for a visit, and was at the McConnel home with her daughter and was missed about seven o'clock when a search was made, finding the body about a quarter of a mile below where she had fallen in. It is supposed she had started to the home of her daughter Mrs. Sherley, and in crossing the bridge just north of Fruitland had fallen in.

The body was brought to Payette and will be shipped to Iowa for burial. Mrs. Garmen was a widow lady 71 years of age. No further particulars of the sad accident is known at this office.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 30, 1921
Born in Nova Scotia, November 9, 1847, died June 25, 1921 at Payette, Idaho.

Two sons and two daughters survive him. His wife having died at Burns, Oregon, several years ago.

He was a member of Hesperia Lodge No 120, A. F. and A. M., of Fruita, Colorado, and helped to institute three Masonic Lodges in his earlier days.

Funeral services were held at 10 a.m. under the auspices of Washoe Lodge No. 28? A. F. and A. M. from Lauer's Undertaking Parlors, June 28, 1921.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 30, 1921
The five year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter James died at their home on Washoe Bottom, Thurdsay, June 23 following a continued illness since birth.

Andrew Jackson James was born December 2, 1915, and died June 23, 1921 being five years, 6 months and 21 days old.

He leaves a father and mother, three brothers and one sister to mourn his death.

Little Jack was sorely afflicted, and God in his mercy called him to himself. He is one of God's little ones.

The funeral services were held at the Baptist church, Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. (Riverside Cemetery)

Precious darling, he has left,
Left us, yes, forever more;
But we hope to meet our loved one
On that bright and happy shore,
Lonely the house, and sad the hours
Since our dear one has gone;
But Oh! a brighter home than ours
In Heaven is now his own.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, June 30, 1921

The body of Mrs. Janette McPherson was removed from the Malheur City, (Oregon) cemetery, Monday, by Undertaker Glenn Landon and Ed Shelworth, after being buried thirteen years, and brought to Payette Tuesday, where it was buried in the Riverside cemetery. A daughter, Miss McPherson of Fruitland, accompanied by John H. Norris, attorney for the McPherson estate also drove to Malheur City to identify the grave. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 07, 1921

Esther Lucile, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Fjelstrom died Wednesday morning at the home of Nurse Blanchard which is a severe shock to the parents who were so rejoiced at the arrival of the little one who came to brighten their home on June 30th.

Funeral services will probably be held today. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 14, 1921

After several months of long and patient suffering with cancer of the stomach, Mrs. Cora Connerly passed peacefully away at the home of her sister, Mrs. B. R. Fitch, of this city, Friday, July 8th.

She had previously underwent two operations and everything within the power of the attending physicians was done that she might be spared to live but her disease was such that at no time was there any hopes of her recovery.

Mrs. Connerly was a good Christian woman, a kind and affectionate wife and mother. Her life was practically devoted to the good she might do for others thinking the least of her own troubles and sufferings in this world, and her departure while there was yet time for her to speak kindly and do good to others, will be keenly felt by those with whom she associated.

Cora Howard Connerly was born near North Bend, Nebraska, April 6, 1875 and died at Payette, Idaho, July 8, 1921, aged 46 years, 3 months and 2 days.

At the age of nineteen she was baptized and united with the First Baptist Church of Rogers, Nebraska, and lived a life of loving self sacrifice until she was called home. She was married to Lee Connerly, Dec. 18, 1900. She came to Payette twelve years ago and has made her home here since excepting one year spent at Jordan Valley, Oregon.

She leaves to mourn her going one son, Darrel, his wife and infant daughter, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Howard, one sister Mrs. B. R. Fitch, and one brother Guy C. Howard, all of Payette. Her husband passed away May 30, 1921.

The funeral was held Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Fitch, conducted by the pastor of the Baptist church. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 14, 1921
This community was shocked Saturday, when the news came of the death of Mr. Tom Brown which occurred in the Nampa hospital, Friday evening about 5 o'clock. Mr. Brown was taken suddenly ill week previous, and taken to the hospital, where an operation was performed, Thursday morning. Death was due to an abscess in his stomach and heart trouble. Mrs. Brown, accompanied by Mr. Brown's sister, left Saturday nite with the body for Riverside, California. Short funeral services were held at the Nampa Chapel Saturday afternoon, at which Mrs. E. A. Linck and Helen and Mr. and Mrs. John Grant Fisher, William Hollenbeck and Ralph Johnson of this place were present. Mr. Brown's have lived on a ranch near Kuna since last spring, and Miss Dollie, is employed by the Jensen Creamery Co. of Boise.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 21, 1921

