Payette County Obituaries
Payette Independent 1924

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Special Thanks to Cheryl Hanson for going to all the trouble
to search each newspaper page by page to find these obituaries,
for typing them out, and for sharing them with us!

The Payette Independent
Thursday, January 03, 1924
P. G. Peterson Dead

Luther Peterson was called to Seattle Sunday evening by the sad news of the death of his father, P. G. Peterson, who was for many years a respected and well known citizen of Payette.

We have been unable to obtain particulars, but will probably have a more extended obituary notice next week.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, January 10, 1924
J. M. Bennett Succumbs to Heart Failure

Word has been received of the sudden death of J. M. Bennett, an old time resident of Payette. At the time of his death, which occurred on January 4 and caused by heart failure, Mr. Bennett was staying at the home of his daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. George Hickey, at Ely, Nevada. Services were held by the Masons, a Guard of Honor being furnished by the American Legion in recognition of the fact that Mr. Bennett was a veteran of the Civil war. The body was taken to Los Angeles where Mr. Bennett was laid to rest at the side of his wife who died several years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett had many warm friend in Payette, they having made their home here for some twenty years. Mr. Bennett was for many years in the employ of the O. S. L. and had been in Payette in charge of construction work long before he and his wife came to make their home here.

Services at the grave were in charge of the masons.

The Independent Enterprise
Thursday, January 10, 1924
Aminda Eliza Andrews Brendon was born Nov. 8, 1841, in Crawford county, Pennsylvania. She was married to Harrison Andrews 60 years ago and moved to Albany, Oregon, where she lived until 10 years ago when she came here. One son, Clarence, was born to the union. After Mr. Andrew's death she was married to Mr. Brandon who died 20 years ago. She was a member of the United Brethren church, and of the W. H. M. S. here. Her death caused from paralysis and old age. Funeral services were held at her home at 3 o'clock Monday afternoon and the body will be taken to Albany for burial. She leaves to mourn her loss four daughters, Mrs. W. B. Whealdon of this place, the others residing in Oregon, and two sons, ten grand-children and two great grand children besides a host of friends.

Card of Thanks

We thank the many friends for the kindness shown and the beautiful floral offerings given at the time of our dear mother and grandmother's death. We wish especially to express our appreciation for the kindness shown her during her long illness. Mr. and Mrs. B. Whealdon and family, Mrs. Mary Wiles

The Independent Enterprise
Thursday, January 10, 1924
Maria Adeline eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Strohbein of New Plymouth died January 7th, death being caused by a complication of diseases following an operation for appendicitis. The little girl was nine years and nine months old at the time of her death, and besides her parents is mourned by three sisters. The funeral was held from the Baptist church of New Plymouth Wednesday afternoon, the services being conducted by the Rev. Haslam of Notus, a former pastor of the family. Friends came from Boise, Enterprise, Oregon and Payette, to do honor to the little girl, masses of beautiful floral offerings testifying to the love she had gathered to herself during her short life. The sympathy of the community goes out to the bereaved parents and grand-parents. Interment was made in the cemetery at New Plymouth. (Parkview Cemetery)

The Independent Enterprise
Thursday, January 24, 1924
The funeral service of Harold Winaing Lester was held at the Baptist church Sunday afternoon, January 20th. there was a large number present to show their sympathy to the bereaved parents and relatives. The service was conducted by Rev. Buell and the sermon was based upon John 14:1-3.

Harold was born September 25, 1913 and departed this life for his heavenly home, January 19, 1924 at 2:40 a. m. He was 10 years, three months and 25 days old. His short life upon this earth was one of continual suffering which he bore with great patience never murmuring or complaining. He always had a smile ready for all his great circle of friends, both old and young.

He leaves to mourn his departure his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lester, a grandfather and mother, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Kay, all of Payette; one aunt Mrs. Marie Fleider of McMinnville, Oregon and a host of friends into whose hearts he had found a very gracious place.

The out of town friends and relatives who came to attend the funeral of Harold were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore of Caldwell, Mrs. Shoesmith and son of Weiser, and Mrs. Marie Fleider of McMinnville, Oregon. Mrs. Fleider will visit for a time with folks here. (Riverside Cemetery)

Card of Thanks

We hereby wish to express, though in a small way, our appreciation and heart felt gratitude for the many kindly services rendered unto us during the recent illness and death of our darling little Harold, also for the many beautiful floral offerings which were sent to help lighten our great sorrow.
May God richly bless and reward you all in the wish of MR. and MRS. CHAS H. LESTER, MR. and MRS. W. W. KAY, MRS. MARIE FIELDER

The Independent Enterprise
Thursday, January 31, 1924
Mrs. Barrie Dies at Hot Lake

Word has been received of the death of Mrs. Grace Barrie, who preceeded Mr. Kellogg as proprietor of the Bancroft. Mrs. Barrie had many warm friends in Payette, who will be grieved to learn of her illness and death, which occurred after an operation for goitre, the patient never having come out of the annesthetic. After leaving here Mrs. Barrie was successfully proprietor of the Moore hotel, at Ontario, tea room, manager at the La Grande Country Club, and matron at the Hot Lake Sanatorium, which latter position she filled up to the time of her death. Funeral services were held at the First Presbyterian church at LaGrande, the remains being laid to rest in the LaGrande cemetery. Mrs. Grace Barrie left to mourn her loss, one sone Rene, also well known in Payette, and who last summer was married to Miss Lillie Wilson of Payette. The Barries make their home in LaGrande where Rene Barrie who even as a boy was a wireless enthusiast, his taken up radio as a life work.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, February 14, 1924

The citizens of Payette received a severe shock about noon Monday when the news spread over the city that W. B. Steerman, precinct constable, and a man highly respected by everybody, had taken his own life.

Mr. Steerman left home Sunday morning about 11 o'clock, with the expressed intention of going to the stock yards. He took his pocket book out of his pocket and took his revolver from the scabbard an unusual thing for him, but Mrs. Steerman thought nothing particular of it until the sad news of his suicide reached her. After leaving home he was last seen in the vicinity of the alfalfa mill. When he did not return home Sunday evening Mrs. Steerman though he had been detained on official duty, as it so often the case with officers. She retired expecting him to return some time in the night, but when she awoke Monday morning and found he had not returned she at once notified the sheriff's office and gave the alarm to her friends. Deputy Sheriff Christian in the absence of Sheriff Jefferis took charge of the search and called several members of the Odd Fellows' order to his assistances. They were finally rewarded for their efforts and the dead body of Mr. Steerman was found on the Henry Solterback ranch, in Washoe bottoms, near the Payette river. He was in a sitting position and the revolver which sent the bullet in his right temple was lying on the ground at his feet. Nearby was his note book and a lead pencil with which he had written a short message. The Deputy Sheriff Christian, but the content was not given to the public. It was, however, handed to Mrs. Steerman to read and was also read by County Attorney Hayes.

County Coroner Flenn Landon summoned a jury Tuesday and held an inquest over the remains of the dead man. The verdict handed in after the evidence had been heard was that Mr. Steerman had come to his death by a bullet fired by his own hand.

W. B. Steerman was born in Upshur county, West Virginia, on October 4, 1864. In September 1887 he came west, locating in Pendleton, Oregon. On November 25, 1922, he was married to Magnolia Box and they came directly to Payette where they have resided ever since. Mr. Steerman was a member of the Baptist church and had been an Odd Fellow for more than 25 years. He received his veteran jewel as a member of that order last summer. He also belonged to the encampment and the Muscovites. He had served as constable of Payette precinct for three years and had made a splendid officer. He was highly respected by all who knew him. He is survived by his widow, one sister, Mrs. H. T. Lemons of Tacoma, Washington, who arrived for the funeral, and a brother, George Steerman, who lives in West Virginia.

Funeral services were held at the Baptist church at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon and were in charge of the Odd Fellows, Rebekahs and the Encampment. The sermon was preached by Rev. F. E. Hawes, pastor of the Baptist church.

To the bereaved wife and sister the Independent extends sympathy. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, February 21, 1924

On Monday Mr. B. P. Shawhan received the terrible news that her mother Mrs. Elizabeth Pickering had been run over and almost instantly killed by an automobile. The accident occurred in Boise, on the corner of Front and Tenth Streets. Mrs. Pickering failed to see, or be seen by the driver of a Ford car and was struck by the right front wheel. Death was almost instantaneous.

Mrs. Pickering was seventy-five years old and is survived by two daughters, Mrs. B. P. Shawhan of Payette, and Mrs. C. S. Loveland, formerly of Payette, but for many years a resident of Los Angeles and two grandchildren. Mrs. Wayman Williams of Boise and Frederic Shawhan of Payette. Mr. and Mrs. Shawhan left for Boise immediately upon receipt of the news. No funeral arrangements will be made until the arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Loveland who will be in Boise about Thursday.

