The Payette Independent
Thursday, January 15, 1925
Over a casket covered by many beautiful flowers was held the funeral services Thursday, of Mrs. Henrietta Drysdale, mother of Dr. William T. Drysdale, of New Plymouth.
Mrs. Drysdale was hurt in an automobile accident two months ago, from the effects of which she failed to recover, due to her advanced age. She had made her home with her son, in New Plymouth for a number of years. The funeral was held from the Drysdale home on Plymouth Avenue, the spacious rooms and porch being filled with friends of the deceased and the Drysdale family. The Rev. E. Nester, of Firth, Idaho, Rev. Henry Jacobs, of the First Baptist Church of New Plymouth, and Rev. A. I. Perch, of Plymouth Congregational Church, conducted the services. The quartette sang a number of Mrs. Drysdale's favorite hymns.
Rev. H. F. Knight officiated at the cemetery. The pallbearers were Dr. Cummings, Dr. Payne, Roy White, H. H. Hamilton, Archie Baxter and E. Strobehn. Mrs. Drysdale was 79 years years of age at the time of her death. She was born in India, where later in life she was a missionary. She leaves four sons to mourn the loss of a loving and devoted mother. Dr. William T. Drysdale, of New Plymouth, Major Walter S. Drysdale, of Leavenworth, Robert Drysdale, of Detroit, and James Drysdale, of Washington, D. C.