The body of James Satterwhite who was drowned in Squaw Creek near Ola, on May 24th, was found by a fishing party last Sunday about two miles below where he had entered the stream in attempting to cross. The Sheriff of Gem County was notified and went to the scene and took charge of the body. Mr. Satterwhite was a single man about 45 years old, and had been a resident of this locality for the past twenty years.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 28, 1921

Mrs. W. F. Sherwood received the sad news last Saturday by wire from Goldfield, Nevada, from a sister, announcing the death of her father, Mr. Addison A. Rose, who passed away that day at the hospital in Reno, Nevada, the message being sent from another sister who was with her father at Reno, at the time of his death. Mr. Rose has been failing very fast for the past eight months and was past his 78th birthday. His life was one of varied experience having lived at some time or other in almost every state in the Union. In his younger days, he served in Civil war and later freighted by team into the western states, served several years as locomotive engineer and conductor, served two terms as Sheriff of Beaverhead County, Mont., from which position he resigned to serve two terms as a member of the State Legislature of Montana, after which he again become identified in the service of the Union Pacific Railroad Co., for several years, coming to the village of New Plymouth, in March, 1898, where for many years he took an active part in the building up of that community making Idaho his home until about two years ago when he went to Nevada, to make his home with his daughter.

Mr. Rose made many friends in this part of Idaho during the past 23 years who will regret to learn of his death.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, July 28, 1921

The military funeral of Alfred Mordhorst, who was killed in action on a battlefield in France, will be held at Riverside cemetery on next Saturday morning at 11 o'clock.

The John Webster Rhoads Post of the American Legion will have charge and all former service men in the County are URGED, in fact all MUST come and assist.

It is respectfully requested that all business houses in the city be closed between the hours of 10:30 A. M. and 12:30 P.M., out of respect to our departed comrade. All people should feel it their particular duty to attend.

Former service men are requested to meet at the Y.M.C.A. corner at 10 o'clock in uniform if possible. There are a few things we must discuss and instructions will be given to carry out our plans.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, August 04, 1921)


On Saturday of last week the vicinity of Payette was submerged in sorrow at the event of paying the last respects over the mortal remains of one of Payette's most valiant soldier boys who gave his life for his country upon the battle fields of France.

Promptly at eleven o'clock in the forenoon the flags throughout the city were lowered to half mast as the flag draped casket containing all that was earthly of Alfred Mordhorst was placed upon the caisson for transmission to its last resting place in the Riverside Cemetery. The cortege assembled at the sound of the bugle at the Y.M.C.A. and consisted of a beautifully draped caisson drawn by four jet black horses and accompanied by a full military escort, together with hundreds of civilian mourners in as many automobiles. The horses were ridden by soldiers in full military uniform in true army style. The helmet, coat and rifle of the dead soldier preceded him to his last resting place.

The body was accompanied to the cemetery by the largest procession attendant upon any funeral heretofore held in the city, the line of vehicles being over a mile in length. Upon arriving at the cemetery the usual form of infantry funeral was held. Appropriate music was offered by a male quartet. Upon behalf of his comrades fitting remarks were made at the grave by Major Harry Lewis and Lieutenant Albert E. White, commander of the John Webster Rhoades Post, of the American Legion, of Payette. The funeral service was read by the Reverend Ashworth of the local, Episcopal Church. Whereupon the ceremonies were completed in true military style by the usual firing squad, taps were sounded, the flags removed from the beautiful metal casket and the body of our beloved hero was laid to rest in the bosom of his own and native land. Reluctantly the hundreds of mourners slowly returned to their homes and places of business, their minds filled with thoughts, thoughts which brought home to them again the supreme sacrifice of this beloved and honored son who had made the supreme sacrifice and had laid down everything that was dear to him at the feet of liberty, had given up the sweetest of all, his very own life, in order that they could continue the enjoyment of the liberty of God's sunshine and freedom during the years to come, thoughts that are wholesome, thoughts that are the very nucleus and foundation of our nation and the freedom which we enjoy.