Mrs. Pickering, who has made her home in Boise for over twenty years, was formerly a resident of Payette, and has many old friends here who will be shocked and grieved to hear of her tragic death.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, February 21, 1924
Dortan D. Hunter was born June 29, 1885, at Brookville, Pennsylvania, and moved to Fruitland in 1900, where he has lived most of the time since. In 1910 he made a visit to Pennsylvania, when he was married to Miss Ida Bell Luther, March 15, 1910 at Corsica. They returned to Idaho, and have made their home on their ranch southeast of Fruitland for the last several years. He was a member of the Royal High-lander lodge. He became ill last week while working in Emmett, and came home Friday evening. It was not thought his condition was serious until Saturday evening, when he was taken to the Ontario hospital for an operation but passed away at 2 o'clock Sunday morning. Death was due to spinal meningitis following the flu. He leaves to mourn his loss his widow, two sons and six daughters, one daughter preceding him in death last August, his mother and two sisters, Mrs. Ray Russell of Modesto, and Mrs. Phil Carpenter of this place, besides a host of friends who extend to the bereaved ones their heartfelt sympathy. Funeral services were held from the M. E. church Monday afternoon at 2:30 and interment made in Riverside cemetery, beside his little daughter. (Riverside Cemetery)

Card of Thanks

We wish to express our thanks for the kindness and sympathy shown us in the sudden illness and death of our loved one and for the beautiful floral offerings. Mrs. D. D. Hunter and family, Mrs. H. C. Hunter, Mrs. Phil Carpenter

The Payette Independent
Thursday, February 21, 1924

Word has been received of the death on Tuesday morning, February 18, of Mrs. A. Rossi at her home in Boise. Immediate cause of death is not known, but Mrs. Rossi's health had been failing for some time past. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Addie Bennett of Denver, Colorado and Mrs. Bird Harland of Boise, and one son, Lex Rossi of Boise. Funeral arrangements will not be made until the latter can return from the northern part of the state where he was at the time of his mother's death. Both Mrs. Rossi's daughters are in Boise.

Mrs. Rossi was one of the pioneers of the Payette Valley, living at Washoe, where her late husband owned the Rossi sawmill. The family moved to Boise more than twenty years ago, but it was always Mrs. Rossi's custom to keep in touch with her old home and her old friends by paying frequent visits to Payette. Last fall she was here, the guest of Mrs. Celia Moss, and Mrs. Mc Glinchey. She leaves many in this community who will deeply deplore her death.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, March 06, 1924

Little Amelia Johnson, eight year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Johnson, died at the family home in this city early yesterday morning as the result of burns she received Saturday evening while playing with burning leaves in the yard of her home.

The parents had gone to town, leaving the children to play. Some one suggested that they burn leaves and to make the bonfire brighter, the gasoline can was brought out and some poured on the fire.

Then in their play, the children began kicking the leaves around the yard as they burned. A flame caught Amelia's dress and before her frightened playmates were able to render assistance her clothing as entirely burned away.

Neighbors heard the screams of the frantic children and came to the rescue but too late. Medical assistance was called, but the extent of the burns were such that the child lived but four hours, unconscious all the time. Weiser Signal

The Payette Independent
Thursday, March 06, 1924
J. M. Turner, an old timer in Payette succumbed on Monday to heart failure. At the time of his seizure Mr. Turner was working for Dr. I. R. Woodward. Just as he was driving out of the Hubert yard on South 9th Street, with a load of dirt he was hauling. Mr. Turner fell from the wagon. By standers at once came to him. Dr. I. R. Woodward and Coroner Glen Landon were immediately sent for . There was no inquest as the doctor pronounced his death, which was practically instantaneous was from heart failure.

J. M. Turner was born in Malard, Iowa on the 21st of March, 1853 and would have been seventy-one years old had he lived till the 21st of this month. He lived in Payette for nearly twenty years. His first wife preceeded him in death several years ago and he is survived by his second wife and a step daughter of Payette and one son, Lew Turner of Malard, Iowa. This son visited his father last fall when the two went deer hunting. The old gentleman was very proud of the fact that he brought home his deer, certainly no small accomplishment for a man of seventy. The body is at the Landon Home Undertaking Parlors, pending funeral arrangements which will not be made until the arrival of Lew Turner who is expected in Payette on Thursday afternoon.

Mr. Turner was an untiring worker as is instanced by the fact that he died at his post. It was to his never failing in the spring that so many of our leaves and gardens owed their beauty later in the summer. Mr. Turner had many friends who will mourn his loss.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, March 13, 1924

After a lingering illness of several months duration, Mrs. M. E. McDonald passed away peacefully at her home on March 10th, 1924. Josephine Huxford was born in Montezuma, Park County, Indiana on December 17th, 1856, and was sixty-seven years of age at the time of her death. She was married to Eugene McDonald of Central City, Nebraska on May 14th, 1879, and in April, 1891 moved to Payette with her husband and little daughter, making her home here until the time of her death.

Mr. McDonald her husband, her daughter Lura (Mrs. Charlie Smith) and one granddaughter Rowena Smith, both of Gooding, one brother and three sisters all of Central City, Nebraska, Mrs. Smith and one sister, Mrs. Donald Clother (who was Miss Dora Huxford) were with her at the time of her death. Services were held from the Methodist church, where it seemed as if the whole town were gathered to pay their respects to a dear and well loved friend. Interment was made Tuesday afternoon in Riverside cemetery, Rev. Hall of the Methodist church officiating. The casket was hidden by the beautiful floral tributes heaped upon it.

Mrs. McDonald was a member of the Methodist church, to which she gave not only willing hand and feet, but what is worth infinitely more, a loving and loyal heart. She also belonged to the Eastern Star. She was a woman known to all, her many years residence her active life and her friendly spirit and made of her a part of the community in which she lived and her absence is going to leave an empty place in many homes. To her husband we can only offer our silent sympathy.

Mr. McDonald has broken up his home and left Thursday for Gooding accompanied by his daughter and son. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Smith with whom he will make his future home. So two more of our pioneers have gone away. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, March 13, 1924
Isaac Harrison Neal was born June 18, 1860 at Little Rock, Arkansas, and passed away Sunday morning at 9:45. He moved from Arkansas to Denver when just a few years of age, and from Denver to New Plymouth in 1873 and has lived in this community most of the time since. He was married to Sarah Ann Williams at New Plymouth in 1884. He leaves to mourn his loss his wife, 4 fons, 7 daughters, 11 grandchildren, 4 sisters and 1 brother. Funeral services were held from the Baptist church Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by Rev. J. F. Jewell, and interment made in Kennedy cemetery at New Plymouth. (Applegate-Kennedy Cemetery)

Card of Thanks

We wish to thank our many friends who extended to us their kindness and sympathy in the death of our husband, and father, and for the beautiful floral offerings. MRS. ISAAC NEAL AND CHILDREN

The Payette Independent
Thursday, March 13, 1924

Dwight, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Guy L. Cockerum died Monday March 10th, at the home of his parents, from the after effects of measles. The little fellow as one year, five months and 20 days old just at the age to bring the greatest of joy and happiness to the home and his taking was indeed a severs blow. He is survived by his parents, two sisters and one brother.

A private funeral was held at the family home because of the nature of his illness and was conducted by Rev. Hawes, pastor of the Baptist church. Interment took place at the Odd Fellow cemetery. To those who mourn the loss of their baby boy the heart of Payette goes out in deepest sympathy. (Riverside Cemetery)


We wish to thank the Masons, Rebakahs, WRC and the many other friends who so kindly assisted during the dark hours of our recent bereavement. Little Dwight has left us but the many kind acts of friends, both by the gift of flowers and other courtesies, will ever linger as a cherished memory.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, March 20, 1924
Zola Morris, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Morris was born at Olson, Wyoming, February 10th, 1907, and departed this life at the Holy Rosary Hospital at Ontario, Friday morning - March 14, 1924. Death claimed her of the early age of 17 years, 1 month and 4 days. She died a few hours after an operation for appendicitis, with which she was stricken while suffering from the measles.

She is mourned by her parents, one brother, Ora, of Payette, five uncles and one aunt.

Zola Morris was junior in high school and a member of the Girls' glee club. Though her residence in Payette was brief she had made a warm place for herself in the hearts of her school mates, and the sad news of her death cast a deep gloom over the high school. The many beautiful floral offerings were a mute testimony in the love and esteem felt for Zola by her many friends.

The funeral was conducted from the Baptist church at two-thirty Monday afternoon, the Rev. Hawes officiating. Beautiful music was offered as a last loving tribute to their departed friend by the Boys' and Girls' glee club of the high school. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery. The hearts of all are with Mr. and Mrs. Morris in their bereavement. (Riverside Cemetery)


We wish to thank all where by their kind thoughtfulness helped us during the illness and death of our beloved Zola, as well as for the many beautiful floral offerings. MR. and MRS. E. W. MORRIS, ORA MORRIS

The Payette Independent
Thursday, April 03, 1924
The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bundy passed away at their home at Rock Island on Saturday, March 29th, at the age of four months. The little body was brought to the Landon Undertaking parlors from where the funeral was conducted on Monday afternoon, the Rev. Hawes of the Baptist church officiating. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery. the Independent extends most heartfelt sympathy to the parents in their bereavement. (Riverside Cemetery)

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index, Charles Henry Bundy was born 11-13-1923 and died 3-29-1924, Rock Island. ch

The Payette Independent
Thursday, April 03, 1924
Eugene V. Johnson second son of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Johnson was born May 27th, 1904 at Holman, Oregon, died at Holy Rosary hospital, Ontario, Tuesday, March 24th, 1924, following an operation for appendicitis on the Thursday previous. Eugene had lived on the Slope for the past eight years where he had made a warm place for himself in the hearts of a host of friends, and the sad news of his death cast a gloom over the entire community. The many beautiful floral offerings were mute testimony to the love and esteem felt for him by the many friends. Besides his parents, he is survived by three brothers, four sisters and other relatives. Funeral services were held Thursday at 2 p.m. at the Baptist church in Ontario. Interment at Ontario cemetery.

Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Johnson and family wish to extend their thanks to their friends and neighbors for their kind help and many beautiful floral offerings during the illness and death of their beloved son and brother Eugene.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, April 03, 1924

Editor Independent:

Please Express through the columns of your paper to the good people who assisted us in our hour of grief, our heartfelt thanks for what they did for us. Especially do we wish to thank the members of the American Legion for their tender solicitude and the fine tribute of respect for our lost son and brother. S. M. JUSTICE AND FAMILY (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, April 10, 1924

George M. Coleman, born September 1, 1847 in Illinois, died April 6, 1924 at Payette.

