Eva Cassandra Slocum Homan

The Payette Independent
Thursday, May 03, 1928


Eva Cassandra Slocum was born March 1, 1858, in Livingston County, Indiana. She lived here a number of years, and was married to Mark Stegal, who died in 1884. In 1894 she was married to W. M. Homan in Omaha, Nebraska. When a young girl she united with the Baptist church and has been a hard and earnest worker in the same ever since.

In 1903 the family came to Fruitland and settled on the ranch south east of town, where they have lived ever since.

She had been in failing health for the past 6 years, caused from brights disease and other complications and for the past 3 months she had been confined to her bed. She passed quietly away at 5 o'clock, Tuesday afternoon, April 24th, at the age of 70 years, 1 month and 23 days.

She leaves to mourn her loss her husband, William Homan, Six sons, Dr. Waldo Homan, of Burns, William Homan Junior, of Los Angeles, Herbert and Francis Homan, of Fruitland, Nelson Stegal, of Cedar Bluffs, Nebraska and Allen Stegal, of Payette. An only daughter, Maude Stegal passed away at Fruitland 15 years ago. She also leaves one sister, Mrs. L. B. Makinson, of Fruitland, four grand sons and five grand daughters, besides a large circle of friends which her friendly and kind way and helpful spirit helped to win for her. She was loved by all who knew her.

Funeral services were held from the Baptist church Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by Rev. L. G. Fraser, of Payette, assisted by Rev. F. P. Petit. Her six sons were her pall bearers. Interment was made beside her daughter in Park View Cemetery in New Plymouth. Many and beautiful were the floral offerings that accompanied the body to its last resting place.

The sympathy of the entire community is extended to the family in their hour of sorrow.


We wish to express our thanks to our friends and neighbors for thier assistance during the long illness and death of our loved one. We sincerely appreciate your kindness. William Homan, Herbert A. Homan, Dr. Waldo Homan, William Homan Jr. and family, Francis Homan and family, Nelson Stegall, Allen Stegall and family, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Makinson