Comrade Alfred Mordhorst was born upon the 20th day of September 1894 at Arcada, Iowa, he came to Payette Valley with his parents about twenty years ago, where he grew into manhood and became the magnificent, manly material which is the backbone of our government in every hour of need. He entered the military service of our country upon the 29th day of May, 1918, and was taken to Camp Lewis where he became the excellent and faithful soldier that he was. Later he was transferred to Camp Kearny, California, and on July 29 of the same year to Camp Mills, sailing a few days later for France. He was a member of Company L, 110th Regiment of the 28th Division. He was killed in action in the historical battle of the Argonne Forest in which the American troops played so important and glorious a part. Upon the 5th day of October, 1918, Company L and Company M were ordered to advance down a hillside and to charge a small village on the opposite side of a river in the midst of this famous forest to reach the village, which was occupied by the Germans, it was necessary for the troops to ford this river, which they did, wading water waist deep amidst bursting shells and intense machine gun fire. Having reached the opposite bank, drenched with water, these world's bravest troops charged on a run, this village amidst the machine gun fire which was momentarily becoming more intense. Before reaching their objective the enemies fire became impenetrable and our troops were ordered to seek shelter in shell holes, which some of them did.

It was in this last mad rush that our friend and comrade Alfred Mordhorst was pierced by five machine gun bullets. As soon as possible he was carried back behind the lines and died on his way to the first aid station.

Nothing too grand or noble could be said of this departed comrade, whose only regret at the time of his death was that he could not "carry on" with the others of his company to their ultimate and unrestricted victory. He took his misfortune with the calmness and confidence of one who insists that shortly he will be restored to life and health; but he had run the race, he and fought a good fight, he had kept the faith and his work was done.

Alfred Mordhorst is gone. But his spirit, his soul, and the purposes for which he was created and lived goes marching on. It had been wisely said that "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends," and if his survivors, the thousands upon thousands of living Americans today can realize and remember what the little mound in the Riverside Cemetery in Payette, Idaho, and the thousands and thousands of other mounds scattered throughout the world at large. Alfred Mornhorst shall not have died in vain. Let us live and breathe to the perpetuation of the noble sentiment set in motion by the supreme sacrifice of this faithful soldier. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, August 18, 1921

Mr. F. Stamey has received a copy of "The Review" published under date of Aug. 11th, at High Point, N.C., which gives an account in a most beautiful manner of the funeral services of his sister, Mrs. Sarah L. Dodson, who died at High Point on August 6th, following a lingering illness caused from a fall. From the tenor of the article, Mrs. Dodson, was a very popular and highly respected woman in that community.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 15, 1921
Everett, the little four-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Grimes, passed away at his home, Monday morning. About a month ago he was taken ill with typhoid fever, but was getting along nicely until last week pneumonia set in. Being weak from the fever, he was unable to withstand any more. Everett was born in Nebraska, and moved here with his parents two years ago. The bereaved parents have a host of friends here who extend their heartfelt sympathy to them.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 22, 1921

The news that spread quickly of the sudden death of Mr. A. E. Wood, one of Payette's most highly respected citizens, was a severe shock, mingled with a keen feeling of the deepest sorrow, and to those who had seen him but a few moments before the sad news seemed increditable.

On last Tuesday afternoon, at about three o'clock, Mr. Wood left Payette in his car for Weiser on some business matters, and when arriving at the railroad crossing on the State Highway about five miles north of town, was struck by West bound train No. 23, totally demolishing the car and killing him instantly. His body was taken on to Weiser in charge of the Conductor, and returned to Payette on No. 24, and taken to Wood & Spaulding's Undertaking Parlor where it is being held, pending the funeral, which will be held Friday afternoon at the Christian Church at 2 o'clock, during which time all business houses will be closed by a resolution passed by the Chamber of Commerce.

With the loss of Mr. Wood, the people of Payette and vicinity have lost a true friend. His early career at a community builder, a man of courage and integrity, will never be equaled. When he came to Payette in the spring of 1889 and entered upon a campaign of advetising and the sale of real estate, it can be truthfully said that he spent more hard earned money in advertising and personal energy in building up the Payette Valley than the entire community. The writer, being personally engaged with Mr. Wood in his efforts in this work for many years, can speak from experience. He was honest, upright and truthful in all his dealings which won for him a reputation that will stand as a monument never to be forgotten. He has for many years been a member and strong supporter of the Christian Church, living close to the teachings of his Master.

In later years Mr. Wood has spent considerable of his time in the marketing of fruit with marked success, and at the time of his death, had a volume of unfinished business in that line that undoubtedly would have been highly beneficial, both to himself and his clients.