Mr. Coleman inlisted for service in the Civil war in February 1865 and served until the close of the war. He married in 1871 and lived in Iowa until about 1912 when he brought his family to Payette. His wife and two daughters, Mrs. Spate of Ashland, Oregon and Mrs. Houghton of Omaha, Nebraska survive him.

Services were held on Tuesday at 2:30 p. m. at the M. E. church. Rev. Knight of New Meadows officiating. Interment was at Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, April 24, 1924

Death took from our midst Friday evening at 6 o'clock one of Payette's most beloved women in the person of Mrs. A. E. Wood. As she had been very ill for some time and had been sinking quite rapidly, the end was not unexpected, although the news was received with deep grief by all the older citizens of the community. Since the death of her husband in a railroad accident two and a half years ago she had been bowed with grief and life seemed to hold little of real enjoyment for her. Ever kind and considerate of those about her she lived for others rather than for herself and her death is keenly felt by those closely associated with her.

Mrs. Libby G. Wood was borne in Smithfield, Penna., January 15, 1856, and lived in the town of her birth until March 26, 1880 when she moved to Castleton, North Dakota, and from there she came to Payette with her husband and family on March 9, 1898. She and her husband were among the most highly respected citizens of the community, and Payette's loss since both are now gone is great indeed.

Funeral services were held at the Christian church Sunday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock and were conducted by Rev. H. E. Mow, her pastor. For a quarter of a century she had been a consistent and faithful member of this church and a large congregation was present to pay their last tribute of respect. She leaves to mourn her loss one son, Clinton Wood, of Yreka, California, and two daughter, Mrs. Jennie Soule, of Los Angeles, California, and Mrs. Edith Harader, of Bozeman, Montana. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, April 24, 1924
Mrs. Arthur Hollbrook received word Monday of the death of Nels Van Camp, which occurred last week at Croswell, Michigan. Mr. Van Camp is a brother-in-law of Mrs. Hollbrook, and visited her last summer.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, May 01, 1924
William Calvin Johnson was born in Jackson county, Missouri, November 25, 1924 and died at his home on Berding Island, Thursday morning, April 24, 1924.

Mr. Johnson came west with his parents in 1850 and settled at Corvallis, Oregon where he lived until 1861. At the age of 22 he came to Payette valley where he "run" cattle for some time. He engaged in teaching in 1872 and taught for a number of years. He was united with the Methodist church in 1872 and has lived in the Christian faith for 52 years. He was married to Nancy A. King daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. King, January 11, 1874. To this union were born seven children, all living, Mrs. Charles Flint, Long Beach, Cal., Mrs. Herman Kaiser, Boise and Mrs. George Barker, Mrs. John Howard, Charles and Ed Johnson and Mrs. Lee Boyd, all of Payette.

He leaves to mourn his loss, his wife, seven children, 21 grand-children, two great grandchildren and two brothers, Henry Johnson of Spokane, Washington and Joe Johnson of Corvallis, Oregon and one sister Mrs. Alice Martin of Portland.

The immediate family were all present at his death and burial except one daughter, Mrs. Charles Flint who was presented from coming on account of the strict quarantine on Los Angeles county, California.

One of the largest funerals ever seen in the Payette valley was held at the home. Besides the hundreds of friends and neighbors, people came from Boise, Caldwell, Middleton, Emmett, Weiser, Ontario and Homedale. Rev. Knight and Rev. Price of the Congregational church of New Plymouth officiated. Interment was made in Riverside cemetery.

The community extends their heartfelt sympathy to this family in the loss of their loving husband and father. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, May 01, 1924
Ketura J. James was born in Berryville, Arkansas, March 17, 1852, and passed away at the home of her daughter Mrs. Emory Hill, Monday afternoon, April 28, at 4 o'clock following a lingering illness of pneumonia. She moved to Harney county, Oregon 39 years ago, where she lived until 5 years ago when she came to make her home with Mr. and Mrs. Hill. She leaves to mourn her loss six daughters, Mrs. J. B. Rice of Stites, Idaho; Mrs. J. O. Alberson of Andrews, Oregon; Mrs. Joe Clark of Harney, Oregon; Mrs. Luther Tudor and Mrs. Hugh Tudor of Andrews, Oregon and Mrs. Emory Hill of Fruitland; two sisters, Mrs. Edna Hood of Chico, California and Mrs. T. B. Biggerstaff of Payette; four brothers, I. A. Whiteley and Sam Whiteley of Payette; B. M. Whiteley of Council and Wilbur Whiteley of Arlington, Oregon, besides grand children, great grand children, and a host of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Hill left Tuesday morning with the body for Harney county for burial.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, May 08, 1924
Fruitland friends were grieved Sunday to hear of the sudden death of little 10 year old Henry Griner, which occurred in a Boise hospital Saturday morning. He climed a cottonwood tree Friday evening and was picking cotton balls, when the limb on which he was standing broke, and let him fall to the ground, a distance of 35 feet. He was taken to the hospital at once and it was thought he was not seriously injured but he passed away early Saturday morning. Funeral services were held in Boise Sunday, and the body was brought to Payette for burial by the side of his father and sister, who died in Fruitland 4 years ago. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, May 08, 1924
Elizabeth M. Bingaman was born December 14, 1846 at Ephrata, in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, and died in Fruitland, May 1, 1924 at the age of 77 years, 4 months, and 17 days. She was the daughter of Harry and Anna Keller, two brothers and one sister besides her being born in the Keller family, one brother of which is still living. In 1868 she was married to George L. Bingaman, and the same year, with her husband publicly confessed Christ, and united with the Church of the Brethren. Thus for, 54 years she was in her Master's service, living faithful to the end. She was the mother of 9 children, 7 of whom are living, two sons preceeding her in death, of the living they are the following: Martin K. of Denver, Colorado; Catherine Ikenberry of Miami, New Mexico; Salome Harader of Grants Pass, Oregon; Emma Bowman of Quinter, Kansas, and Oliver K,; Anna Cox and Viola Willard of Fruitland. In addition to these she leaves 33 grandchildren, and 15 great grandchildren. In disposition this mother was always kind and loving, and although in poor health for some years, showed a moved cheerfulness. Last Sunday morning, she was stricken with paralysis, and was conscious but little until her death. At such periods of consciousness she was still manifestly pleasant. During the declining years of her life she often expressed her readiness to go whenever her Master should call. The Bingaman family lived in Kansas and Nebraska for some 30 years and father and mother came to Fruitland about 5 years ago, and here made some warm friends who are today in sorrow because of the departure of this friend. Funeral services were held from the home Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Shank, and interment made in Riverside Cemetery in Payette. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, May 08, 1924

Gervaise Branan Cazier, three months old child of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cazier, passed away Wednesday morning and was buried from the family residence at 2:30 this afternoon, Rev. V. E. Hall, pastor of the Methodist church, officiating. The little one had not been healthy for some time, and though its death was not unexpected it was none the less a sad event in the lives of its parents. They have the sincere sympathy of the community.

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index, Gervaise B. Cazier was born 1-18-1924 and died 5-14-1924, Payette. ch

The Payette Independent
Thursday, May 15, 1924

Mrs. B. F. McCarroll was called to Weiser, last Thursday by the news of the death of her father, Mr. H. J. Russell, who passed away late that afternoon. He had been an invalid for about 18 months, and had been gradually failing.

Mr. Russell was one of Weiser's most highly respected citizens, and was for many years one of the city's leading business men. While he had lived a retired life for several years, he always took a keen interest in the growth and development of Weiser and in every movement for the uplift of the community in a moral and religious sense. His death is a distinct loss to his community as well as to his family. In her hour of deep grief Mrs. McCarroll has the sincere sympathy of the Independent and all Payette friends.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, May 22, 1924
Mrs. B. G. Forbes of this city received the sad news Tuesday morning of the death of her father, J. W. Coffman, of Weiser. He had been watering the lawn and on being called to breakfast sat down at the table and breathed his last. Mr. Coffman was an old soldier and a highly respected citizen of Weiser. The funeral services will be held tomorrow.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, May 22, 1924

John Alden was born at Faribault, Minnesota, on the 4th day of May, 1859; he died at Payette, Idaho, May 20th, 1924, aged 65 years and 16 days. He spent the early years of his life at Alexandria, Minnesota, moving to North Dakota in 1888, where for a considerable time he operated an elevator.

On the 31st day of May, 1894, he was married to Miss Edith Millner, at Cando, North Dakota. After they were married Mr. and Mrs. Alden lived in North Dakota until April 14, 1900, when they came to Payette where they have ever since made their home.

Mr. Alden was a direct descendant of the eighth generation of the historical John Alden, one of the Pilgrim fathers who came to Plymouth in the Mayflower in 1620, and who was one of the great men of the time in which he lived.

There are left to keenly feel the loss of a husband, father, grandfather, brother, the faithful wife who has kept vigil at his bedside for more than a year past, fighting a losing battle from the beginning, yet never flinching in her duty and devotion to the man to whom she pledged her allegiance in her young womanhood; two children, Mrs. Fern Long, daughter, whose home is in Portland, Oregon; Lynwood, son, of Salt Lake City; two brothers, Willard and Henry, of Payette; a brother, Elmer, of Lavinia, Minnesota and grandaughter, little Roma Rae Long. There is also a long list of friends and neighbors who feel that something worth while has been taken away.

Mr. Alden had been a member of the Independent order of Odd Fellows for more than 25 years and at the time of his death was a member of Payette Lodge No. 22. He was a member in good standing of Camp No. 7641, Modern Woodmen of America, at Payette. By trade he was a contractor and builder and millwright.

A neighbor says of John Alden, and he expresses the sentiment of all his neighbors, that he was a kind, patient provident husband and father; that his family regarded him as a protector and provider who was moved by the highest motives and most earnest solicitation for their welfare, whose care was his highest trust; that he was an honest man; that he was a good neighbor; that he was a loyal citizen; that confidence reposed in him was a sacred trust which he faithfully kept; that he was a faithful friend.

