Payette County Obituary Submissions

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Special Thanks to Cheryl Hanson, Patty Theurer and Kay Stauff for their support of this obituary project
and to all the people who have submitted obituaries to this page

If you would like to submit a Payette County obituary please contact the Payette County Coordinator

Payette Enterprise
March 14, 1918
Lewis Eaton was born in St. Lawrence County, N. Y., September 7, 1827; died in Payette, Idaho, February 28, 1918, aged 90 years, 5 mo and 20 days. He was married to Eliza Walker at Trenton Mills, Wisconsin, October 13, 1858. To the union ten children were born, seven of whom survive him: Mrs. Etta Royston, Fruitland, Idaho; Albert, Edison, Neb.; Charlie, Dawson, Neb.; Bruce, Edison, Nebr.; LaFayette, Midvale; Mrs. Minnie Shafer and Louis, Payette. He leaves 7 children, 28 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren. Mr. Eaton's wife preceded him to that "other country" May 7, 1903. Mr. Eaton moved from Beaver City, Neb. to Payette in 1908, since which date he has been an honored citizen of our community. He joined the M. E. church in 1917. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Wallis, of the M. E. church at the residence of the son, Louis, on Friday at ten o'clock, and the body was taken to Beaver City, Neb. Louis and a grandson, Josea Shafer, accompanying it, for interment beside his wife. Mr. Eaton had been an invalid for a long time and during the last months of his life suffered severely which suffering he bore with patience and fortitude. A large circle of children and friends will miss him. Submitted by Patty Theurer

New Plymouth Sentinel
Thursday, November 03, 1910
Russell, the nine-year-old son of Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Easter, died at Parma last Friday. The little fellow had been suffering for some time with diabetes; notwithstanding the best of medical skill and loving care, passed peacefully away. The many friends of the doctor and his wife in New Plymouth extend the deepest sympathy in their bereavement.

Note: According to online cemetery records, Russell Sears Easter 1901-1910 is buried at Hillcrest Cemetery, Weiser, Washington Co, Idaho. ch (Submitted by Cheryl Hanson)

Payette Independent Enterprise
October 25, 1948
Mrs. Eberle Called By Death

Mrs. Catherine Lucinda (Windle) Eberle passed away at her home Sunday, after a lingering illness. She was born in Union county, Ohio, May 22, 1863, and was married to William Fred Eberle December 10, 1888 at Payette. She is survived by her husband, William Eberle and two sisters Mrs. D. B. Coates, Payette and Mrs. Josie Young, Redmond, Oregon.

Funeral services were held at the Shaffer Chapel Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. with the Rev. Paul Felthouse officiating. Interment was at the Riverside cemetery. Mrs. Eberle’s sister, Mrs. Rose Whyman passed away Tuesday at Spokane, Washington. (Riverside Cemetery) Submitted by Patty Theurer

Payette Independent Enterprise
Thursday, January 21, 1960
Railroad Crossing Crash Instantly Kills Local Man

Burnie Smith Edwards, 63, of Payette was killed instantly at 12:35 p.m. Monday when the pickup truck he was driving was struck by a Union Pacific switch engine and caboose at the Center Avenue railroad crossing just east of the Idaho Canning Co.

Edwards had just left his home on Third Avenue North a few minutes before the accident to mail some letters and run an errand for his wife.

Trainmen who witnessed the accident told city police at the investigation that the engine whistle was blowing before the engine approached the crossing going south and continued to blow until the engine struck the Edwards car.

One U. P. employee said the Edwards vehicle had slowed at the crossing and was only traveling about five miles an hour when it inched into the track crossing.

Police reported that Edwards' death was the third at Payette railroad crossings in the past eight months and the fourth such accident.

An ironical coincidence at the time of the accident was the presence of the state highway department survey crews making preliminary surveys for the construction of a railroad overpass just 100 yards north of the scene of the accident.

Witnesses said that Edwards apparently did not see the approaching engine. Police reported that his pickup was carried 170 feet from the point of impact and the vehicle was nearly demolished.

Trainmen told police the engine was traveling at about 45 miles per hour when it struck the Edwards car.

Funeral services for Mr. Edwards were held at 1 p.m. Thursday (today) at the Shaffer Chapel in Payette with the Rev. Leonard Clark officiating. Interment was at Riverside.

Mr. Edwards was born in White county, Arkansas June 20, 1896 and came from Richland, Oregon to Payette in 1940 where he was a residential contractor. He was a member of the Orchard Avenue Grange.