The sympathy of the entire community will be extended to the grief stricken wife and children.

Allen Edgar Wood was born at Smithfield, Pa., December 18, 1852. He was married to Elizabeth Gerould, December 18, 1873. Four children were born to bless their home, three of whom are now living: Mrs. Jennie Soule of Seattle, Washington, Clinton D. Wood of Pocatello, and Mrs. J. A. Harader of Boseman, Mont. The second daughter, Mrs. Clara Fripp, passed away about 12 years ago. They lived at Smithfield until March 26th, 1880 when they moved to Casselton, N.D., and from Casselton to Payette, March 9th, 1898.

Mrs. Soule, Clinton and wife, and Mr. Harader will be present at the funeral. Mrs. Harader being unable to come.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, September 29, 1921)


The funeral of Mr. A. E. Wood last Friday afternoon was attended by a large gathering of people who met to pay the last tribute of respect to a man who for many years has been held in the highest esteem. Promptly at 1:30 o'clock, short services were held at the home on first Avenue South where the beautiful casket was submerged in a bank of floral offerings, as tokens of high respect in which the deceased was held in this community. The sermon at the Christian Church by the pastor, Rev. H. Mowe, exemplifying the true Christian life of Mr. Wood and setting forth his life's career as an example for others, was a fitting sermon. The members of the K.P. Lodge of which the deceased was a member, attended in a body, at the Church, and formed open ranks while the remains of a beloved brother was conveyed through to the entrance. All business of the City was suspended during the services in respect for a citizen who will be keenly missed in social and business circles, and in the church where he was an ardent worker. Many automobiles formed the procession which followed to Riverside Cemetery where the impressive ritualistic services were held by the Knights of Pythias while the body was lowered to its last resting place. (Riverside Cemetery)

Card of Thanks

We desire to extend our sincere thanks to the many kind friends and to the Knights of Pythias members for their many kind acts and beautiful floral tributes at the time of our sudden sorrow and bereavement. They will always be remembered. Mrs. A. W. Wood, C. D. Wood and family, Mrs. Jennie Smith, J. A. Harader and family

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 22, 1921

Andrew McCauley Johnston was born in Centerville, Iowa, December 10th, 1879. He was married to Lucelle Dean June 12, 1907. He moved from Iowa to Payette in March, 1910 then to Nyssa, Oregon, in 1913, and to Payette-Oregon Slope in April 1920, where he has since resided.

Some weeks ago Mr. Johnston was taken ill with a complication of diseases, a result of overwork. He was removed to the Ontario Hospital, but in spite of a valiant fight, passed away, September 17th, 1921. Mr. Johnston was respected and loved by all who knew him. He was ever a leader for all that was progressive and the best in the community in which he lived.

He joined the Methodist Episcopal Church at Trenton, Mo., in August 1907, and has since lived a consistent Christian life, ever willing to take upon himself the burden of Church leadership.

Bro. Johnston leaves to mourn his loss, a loving wife and four young boys, besides a dear old mother and other relatives back in Iowa, and a host of friends in every locality where he has lived.

Funeral services were held at the home, Tuesday, Sept. 20th, at 11:00 a.m., in charge of Rev. C. L. Walker of Payette assisted by Rev. Henry Young of Ontario. Members of the E. E. Parsons family furnished beautiful music. The funeral was attended by large numbers from Payette, Nyssa, Ontario and Oregon Slope. The body was laid at rest in Riverside Cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 22, 1921
Mr. John Bosch of this city, died at his home on Fifth Street at an early hour Wednesday morning after a continued illness of several years, suffering from rheumatism and other complications. Mr. Bosch was born in Germany, November 2, 1860, and came to this country when 16 years of age, and settled at Wheaton, Minnesota. He was married on his 30th birthday, Nov. 2, 1890, to Miss Augusta Mock, and come to Idaho 19 years ago last March and settled on the old Albert ranch of 40 acres, one-half mile east of Fruitland, where they lived for two years, later purchasing the Chapin ranch three and one-half miles south of Payette, where they resided until two years ago when they bought a home in Payette in the west part of town, and retired from the ranch. Besides the wife, he is survived by nine children to mourn his death; Will Bosch of Payette-Oregon Slope, Mrs. John Oster of North Payette, Mrs. Lillie Heidenburger of Wheaton, Minn., August and John of Payette, Kate of Portland, Albert, Emma and Minnie who are at home. The funeral will probably be held Saturday or Sunday from the German Evangelical Church of which the deceased was a member. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 29, 1921
H. J. Brannock was born in Gracon County, Va., November 8th, 1844, and died at Hot Lake, Oregon, Sept. 24th, 1921.