The name of John Alden may not find a place in the hall of fame listed with those whom the world calls great, but in the hearts of the members of his family he lives on in sacred memory, and his neighbors and friends will not forget.

Funeral services were held from the First M. E. church this, Thursday, morning at 10 o'clock. Rev. Knight of New Plymouth conducted the brief but very impressive service and interment was made in the family plot in Riverside cemetery.

The Odd Fellows' Lodge took part in the ceremony at the cemetery, which was very impressive.

The Payette Independent (Thursday, May 29, 1924)


We take this means of expressing our most sincere thanks to the many friends who so kindly and unselfishly assisted us with all the help they could render, and for sincere sympathy expressed during the sickness and funeral services of our husband, father and brother; to the lodges for their fraternal and brotherly assistance; to those who furnished appropriate and beautiful music and for the consideration expressed through the many beautiful floral tributes. MRS. JOHN ALDEN, MRS. FERN LONG, LYN A. ALDEN, H. E. ALDEN, WILLARD ALDEN and Family

The Payette Independent
Thursday, May 29, 1924

Archie B. Mullin, the baby boy of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mullin, of Washoe, died at the Ontario hospital, after an operation, Monday. The remains were taken to the Landon Home Undertaking parlors in this city where funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon, May 17, Rev. Hawes, of the Baptist church officiating. The little one was buried in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, June 12, 1924

Clifford Edwards Daugherty son of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis S. Daugherty of Payette died Wednesday June 11, at Hot Lake, Oregon. He was borne June 10, 1910 in Payette. The funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 at the Church of God. Either Rev. Forbes or Rev. Gatchel will preach the sermon.

The boys death was due directly to a fall he experienced some four months ago while hunting on a hillside. He has been ill since that time. An injury to the hip developed into a cancer. He was well known and loved by friends and schoolmates with whom he was associated, and his untimely death has caused much grief to those who knew him. The sympathy goes out to the grief stricken parents.

He leaved to mourn his death his parents Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Daugherty, two brothers, Leo and Loyd and a sister, Mrs. Viola Blurton, all of Payette.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, June 12, 1924
Our community was saddened to hear of the death of Mr. J. R. Anderson at his home in Payette Monday morning. His death being due to heart trouble the end came very suddenly. The Anderson family lived for several years on the Slope and are held in high esteem here by all. The sympathy of the entire community is extended to Mrs. Anderson and family.


J. R. Anderson, for many years a prominent and respected citizen of this city and community, passed away at his home, on Lovers' Lane, in the northeastern part of the city, at 11:45 a. m. Monday, June 9th, after only a brief illness.

James Riley Anderson was born in Green county, Indiana, March 26, 1856, and was 68 years, 2 months and 13 days old at the time of his death. At the age of two years his father died and his mother moved with him to Christian county, Illinois when he was 10 years old. On March 1st, 1883, he was married to Mary A. Brown, and he engaged in the manufacture of brick and tile at Taylorville, Illinois, with a brother, the business being large and extensive, and his prominence both in the manufacturing business and as the owner of one of the finest farms of that section was well established.

Twelve years ago last March he and his family moved to Idaho and located on a ranch on the Flat which he owned at the time of his death. Five years ago he retired from active farm work and moved to town where he has since lived. Thirteen children were born to them, nine of whom are still living. The sons are J. C.; J. W.; H. R.; all married and living in this vicinity; Russell, Frederick and Keith, at home. The daughters are: Mrs. Charles Haflinger, of Taylorville, Ill.; Mrs. Staton Moss of Payette, and Miss Ruth, at home.

Mr. Anderson was member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church, and when a younger man was very active in church work. For many years he was a singer in the church choir and was a great lover of music.

As a citizen of this community James Anderson was respected by everybody. His upright life and solicitude for others won him friends and a position among the leading men of the community. His death is greatly regretted by all, and the family have the deepest sympathy of all.

The remains were taken to the old home at Taylorville, Ill., for burial and Mrs. Anderson and son, Russell, accompanied them.


We learn to know our friends best in times of adversity, and the better we know them the more we appreciate them. Our loss of a husband and father brought our friends very near to us and placed us under great and lasting obligations for their many acts of kindness. Our sincere and heartfelt thanks go out to all. MRS. JAMES R. ANDERSON, AND FAMILY

The Payette Independent
Thursday, June 12, 1924

Martin B. Jolly, of the Fruitland bench about three miles south of Payette, passed away at his home at 4:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, after a lingering illness covering a period of about six years. In April his son, Harry, came from Kansas City to visit him and soon afterwards he took to his bed and has been confined to it ever since.

Martin B. Jolly was born in Kentucky, October 2, 1848. His parents moved with him to Illinois when he was a baby and later they came further west and located at Trenton, Mo., where he was married October 9, 1873. One child, a son, Harry, was born to them. At the age of 16 years he was converted and joined the Christian church of which he was a loyal member at the time of his death. He was also a Mason, having been a member of that order for 43 years. The son and his wife arrived from Kansas City last night, too late to see him alive again, but as he had been unconscious since Monday it made little difference.

The funeral services were held this afternoon, Rev. V. E. Hall, pastor of the Methodist church, officiating in the absence of Rev. Mowe, pastor of the Christian church. Interment took place at the Payette cemetery.

Mr. Jolly was an honorable and upright citizen and was respected by everybody. Although an invalid for years, his influence for right was felt in the community and his death is deeply deplored. The family have the sympathy of friends. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, July 10, 1924
Troy D., eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Schubert was born in Wyndott county, Ohio, December 11, 1887, and died July 3, 1924, at the age of 36 years, six months and 23 days. He moved from Ohio to the Payette valley with his parents, April 11, 1904, and has lived here most of the time since. He was married to Edna D. Eby, June 14, 1922, and five children were born to the union, 3 boys and two girls. Others to mourn his loss are his wife, his parents, one sister, Mrs. Thirston Beckwith who lives in California, and three brothers, Zane, Ray and David all of this place, besides a host of friends. He united with the Brethren church in January 1909, and was elected to the Deacon's office of the same. Funeral services were held from the Brethren church Sunday at two p. m., conducted by Rev. R. A. Moritz, assistant pastor of the Brethren church of Payette, assisted by H. A. Kauffman, and D. J., Wampler of Emmett, and interment was made in Riverside cemetery in Payette. Mr. Schubert was one of Fruitland's finest young men, and the misfortune which befell him is greatly felt by all. The entire community extends its sympathy to the bereaved ones. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, July 10, 1924
Arthur T. Holbrook was born in Ontario Canada, June 19, 1871, and passed away at his home in Fruitland Sunday morning, July 6, at 11 o'clock, being 53 years and 17 days old. He moved with his parents to the U. S. when 11 years old, and settled in Croswell, Michigan. He was married to Miss Minnie Bennett in 1900, and they made their home at the former place until 1914, when they came to Fruitland. He united with the M. E. church here in 1916, and has been a faithful worker since, only when his health would not permit him. He has been ill for 4 years, but none seemed able to find his trouble, although he was taken to Portland and Boise at different times, but no relief could be found for him.

Funeral services were held on the lawn Monday evening at 7:30, conducted by Rev. George Todd. Mrs. Holbrook and her niece, Mrs. Pearl Hamilton of Boise, accompanied the body to Michigan for burial.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, July 17, 1924

Mrs. J. F. Albee, who with her husband came here from Newton, Iowa, on a visit to relatives and old friends, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Celia Noyes, near Jameson, Oregon, Tuesday morning. The body was brought here to the Peterson Undertaking parlors and was later taken to the old home in Iowa by the bereaved husband and son, A. R. Albee, also of Jameson.

Mr. Albee was formerly connected with the Union Pacific colonization department and he and Mrs. Albee were well known to the older settlers of this section. The sudden death of Mrs. Albee came as a shock to all and they greatly sympathize with the husband and family.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, July 17, 1924

A gloom was cast over our fair city Wednesday morning when the word came from his bedside that M. F. Albert, one of the foremost citizens of southwestern Idaho and most distinguished business men of this city, had been called by the grim reaper and his spirit had taken flight to Him who give it. It had been known that he was not in the best of health and for twenty-four hours it had been known that the end was near and yet none were prepared to give up one who had done so much for this community and been a ministering angel to countless hundreds who had been the beneficiaries of his kindness and generosity.

Maternus F. Albert was born at Dushore, Pa., on July 18, 1859; was married to Minnie E. Troup on June 7, 1888 and died at 8 o'clock, Wednesday morning, July 16, 1924 at his home in Payette. He is survived by his wife and four children; Lester F. Albert, of Boise; David W. Albert of Tuscon, Arizona; Marvin D. Albert of Payette; and Marjorie Albert of Payette, and two brothers; Peter Albert of New Plymouth and Geo. Albert of Butte Falls, Oregon.

The following fitting tribute to his life work and to his nobleness of character was handed us by Messrs. W. A. Coughanour. General L. V. Patch and Fred Moss, who had been close business associates and old time friends of his:

"He was educated in the schools of Pennsylvania and came into our midst in 1892. For ten years he was superintendent of our public schools and devoted more of his time in the interest of public improvements and civic enterprises than any other man in this community.

His interests included agriculture, horticulture, banking, manufacturing, and such projects as go to the developing of our resources. He was a devoted and conscientious worker in the church, our public schools, and fraternal orders.

We can hardly realize that M. F. Albert has passed on. We believe the spirit lives after death and manifests according to the work and worth of the departed person during their life time. Mute is the voice that so often thrilled this community to its noblest destines, yet the uplifting power of his example, the ennobling influence of his association among us, becomes our priceless heritage and a gift to the ages.

