The Payette Independent
Thursday, August 18, 1927
Geneva Gertrude Trevey was born near Auburn, Lincoln County, Missouri, in 1877. She was united in marriage to A. S. Hammack, of Elseberry, Missouri, on September 5th, 1895. Mr. and Mrs. Hammack came to Idaho in 1908, where they have since lived, their home being near New Plymouth.
Mrs. Hammack was taken to the Ontario hospital a short time ago when it was thought that a surgical operation might benefit her. She survived an operation but it was impossible to remove the cause of her long standing affliction, and she passed to her reward in the early morning of August 17th, 1927. She left a husband, four sisters and five brothers. Two sisters and three brothers living in the west are, Mrs. S. D. Riggs, Emmett, Idaho; Mrs. W. B. Sims, Payette, Idaho; J. B. Trevey, Fruitland, Idaho; W. C. Trevey, Nampa, Idaho and W. B. Trevey, La Grande, Oregon. The sisters and two brothers live in Missouri.
Funeral services today (Thursday) at ten o'clock a. m. at the Congregational church in New Plymouth, conducted by the venerable Rev. Knight, and interment made in the New Plymouth cemetery.
It is given to comparatively few people to endure the suffering that Mrs. Hammack has borne during the past three years of here affliction, near one half of which time she was practically helpless. And it is given to few people to bear the suffering she felt with the fortitude with which she bore it.
Loving relations and friends and nurses, under the guidance of faithful physicians, ministered to her in the best manner that science knows, and with the touch of tenderness felt only by friends, until the angel of mercy, disguised as death, carried her to a better land.