In 1867 he was married to Miss Sally Hodges and to this union were born five children. After the death of his first wife he was married to Miss H. J. Hodges in 1896, at Covington, Kentucky.

Mr. Brannock moved to Bloomington, Indiana, in 1881, and resided there until 1909 when he moved to Phoenix, Arizona. In 1910 he moved to Payette where he has since resided. In 1911 Mr. Brannock was elected Mayor of the City of Payette.

Bro. Brannock for years has been a member of the Baptist denomination and for thirty years a member of the Knights of Pythias Order.

He leaves to mourn his loss a loving wife, four children, a number of other relatives and a host of friends.

Funeral services were held at the home Monday afternoon under the auspices of the Knights of Pythias who laid the body at rest with their beautiful ritualistic service. The services at the home were in charge of Rev. C. L. Walker. A mixed quartette rendered several beautiful and appropriate selections. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 29, 1921

Mr. John Cooper, an aged and respected citizen of this community, passed away at his home in this city at an early hour this (Thursday) morning. Funeral services will be held at the Baptist Church, Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. An obituary will be published in next week's issue.

Payette Enterprise (Thursday, October 13, 1921)

Mr. John Cooper was born in Huntington County, Pennsylvania, Sept. 20, 1839 and died in Payette, Sept. 29, 1921, being 82 years and 9 days old. He was married at Ravanna, Mo., to Miss Martha Luticia Spurgin, May 7th, 1868. There were born to this union two daughters; Lillian Elizabeth and Laura Francis. He is survived by his wife and one daughter, Mrs. E. B. Dorathy of Payette. The other daughter, Mrs. Allen of Midvale, died last July. There are six grand-children and four great grand-children. There are many friends who sympathize with these bereaved ones. Mr. Cooper enlisted in the 114 Illinois Infantry, Co. D and served his country faithfully until wounded. He spent a number of months in the hospital and when able to travel was sent home and was honorably discharged after the war closed.

The funeral services were conducted by the pastor of the Baptist church of which Mr. Cooper was a member.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 13, 1921
Mrs. Etta O'Bannon

Wife of P. L. O'Bannon was born in North Carolina in the year 1871.

Departed this life at Albany, Oregon, Oct. 8, 1921, aged 49 years, 9 months and 20 days.

She was the mother of four children two having preceded her to the Great Beyond.

She leaves to mourn their loss her husband, one son, one daughter, a father, three brothers and two sisters and a host of friends, but their loss is her gain.

Funeral services were conducted at her home in Payette by Rev. C. B. Webster.

Interment in the Payette cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 20, 1921

We wish to express our appreciation to the many friends who so kindly assisted during the sorrowing period, attending the brief span of life, and passing of our infant twins. Also for the many beautiful flowers received at that time. Mr. and Mrs. Guy L. Cockerum (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 27, 1921
Rev. Argyl Houser was called to Caldwell to officiate at the funeral of one of Homedale's High School students who passed away at the Caldwell hospital after an eight day sickness of appendicitis. Ralph was born Nov. 10, 1901 and departed this life Oct. 16, 1921. His age was therefore 19 years, 11 months and 6 days. When a child his home was in Payette where he has a host of friends. He lived with his parents at Homedale, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wilson, he was loved and respected by the Homedale students who attended his funeral in a body, furnished beautiful music, and provided many beautiful flowers.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 27, 1921
Mary Ann Morfott Schwartz was born in Mason County, Illinois, July 6th, 1844. Was married to Benjamin F. Swartz in 1866. She moved to Iowa where she made her home until February, 1920, when she moved to her present home in Fruitland.

