Payette County Obituaries
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Special Thanks to Cheryl Hanson for going to all the trouble
to search each newspaper page by page to find these obituaries,
for typing them out, and for sharing them with us!

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, March 20, 1913
Death of Aged Man

Died, at the home of his son, H. L. Easter, in our city, March 18, Samuel T. Easter, aged 76 years, 2 months and 18 days.

He served three years in the civil war, having enlisted in Company C, 19th of Ia. During his service he was taken a prisoner for ten months. Considerable history of the early days could no doubt be linked with Mr. Easter's career. He spent the greater part of his life in Iowa and Nebraska. Was for many years a member of the Methodist church of Chapman, Nebraska.

He was a man of excellent habits fine moral character and sturdy constitution, but he is gone. Another name is stricken from the ever lessening roll of old soldiers and early settlers on the plains. His life work is done and well done. Few of us will live as long and as well and fewer yet will the Angel of Death greet with such a loving touch.

Short services were held at the home of his son, after which the remains were shipped to Chapman, Neb. where they will be laid to rest.

He leaves a wife, two sons and one daughter and several grand children to mourn his death.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, February 28, 1918

Mr. Lewis Eaton, Sr. died at the home of his son Lewis Eaton, Jr., in this city at 2 o'clock this morning. Funeral services will be conducted from the Eaton home Friday at 10 o'clock. The body will be shipped to the old home in Nebraska for burial. An obituary will be published next week.

Note: According to the Idaho Death Index he was born 9-7-1827 and died 2-28-1918. (ch)

Payette Independent
December 14, 1893
Minnie Flora, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Eberle, born August 24, 1893; died of capilary bronchitis, at 6:30 o'clock this (Thursday) morning. Funeral services will be conducted from the family residence on Friday at 2 p.m. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, January 04, 1923
Harry F. Ecks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ecks, was born at Payette, Idaho, April 19, 1903, and departed this life December 24, 1922. He was 19 years, 8 months and 5 days olds. He leaves to mourn his departure a father, mother, two brothers and a sister and many friends to mourn his loss. Harry was a dilligent worker, and one who loved his home. He was a member of Battery C of Payette.

He has gone from his home and comrades too early in life but the hand of death could not be staid. His memory will ever linger with us and after while we too will join the great throng that pass to the realms beyond. We hope to meet him in a better world.

The funeral services were held in the Lutheran Evangelical church December 27th, conducted by Rev. W. H. Farnham, and interment in Riverside cemetery.

The Battery boys attended in a body and had charge of the services at the cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)


We desire to thank the many kind friends and neighbors, who tendered their aid and sympathy during the illness and death of our dear son and brother.
Wm. Ecks and Wife, Wm. Ecks Jr., Otto Ecks, Emma Ecks

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, March 06, 1919

Mrs. E. W. Madson received the sad news last Friday from her father, Mr. Edgecomb, who lives in Missouri Valley, Iowa of the death of her brother Orlo Edgecomb who lost his life by drowning January 2nd while in the service in France. No details have been learned.

The news of the death of Mr. Edgecomb comes as a shock to the people of this vicinity where he has lived for the past nine years and where by his sterling character and splendid business ability has made friends of all who knew him. He was a young man of excellent habit, a college graduate and a credit to the community, and it is with a great degree of sadness that we learned of his sudden and untimely death.

Orlo Hadsell Edgecomb was born Dec. 23rd, 1882 in Missouri Valley, Iowa. He was educated in the Missouri Valley school and later graduated from the State Agricultural college at Ames, Iowa. Came to Payette in 1910, and together with Mr. and Mrs. Madson purchased a 20 acre tract on the Payette bench, and in 1915 was made head miller of the Payette Mills where by his ability had a great part in building up a splendid business for the milling co. and from which position he resigned to enlist in the service of the United States.

He enlisted at Omaha, Nebraska, Feb. 6th, 1918 in the Avation Signel Corps and went overseas June first 1918, and died from drowning Jan. 2nd, 1919.

He leaves a father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. A. Edgecomb of Missouri Valley, Iowa, two brothers, E. E. Edgecomb of New York City, Rex Edgecomb of Omaha, Nebraska and a sister, Mrs. E. W. Madson of near Payette. He was a member of the Masonic Fraternity of Payette and also a member of the Y.M.C.A.

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, November 18, 1920

The mortal remains of Orlo H. Edgecomb, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Edgecomb, who was drowned near Bordeaux, France January 2, 1919 were interred in the family plot in beautiful Roe Hill Cemetery, Sunday, November 7th.

The body was escorted from the Hennessey funeral home to the Presbyterian church by the American Legion boys, Red Cross women and the Masonic lodge. The precession was headed by the Missouri Valley band and the Caisson on which the casket rested was banked with beautiful flowers.