M. F. Albert worked here, worked with a purpose to comfort and help those he loved and those he loved will include the whole of deserving mankind. He will continue to do good works in some other mansion of his Father's house.

In all those for whom Mr. Albert has done some kindly act were to bring a flower and place it upon his tomb, he would sleep beneath a wilderness of flowers.

"Love weeps! Momentarily sorrow and the ebon tide rush upon us, but momentarily only, for from the blue abyss, our loved one returns. Under the confidence of immorality, we see him smile in memory's mirror. Deep within, we feel and know and rejoice, that such a noble character never dies."

Funeral services will be held at the Methodist church at 3:30 o'clock tomorrow (Friday) afternoon and the sermon will be preached by Rev. Vernon E. Hall. Following the church services the funeral will be in charge of the Masonic lodge, of which order he was a member. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent (Thursday, July 24, 1924)


The funeral of M. F. Albert held Friday afternoon, was one of the largest in the history of Payette county, and the outpouring of friends and neighbors was a testimonial to the esteem in which our departed citizen was held. The exercises were held at the Methodist church and Rev. Hall preached a very impressive sermon. The ceremonies at the cemetery under the auspices of the Knights Templar lodge were very imposing and were a fitting finale to a life so full of worth while deeds. Peace to his ashes.

Maternus F. Albert

The contribution that a man makes to the progress of the community in which he lives and to the institutions with which he identifies himself depends not only upon the ability band devotion of the man himself, but also upon the circumstances in which he is placed.

M. F. Albert came to Payette at a time that demanded heroic and energetic service if Payette was to grow and develop and keep pace with other towns struggling for supremacy. Since the time Mr. Albert first landed in Payette from the hill country of Pennsylvania he had been constantly and tirelessly active in every line of endeavor that contributed to the development, advancement and growth of Payette. His influence was recognized by his being placed at the head of nearly every organized effort to develop the community in which he lived. When courage was lacking, his courage became the courage for many; when others were weak, his strength became the strength for all. Because of the persuasive personality of the man many things were accomplished for Payette that a less courageous spirit would have lost. It is safe to say than no man contributed more of time and energy and service to the development of Payette in the last thirty years than M. F. Albert.

The passing of Maternus F. Albert means a distinct loss to the cause of education in Payette. He was thoroughly imbued with sense of the importance of sound training for young people, and he gave himself masterfully to this cause from the time when, as a comparatively young man, he came to Payette as superintendent of schools. In this capacity he served the Payette schools for ten of the best years of his life, during which time he organized the high school, established its four-years course of study, and secured recognition for it as a standard high school. Then he was drafted by the business interests of Payette to serve in another way, but to the day of his death he never lost interest in the institution whose foundations he had laid so wisely and well. For twelve years he served the schools as a member of the Board of Education, during ten of which he was its president. Even in his latest and severest affliction he never missed a school board meeting.

The board of education desires to express its feeling of personal loss, its profound sense of the loss to the schools and to the community in the passing of its president and associate.

By order of the board,


We desire to extend to our many friends our heartfelt appreciation for the messages of sympathy and tokens of regard extended to us during the sickness and death of our beloved husband and father, and especially do we appreciate the assistance given by the Masonic order.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, July 17, 1924
Mary Elizabeth Wilson was born April 9, 1844 in Illinois where she lived until she was 12 years old when she moved with her parents to Vernon county, Missouri. she was married to Zachariah Wilson at the age of 17. Six children were born to the union, four of which are living, one son and daughter in Missouri, a daughter, Mrs. G. Walker of Bend, Oregon, and one son J. E. Wilson of this place, the two latter being present at the time of her death. Her husband passed away when they had been married 20 years. She moved with her son J. E. to the Boise valley 19 years ago and to the Payette valley 17 years ago. She passed away Friday morning July 11, after a days' illness, being 80 years, three months, and two days old. funeral services were hely from the Christian church in Payette Monday afternoon at 2:30, conducted by Rev. G. L. Knight of New Plymouth, and interment made in Riverside cemetery in Payette. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, July 24, 1924

William Ackert of Emmett, well know here, met instant death Monday morning at 10 clock, while working on the government highway on the east side of the river between Banks and Gardena.

Ackert and a companion had placed two shots and the companion's shot went off as expected. Ackert's shot didn't go and after waiting a short time started to investigate. He saw the fuse burning and attempted to get away but was too late. He was blown high in the air and his body terribly mutilated and his companion was blown against a steam shovel but escaped without serious injury.

Ackert's body was taken to Emmett where his parents, two brothers and three sisters reside. - Cascade News

The Ackert family are well known here as they lived on Iowa Avenue a few years ago. While here the oldest boy was murdered over some mining claims, another boy "Blaine" lost his life during the world war.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, July 31, 1924

It is with feelings of deepest regret that the news of the death of Herbert Harland, who died at Portland, Oregon, Friday evening, July 25, is recorded in the Independent. Although it was known that Mr. Harland was in poor health no one realized his immediate danger and his death came as a distinct shock to his old time friends here and to all citizens of Payette and Southwestern Idaho.

Mr. Harland was born in Scalton, Yorkshire, England, September 25, 1862, and came to Sauk Rapids, Minn., when he was a young man 18 years of age. He was married there and four of the children, Ferrin G., Albert M., Irene and Jane, were born there. The other child, Joseph H. was born in St. Paul, Minn.

A man of more than ordinary ability, Mr. Harland was not long in proving his worth in the land of his adoption and he was soon recognized by the government and appointed rural route and postoffice inspector. For twenty years he served the government in this capacity, but owing to Mrs. Harland's health failing he resigned and came to Payette in 1908 and purchased a fruit ranch north of town, which is still the family home.

During his residence in Idaho Mr. Harland served for five years as a regent of the Idaho State University, two years as register of the state land board, a term as state fruit inspector and for four years was master of the state grange. He was a man of the strictest probity of character; a man who believed a public office was a public trust; and one who served his community and state with credit and distinction. He was known from one end of the state to the other and to know him was to love and respect his noble characteristics.

About two years ago he had a nervous breakdown and Mrs. Harland took him to La Grande, Oregon, for treatment. Finding little relief there the family moved to Portland where he was put under the care of specialists. He continued to fail, however, and finally death came to his relief. With him in his last hours were his life companion and all of the family except Mrs. F. G. Harland and Mrs. A. M. Harland of Payette. He ended a life of quiet dignified service for his country, state and community peacefully and tranquilly as he had lived. Funeral services were held at the family residence in Portland and he was laid to rest by loved ones in the beautiful city of roses.

The sympathy of the community goes out to the grief stricken wife and family in their hour of great bereavement. The loss to this community has been great, but small compared to their loss.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, July 31, 1924

Terrible Tragedy Enacted In Lonely Shack On Bench Five Miles East of Boise - four Bullets Sent Into Infant's Brain

BOISE - Margaret Thelma White, the 18-month-old victim of her mother's religious fanaticism, lies dead in the Ada county morgue with four bullet holes in her head and the demented woman who bore her sits listlessly on a cot in her cell in jail, where she was taken after Allen Stein and four other men discovered late Monday afternoon that she had slain her infant daughter in the poor ranch house where the Whites lived, about five miles east of Boise on the bench.

Mrs. George White, the slayer, fired four shots into the head of her off-spring from a 32 calibre revolver while the baby was playing on the bed in the barren front room of the shack. She fired six shots, evidently missing twice, and had reloaded the gun to shoot herself, but in her own words, "she lost her nerve."

The tragedy was discovered by Mr. Stein. W. T. Brown, Albert Hapeny, Edward Frier and I. H. Friar who went to the ranch to get a gasoline engine. The Whites rented the house from Mr. Stein. Mr. White is a laborer.

The bullets, which Coroner McBratney believed were shot from very close range, all entered the infant's head on the left side and passed through the tiny brain, coming out on the right side. Any one of the four wounds would have brought instant death.

BOISE - The last vestige of her reason rapidly slipping from her, Mrs. George W. White, slayer of her 16-month-old infant daughter, will be a raving maniac within a few days, and it is imperative that she be hurried off to the insane asylum at Blackfoot as soon as possible. This was the statement which doctors and jailers made Wednesday and undoubtedly the insanity hearing, scheduled to begin late today, will result in her commitment to the institution.

A coroner's inquest was held Tuesday afternoon and after the jury had visited the lonely shack where the demented mother fired four shots into the head of her tiny offspring and had heard evidence from Doctors T. N. Braxtan and O. H. Parker regarding the mental condition of the woman, the following verdict was returned.

"We, the jury, find that the deceased came to her death by gun shot wounds inflicted by a gun in the hands of Mrs. George W. White, whom we believe insane."

The funeral of the tiny victim was held at the McBratney undertaking parlors Wednesday afternoon, with Rev. c. W. Johnson of the Lutheran church officiating.

The prisoner slept well Tuesday night, but it has become more and more difficult for her to talk coherently and she has had frequent hallucinations.

"There's my little baby - right on the bed there," she told Mrs. J. W. Bradshaw Tuesday night before retiring. Mrs. Bradshaw had been appointed by Sheriff L. E. Allumbaugh, to watch the woman, who fears that she many try to kill herself. "My baby looks so bright tonight," continued the prisoner.

Later, she said, "I'm certainly glad I killed her because I love her and wanted her to be happy."

The attitude of listlessness which has characterized her actions since discovery of the tragedy becomes more and more pronounced and when she talks her voice sounds flat and lifeless and is absolutely devoid of any _expression whatsoever.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, August 21, 1924
Rudolph Pritzel died in the Ontario hospital last Tuesday as the result of a factured skull, received when he fell from the hay mow, where he was playing with several of his brothers and sisters. He was born at the family home south of Fruitland, seven years ago, and leaves to mourn his loss, his father and mother, six brothers and four sisters, one sister little Gertrude being his twin, one brother also a twin died two years ago. Funeral services were held from the Catholic church in Ontario last Thursday and the little body laid to rest there. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the entire community.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, August 28, 1924

Dave Jennings Shot Down Without Warning on Boise Depot Platform by Nick Watkins - Will Plead Unwritten Law

BOISE - "the unwritten law" will be the defense of Nick Watkins, O. S. L. brakeman who slew Dave Jennings Tuesday by shooting him in the back.