Two children were born in the home, Charles and William who have always made their home with their parents. Mrs. Swartz passed away October 22nd at the home of Mrs. Baker in Payette. Besides a husband and two sons, she is survived by one sister at Chandlerville, Ill., one sister and four brothers have preceded her in death. Funeral services were held in Payette Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Methodist church, conducted by Rev. Todd of Fruitland, assisted by Rev. Clyde Walker of Payette. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)


We wish to express our sincere thanks and gratitude to our friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy during the sickness and death of our wife and mother and for the beautiful flowers. B. F. Swartz, Chas. E. Swartz, W. F. Swartz

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 27, 1921

The many friends of the Orrell family who formerly lived in Payette, were grieved to learn of the accidental death of William Benjamin Franklin Orrell, the 16-year old son of Lafayette Orrell, (known as Baz Orrell), which occurred at Buhl, Idaho, on Sunday, October 23rd. The unfortunate young man came to his death while playing in an old shack, in company with his brother and another boy, a shotgun which was hanging on the wall was knocked down by the jar of the door as it was shut by one of the boys leaving the house, causing the discharge of the gun, the charge entering the boys neck. The body was brought to Payette Tuesday evening where the funeral was held from the Christian Church conducted by Rev. H. E. Mowe, on Wednesday afternoon. Young Orrell was a bright boy and a student of the High School at Buhl. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, November 17, 1921
Little Fern Rands, little 6 year old daughter of the late Frank Rands, died at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Sandy near Star Saturday. She had been ailing for the past 10 days, but her condition was not that to be serious, however, she took worse Saturday morning and died in a few hours. Funeral services were held at the home Sunday afternoon. Those going from here were: Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Beckwith, Mrs. W. A. Cloude and Edith, Misses Marguerite Waite and Elizabeth Gibbons, Messrs. Elwin Rands and Harold Vestal and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Gorham and Earle Rands of Payette, Mr. and Mrs. Coons were taken over Saturday by J. W. Beehler.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, November 17, 1921
The little infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Colingsworth, born on Sunday, Nov. 13, passed away the same night. Funeral services were held Monday. (Parkview Cemetery)

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index the name should be Collinsworth. ch

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 01, 1921

On Sunday afternoon the community was immeasururably shocked and grieved to learn of the sudden death of Mark Young, only son of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Young. Acute heart failure was the immediate cause of untimely death, which occurred at three o'clock on Sunday, after an illness of but a few days.

Henry Marquis Young, was born at Berwich, North Dakota, on April 15th, 1907. He lived in North Dakota, until two years of age, when he came with his parents to Payette, where he has since made his home. He was a member of the Freshman Class of the Payette High School.

Funeral services were conducted Tuesday afternoon, from the Methodist church by the Rev. Clyde Walker, assisted by the Rev. Argyl Houser. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery.

Mr. Young's mother and brother, arrived from Ogden, Utah, in time to attend the funeral.

"Mark" Young was a boy, justly popular among his schoolmates, and with the older men and women with whom he came in contact who were won by his never failing gentle courtesy. He was a boy of whom it may be truthfully said that he never gave his parents a moments anxiety. A great reader, a great, "home boy", and a cheerful worker, those three qualities in him make his going a terrible blow to those nearest and dearest to him and a cause of sorrow to his many friends.

He leaves to mourn their loss, his parents and little sister Mildred, besides numerous other relatives. The hearts of all the fathers and mothers in Payette go out to Mr. and Mrs. Young in their bereavement.

The Enterprise extends to the bereaved family its deepest sympathy. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 08, 1921
Golda Illa Prichard, ten year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Prichard of this city, died at the home of Nurse Baker last Friday evening at 8 o'clock following an illness of but a few days. The cause of her death was ulcer of the lungs. She is survived by a father and mother, three sisters and four brothers. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Buell from the Baptist church, Sunday afternoon at 2:30. The Prichard family came to Payette from Montana but a few months ago, during the short time they have been here they have made many friends who will extend to them their heartfelt sympathy in their sad bereavement. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 08, 1921
The whole community was saddened when the news came of the death of little Josephine Hart, which occurred at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. J. M. Royston in Fruitland, Thursday morning, Dec. 1 at 7:15. While she had been very ill since July 7, she had seemed to be improving and great hopes were held out for her recovery, so when death came, it was a great shock to everyone. She was born on the Royston farm on Pennsylvania Avenue, October 30, 1912, and has lived in Fruitland most of the time since. She was a member and a most regular attender of the Methodist Sunday School. Wherever she went she carried her sweet smile and sunny disposition and was loved by everyone who knew her.

During her illness, she still retained these, and was patient until the last. She will be greatly missed at home and every place she was known as nothing can ever take her place. By losing this little girl we have lost one o our dearest children, and the most we can say is, "She budded on earth, to bloom in Heaven."