The services at the church were conducted by Rev. Bell, assisted by Rev. Price and the Presbyterian choir. The church was crowded to overflowing by sorrowing friends.

Rev. Bell was very comforting in his words to the bereaved family and inspiring to the many young men in uniform who were present.

After the services at the church the cortege again formed for the march to the cemetery.

At the grave the Masonic lodge took charge and consigned the body to its last resting place with their beautiful impressive ceremonies.

At the conclusion, the firing squad stepped forward and fired three volleys over the open grave of their fallen comrade, then the sweet mournful notes of the bugle were heard blowing taps which was the close of the services by friends, neighbors and comrade to a fallen hero - Missouri Valley (Iowa) Times

It will be remembered that Mr. Edgecomb was one of Payette's most respected citizens at the time of leaving Payette for Overseas. He was the head miller for the Payette Mills for several years and helped much in placing that establishment on a solid business foundation. He was an honored member of Washoe Lodge No 28 A.F. and A.M., and also a member of the Y.M.C.A.

He was a brother of Mrs. E. W. Madsen of the Fruitland Bench and he had many friends here who extend sympathy to the sorrowing relatives.

Payette Independent
Thursday, March 26, 1903
Death of Former Resident

The many friends of G. W. Edwards in Payette, where he formerly resided, will be pained to hear of his death at his home at Tolo, Idaho, near Grangeville, which occurred March 13. The deceased was the father of Alex Edwards of this city. He was a pioneer resident of Payette, having moved to North Idaho about three years ago. Mr. Edwards had been in failing health since before leaving Payette and died as a result of paralysis.

New Plymouth Sentinel
Friday, October 17, 1919
Dies in Orchard Picking Fruit

Ed F. Eggers, who owns the old Fishburn ranch just west of town, was enjoying a visit from his father and in the busy season of the year, the latter was assisting in harvesting the big apple crop Mr. Eggers had grown. In his usual good health suddenly and without warning the old gentleman passed away without giving a moments warning.

He was about 72 years of age and the body was shipped to Snohomish, Washington for interment. We are advised by A. Meyer Undertaker, that of the several deaths around New Plymouth during the past summer this is the youngest person to be called.

NOTE: According to the Idaho Death Index, Henry T. Eggers was born 05 February 1848 and died 14 October 1919 (Cheryl Hanson)

Payette Independent
Thursday, June 19, 1902
The infant of Mr. and Mrs. Deitlef Ehfe, who reside on the Payette bench, died this (Thursday) afternoon.

Payette Independent
Thursday, March 12, 1903
The five-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Deldief Ehfe died Sunday night with scarlet fever. The funeral took place Tuesday, the remains being laid to rest in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Independent
Thursday, May 18, 1899
Uncle Tom Elliott is Dead

From the Baker City, (Ore.,) Daily Democrat of May 11th, we get the following account of the death of Thomas Elliott, formerly a well known and respected citizen of Payette and the Payette Valley.

After an illness of three weeks, Thomas Elliott, a Pacific coast pioneer, expired yesterday forenoon at 1 o'clock at the family home in East Baker, the cause of death being a stomach trouble.

The deceased was 66 years of age and was born in the state of Illinois. In 1852 he came to the California gold fields where he engaged in mining for 12 years, removing in 1865 to Idaho. He owned both placer and quartz claims in the Florence and Boise Basin sections, and for many years, was one of the best known and most active miners in that part of the Northwest. Among his mining comrades was J. W. Reel, one of the founders of Sumpter.

For several years the veteran miner engaged happily in farming near Payette, Idaho, coming with his family to this city last August.

Mr. Elliott leaves to mourn his loss, a widow and four children. His son, Jesse Elliott, and daughter Miss Mamie Elliott, are grown to maturity. The two younge children are boys, aged 10 and 12 respectively.

The deceased was raised in the Society of Friends, commonly called Quakers, and had in a large degree the virtues of those people, such as great industry, honesty and love of home.

The remains of the old pioneer will be laid to rest today services to be held at the famly home at 2 p.m. and interment to be in Mount Hope cemetery. Rev. Geo. T. Ellis will conduct the services and McKay & Lew will be funeral directors.

Another fearless Argonant who helped to open through a wilderness the pathway to a latter-day Eden, has hone to his rest. Peace be to his soul and comfort to the friends he has left behind.


Payette Independent
Thursday, August 28, 1902
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Emison of Ontario, well known in this city, died last Friday morning of bronchial pneumonia. The funeral was conducted from the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Adams in Ontario Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Rev. W. J. Harvey of the Methodist church officiated.



Payette Enterprise
Thursday, December 23, 1920

Last Monday, December 20th we carried to the last resting place the remains of a man who has helped to make very much of the city of Payette.