Watkins, driven "temporarily insane" because of an alleged relationship between his wife and Jennings, was not responsible for the brutal act. This is what Defense Attorney Albert S. Delana will endeavor to show the jury when his client goes on trial, although he himself is not responsible for the statement.

With five bullet wounds in his body, shot at a range of less than 10 feet, Dave Jennings, O. S. L. brakeman, sank mortally wounded to the station depot Tuesday morning at 11:30 o'clock as he was helping a woman passenger alight from the "Pony" train. His slayer was Nick Watkins, another brakeman, who shot his victim once in the back, once in the side as he was reeling to the pavement and thrice in his prostrate body.

"Dave, Dave, speak to me," cried Mrs. W. N. Clifton, who had ridden on Jennings' train from Huntington, as she knelt beside the dying man. But Jennings could only answer with moans. In a few minutes he was dead.

Handing his gun to another brakeman, Watkins walked into the baggage depot and gave himself up to James Coughlin, a conductor on the train. Ira Emory, patrolman, made the arrest and took Watkins to the sheriff's office.

"I want to see Elbert Delana," he told Emory on the way to the jail and by coincidence Mr. Delana was in the sheriff's office when the prisoner entered.

In a tiny cell in the Ada county jail, Watkins, highly nervous and unstrung, a cigaret twitching between his lips, received a Capital News reporter with anything but a welcome.

"No, it wasn't from a scrap over booze," he said, defiantly. "I don't want to talk to you. You're doing me a disfavor, I'll give you the essential details later. I should say it wasn't over booze. I don't want to see you.

"I'm not as crazy as I look," either, I'm a grieved man, that's what I am."

The prisoner endeavored to concentrate his mind on a list of things he wanted which he had been endeavoring to write on a pad of paper the sheriff gave him. He pretended not to hear the reporter's questions.

Several theories as to Watkins motive were advanced by officers, but it is said that they eliminated all of them except the "triangle" theory.

The slain man lived at 1120 State and has a wife and one child. Watkins lives at 427 South Eleventh street. He is married but has no children.

The shooting was witnessed by a number of passengers and railroad men whose versions of the affair differed but little in their essential details.

Mrs. Clifton told a Capital News reporter a few minutes after the shooting and before the coroner had arrived on the scene, that she had ridden with Jennings from Huntington, where the train is made up. When the train stopped in Boise he alighted and was in the act of assisting her down the car steps when Watkins approached.

"He didn't say a single work," Mrs. Clifton related. "When he was only a little bit away he started shooting. Dave fell at the first shot. As he was reeling, half turned toward Watkins, he was shot again. And then three times more."

Mrs. Clifton said that she was acquainted with both men, that both were sober and industrious and that she had never known of any trouble between them.

Others who knew the victim and the assailant made similar statements, including the conductor, Mr. Coughlin, who lives at 421 Main Street. Both men, he said, had acted as brakemen on his trains - Jennings for the past four or five years. He spoke highly of the reputations of each.

"They were easy to get along with, as far as I ever knew," said Mr. Coughlin. "I didn't know they were enemies."

On the platform of the car awaiting their turn to get off the train, were Mrs. J. A. Steele and daughters, whose version was substantially the same as given by Mrs. Clifton.

It was only a few minutes after the slaying that the deputy sheriffs and Coroner William McBratney were on the scene taking names of whitnesses and interviewing them briefly. A large crowd gathered almost immediately and when the ambulance arrived, attendants had difficulty forcing their way through with the basket in which the body was to be place.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, September 04, 1924

The many friends of William Houston Walker were shocked to hear of his death which occurred Saturday, August 30th at the family home in Payette.

He was aged 68 and had lived in Payette and vicinity since 1881 and followed the sheep business until two years ago.

He was married 38 years to Mrs. Emma Allen, who had one boy, Henry who lives on Crane creek. Seven children were at his bedside, Albert, George, Thomas, Robert, John, Mrs. Ollie Bowman and Mrs. Lavilla Arens. One daughter, Mrs. Otto Asmussen, living at Longview, Washington was unable to be present, one brother Thomas of Whitley and a sister Mrs. Claiborn were also present, another brother, John at Horseshoe Bend was not able to be present.

Funeral services were held at the residence on 2nd Avenue at five p. m. by Rev. Matthews and interment was made in the old cemetery at Crane creek where their son Charles was buried.

Will Walker was a kind husband and father and a good friend and was well respected by all.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, September 04, 1924

Billy Fern infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stingley died at the family home in Nyssa Sunday afternoon. the little body was brought to the home of the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Jacobs, of Payette and at 10 a. m. Monday was laid to rest in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Note: According to the Oregon Death Index, Billy Fern Stingly died on 9-1-1924. ch

The Payette Independent
Thursday, September 04, 1924

Henry W. Yearian dropped dead of heart trouble at the home of his son, G. W. Yearian of this city, Friday evening, August 29th. The deceased was 71 years old the day of his death and had just come to the home of his son the day before with the intention of making his home with them.

The body was prepared for shipment at the Landon Home undertaking parlors and accompanied by a son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Stewart to Leadone, Idaho, for burial.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, September 18, 1924
Maxine Ed Patton was born at Bochita, Oklahoma, April 12, 1900, and passed away at Portland, Oregon, Tuesday, September 9 at the Immanuel hospital, at the age of 24 years, 4 months and 27 days, death being due to gland trouble. When a small boy he moved to Roundup, Montana, where he spent most of his life until coming to Fruitland last February, after taking sick in December. He went to Portland, May 27, but his health was not benefited and he was bedfast two months before his death. His mother was called to his bedside about two months ago, and remained until his death. She and Mrs. Jack Wills of Portland returned with the body last Wednesday. He leaves to mourn his loss his mother and step-father, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Coons, one sister, Mrs. Bernice Wills of Portland, one brother, Russell Patton of Fruitland, one step-sister of Tripp, South Dakota, one half-brother and one half-sister, Fern and Grant Coons of Fruitland. Funeral services were held from the Brethren church last Thursday afternoon at two o'clock, conducted by Rev. Herschel Shank, and interment made in Riverside cemetery in Payette. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, September 25, 1924

A. A. Walton, for a short time a resident of a ranch in Washoe bottom, but later living on his ranch on Manns creek, north of Weiser, was killed in an auto accident Tuesday evening. He was with Attorney L. L. Feltham of Weiser who was driving the car when he lost control of it on a hill and it backed into a gulch. Mr. Feltham escaped.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, September 25, 1924

Mrs. Alwilda Copeland, aged 55 years, 9 months and 7 days, wife of W. M. Copeland, manager of the Payette Fruit Distributors, passed away at 7:30 o'clock Friday evening, September 19, 1924, at her home, 811 North Sixth Street, this city, after an illness covering more than a year. In fact she had been a semi-invalid for several years and for the past year had been gradually sinking. With her at the time of her death were her husband, her sister-in-law, Mrs. Lyda McFadden, and an old friend, Mrs. George Powers, of Boise.

Mrs. Copeland had been a resident of Payette for many years, and although in failing health, she had many acquaintances and friends who admired her many noble traits of character and to whom the news of her death brought sadness of heart. She was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church and also of the Eastern Star. Various lodges and the missionary society of the Methodist church arranged for floral offerings to be delivered at Wymore, Nebraska, where the body was taken by Mr. Copeland and where the funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon of this week. At the funeral were her brothers and sisters and a brother of her husband. She was laid to rest by the side of her son who passed away some years ago.

In the death of this estimable woman the community has suffered and the loss to the husband is irrepairable.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, September 25, 1924

Matilda Query was born July 25, 1854, in the state of Iowa to James and Osie Query. She was married to William Mills in Polk county, Nebraska, in the year 1875. One daughter, Estella Blanche, now Mrs. T. J. Jackson, and living at Crystal was born to this union. Mr. Mills passed away many years ago and in 1907 she was again married to Frank Powell. One daughter, five grand-children, three brothers and two sisters are left to mourn, besides many friends.

Mrs. Powell was converted early in life and was a member of the local Church of God. She was a friendly neighbor, a good mother and a consistent christian.

Funeral services were conducted by her old pastor, Rev. Argyl F. Houser, and were held in the Church of God Bethel, Monday, September 22, 1924, at 2:30 o'clock. Interment took place at Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, October 09, 1924
Grandma Crane Passes Away

Margaret Francey was born in Ohio, May 15, 1850, and was married to W. J. Crane in 1987. (probably 1887) They moved to Oregon in 1901. Mr. Crane departed this life July 27, 1920. Mrs. Crane has made Oregon her home until two weeks ago she came to Payette to visit her son and family.

Three sons and one daughter were born to this union, one son, Charles, died March 18, 1916.

Three children are left to mourn the loss of a dear mother, George Crane of Payette, Pearl Crane, Ontario, and Mrs. Myrtle Stewart, Ontario. There are ten grand-children and a host of friends.

She was a patient mother and faithful Christian, giving her heart to the Lord when a young woman. A loyal worker and member of the Presbyterian Church.

Her death came unexpectedly. She had just retired having been in usual good health. She was stricken with paralysis and passed away instantly. The funeral was held at the Baptist Church Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock, conducted by Rev. F. W. Dean. The body was laid to rest in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, October 09, 1924
Death of Mrs. Shake

Funeral services for Mrs. G. D. Shake, who passed away at her home in Stanfield, Oregon, October 3rd, were held from the Christian Church in Payette Sunday afternoon. Rev. E. I. Mitchell was in charge and interment was in the Riverside cemetery.