In addition to his wife Mable, he is survived by three sons, Clifford of Richland, Wash., Kenneth of Paso Robles, Calif., and Teddy of Fort Lewis, Wash.: one daughter, Mrs. Willie Lee Holman of Portland, Ore.: 15 grandchildren: three great grandchildren: three brothers and one sister. (Riverside Cemetery) Submitted by Cheryl Hanson

Independent Enterprise
May 03, 1973
PAYETTE - Services for Rocke Ruben Elliott, 12, who died Monday morning when he was hit by a freight train in Payette, were conducted Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. at the First Christian Church in Ontario by the Rev. Ed McIndoo. Interment was in the Garden of Prayer, Rosedale Memorial Gardens, Payette. Arrangements are under the direction of Payette Chapel of the Roses.

He was born March 6, 1961 at Ontario. He was in the sixth grade at Westside School and had lived all his life in Payette. He was a member of the First Christian Church.

Survivors include his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Elliott; two brothers, James and Charlie, at home; paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Elliott of Payette; maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hunsucker, Ontario.

Palbearers include Ralph and Andrew Elliott, Seth and Boyd Mathews, and Elton Hunsucker and Kenneth Crosby. (Rosedale Cemetery) Submitted by Patty Theurer

Payette Independent
March 05, 1925
Evar Enberg was born in Park City, Utah, December 2, 1893. He lived there until about 5 years of age when he moved with his parents to Randolph, Utah, where he lived until coming to Fruitland, July 19, 1912, where they settled on the C. H. Huntington ranch southeast of Fruitland. He has lived in Fruitland ever since, except one year spent in Emmett, and two months spent in the navy. He was married to Miss Laura Hooker in Boise, July 7, 1920, two little daughters being born to this union, one having preceeded him in death. He leaves to mourn his loss, his wife and daughter, his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Enberg, one brother Ted, and one half brother, Thur Cronholm. Two sisters also preceeded him in death. Funeral services were held from the M. E. Church Saturday morning, conducted by Rev. Knight and interment made in Riverside cemetery. (Riverside Cemetery) Submitted by Patty Theurer

Payette Independent
April 19, 1928
Mrs. Pauline Enberg was born in Sweden October 8, 1857, and passed away at her Fruitland home April 17, 1928, aged seventy years, six months and 9 days. She came to America in 1891 and was married in Park City, Utah, in 1892 to Peter Enberg. To them were born four children, Evar, who passed away in 1925, Mabel, who died in 1923, Ted living in Fruitland, and Vivian who died at Randolph, Utah, at the age of nine years.

She also leaves two sons by a former marriage, Fred Cronholm in Los Angeles, California, and Thor Cronholm living in Lompac, California. She also has two brothers and a sister living in Sweden. Mr. and Mrs. Enberg came to Fruitland in 1913 where they have since resided. She was a member of the Swedish Lutheran church. She was a kindly neighbor and all who knew here were her friends. The funeral services were conducted at the Brethren Church, Fruitland, conducted by Rev. Herschel Shank, and the body laid to rest in Riverside cemetery, Payette, by the side of her daughter and son. (Riverside Cemetery) Submitted by Patty Theurer

Payette Independent
December 24, 1931
News of Fruitland

A large circle of friends of Peter Enberg attended his funeral services held in the Peterson Funeral Parlors in Payette Sunday afternoon at 3:30. The services were conducted by Rev. H. G. Shank of Beaumont, and interment was made in Riverside cemetery beside Mrs. Enberg, who passed away 3 ˝ years ago. Mr. Enberg had been in poor health for some time but the end came quite suddenly and unexpectedly at 11 o'clock Friday morning, at the home of his son, Ted Enberg, in Payette. (Riverside Cemetery) Submitted by Patty Theurer

Payette Independent Enterprise
December 22, 1960
Services Conducted For John Epperson

Mass was celebrated Wednesday at 9:30 the Holy Family Catholic Church in Payette for John Walter Epperson, 62, who died at his Payette home Saturday. The Rosary was held at 8 p.m. Tuesday. Interment was at Rosedale Memorial Park.

Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Vale Epperson of Payette; four sons, Floyd of Paradise, Calif.; Lee of Atlanta, Idaho and Jimmy and Jerry Epperson, both of Payette; one daugher, Mrs. Louise Lawler, Boise; his mother and step-father, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Buston of Payette; nine half brothers, Gene Elliott of Leary, Idaho, Vern, Steve, Don, Culley and Karley Gardner of Prineville, Floyd Gardner of Placerville, Calif., and Dave Gardner of Seattle and five grandchildren. (Rosedale Cemetery) Submitted by Patty Theurer

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