The Payette Independent
Thursday, December 31, 1925
It is with deep regret that we record the death of Oren Bliss, of New Plymouth, who died suddenly Saturday night of neuralgia of the heart.
"Ora" as he was familiarly known to the newspaper fraternity, was one of the best printers in this part of the state and a skillful linotype operator. He was more than that -- he was one of the most genial and conscientious workmen it has ever been the pleasure of the editor of the Independent to employ. He worked for us in the Signal office at Weiser for a long time and his pleasing personality was always a help and inspiration.
Ora also worked on the Independent while Calvin Keller was publisher and later worked on the Enterprise. He was of a quiet and retiring disposition and did not have an extensive acquaintance, but those who knew him best will agree with us that he was at all times a gentleman, a prince of good fellows and a conscientious worker.
His aged parents, whose sole support he was, have our deepest sympathy in this sad hour.