Kathryn Annie Covert was born November 28, 1865 at Fairbow, Minnesota and passed away October 3, at 8:15 p. m., at Stanfield, Oregon. She was married July 21, 1889 to G. D. Shake who passed away April 1, 1917, and to this union, seven children were born, all of whom survive; four of who were at the bedside when the final summons came. The children are Homer, San Francisco, Harold, Stanfield, Oregon, Helen, Porterville, California, Rodney, Fruitland, Idaho, Lola and Irene, Stanfield, Oregon, and Mrs. Dorothy Harris of Payette.

Mrs. Shake was a good Christian mother, a good neighbor and a good friend. She was identified with the Congregational Church before coming to Payette and after settling in the valley she became identified with the Christian Church in which she was a conscientious consistent worker.

She had been in poor health for several months, during all of which time she suffered much. She bore her suffering with the patience and fortitude that characterizes a fine Christian character, until she was borne away to the spirit land where there is no suffering, where the weary rest.

The Shake family moved to the Payette Valley in 1900 where they resided until about a year ago when Mrs. Shake and two daughters, Lola and Irene moved to Seattle. Later they moved to Stanfield, Oregon. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, October 16, 1924
Mrs. P. S. Mueller, nee, Miss Pearl Stark, daughter of Mrs. A. M. Stark, of Payette, died Tuesday at midnight in Pasco, Washington, after a five weeks' illness.

The body is being shipped to Payette for burial, as yet no definite plans have been made for the funeral.

The Payette Independent (Thursday, October 23, 1924)

Pearl Stark Mueller

Pear Beatrice Stark was born in Lakeview, Oregon, September 6, 1888 and departed this life October 14, 1924 at Pasco, Washington, aged, 36 years, one month and 8 days. Her death was caused by vincent's angima from which she suffered six weeks. She was educated in the Payette schools, having made an enviable record on the basket-ball team, was of athletic nature. She was married to Paul Cook Fife in 1907. To this union one son was born, Lyndon. In 1920 she was married to P. F. Mueller. To this union one son was born who is now two years old. She was a member of the Congregational church at Pasco, Washington, and sang in the choir, also.

She was a member of the Royal Neighbor Lodge at Pasco. Her untimely death will be mourned by all who knew her and especially in the Church and Lodge circles in which she was an active worker.

Funeral services were held in the Congregational church at Pasco, Thursday, and another service was held from the Laudon Undertaking parlor Friday afternoon. The body was laid to rest in the Riverside cemetery beside her father and sister. She leaves to mourn her death, a husband, two sons, and her mother, Mrs. A. M. Stark, one Brother, Harry Stark, three sisters, Mrs. Mildred Roberts, Mrs. Lola Sanders, and Miss Rita Stark of Payette, Mrs. Marjory McCrea, Vale, Oregon, and Mrs. Mabel Dorman, Boise. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, October 16, 1924
Baby Boy Dead

Another little soul took its flight to the Heavenly Realm Sunday when George Clarkson Wherry succumbed to the dreadful disease diphtheria. The little one was playing at noon Saturday and within twenty-four hours had passed away.

He was born July 20, 1920, and died October 12, 1924, age 4 years, 2 months and 23 days. Son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wherry. Funeral services were held on the lawn, Monday afternoon, conducted by Rev. E. I. Mitchell. The body was laid to rest in the Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, October 16, 1924
Albert Harland received word Monday from his mother, Mrs. M. A. Harland, of Pullman, Wash., of the death of his grandmother, Mrs. Frances Gilman. Mrs. Harland is taking the body to Minnesota for burial.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, October 23, 1924
Death of Mark Prindle

Mark Prindle was born at Harvard, Ill., May 20, 1866. He died at Holy rosary hospital, Ontario, Oregon, October 17th, 1924, at 1:15 A. M. after an illness of four days.

Mr. Prindle came with his family to Payette, Idaho, December 3, 1904, where they have since resided. He laves a wife, two sons and one daughter. One son, Ray, lives at Mansfield, Ohio, and the daughter, Grace and son, Archie, live in Payette. Besides his intimate family he leaves four brothers and one sister.

The Prindle family has been well known and much respected residents of Payette for nearly twenty years last past.

Mark Prindle was a quiet man with the splendid faculty of attending to his own affairs. He blew no trumpet when he did a kind, helpful service. That he had many friends is evidenced by the large crowd that gathered at the home for the last rites. He was an honest, reliable, trustworthy man in whom a confidence was never misplaced. He provided well for his family while he lived and provisions were made for their future. His family has lost a faithful husband, a good father, and his neighborhood an honored member, and the community a valuable citizen.

Conducted by Rev. Hall of the M. E. church and interment was made in the Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, October 30, 1924
Mrs. R. H. Lunt

Mrs. Florence Lunt of Emmett died in a hospital in Seattle, October 24th, after a seven month's illness. Mrs. Lund was twenty years old at the time of her death and leaves a baby girl, Lucille, one year old, a husband, R. H. Lunt, her mother, Mrs. T. J. Coonrod, of Emmett, six brothers, two of whom live at Emmett, Lee and Clarence Murray, J. A. Murray of Crystal, one brother in Louisiana and one in Washington.

Funeral services were held Monday afternoon in the Christian church at Emmett, conducted by Rev. E. I. Mitchell. Interment was made in the Emmett cemetery.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, November 06, 1924
James Oscar Green

James Oscar Green was born at Pineola, N. C., April 25th, 1909, and died at his home near Washoe Saturday, November 1st, 1924, after a few days illness of pneumonia. The funeral was held in the Methodist church Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. V. E. Hall conducted the services. "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere" and "Whiter Than Snow" a song he hummed and sang while ill, were sung at the funeral. The pallbearers were his most intimate friends, Billy Shamberger, Jay Burtleson, Nelson McCrae, Robert Hogg, James Jewell and Charles Clauser.

He was the only son of Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Green and besides his parents leaves two sisters to mourn his untimely death, Mrs. Stella Young and Bonnie Green. He was a student in the second year of high school, where his good disposition and pleasant manners won him many warm friends. He was of a studious nature, yet liked good wholesome fun and was a favorite among his fellow students, and will be sorely missed by them. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, November 13, 1924
Called In Death

Mrs. Avel Anderson, an aged and respected lady of Fruitland, passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. LeRoy Herrington, at 7:45 o'clock Tuesday evening, after a short illness brought on by old age and a broken down condition.

Mrs. Anderson was born in Denmark, June 9, 1845, and passed away November 22, 1924, at the ripe old age of 79 years, 5 months and 2 days. She was married in the old country to John Anderson, about 50 years ago, and a couple of years later came to America, settling in Nebraska. In 1906 she came to Idaho and settled at Sugar City where she made her home until about a year and a half ago when she came to the home of her daughter at Fruitland.

Mrs. Anderson was a member of the Danish Lutheran Church and lived in accordance with her profession. She leaves three sons, P. J. Anderson, of Farwell, Nebr., W. J. Anderson, of Garfied, Utah, and George Anderson, of Caldwell, Idaho, and one daughter, Mrs. LeRoy Herrington, of Fruitland, to mourn her taking away.

The services will be held at the Bretheren church in Fruitland, tomorrow (Friday) afternoon at 1:30, and interment will take place at Riverside cemetery in Payette. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, November 20, 1924
Called by Father's Death

A letter was received recently from Mrs. C. E. Rhoads, who was called to Glencoe, Minnesota, by the death of her father, C. DeLeeuw. He had passed away before Mrs. Rhoads' arrived at Glencoe. Mr. DeLeeuw has many warm friends here in Payette, he having visited here during the summer with his daughter. Mrs. Rhoades has returned to Corvallis to be with her daughter, who is attending school at that place.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, November 20, 1924
Mrs. Stella Kizzler Herrington

Mrs. Stella Herrington died at her home in Union, Oregon, Saturday, November 15th. Death came suddenly although she had been in poor health for three weeks. The deceased was born in Iowa, June 18th, 1883, was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Kizzler of Payette. she also leaves two brothers; Frank Kizzler, of Payette and Charles Kizzler, Chandler, Oklahoma, two sisters, Mrs. Blanche Books, Denver, Colorado, and Mrs. Elizabeth Grayham, of Bridgeport, Nebraska, also many friends in Payette who are grieved over their loss.

The funeral was held Monday afternoon at the Landon Undertaking Parlors, conducted by Rev. V. E. Hall. Mrs. Loyd Pence and Mrs. Wm. Maule sang, "rock of Ages" and "Jesus Savior Pilot Me." The body was laid to rest in Riverside cemetery by the side of her sister, Mrs. Collum, who proceeded her three years ago. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, November 27, 1924
Donald Preston, one of Payette's highly respected citizens passed away Monday morning, November 24th, 1924, at 10:15 in the Ontario Hospital. He was ill two weeks, during which time he suffered intensely, having undergone an operation for appendicitis just a week before his death.

Deceased was born in Des Moines, Iowa, January 10th, 1879. When he was about twenty years old he came to Idaho and lived in Payette up to the time of his death with the exception of a few years, during which time he and his family made their home in Ontario.

Mr. Preston was married June 7, 1905, to Miss Grace Myers, youngest daughter of Mrs. J. Myers. to this union six children were born, Mrs. Grace Revis of Medford, Ruth, Margaret, Scott, Boyd and Billy, of Payette. These with his widow mourn the loss of a kind father and loving husband and the whole community mourns with them.

Mr. Preston worked for fifteen years with the Idaho Power company, with which, at the time of his death, he had attained to the position of inspector of the transmission department.

In Mr. Preston, Payette loses a splendid citizen, a constructive worker and a kind friend. The employees of the Idaho Power Company feel his loss with special keenness and realize that his place will be very hard to fill.

