William Henry Beary
The Payette Independent
Thursday, April 14, 1927
W. H. Berry of New Plymouth, died very suddenly at 5 o'clock last evening from appoplexy. He had been slightly ailing, but was able to be at work all day. In the evening he went to the house and sat down remarking he did not feel well. A doctor was summoned, but before his arrived Mr. Berry had passed away.
Dr. Sims, H. Blair Johnson and Warren Dorathy, representing the Knights of Pythias lodge of this city drove over last evening to assist in the funeral arrangements which were not completed awaiting word from distant relatives.
The Payette Independent (Thursday, April 21, 1927)
William Henry Beary was born at St. Johns, Putman County, Missouri, on March 14th, 1863. When he was but six years of age, his mother died, and he went to live with his grandparents in Wayne County, Iowa.
He came to Boise County, Idaho, in 1883 and has been a resident of this state ever since.
He was married to Miss Hannah Joyce on June 23rd, 1898, and to this union were born three children, Delancey Joseph, Hazel Mary, and Margarete. His wife died on May 6th, 1900.
On June 9th, 1901 he was married to Mrs. Grace L. Martin, at Courtzburg, Idaho.
He moved to New Plymouth in 1903. In 1915 he became a member of the New Plymouth Baptist church serving faithfully as a deacon for many years.
Mr. Beary was a member of the I. O. O. F. Plymouth Lodge No. 83, and also a member of the K Ps.
He served as state representative from Owyhee County in 1898.
Mr. Beary died suddenly of apoplexy last Wednesday afternoon. He had been in poor health for some time and death was not altogether unexpected. Funeral services were held in the Baptist church, Friday afternoon. Rev. Henry Jacobs, Rev. F. F. Cox and Rev. H. F. Knight, officiated. The impressive ritual of the I. O. O. F. was rend at the graveside. Interment was in Park View cemetery.