Addison Hayes Garside

The Payette Independent
Thursday, October 15, 1931


Came Here in 1906 - New Plymouth Man Passes on after Lingering Illness

Addison Hayes Garside was born near Adel, Iowa, February 7, 1876, and died on October 12, 1931 at the family home one and one-half miles north of Payette.

He received his education in the schools of Iowa, completing his training in the Highland Park Normal School in Des Moines, Iowa, graduating there in 1898.

Moving westward he finally chose Payette as a permanent home, coming here in the fall of 1906.

On December 25, 1907 he was married to Telma Ethel Bailey of Dayton, Washington and the present home was established at that time.

As a young man he gave his heart to Christ and has lived a Christian life during all these years, coming to the crowning glory of his religious experience during the past few months.

The wife, three children, Lester and Ester (who were adopted in infancy) and a daughter, Anita, survive him. There is also a brother in Colorado, a sister and five brothers in Iowa.

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