Funeral arrangements are pending the arrival of Mrs. Revis, who is now on the way to Payette.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, November 27, 1924
Mrs. Arthur Adams Passes Away

Death came at one o'clock, Monday, November 24th to relieve the suffering of Mrs. Arthur Adams, who has been in poor health for two years.

Grace L. Richardson was born in Mason County, Missouri, January 24th, 1896, and with her parents, came to Idaho in 1899, where she grew to womanhood, and resided until called by death.

She was married October 16, 1914, to Arthur Adams and to this union were born two girls, Hazel and Ila, who are now aged nine and two years respectively. The deceased was a beautiful character, having been converted and taken into the Baptist church at Ontario when sixteen years of age. She was a constant worker in the church as long as her health permitted her to attend. She was a good mother and a kind and affectionate wife. She leaves to mourn their loss a devoted husband, two little girls, her mother, four sisters, and two brothers besides a host of friends.

Funeral services were held at the Baptist church, Tuesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. F. E. Dean. The tired body was tenderly laid to rest in Riverside cemetery by her father and three brothers. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, November 27, 1924
Baby Died

Sylva Beckwith was born Nov. 16, 1918, at Fruitland, and died Friday evening about 9 o'clock from spasmodic croup, following an illness of a week. She has lived near Fruitland most of the time since birth. She leavs to mourn her loss, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Beckwith, three brothers and one sister. Funeral services were held from the house Sunday at 2:30 p. m. and interment made in the Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, November 27, 1924
Gienny Raymond Rich was born in Penora Iowa, Jan., 27, 1899. When quite small he moved with his parents to Goodrich, North Dakota, where he lived until four years ago, when he came to Fruitland and has since made his home with C. L. Rich. He had been in comparatively good health until last March, when he suffered an attack of scarlet fever, followed by muscular rheumatism, appendicitis, and bad tonsils, from which he never fully recovered, leaving him with leakage of the heart. He had been unstable to work and under the doctor's care ever since, and five weeks ago he was confined to his bed, but it was not thought the end would come to soon. He was patient and kind thru all his suffering and only those who saw him can know what he suffered. He passed away Saturday evening at 9:45. He leaves to mourn his loss, his father, Frank Rich, his mother having preceded him in death five years, one sister, Mrs. Frank Spencer, of Oberon, N. D., three brothers, Cecil, Carl and Vernie of Goodrich, N. D., the aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Rich, his cousins, Mrs. Frank Thompson, Mrs. I. E. Dalzell, Lois and Charlie Rich of Fruitland, and Fannie Rich of Payette, besides a host of friends who will miss his cherry smile and his sunny disposition. He was one of Fruitland's finest young men and loved by all who knew him. Funeral services held from the Methodist church Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Kotent? assisted by Rev. Herschel Shank, and interment was made in Riverside cemetery, where it was his request to be buried. (Riverside Cemetery)

Card of Thanks

We wish to thank the friends and neighbors, who assisted us during the sickness and death of our loved one. Also for the beautiful floral offerings. Frank Rich, Carl Rich, Mrs. Frank Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Rich, Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Rich, Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Dalzell, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Thompson

The Payette Independent
Thursday, December 04, 1924
Her Brother Killed
George Smail had a letter a day or two from Mrs. Smail, who with Mrs. Frank Suplee, recently went to St. Marys' Penn., on the account of the illness of Mrs. Suplee's sister and Mrs. Smail's mother, telling of a further misfortune to them. On Thanksgiving a son of the sick lady, and brother of Mrs. Smail, and nephew of Mrs. Suplee went hunting and was accidentally killed. The young man's mother had been suffering from heart trouble and it is now feared that the blow may cause a relapse.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, December 11, 1924
The Passing of Col. Thayer

George F. Thayer was born at Rochester, N. Y., March 15th, 1845, and died in Payette, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Prindle on December 9th, 1924, at 9 o'clock p. m., in the 80th year of his age. His demise was not unexpected, after a long and continually active life, the energy that propelled in all his varied activities, failed, and the wheels of Life stoop still. In his early manhood, he moved to Niles, Mich., where he lived for some time, and later moved to Independence, Kansas, where he was married, August 19, 1869, to Miss Maggie Quick; five children were born to the union, three of whom died in infancy, later he moved to the frontier of N. Dakota, living for a number of years at Annette, where he was active in developing the wild prairie around bringing in new settlers. In this connection he worked with the railroad pioneer, Jim Hill. He moved to Payette, 19 years ago, where his wife died March 21, 1920. 'Colonel Thayer' has been active in civic affairs and a well known character in our community ever since coming to Payette.

George F. Thayer enlisted as a private in the War of the Rebellion, in 18?4, in Reg 6, Company K, Michigan Heavy Artillery. He was honorably discharged, August 20, 1865 at the close of the War. "Colonel Thayer" was intensely patriotic, as he was in the front ranks of every patriotic move in his community. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, which he joined when a young man. He leaves to mourn his loss, a daughter, Mrs. Mark Prindle of Payette, and a son, Fred Thayer, of Pocatello, Ida., a sister, who lives in Michigan, three grandchildren, Ray Prindle, who lives in Ohio, Archie Prindle and Grace Prindle of Payette. "Col Thayer" was a good friend, a generous neighbor and his high aim was to play lif's game fairly with his fellowmen.

Funeral services will be conducted this afternoon at 2:30, p. m. from the M. E. Church, of which he was a member, by his Pastor Rev. Vernon Hall. Six ex-service men, in uniform, will tenderly bear what is mortal of our friends to the "Silent City," Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent (Thursday, December 18, 1924)

Card of Thanks

We desire to thank the kind friends who rendered their assistance during the illness and death of our father, also for the beautiful flowers. Mrs. Carrie Prindle, F. W. Thayer

The Payette Independent
Thursday, December 11, 1924
Melvin Sumpter Killed

Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Sumpter received a telegram conveying the sad news of their son, Melvin's death this afternoon at Baker, Oregon. He left Payette, Tuesday evening for Baker, on the train and the supposition was that he was run over by the train at or near that place.

The Payette Independent (Thursday, December 18, 1924)


Melvin Dale Sumpter, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Sumpter, died in Baker, Oregon, Wednesday night, December 10th, 1924.

He had been visiting his parents in this city for two weeks and accompanied by Theodore Workman was returning to his home at Port Gamble, Washington. He had been employed in a mill at that place until he came home for a visit. They left here Wednesday evening and decided to stop at Baker and seek employment. Upon reaching Baker they secured lodging for the night, then spent the evening at the home of friends, after which they returned to their room and retired. They carried on a conversation for a few minutes, when Melvin ceased talking, his companion thought he had fallen asleep. Upon awakening the next morning Theodore arose, then decided to call him, being unable to arouse him, he went to the bed and commenced to shake him, when he discovered he was dead.

A Coroner's autopsy was held and it was decided he had been dead about seven hours.

His parents were summoned and left immediately for Baker, returning Friday with the remains. His brother, Eales Sumpter, of Camp Lewis, joined his parents at Baker and returned with them.

Melvin Dale Sumpter was born at Salubria, Idaho, October 12, 1905 and departed this life December 10th, 1924. He, with his parents, came to Payette six years ago where he resided until a year ago, when he went to Port Gamble. He was married to Miss Gale Brittain last spring, who besides the grief stricken parents, two brothers, Eales and Raymond and a sister, Miss Ruth Sumpter, mourn their loss.

Funeral services were conducted Saturday afternoon, at the Baptist Church, by Rev. F. W. Dean. The body was lain to rest in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Card of Thanks

We extend our many thanks to those who so kindly assisted by their help and sympathy in the burial of our beloved husband and son and brother, and also for the beautiful flowers. Mrs. Gayle Sumpter, Mr. and Mrs. George Sumpter, Eales Sumpter, Ruth Sumpter, Raymond Sumpter

The Payette Independent
Thursday, December 18, 1924
C. I. Tussing received a message Monday morning of the sad news of the death of his sister, Mrs. Dessie Henderson, of Florrisant, Colorado. Mrs. Henderson will be remembered here, having once made this her home, and making frequent visits here to visit her people. She was last here some two years ago, being called by the illness of her mother. The bereaved brothers and sisters, C. I. and H. E. Tussing, and Mrs. Henry Anderson, and Mrs. Otto Diehm, have the sympathy of their many friends.

The Payette Independent
Thursday, December 25, 1924
Dossie Clinton Kessler was born near Reann, Indiana, August 4, 1880, and died in Fruitland, Idaho, December, 1924, at the age of 44 year, three months and 28 days. His parents were William and Martha Kessler. In 1894 he moved with them to Cando, North Dakota, where he was married to Rose Baney in 1908. To this union three sons, Lamont, Claude, and Ralph, and two daughters, Grace and Janet, were born. Beside's his widow and these, he leaves to mourn his departure, four brothers, and three sisters, all in the East except Mrs. Emma Miller, of Weiser. His parents and one sister proceeded him in death. The cause of his death was contagious spinal meningitis, which made it impossible to have funeral services at the time. Memorial services were held from the Bretheren church Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Shank. (Riverside Cemetery)

The Payette Independent
Thursday, December 25, 1924
Our community was shocked when early Tuesday morning the news of Mr. Allison's death came. Although Mr. Allison had been ill for some time we did not realize how serious it was. He leaves a wife, and three small children. They have the heart-felt sympathy of all neighbors and friends.

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index, William H. Allison was born 5-15-1865 and died December 13, 1924, Payette county. ch

The Payette Independent
Thursday, December 25, 1924
Aged Man Passes Away

Mrs. G. B. Bradley and Austin Anson have received a message conveying the news of the death of their grandfather, J. M. Scott, at Kawanee, Illinois, December 19th. He was past ninety-five years of age at his death.

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