Funeral services were held from the Fruitland Church, Sunday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, conducted by Rev. George Todd, and interment made in Riverside cemetery, Monday morning, the body being held on account of Lafe Royston, who was coming from Canada, being delayed. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 15, 1921

Charles A. Adams, a well known farmer of near Ontario, was instantly killed last Saturday afternoon about 1:30 when a Dodge roadster, in which he was riding left the grade near the Mounie Olson place 4 miles east of Payette, pinning him to the ground. The car belonged to C. Dunham of Cambridge, who was driving the car at the time accident, who was also pinned beneath its heavy weight and would have also been killed only for the heavy mattress that was being carried in the back part of the car. Mr. Dunham was pinned down by the steering wheel and the mattress, being under that side of the car relieved the heavy pressure, his injuries were not serious, only a few cuts on the hands from the broken windshield and other minor bruises. Mr. Adam's chest was crushed in by the weight of the car, causing instant death. His wife who was visiting at the Dalles, Oregon, was notified by wire and arrived in Ontario, Sunday evening. The body was brought to Lauer's Undertaking Parlor and shipped to Ontario Sunday evening, where the funeral was held from the Methodist Church at that place Monday evening.

Mr. Dunham says the accident was caused by the dog which was riding in the car at their feet, attracted his attention by getting his feet on the steering wheel and in pushing him down must have turned the course of the car over the grade down the embankment of about 25 feet.

The deceased has a brother and sister living at Cottonwood, Oregon. He was a member in good standing in the I.O.O.F. lodge of Ontario, and had at the time of his death, an identification card in his pocket, also a receipt showing his dues paid to July first, 1922.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 15, 1921
Lois Cazier Clelland passed away at her home near Payette, Monday morning, following a continued illness of several months. She made a hard fight to survive and was patient to the last. She was a kind wife and affectionate mother to her seven children, the oldest a married daughter and the youngest a son four years of age.

Besides her immediate family she leaves to mourn her departure a father and mother, and one brother, all of Payette.

Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon from the Methodist church conducted by Rev. H. E. Mowe, pastor of the Christian Church, interment made in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 22, 1921

Francis P. Ashlock was born February 28, 1843, in the state of Illinois and departed this life at his home in Payette, December 19, 1921. He was therefore aged 78 years, 9 months and 21 days.

Mr. Ashlock was a member of the G.A.R., having served as a private in Company G., of the Fourteenth Illinois Regiment. Later he served with the 71st Illinois Regiment. He was honorably discharged Sept. 1, 1865, having spent more than 4 years in the service. The American people honor and respect the members of the G.A.R. But now another old soldier has answered the summons and their is one less to tell the stories of those days. It is a notable fact that three generations of this family have served their country in army life, the deceased, a son, William P. in the Spanish American; and a grandson in the late world war, James Ashlock.

There remain to live after him besides many friends and other relatives, two sons and one daughter. The residence of George is not known at present but William P. Ashlock and the daughter, Mrs. S. M. Justice live in Payette. The wife passed away more than two years ago.

Funeral services were held at the Church of God, Wednesday at 2 p.m., December 21. Rev. Argyl Houser conducted the services and burial was made in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 29, 1921

W.P. Carpenter, for many years a minister in Kansas for the Methodist Protestant church, and for three and one-half years a soldier in the Civil war, departed this life at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Fred Zeiger of near Payette, Dec. 26th, 1921. He had reached the ripe age of nearly 85 years.

The gates of heaven stand ajar before us. Our dear old friend has now passed through them. His presence will never again in this life be with us. He is dead. Dead? No, he lives. Never was he more alive than now. There is no death.

"The stars go down,
to rise upon some other shore.
And bright in heaven's jeweled crown
They shine forevermore."

He has simply changed his residence place from the earthly house to the house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. And there in the kingdom of God he shines in the glory of the undying sun.

He was a member of Co. K of the 17th Iowa Reg. Thus another G.A.R. member has left us. How rapidly they are going. Someday in big head lines of the paper we will read that the last one has left us. American people honor and respect them. Deepest sympathy is extended to the bereaved family but they find comfort that he belonged to the Grand Army of the Redeemed.

Brief services were conducted by the Rev. Argyl Houser of the Church of God at the Lauer Undertaking Parlors. Mrs. Zeiger journeyed with the body to Earleton, Kansas, where the funeral services will be held from the M.E. Church where Mr. Carpenter was a minister for several years.

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