Charles H. Ensign came here from Cando, North Dakota, in 1900, and since that time he and his wife, Mrs. Adeline Rose (English) have maintained a home, and helped sustain schools, and churches for their five children: Ethel Lisle (Now Mrs. A. J. Hansel); Leslie English, (Died Sept. 25th, 1917); Claude Frederic, (who got three days out toward France); Vivian Juanita; Hazel Bell, (now Mrs. Clarence C. Larson), all of whom are well and favorably known by Payette citizens universally.

Mr. Ensign was born in South Warsaw, New York, December 1st, 1851. At the age of seven he was brot by his parents to Wisconsin, and when he was a man of 35, he came to North Dakota, where he found his wife, and where they lived fourteen years and ? the part of a trusted citizen, county townsman, School Commissioner, Deputy County Auditor, Deputy County Clerk, Post Master and vice president of the Farmers Mutual Insurance Society. Since coming to Payette he has been a Contractor and Builder, and his hand print is on many of the best houses in our city.

One thing he has left as a remembrance that is duplicated in but few cases. He has preserved the line of his ancestry and posterity from 24 years after the landing of the Pilgrim Fathers to the birth of Frederic Hansel (of Fruitland) the last grandson, born July 9, 1919.

Mr. Ensign's death was a surprise and shock to most of us. We knew he had not been rugged for several months, but when his death sickness seized him, it progressed so rapidly that we could scarcely believe the word "he is dead." The funeral service was at the Presbyterian church conducted by the pastor, and completed at the cemetery by the Modern Woodmen of America, in which he held a membership, as well as in the Order of Yeomen. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, October 04, 1917
Leslie English Ensign was born October 8, 1890, at Cando, North Dakota. He moved to Payette, Idaho with his parents when ten years of age and made Payette his home until eight years ago when he went to Salt Lake and took up the trade of candy-maker for the Sweet Candy Company. He continued with them until he became manager for the Company, which position he held at the time of his death. While in Payette he was a member of the National Guard for several years. He was also a member of the Baptist church, joining when quite young. He departed this life in Salt Lake City, September 25, after an illness of about three weeks following an operation for appendicitis. He leaves to mourn his loss a wife and one child about two years old, a father and mother, one brother and three sisters. The body was laid to rest in the Salt Lake Cemetery.

Payette Enterprise
December 07, 1922

A sad accident occured last Sunday morning about ten o'clock near Weiser, when two young men, Gerald Evans and Howard Lee, both about 17 years of age, started from Weiser to the Oregon side to visit some friends. They were riding in a Ford runabout driven by young Evans and were near the center of the bridge when one of the front wheels struck a plank which was loose and stuck up above the others. The car going at a pretty fair rate of speed plunged to one side and broke through the railing into the deep water carrying both occupants with it. Mr. J. Hancock a resident of that section, was on the bridge at the time of the accident having just met the boys and hearing the crash in time to turn and see them go into the water. Both came up and started to swim toward a plank that fell from the bridge but were unable to reach it. Mr. Hancock rushed to the bank with another plank in the hopes of rendering assistance but both had went down and never came up.

The news soon spread and searching parties gathered in an endeavor to rescue the bodies but from the last information with no success.

Howard Lee was the son of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Lee and Gerald was the son of Mrs. Emma Evans. The sad part of the tragedy is that Mrs. Evans is now the only surviving member of her family. Fourteen years ago the husband and two children, a son 12, and a daughter, 14, were drowned in the Snake river, while Mrs. Evans was an eye witness in an endeavor to save them from the river. (Riverside Cemetery)

Payette Enterprise
Thursday, September 16, 1909
James Ewing, for 13 years a resident of the Payette bench passed away on the afternoon of Sept. 13, at his ranch eight miles this side of Emmett. He was past his 75th birthday, being born at Fall River, Mass., June 30, 1834. At the age of fourteen he moved with his parents to the northern part of Ohio near Cleveland. During the war he went to Cincinnati where he married Elizabeth Goble. A very happy union, to whom two children, Abbie and George R. were born. For many years, Mr. Ewing was in railroad employ, finally under the stress of failing health coming to Idaho, and settling on the Payette bench when it was a sagebrush desert.

Mr. Ewing and his family have been important factors in the development of the moral and religious life of the Payette bench as also in the building up of the Baptist church at Payette, of which he was for many years a worthy deacon. Active until the last, his final sickness was brief but accompanied with much suffering. Always and everywhere a true Christian gentleman, Mr. Ewing will be greatly missed by a large circle of friends. Loving sympathy is especially expressed to the members of the bereaved family, Mrs. Elizabeth Ewing, Mrs. A. E. Pomeroy and George Ewing.

The funeral was held at the Payette Baptist church, with interment at Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery)

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